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Lesson 7 Trading PoemsFill in the blanks with proper prepositions:1.Look _ the poem _ the right.2.This kind _ poem was created _ an American poet _ the nineteenth century.3.Each line has a set number _ words.4.Lets look at another two poems _ examples.5.Express a thought or a feeling _ your topic _ four words.6.What colour is the sunshine _ this photo?at onof byofasabout in in inFill in each blank with the proper word from the brackets:1.There are some _(different)between the two sentences.2.Express a _(think)or a _(feel)about your topic in four words.3.Say something about your topic _(use)one word.4.This kind of poem _(create)by an American _(poem)in the _(nineteen)century.5.Each student _(have)an English book.6.Each of them _(have)an English book.7.They each _(have)an English book.8._(happy)is a feeling of love and being loved.9.Our classroom is much _(bright)than yours.differencesthoughtfeelingusingwas createdpoetnineteenthhashashaveHappinessbrighter同义句转换,每空一词:同义句转换,每空一词:1.There is a single book on the desk.2.There is _ _ book on the desk.3.2.We need three more chairs for the game.4.We need _ three chairs for the game.5.3.We each have a new pen.6._ _ _ _ a new pen.7.4.He created the five-line poem last year.8.The five-line poem _ _ by him last year.only oneanotherEach of us has was created 根据句意和首字母提示完成句子,每空一词:根据句意和首字母提示完成句子,每空一词:1.Who c_ that piece of music?2.A s_ light was burning in the room.No person 3.was seen.4.3.The girl is shy.She never expresses her real t_.reatedingle houghtsA task:To be a poet Use the pattern for five-line poems to write one of your own.Think about it!1.What did Jenny,Brain and Danny study in school this week?2.How many kinds of poems did they read?study poetryPoems about natureHaikuLimerickFive-line poemsThink about it!1.Where are Haikus from?What are they about?What pattern does Haiku follow?2.Where are limericks from?What are they about?What pattern does it follow?3.Where are five-line poems from?What are they about?What does a five-line poem follow?It always has three lines.Each line has a set number of syllables.It always has five lines.It follows the pattern“aabba”.It has five lines.Each line has a set number of words.The first line has one word.The second line has two words.The third,or middle,line has three words.The fourth line has four words.The last line has one word.1.What does Danny think of poetry?2.How many poems did he write?3.What kinds of poems are they?What are they about?4.3.What does Li Ming think of Dannys poem about him?5.4.What did he do then?Read carefully and answer the following questions:A student whose name was Li Ming,Took some lessons to learn how to sing.His voice was so strongWhen he sang his first song,They could hear him from here to Beijing!Enjoy the two poems:有个学生,名叫李明。有个学生,名叫李明。心血来潮,要赶流行。心血来潮,要赶流行。学了几天,咿呀哼哼。学了几天,咿呀哼哼。他的声音,力量无穷。他的声音,力量无穷。未等张口,声传北京!未等张口,声传北京!take lessons=have lessons “上课上课”Dannys awake.Its breakfast time!Out of his room,into the kitchen he runs.Now he counts them.There are only seven!Usually he eats eight or nine.Today,Danny will go to school hungry.Seven arent enough!Enjoy the two poems:丹尼一觉醒来。正是早饭时间!丹尼一觉醒来。正是早饭时间!厨房飘来饼香,急忙冲出房间。厨房飘来饼香,急忙冲出房间。数来数去七个!平日八九才算。数来数去七个!平日八九才算。只好饿肚上学。七个怎能填满?只好饿肚上学。七个怎能填满?wake v.awake adj.“醒着的醒着的”They felt tired and could not stay _(wake)until midnight.awakeLanguage notes:1.We read many different kinds of poems.a kind of two kinds of many(different)kinds of all kinds of 2.Poetry is a beautiful way to express thoughts and feelings.a way to do sth.=a way of doing sth.3.I wish I could be a poet!wish v.“希望,想要希望,想要”不强调这种希望是否能实现不强调这种希望是否能实现 wish to do sth.wish sb.to do sth.wish+(that)引导的宾语从句引导的宾语从句 表示表示“不太可不太可 能实现的愿望能实现的愿望”,从句中的动,从句中的动词词 多用过去式表示对多用过去式表示对现在的现在的“虚拟虚拟”v.“祝愿,愿望祝愿,愿望”wish+宾语宾语+宾补宾补Language notes:4.Good,because I want all of you students to write poem for me.当两个指同一事物的句子成分放在同等位置时,一个句当两个指同一事物的句子成分放在同等位置时,一个句 子成分可被用来说明或解释另一个句子成分,前者就叫子成分可被用来说明或解释另一个句子成分,前者就叫 做后者的同位语。这两个句子成分多由名词或代词担做后者的同位语。这两个句子成分多由名词或代词担 任。同位语通常放在其说明的名词或代词后面。任。同位语通常放在其说明的名词或代词后面。Mr.Brown,our new teacher,is very kind to us.Yesterday I met Tom,a friend of my brothers.He himself told me that his brother John is a world famous doctor.5.I decided to write about nature.decide to do sth.decide not to do sth.Language notes:6.I climbed a hill and looked down at the water.7.But it was hard to write that poem!冬天滑冰很有趣。冬天滑冰很有趣。学好英语非常重要。学好英语非常重要。这个问题我很难回答。这个问题我很难回答。It is interesting to skate in winter.It is important to learn English well.It is/was+n./adj.(for sb.)to do sth.It is hard for me to answer the question.Language notes:8.You are always saying funny things,Danny.Why dont you try writing a funny poem?现在进行时加上副词现在进行时加上副词always常带有一种感情色彩,如:常带有一种感情色彩,如:烦恼烦恼、厌烦厌烦、赞扬等。赞扬等。I always growing fast.The shirt is too small now.He is always smiling to us.try doing sth.“试着做某事试着做某事”try to do sth.“努力努力/尽力做某事尽力做某事”试着拉门,不要推。试着拉门,不要推。努力学习。不要失去信心。努力学习。不要失去信心。Try pulling the door.Dont push.Try to study hard.Dont lose heart.Language notes:9.I laughed when I got to the end.get to “达到某一阶段或某一部分达到某一阶段或某一部分”你看到书的哪部分了?你看到书的哪部分了?Where have you got to in the book?so that “如此如此以致以致”that引导结果状语从句引导结果状语从句10.I liked your poem so much that I decided to write one for you.He is so young that he cant go to school.She ran so fast that she caught up with us.11.Danny Dinosaur 942 Ninth Avenue Edmonton,Alberta Canada T5N 3K2Fill in each blank with the proper word from the brackets:1.The students want their teacher _(teach)2.them the method.3.2.I try _(move)the sofa,but I couldnt.4.3.Youd better not _(go)out now.Its too cold outside.5.4.Dont make your students always _(stand)6.outside the classroom.7.5.Dont ask her _(help)Jim.Let him _(write)8.it himself.9.6.I decided _(write)about nature.10.7.I took some lessons to learn how _(learn).11.8.Poetry is a beautiful way _(express)thoughts 12.and feelings.13.9.I wish I _(can)be a poet.14.10.Danny is _(wake).He is smiling at me.to teachto movegostandto helpwrite to writeto learnto expresscouldawake句型转换,每空一词:句型转换,每空一词:1.To learn English is fun.(同义句)同义句)2._ _ to learn English.3.2.Reading in the sun is bad for your eyes.(同上)同上)4.It is _ for your eyes _ _ in the sun.5.3.She was so excited that she couldnt sleep the whole night.(同上)同上)6.She was _ excited _ sleep the whole night.7.4.She ran so fast that she caught up with us soon.(同同上)上)8.She ran _ _ _ catch up with us soon.9.5.He got up so late that he missed the train.(同上)同上)10.He didnt get up _ _ _ catch the train.Its funtoo to fast enough to early enough to bad to read句型转换,每空一词:句型转换,每空一词:6.Our teacher often teaches us how we can write English poems.(同上)同上)Our teacher often teaches us _ _ _ English poems7.She decided to teach physics this term.(对划线部分提问对划线部分提问)_ _ she decide _ _ this term?8.They all hope that they can visit the Great Wall someday.(同义句)同义句)They all hope _ _ the Great Wall someday.how to writeWhat did to do to visit A task:To be a poet In a small group,write a poem like the one in Li Mings postcard.First,choose a word your group like.Use each letter in this word to begin a line of your poem.Then,make a poster to display your poem on the wall.Which poem is the best?


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