人教PEP版五年级英语下册Unit 3 My school calendar Part A Let’s talk

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人教版(pep)小学英语五年级下册Unit 3 My school calendarA Lets talk一、学情分析 使用人教版(三年级起点)教材的五年级的学生已经学习英语两年半了,本学期学生具备较强的英语听说读能力,本节课主要想尝试用思维导图帮助学生归纳、总结、掌握对话的知识点,五年级的学生已经具备运用思维导图的能力,并且对这种不经常接触的归纳知识的方法比较敢兴趣。二、教学目标知识目标:1. 能够完成Lets try中的听录音完成选择任务。 2. 能够在图片和教师的帮助下理解Lets talk中的对话大意。3. 能够按照正确的语音、语调及意群朗读对话,并能进行角色表演。能力目标:1能正确听懂、会说、会表演Lets talk内容,并在真实场景中运用所学语言进行真实交流和运用。2. 能够在情景中运用句型When is ? Its in April/询问并回答学校活动所在的月份。 3. 能够在语境中理解短语a few, fun things, Easter party, school trip的意思,并能正确发音。 回答。情感目标:培养学生的合作意识,了解中西文化的不同。三、教学重点 能够按照正确的语音、语调及意群朗读对话;能够在情景中运用句型When is ? Its in April/询问并回答学校活动所在的月份。四、教学难点 在语境中理解短语a few, fun things, Easter party, school trip的意思;能够正确对月份词April, May正确书写和发音。五、教学方法 情境教学法 合作学习法 三位一体教学法 讲授法六、课前准备 电脑、多媒体课件、单词卡片,印刷资料,绣球等。七、教学步骤1. warm-upGood morning,boys and girls! Do you like song? OK,Lets sing a song “The twelve months”播发歌曲视频。2. presentation and practice(1) Boys and girls, I want to know “Which season do you like best?”分别提问一两个同学,师引出I like spring best.板书贴上spring.ppt进入思维导图。In spring, there are a few fun things.Look, is it funny? Yes, its fun.fun,fun,f-un.a few fun things,follow me, please.(2) Boys and girls, do you know “Which month is in spring in HeChi?”,March,April and May.(ppt出示这三个单词)Good memory!boy/girl.分别复习这三个词。(3)In March, there is a holiday in this month.What is it? 出示图片,引导学生回答“Tree Planting Day”,复习这个节日。(4)Which holiday is in April? Yes,Easter.引入Easter.What is “Easter”? Lets read. 让生读一段介绍复活节的文字。Well done, boys and girls.Lets share something about Easter.Its colorful eggs.Its bunny. Its lily.Its a lamb. Look, this is the Easter party. 教授然后操练这个短语。In April, we also have an Easter party.(5)Which holiday is in May? Yes,May Day and Mothers Day. ppt 显示然后直接带学生读这两个词。Oh, singing contest and school trip are in May,too. 带读singing contest. Do you have school trip in May? 链接批评PPT到学生郊游的图片,Yes, we have a school trip in May.然后操练这个短语。(6)回到ppt思维导图,用句型“When is .? Its in. ”练习问答。然后玩传球的游戏。如全班口令:When is Tree Planting Day? 一边传绣球,老师喊stop的时候,绣球停在谁那里谁就是lucky dog,就要起来回答问题。(这一活动的主要目的是操练本课文核心句型“When is .? Its in. ”) (7)listen and answerMike and Zhang Peng are talking about a few fun things in spring. What are the fun things?(有趣的事情有哪些?)please listen carefully, then find out the fun things in spring.(听说课从听入手,让学生整体感知课文)(8)watch and answerNow watch the video carefully, please.(让生观看一遍视频)让学生回答问题。“When is Easter party? When is the school trip? When is the sports meet?”Now, answer the questions.“No.1 When is Easter party? -Its in April. No.2 When is the school trip?-Its in May. No.3 When is the sports meet?-Its in April.”生回答完了齐读问题和答案一遍Lets read together。in 加了红色字体。Please pay attention to “in”.in should add 月份、季节.(9) listen and repeatReady? 先出现听力学生跟读,然后出现文字学生看文字read loudly.最后觉得学生熟读了,就让学生齐读,Now read together。(10)Act together-Act in groupA Now lets act .first, act ZhangPeng.让全体学生扮演张鹏的角色读书。Now you are Mike.Please act Mike.让全体学生扮演Mike读书。B Act in group(小组扮演):三人扮演ZhangPeng,三人扮演Mike.排练时间2分钟。(11) A Now,check your memory/lets make a challenge.fill in the blanks,please.让生说出不见的单词。B Now,check your memory again. A little difficult, are you ready? May be you need 30 seconds,OK.给学生30秒让生说出不见的句子.(13)pair workA watch and follow.让学生跟例子读书。B Now ask and answer with your partner.师先示范,然后让学生同桌之间练习。最后让一两组学生展示。(14) Summary利用黑板的思维导图小结本节课所学内容。八、板书设计4 / 4


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