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2016年新教师培训教学基本技能案例指导与实践运用训练 主要内容及安排 1、3月 下午:教学基本技能案例指导与实践运用训练一(教学目标设定技能、教学导入技能、教学提问技能) 2、3月 上午:教学基本技能案例指导与实践运用训练二(教学讲解技能、教学板书技能、教学结课技能) 3、3月 下午:说课技能引领与实践训练 教学基本技能案例指导与实践运用训练一 1、教学目标设定技能 2、教学导入技能 3、教学提问技能 1、教学目标设定技能教学目标的教学功能 1、导向功能:教学目标在一定意义上制约着教学设计、教学过程的方向,是教学中的师生活动有明确的共同指向,从而有效避免传统教学中的盲目性,这也正是在课堂上展现教学目标或学习目标的重要意义所在。 实践证明,教学活动的效果与教学目标的定向功能有十分密切的关系,教学目标定向正确,即可取得良好的教学效果;教学目标定向错误,则只能取得负面的教学效果。 2、组织功能:教学目标是教学设计的起点,即教学目标对教学系统内的各要素起着统率、支配、聚合和协调的功能,以利于教学整体效能的发挥。表现为:为教学内容和教学方法的选择提供依据,为教学的组织提供依据,为课程的实施和教学评价提供依据、提供学习经验。 教学目标陈述的基本要求教学目标是预期的学生学习的效果,蕴含着以下几层意义: 1、教学目标既定的主体是学生而不是教师,是预期经过教学后学生表现的行为而不是教师的行为; 2、教学目标是学习的结果而不是学习的过程,也不是学生发展的结果; 3、教学目标是预期的而不是现实的学习结果。 教师在教学中制定教学目标常见的问题 1、照搬或照抄课程标准或教材中的目标,没有根据学生的实际将课标与教材要求转化为课型的教学目标; 2、从“应试”的角度确定教学目标,即考什么就以什么作为目标; 3、用一册教材、一章节或单元的教学目标来代替一节课的教学目标,过程与方法被忽略; 4、教学目标的指向是教师,对教师要做的事情进行陈述,而没有把学生作为主体,陈述期望学生发生什么变化; 5、列举要达到的各种目标,但没有具体说明希望学生如何达到这些目标; 6、教学目标过于笼统、空泛、无法观察、测量和评价。 3、检测(评价)功能教学目标也是教学的终点,教学目标确定之后,是否达到了既定的教学目标,就成了衡量教学效果的尺度。 案例分析与指导:2014年葫芦岛市教学技能大赛 单元课题:新目标英语教材九年级Unit 10 Youre supposed to shake hands.请根据所提供的单元话题,用英语自主设计如下教学目标: 1、语言知识目标 2、语言能力目标 3、情感态度目标 4、学习策略目标 5、文化意识目标 案例 1 1、语言知识目标(1) To master the new words and phrases in this lesson. Such as shake hands, bow, kiss and so on (2) To use the target language freely. 2、语言能力目标(1) To train Ss abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing.(2) To encourage Ss know about the culture of different countries(3) To encourage Ss to work in groups and help each other. 3、情感态度目标(1)To work together and help each other.(2)To know about the different cultures of different countries. 4、学习策略目标 (1)To encourage Ss to work in pairs and work in groups.(2)To discuss in groups and help each other. 5、文化意识目标 Different country may have different cultures .encourage Ss to study hard and know more about the different cultures. 案例 2 1 knowledge aims: To grasp “ be supposed to” structure to give advice. Make the students learn and remember the key words and expressions, such as “ shake hands, bow, kiss” 2 Language aims: To talk about advice to others and help to give advice to solve problems. 3 Emotion aims: Educate the students to help others in trouble and dare to speak out their own feelings. 4 Learning strategy: “question-leading in” to each task for the students. Make them think and discuss then try to finish these tasks. 5 Culture aims: To learn about different customs in different countries. 案例 3 1. Knowledge Objectives ( Linguistic knowledge): Students will be able to use the important words and expressions such as suppose、shake hands and so on. Students can master the use of passive voice. 2. Ability Objectives: Students will develop the ability of working in pairs and groups. 3. Emotional Objectives: Students will share their happiness and expressions in class. 4. Learn Strategy: Students will develop their ability of listening、speaking、reading and writing. Students will improve the cooperative learning in class. 5. Cultural Awareness: Students will understand different ways of greeting indifferent countries. 实践运用训练新目标英语教材7B Unit 5 查教参 Section A 1a2d Section A 3a3c Section A Grammar Focus4c Section B 1a1e Section B 2a2e 合作与交流 1 Section A 1a2d 2、教学导入技能一、导入的教学功能 1、优秀的导入能够激发学习兴趣,凝聚注意力 2、优秀的导入能够建立与新知的联系 3、优秀的导入能够指向教学目标 4、优秀的导入能够沟通师生的情感,营造课堂氛围 二、导入创设的基本原则 1、导入的首要功能是激发兴趣,使学生带着浓厚的兴趣把注意力集中到学习任务中;(激趣原则) 2、导入显然是为新的教学内容的完成而创设的,这就要求导入要体现新旧知识的关联:生活文化新知识 (关联原则) 3、教师在导入情境中巧设带有启发性的悬疑问题,制造认知冲突,以唤起学生的好奇心与求知欲;(设疑原则) 4、导入是教学的开端,并不是教学的主题与重点,因此导入必须简洁,最好在35分钟:语言简洁,容易让学生理解内容简洁,易于学生理解 导入创设常见问题 1、导入与教学内容无关联,为激趣而激趣; 2、导入内容不够贴切,偏离主题; 3、导入创设情境过长,喧宾夺主; 常用导入创设方法及典型案例 1、诗词、儿歌、故事、图片多媒体、对话、游戏 2、根据不同教学内容灵活运用 案例分析与指导:2014年葫芦岛市教学技能大赛单元课题:新目标英语教材九年级Unit 10 Youre supposed to shake hands.请根据所提供的单元话题,用英语自主设计一个导入环节的教学设计,并说明设计意图。设计形式要求:1、师生对话互动(T: S1:.)。2、设计为导入单元或导入单元第一课时均可。 案例 1 Lead in: (show three questions after the students watch 3 pictures) T: What are they doing in the three pictures? Ss: They are talking/ greeting/ discussing T: Yes, I think your answers are all reasonable. In my opinion, the people in Picture 1 are shaking hands ( then ask the students repeat) Ss: shaking hands/ shaking hand ( Introduce the new words bow/ kiss in the same way) T: Look at their clothes, which countries are they from? Ss: They are from China/ Japan/ T would show the list of these possible countries to the students. Then ask them to read the countries together. T: Do you think their behavior is suitable to greet people when they meet for the fist time? Please discuss with your partners and then tell me the results. ( Students will report their idea after discussion.) T: Ok, in this unit, lets learn how to greet people in different countries. Look at the title, lets read together. 案例 2 T:Hello,boys and girls! Nice to see you! We know each other, right? Suppose we meet for the first time. What are we suppose to do? (be suppose to do) S1: We can say hello to each other. S2: We can hug each other. S3. S4. S5:We should shake hands. T: I agree with you. We are supposed to shake hands in China. Now lets look at the pictures on PPT and learn how people greet each other when they meet for the first time. 课件呈现世界各地不同种类的打招呼的方式。在介绍初次见面方式的过程中进行新词汇及重点短语的输入,最后引入握手的打招呼方式。【设计意图】 联系学生的生活实际,从日常第一次见面打招呼入手,引起学生的好奇心和兴趣,利用PPT呈现图片的直观教学,引入新词 汇的同时,渗透了文化知识,为后续的听说读写教学做了铺垫。 案例 3 Lead in T: Now everyone. Imagine two Chinese strangers Tom and Tim meet for the first time. What should they say and what should they do? Can you make a conversation? Ss: OK. T: Now Ill ask a pair of students to come to the blackboard and show their conversations. S1: Good morning. Nice to meet you. S2: Nice to meet you, too. At the same time, they shake hands. T: Thank you. In China, when we meet for the first time. We should shake hands. But next month, Im going to Japan, do you know what I should do? Ss: Sorry, I dont know. T: It doesnt matter. Today were going to learn Unit 9. Youre supposed to shake hands. In this lesson, well learn some different culture in different countries. Purpose of my designing: In order to for a better English learning situation, make Ss to be the master of the English learning. Thats learning by doing, learning by using. I think it can lead in the lead in the new lesson quickly and it can also increase Ss interest in learning English. 实践运用训练新目标英语教材7B Unit 5 查教参 Section A 1a2d Section A 3a3c Section A Grammar Focus4c Section B 1a1e Section B 2a2e 合作与交流 1 Section A 1a2d 3、教学提问技能课堂提问:1、是一种教学方式或教学手段; 2、是一种教学行为 3、是一种教学艺术 有效提问的含义 1、关注学生的思维发展 2、关注教学目标的达成 3、关注师生的教学对话相较于一言堂,对话教学可以激发学生思维,体现学生主体性,有教师的提问带动学生积极思考,激发学生提出问题,师生开展对话交流也正是高效优质课的表现。 目前课堂提问中存在的常见问题 1、提出的问题不能启发思维; 2、答案一教师为中心 3、问题反馈方式单一,不能激发学生的兴趣 4、学生提问缺乏 5、精英学生垄断课堂 有效提问的原则 1、目的性原则 2、开放性原则 3、启发性原则 4、适度性原则 5、多样性原则 有效提问的方法 1、确定提问的目的; 2、选择提问的内容; 3、注重问题的表述; 4、选择问题的切入点; 5、创设良好的课堂气氛; 6、提问要兼顾全体学生; 7、通过提问进行生成性教学; 8、及时反馈,评价得当; 9、引导学生提出问题 案例分析与指导:2014年葫芦岛市教学技能大赛单元课题:新目标英语教材七年级下册Unit 9 What does he look like? 课时:Section B 3b Write a passage about your best friend. 请根据所提供的课时片段(3b)自主设计符合如下要求的教学问题。 问题的设计要有助于实现教学目标(2分);帮助学生解决学习重点、难点;(2分) 2、问题的设计过程要注意体现以下要求:(1)能够选择最佳切入点,有助于带动学生逐步完成学习任务;(2)能够面向全体学生,让每个学生都有表现的机会;(3)能够留给学生思考的时间,以便学生有效完成;(4)完成问题的方式体现多样性;(5)能够体现教师对提问后学生的回答进行及时性、公正评价。 案例 1 Question 1.(To the whole class: Who is your best friend?)提问意图,面向全体学生,让每个人都有回答的机会,问题很简单,也很贴近学生生活,容易激发兴趣。 Question 2.What does your best friend look like? Why do you think he/she is your best friend?讨论这个问题,小组合作形式,每个学生都开口说英语,在具体的语言环境中讨论朋友的长像,性格及最喜欢的原因。 Question 3.Who can introduce your best friend to the class? Each group choose a student to introduce your friend.让学生汇报描述最好的朋友的形象,性格,同时也让其他同学分享相貌等目标语,教师可以对汇报的同学给予评价,肯定优点,纠正错误,给出建议。 Question 4.If you want to write a passage about your best friend, how many aspects do you want to describe?(look, character,the same or different,the reason why you like him/her).5 minutes to think it over and talk to the class.让学生思考五分钟,想从哪些方面来描述好朋友呢? Best friendLookCharacterSame or differentReason Question 5. Now we know we can describe our best friends from look,character and the same or different from us. Lets describe our best friends. Who wants to say something about your best friends? 案例 2 1. 首先把全班分为四组,每组设2名组长(一名组长负责分配任务,另一名负责指导)。 2. 将Section B 3b的内容根据不同层次的学生学习情况,设计几个问题: 习题式 (连词成句或填词): 1)of he is height medium 2)He short hair. 3)She thin. 造句式: 1)我中等身高,长头发。 2)他中等身材,留着短直的头发。 对话式:A、B对话谈论 best friend / parents / . 写作式:直接根据实际情况或所给材料写文章(口头作文) 3. 给学生5-6分钟时间安排、准备。 4. 检查 由每组推荐2或3位同学进行展示(加分) 给平时英语学习吃力的同学多加 其他组认真听同学展示,发现错误也加分。 案例 3 Unit 9 What does he look like? T: I think everyone has some good friends. Do you have one, A? A: Yes, I do. T: Is he very tall? A: No, he isnt. he is a little short. T: Is he heavy or thin? A: He is a little heavy. T: So I think maybe he isnt good at sports. A: Youre right. T: According to what A describes, can you guess who his friend is in our class? B: Its . C: Its ( T would praise the one who got the right answer.) At last the students find the person that A is talking about. T: OK, lets talk about him more. What does he look like? What does he like? What does he dislike? ( 3 minutes for the students to discuss and they can interview that person) T: OK, lets sum up his features. Appearance/ personality/ likes / dislikes T: So you see, we can describe a person in different ways. Now , I will ask you to write something about your best friend. I think you can do better this time. Step I.Revision Review some adjectives that can describe people. Ss will say: tall,short,black hair,strong.beautiful Step II.Make sentences. According to these words, Ss can say some sentences that can decribe people. T:What does he look like? Is he tall or short? Does he have big eyes or small eyes? Ss: He has He is Step III.Writing On the screen, I will show a passage about my friend. But some words and sentences are missing.Ss should fill in the blanks according to the tips. Then Ss can write their best friends like this. Step IV. Evaluating After writing, ask some Ss to read their passages. Then give them marks from writing,spelling mistakes 合作与交流


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