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流畅英语口语教程教案 Inside outContentsUnit 1 Me2Unit 3 Couples9Unit 5 Review 113Unit 7 Job17Unit 8 Rich22Unit 10 Review 226Unit 14 Call31Unit 18 Weird37Unit 1 MeObjectives:Help students learn sth. about English names and choose their own favorite English name Help students learn how to improve memory Help students learn to describe persons Help students learn sth. about taboo topics of American culture Outline: ( a brief description of your teaching plan)Part 1. Name: make students know how do western people choose name for their children and make students choose their favorite English name based on Appendix A and BPart 2. How to remember peoples names? : test students memorial ability by doing exercise I never forget a face and make them discuss advice provided in Reading exercise of page 6 Part 3. How to describe a person: make students familiar with two sentence patterns and learn to use them to describe the 6 persons in pictures; make students do a guessing person game to practice their descriptive skill Part 4. Taboo topics in American culture: through doing exercise 3 and 4 on page 8 and reading Appendix E students can get to know about some private and sensitive topics of western peopleFocuses:Help students learn sth. about English names and choose their own favorite English nameHelp students learn to describe personsPart I: ( 1st class)Words and expressions: 1. fashionable adj. : following a style that is currently popular2. psychologist n. expert in psychology3. embarrassing adj. making sb. feel embarrassed4. original adj. newly created or formedActivity 1. Listen to the monologue of Susan. (2 mins)Activity 2. Talk about different names that people call you. (5 mins) Familiy members(parents, siblings, cousins, aunt, uncle, grandparents): Friends: Classmates:Activity 3. How did your parents choose your name? (10 mins) Step 1. Let students read Name Game. Step 2. Explain key information of the article. Step 3. Group discussion: Divide students into several groups and make them discuss the reasons why their parents chose this name for them. because it sounds good because its fashionablebecause its unusual or original because its the name of a place because its the name of a famous personbecause its the name of another member of the familyActivity 4: English name consists of 3 parts: (1 min)First name + middle name + family name (surname)George W. BushActivity 5. Let students discuss the meaning of all kinds of English names and choose their favorite English name with the additional material.(5 mins)Part 2 (2nd class) How to describe a personWords and expressions: 1. visualize v. Form a mental picture of sb./sth.2. association n. mental connection between ideasActivity 1. Let students look at the pictures of 6 persons, study these names and faces for 30 seconds, then turn to p.124 and see which they can remember. (5 mins)Activity 2. Step 1. Read this advice for improving your memory. Find an appropriate heading for each paragraph. (5 mins)Step 2. Let students discuss the following questions and the additional material. (12 mins) 1) Which technique have you used for remembering names?2) Which technique could help you to remember new English words and expressions?3) What other ways can you think of to help remember and learn new English words and expressions?Part 3. How to describe a personWords and expressions: 1. Stressed out: under so much stress and pressure that you barely make it2. An au pair is a girl without any dependents who comes to the UK to learn English and to live as part of an English speaking family. Activity 1. Explanation: Sentence pattern (2 mins) a) He/ She looks + adj.b) He/ She looks like + n. Activity 2. Let students divide words and expressions in the frame into two groups and choose proper words and expressions to describe 6 persons in pictures.(9 mins)He/ She looks + adj./ num.Friendly , intelligent, shy, very young, middle-aged, stressed out, intelligent, about sixty, fit, a bit tired, rich He/ She looks like + n.a banker, a typical mum, a doctor, Greek, a waiter, a Swedish au pair, a student, a retired police officerActivity 3. Guessing game: Let one student describe a student in the class and make others guess who the student is. (9 mins)Part 4. Group work (4 students per group)Activity 1.Let students rewrite the questions of Exercise 3 of Close up and discuss in what situations is it okay to ask these questions. (10 mins) Questions: sensitive and private topics 1) How old are you?2) Do you believe in life after death?3) How much do you weigh?4) Have you ever stolen anything?5) How much money do you earn?6) How many partners have you had?Activity 2. Let students read additional material What the Americans Dont Talk About and make them know the taboo topics in American culture. (10 mins)w Agew Weightw Incomew Matters of the Heartw Is It Real?Optional: English song Stand by me (5 mins)Appendix A: 女子英文名释义 ALICE : 一个年轻的梦想者喜欢热闹有着不受束缚的灵魂。ANGELA: (希腊)意谓天使。常被形容为美丽,纤细的女人,温柔可人或是有活力但莽撞的女孩。AMANDA:表示可爱的人。人们认为她保守美丽又纤细,甜美富有。ANNE:善良、优雅、喜欢帮助人的女孩。皇室的皇后、公主很多都是这个名字或者ANNIE。BETTY:这个名字让人在脑中浮现一个金发女孩的影像,傻的可爱,又风趣。CATHY:为CATHERINE的简写(同KATHY),CATHY被描绘为可爱年轻的金发女子,充满活力,外向,有趣,且和善。但有些人则认为CATHY是被惯坏而且以自我为中心的女孩。CHRISTINA:同Christine。如此佳人!Christina被形容为美丽娇小的女子家境富裕,聪明世故。CINDY:甜美,吸引人的金发女孩,活力充沛又健康。DAISY:(老式英语)雏菊。森林来的金发女孩,甜美可爱。DIANA:美丽,身处上流社会的金发女子,保守,安静,聪明。ELLA:(古式英语),小淘气,美丽的女子。EMILY:娇小可爱,安静保守的女子,聪明,柔弱,拘谨。FANNY:被描绘为黑发,丰润的女孩,快乐,风趣,非常活泼有时让人有鲁莽的感觉。GLORIA:美丽气质优雅的金发女孩,或文静,快乐,中层阶级的淑女。HELLEN:美丽的上流社会的女子,有着黑发与黑眸,优雅,聪明受过高等教育的。HEBE:希腊语,意为春天之神其变形为Hebbe。JANE:能力不错,可靠的女子,可以是可爱女人味十足的;也可以是纯真带孩子气的。JESSICA:甜美,美丽,受欢迎的女孩;其它的人则认为她是个难以驾驭的女强人。JESSIE:是个中性名字令人想起可爱运动型的女孩,男孩子气,爱玩,善良,且聪明。JENNIFER:这个名字非常适合可爱的金发拉拉队长,受大家欢迎,并受人喜爱。KATE:为Katherine的简写。可爱,外向,精力充沛,脚踏实地的女子。KATHY,KATHIE为KATHERINE,KATHERLEEN的简写(同CATHY)。KATHY被看做黑发的小女人,文静,温和又善良。LINDA:(西班牙语)美丽的意思。是有着蓝眸的金发女孩,既甜美又文静。LISA是ELIZABETH的别名,LISA被描绘成美丽,有趣善良并安静聪明的女孩。LUCY:来自拉丁字Lux,光明的意思。人们认为LUCY是有趣的乡村女孩,活泼可爱,风趣,引人注意。MARIAH:(希伯来)同MARY,娇柔美丽的黑发姑娘,个性文静,温和,甜美。NANCY:被描绘成美丽的黑发邻家女孩,安静讨人喜欢,个性和善并甜美。RACHEL:被描绘为美丽,娇小的黑发女子,一个聪慧能筑梦踏实的女子。SARAH:(希伯来)公主。美丽,卷发的女孩,保守又友善。SELINA:给人的印象是个性开朗,面貌柔美的女子,温柔娴熟,但有人认为她的个性阴晴不定难以捉摸。SHIRLEY:人们将SHIRLEY描绘成灰发版的Shirley Temple-可爱,甜美,卷发,娃娃脸,有点过重。Appendix B: 男子英文名释义ALAN:常变形为Allan。Alan的发音近似于撒格逊语Aylwyn或Alwyn(熟悉的朋友)的意思)。所以它在英国很为人所欢迎。ANDY:被人形容为高高的,金发的,童心未泯的普通男子,快乐,随和老实憨厚。ANTHONY:高壮黝黑的意大利男人,聪明强壮并坚忍。ARTHUR:(凯尔特语)贵族,(威尔斯)英雄。Arthur有两个不同的意思:一生充满故事喜欢受注目的有趣老人;或是沉静,与众不同,信守承诺的智者。BRIAN:(爱尔兰语)力量,美德,大部份人把Brian看做是爱尔兰男子,聪明,喜欢运动,并擅于社交。有些人则认为Brian是无聊喜欢黏着妈妈的孩子。DANIEL:喜好运动勇敢,友善,值得信赖,教养良好,聪明且随和的人。DAVID:(希伯来)挚爱的意思。人们形容DAVID是强壮,英俊,聪明的男人善良,幽默又独立。EDWARD:(古英语),幸福的保护人。这名字非常适合拘谨的书虫,衣冠楚楚的作家或生意人。ERIC:(挪威)永远的领导者,永远的力量。被叙述为受欢迎的人有自信,聪明而且心地善良。HENRY:这个名字给人数种不同的看法。懦弱的四眼书虫,野心勃勃,独立自主的专业人士,或是强壮,随和的农夫。JACK:大部份的人认为Jack是个具威胁力的人-体魄健壮,阳刚,强壮,自负,聪明。也有人认为Jack可爱,有趣喜欢追求快乐的家伙。JAMES:被描绘为大块头,强壮的英俊男人,聪明,严谨,诚实个性依赖。JASON:被认做可爱,喜好运动的金发男孩,但人们却对Jason的人格有争议。他可能是主观,风趣受欢迎,固执,不受束缚,调皮,或沉静,害羞,常自省的人。 KEVIN:被描绘为年轻喜好运动的美国男孩,心地好,有点固执。LARRY:LAWRENCE的简写。大部份人认为LARRY是随和友善的-所到之处无不充满笑声。NICHOLAS:(希腊)胜利的人。大部份的人认为Nicholas是可爱,肥胖,快乐,大方的。OLIVER:给人好几种印象。脏兮兮无忧虑的乡下小孩;好学用功的书虫;热心奉献的人;或者愚蠢有趣的漫画人物。PAUL:大部份人认为PAUL是庄严,稳重坚定的人,但有人认为他有魅力,创造力又和善。 PETER:人们认为PETER是个不做作,诚实,开放的人。有些人则认为PETER是个充满野心和爆发力的。PHILIP:给人几种不同的印象:一个有朝气的军官;自大的王子;有钱的商人,聪明内向的人。RICHARD:这个名字给人两种形象;一个是英俊强壮,擅长运动的美国男孩:另一个是诚实,严肃,但敬业乐群的男人。SAM:人们印象中的SAM是个强壮的,温和,忠实脚踏实地的人,而且是可以交心的朋友。代表人物是人人皆知的UNCLE SAMTOM: 为THOMAS的简写,TOM可说是一般典型美国人的代表,无所不在,自信,讨人喜欢而且做人实在。TONY: 为ANTHONY的简写。人们眼中的TONY是善良,强壮的运动员,冷静能自理的男孩。Appendix C: 单词记忆的ACTION原则ACTION原则是根据记忆心理学相关知识并结合英语单词记忆自身特点而总结出来的。A即Association (联想)的缩略,意指我们在记忆英语单词时不要孤立的记忆,要发挥思维潜能,一并记忆与之相关的词汇,。联想辐射的范围很广,可以是由部分联想到整体,以及其它事物,也可以是由某一特征联想到一类事物,还可以是读音、词形、词义方面的扩充联想等等。例如:记忆单词mare(母马、母驴),从读音角度出发,我们可以联想到同音词mayor(市长),从词意角度出发,我们可以联想到donkey(驴),mule(骡子)等词,从词形角度出发,我们可以联想到一连串词汇:bare (赤裸的)care(关心)、 dare(敢)、fare(费用)、hare(野兔)、flare(闪耀)、glare(强光)、 pare(修剪)、rare(稀有的)、share(分享)、spare(空闲的)、prepare(准备)、square(广场)、stare(凝视)、 tare( 杂草)、ware(物品)等。联想原则是扩充词汇,达到一箭多雕记忆效果的关键所在。C即Contrast(对比)的缩略,意指通过对比,注意细微差别,进而加深印象,方便记忆。对比原则从差别入手记忆单词,可视为便捷记忆的纽带。例如:Ambitious雄心勃勃的-ambiguous含糊不清的; today今天- toady奉承pleasant 令人愉快的-pheasant野鸡,雉鸡 fable寓言童话-feeble虚弱的study学习-sturdy结实的,茁壮的 anecdote轶事-antidote解药T即Text surroundings (语境)的缩略。一个单词脱离了实际使用的语境,想记牢会用是难以做到的。将词汇置身于语境之中,通过反复阅读,提高认知能力,最后可以达到记忆的目的。语境记忆是国内外语言教学专家和心理学家较为推崇的词汇记忆策略。I即Induction(归纳)的缩略,归纳法是通过个体,探索并发现一般规律的方法,引入到英语词汇记忆中来,意指通过个别单词发现规律,然后进一步探索、总结起来,统一记忆。例如:有一些词,加词尾-er后的意思有了变化,有的已经没有的人或物这个意思。Show(表现) - shower(阵雨,淋浴)Count(计算) - counter(柜台,计数器)Draw(画) - drawer(抽屉)Bow(鞠躬) - bower(树荫,凉亭)sew (缝制) - sewer(阴沟,下水道)jump(跳) - jumper(无袖连衣裙) flow(流动) - flower(花)O即Observation(观察)的缩略,观察是有所发现的前提,要求我们在记忆英语词汇时从词形入手,利用拆分,合并等手段解密内在联系,加以记忆。例如:Manifold (多种) = many (许多) + fold (折,折痕) Peacock(孔雀)= pea(蜿豆)+cock(公鸡)另一种意义的观察是多注意与英语相关的事物,如:商品外包装上的英语,广告牌上的英语,衣物、饰品上的英语等,勤于积累、回顾,自然可以轻松记忆。观察原则是化繁为简,创新记忆的法宝。N即Note-taking(作笔记)的缩略。作笔记是一种积累知识的手段。记忆英语单词,更需要靠作笔记来整理要点,抒写心得等。例如:对同音词的总结:peak(山峰), peek(偷看), pique(愤怒) 统读pi:k rain(雨),rein(缰绳),reign(统治) 统读rein对形近词的总结:petal(花瓣),petrel(海燕),petrol(汽油),patrol(巡逻);stimulate(刺激),simulate(模拟),accumulate(积累),emulate(竞争)。作笔记是对记忆技巧和记忆实例的总结,必将有助于向更深层次发掘记忆方法之精髓。Appendix D:记忆方法举例:英语单词记忆方法众多,最重要的是要遵循原则,找到适合自己的方法。1)词根(etyma)词缀(affix)记忆法顾名思义,通过记住词根词缀,并据此推测含此类词根词缀的新词的意思,加以强化记忆。词根有两种,一种是可以引申出许多同根词的词根,同时它也是一个独立的单词,例如ease作为独立单词,它又是easy,easily,easiness的词根。另一种是不能独立使用的词根,但它有一个基本意义,在不同的单词中意思大致相同。如:如: booklet这个词,-let是后缀,为小的意思,很显然,booklet就是小册子的意思。,从读音、词形、词义入手,归纳,总结分块记忆词汇。2) 谐趣记忆法谐趣记忆法是根据读音、词形、词义的关系,利用诙谐、荒诞的曲解来记忆词汇。如:morose(忧伤的,郁闷的)=mo(方言,没有)+rose(玫瑰),试想,没有玫瑰的情人节怎能不忧伤郁闷? ponderous(笨重的),听发音,叫做胖得要死,想一下,胖的要死,能不笨重吗?又如:记忆engineer,peer,pioneer,profiteer,steer,sneer,volunteer一组词,我们可以这样诙谐地理解:拓荒者(pioneer)蔑视(sneer)权贵(peer)和奸商(profiteer),志愿(volunteer)为工程师(engineer)掌舵(steer)。再如记忆Nepal(尼泊尔)这个词,一个比较浪漫又诙谐的方法是记忆下面这个句子中每个词的首字母:Never Ever Part As Lovers.(恋人永不分离)3) 感观记忆法感观记忆法是把耳、口、眼、手调动起来,把听、说、读、写统一起来,达到记忆目的的方法,这样做的好处是沟通大脑皮层各部分之间的联系,减少遗忘。我们可以进行专一的记忆,也可以注意我们身边的英语,如电器设备上的英语,产品说明书上的英语,各种警示语、标语等,还可以聆听外文歌曲,欣赏国外影视耳濡目染,日积月累,反复回想,自然牢记。例:许多品牌电池的外包装上有(battery电池)字样,许多洗发精瓶外有shampoo(洗发水)字样,自动取款机上的ATM(Automated Teller Machine自动取款机)字样,某些药品包装盒上的OTC(Over the Counter非处方药)字样等。教师在授课过程中,应适当渗透相关知识,教育学生勤观察,多积累。4) 分类记忆法分类记忆法是按主题,所属范围等条件对词汇进行分门别类汇总,然后综合记忆的方法。我们从医疗,购物外贸等方面归类,也可以按时间、决心、态度等主题来汇总,然后根据记忆原则记忆。例如:按文学形式分类,我们可以归纳许多词:biography(传记),essay(杂文),reportage(报告文学),memoirs(回忆录),travels(游记),prose(散文),fiction(小说总称)等。英语单词记忆方法众多,除以上列举之外,还有谚语记忆法,歌诀记忆法,卡片记忆法等等。我们应遵循记忆的原则,把记忆单词视为一种乐趣。教师在授课过程中要引导学生多想多联系,并对涉及的某方面知识作必要补充。其实英语单词记忆学是一门非常有趣、非常吸引人的学问,多积累,多回顾,多探索,把握规律,就一定可以走出死记硬背的泥沼。Appendix E: What the Americans Dont Talk About!Taboo topics tend to make people feel uneasy. Every culture has these off-limits subjects. Americans usually avoid talking about the following topics:1. Age Age is a very sensitive subject to many Americans, especially to women over 30. Many Americans work hard to maintain a youthful appearance or at least give the illusion of youth. Anyhow, if you are dying to know someones age, this is how you could go about finding out. First you estimate their age by their appearance and mannerism. Then you subtract ten years from that estimation. I guarantee you will get a big smile from that person who will also blush and say, “Wow. You are my best friend. I, 38 already. Can you believe it?” You, of course, reply, “No. I really cant. Youre kidding. You dont look a day over 28. This is amazing.” Now thats one surefire way to boost someones ego!2. Weight This is one of the touchiest subjects. In America, it is okay, even desirable to be thin, but it is a sin and a huge embarrassment to be overweight. If you would like to be honest but not hurtful, I recommend you choose your words carefully, perhaps by saying, “ Hey, you look great. Very healthy looking.”3. Income Your should never ever ask how much someones salary is. Theres no way around this one. However, its perfectly appropriate to ask about their job title and what they do for a living. This information should give you some idea how much they make a year.4. Matters of the Heart This is a tricky one. The general rule is not to get too personal, too fast. You dont want others to think that youre prying into their lives. Therefore, try not to ask too many questions about someones love life, marriage and family until you have a friendship with this person. Even then, you better wait for your friend to come to you with the matters of their heart.5. Is It Real? Many Americans are proponents of the all-natural look. But how many truly abide by this principle? The answer would be : not many. People want others to believe theyre simply born beautiful. So dont ruin it for them by asking, “ Hey, I love your eye color. Is it real?Unit 3 CouplesObjectives:1. students will be able to make a love story for themselves2. get to know the expressions of various couples problems3. let them find different ways to solve these problems, make a list and give these solutions brief explanations.4. have a brief idea of what the love story will go through5. grammar: past tense forms: past simple and past continuousOutline:Let students conduct reading, listening, speaking and compiling stories to deepen their understanding of the points taught in the class.Focuses:1. get familiar with words and expressions that will be useful in the classroom2. inspire students to raise questions about love stories3. let them understand the problems happened between couples and try to give some solutions.Step one: warm up(10 minutes)1. warmly greet students and tell them we will form an English speaking environment in class.2. introduce the main topic we will discuss todaycoupleslove is a great thing in the world, so when a man meets a woman, there is a chance for them to fall in love and then after they get to know each other more, maybe next stage is the wedding ceremony which is one of the most important things happened in our lives. Everyday there are a lot of people get married and everyday some of them break up. Why people break up? Whats going wrong between these once loved couples? Some famous movie stars do these, and ordinary people do the same thing, too. So can you guess what are the problems between them and can you give some solutions to avoid or even to fix their relationship?Step two: presentation (35 minutes)Activity one: problems between couples 1. difficult words or words the students maybe use in the classroom. (10 minutes)couple wedding ceremony career affair generation gap economic reason DINKdouble income, no kids rumor personality 2. let students write down the problems they think about that can lead to the break up of couples, select several students to tell their answers.(it can also be finished by team work, it is up to the teacher). (5 minutes)possible answers: money, generation gap, career, love affaires, boring life, distance, child3. look at the book page 16, introduce these famous stars briefly and at the same time the teacher can give some examples of some Chinese movie stars or let the students name some of them.(optional). (3 minutes)1) Richard Gere and Cindy Crawford-famous movie star and super model2) Lyle Lovett and Julia Robertsfamous movie dierector and movie star3) Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruisefamous movie stars4) Bruce Willis and Demi moorefamous movie starsSome Chinese well-known couples: 1) the legend of MengJiangnv2) the legend of White Snake Lady3) the legend of DongYong and Fairy Lady Seven4) butterflys love story4. at the same time, give names of different wedding anniversaries. (2minutes)1) Paper wedding 纸婚1年2) Calico wedding 棉布婚2年3) Straw wedding 稻草婚2年4) Silver wedding 银婚25年5) Golden wedding 金婚50年6) Diamond wedding 钻石婚6075年5. let students answer the questions on page 16 point 3. (5 minutes)6. do exercise on the top of page 17, and discuss if you agree to this point. Why and why not? (10 minutes)activity two: compile a love story (second class30 minutes)1. list the necessary words (5 minutes)dating, fall in love at the first sight, first love, first kiss, romance, romantic, fancy, have a row, break up, Valentines Day2. look at the pictures on page 17, find 8 students to describe these four different pictures and the teacher can give some help when necessary. And then let them match the pictures with the words. (10minutes)3. practice past tense and let students answer these questions according to the pictures (5 minutes)Picture one: (2 minutes)1. where were they?2. what were they wearing? Can you guess where they met for the first time?(possible answers: in the street, in the office, on a bus, in a park, on the campus, etc.)3. what was the man thinking? What was his facial expressions?Picture two: (3 minutes)1. where were they?2. what were they doing? what were they wearing? 3. can you guess what were they talking about? (how to start a conversation?)4. discuss with your partner and try to show this scenepicture three: look at this picture carefully, (2 minutes)1. who was this? What was he doing? 2. what was he carrying? What was he going to do?3. what was on the window? Whose cat was this? What was the cats look?4. discuss with your partner and try to play this scenepicture four: (3 minutes)1. what were they doing? (having a row)2. discuss with your partner and play this scene4. divide the students into 6 groups (8 groups), do exercise 2 and 3. let each group make these stages in order as you think best, and then try to write a love story by your group. In this love story, ask the students to use some time words, some verbs, adjective words as well as some adverb words. (3 minutes)5. select two or three groups, let them show their love stories in front of the whole class.(5 minutes)6. the teacher gives some comments (2 minutes)activity three: true love (15 minutes)1. look at page 20, ask them to read each item and then let them tell what is special in each love story. (5 minutes)2. pair work. Follow the instruction in the book and ask them to do the exercise. (2 minutes)3. group work: try to answer the following questions and then make the presentation to the whole class, make your points clear. (8 minutes)1) in these stories, do you think which one is the most romantic and why?2) Which story is the saddest and if you have some special ability, will you do something to help them and how?3) Do you know any love story in our own country? Can you name some of them? Try to tell the whole story with the help of your whole team.Step three: listening (25 minutes)1. name some entertainment TV shows in our country2. listening material on page 18 and follow the procedures on the book3. introduce background of the singer: Elvis Presley4. English songs on page 21 and finish the exercises on this page.Step four: grammar (10 minutes)1. give brief introduction to past tense forms2. practice some irregular verb forms3. finish the exercise on page 19Step five: entertainment (10 minutes)1. fill in blanks ( 4 groups)give a simple sentence, and ask each member of each group to add one word in this sentence (adj or adv), and then write the whole sentence on the blackboard and ask one student to read it. 2. guess words (10 groups and each time two groups compete together)ask one person to


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