人教PEP版五年级英语下册Unit 3 My school calendar Part _A Let’s spell-

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人教PEP版五年级英语下册Unit 3 My school calendar Part _A Let’s spell-_第1页
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人教PEP版五年级英语下册Unit 3 My school calendar Part _A Let’s spell-_第3页
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作者姓名学校所用教科书书名PEP PRIMARY ENGLISH (三起)所教年级五年级所教册次、单元五年级下册Unit3设计主题My school calendar( The second period: Part A Lets spell)1.整体设计思路、指导依据说明 本单元选自PEP Primary English Students Book Six Unit 3My school calendar本课时学的是 “ch” 和“sh”的发音。以绘本故事为情境,引导学生进行发现式的学习,观察、感知、体验并自己归纳出ch和sh在单词中分别发/t/和/的规则。并通过歌谣,拆音、拼音和辩音等操练活动,培养孩子的语音意识和语素意识。引导孩子最终能运用“ch” 和“sh”的发音规则进行独立阅读。2.教学背景分析教学内容分析:本课重点学习如何运用ch” 和“sh”的发音规则进行拼读以及独立阅读。通过两个故事绘本的输入,获取单词chicken,teacher, China, chip, lunch,和 fish, shoes, brushes, shirts,通过观察、感知、体验并归纳出“ch” 和“sh”的发音。再通过一系列的歌谣、拆音、拼音、辩音和归类等操练活动,培养孩子的拼读能力。难点在于如何指导学生更有效地运用“sh” 和“ch”的发音规则进行独立阅读。学生情况分析:学生在三四年级和五年级上册已学过二十六个字母的字母名、字母音,元音字母的短音发音和一些字母组合的发音,已有一定的语感和语音意识,并且已学会运用手指进行拼读。 3.教学目标分析一、知识目标: 1.能发现并掌握字母组合ch和sh的发音规则,即ch/sh在单词中分别发/t/和/。 2.能够读出符合ch/sh的发音规则的单词,并能够根据发音拼写出符合ch/sh发音规则的单词。二、能力目标: 1.使学生能够感知并归纳字母组合ch和sh在单词中的发音规则。 2.能够根据单词的读音拼写出符合ch和sh发音规则的单词,补全短语、句子。 三、情感目标: 通过拆音、拼音和分类等语音意识训练活动,引导学生进行发现式的学习,观察、感知、体验并自己归纳出ch和sh在单词中分别发/t/和/的规则。 4.教学重点、难点分析 教学重难点:归纳并掌握ch和sh字母组合的发音规则,并会拼读符合规则的单词。 5.教学过程设计(中文为主 + 所教学科目标语言)Step 1 Warm-up1.Greeting.T: Good morning, children.Ss: Good morning, Miss Xu.T: How are you?Ss: Im fine, thank you!And you?T: Im fine,too. Thank you! 2.Lets chant. T: Now, lets chant together.(设计意图:通过koala double phonics复习一些字母组合的发音。koala double phonics 中加入郎朗上口的音乐,不仅能够复习字母组合,起到了良好的复习效果。同时能够调动学生上课的积极性。)3.Present the title. T:Children,you can sing well. I hope you can do a good job today. Were going to learn Unit3 Lets spell. Well read the three stories about chicken, fish and sheep.Step 2. Presentation and practice 1. Read the story - The chickenT:Now lets read the story together.T:Great! Lets look at these words. Chicken, teacher, China, lunch,chip. Whats the same? (设计意图:让学生在故事中感知China, lunch, chicken,chip,teacher五个词,便于学生在语境中理解语意。并让学生通过听音,看型找出ch的发音规律。加入动作操练ch的发音。)2. Say a chant together.T: Now lets listen to a chant about ch together.Children, this time say the chant and do the action together.(设计意图:通过朗朗上口的chant 和形象生动的动作进行操练ch的发音,增加了趣味性并加深学生对ch的印象,此chant 中 Trains are chugging up in the hill.这句话比较难,因此第一遍先让学生听,帮助学生降低难度。)3. Blending.T: Just now you know chicken is a teacher. He come from China.He eats lunch at 12 oclock.He would like some chip today. He like many things too. Now lets blend it together.(设计意图:通过chicken所喜欢的东西这个语境呈现几个新词,由全班一起拼读示范过度到两人合作拼读,并过渡到三只鱼的故事。)4. Watch and choose. 1. Where are they now? A. They are in a whale. B.They are in a dolphin.T:I like fish too. Look ,there are three cute fish. Red fish, yellow fish, black fish. Three fish are in the sea. Oh,its dark now. Where are they ? (设计意图:通过静静欣赏故事提升学生的兴趣,并设置问题进行检测。)5.Read and tick.T:In the whale, the fish find something. What do they find?T:The fish find the shoes, shorts and brushes . Whats the same?(设计意图:通过三只小鱼的故事,总结归纳出sh的发音规律,运用动作,chant进行大量的操练。)6.Blending.T:There are more words with sh. Now lets look and read.(设计意图:通过blending进行大量的操练活动,让学生对音素有更深入的了解。)Decoding.T: You can read well. Now lets try to decode. So show me your hands.(设计意图:Blending 和 Decoding是语音教学的两个重要过程,只有经过大量的活动,才能达到见词能读,听音能写的能力,最终进行阅读。)7.Play a game: ch or sh.T: Just now we learned the pronunciation of ch and sh. Now lets play a game ch or sh. If you think the word is with /t/, you should say “/t/” .If the word is with /,you should say / .(设计意图:通过这个游戏磨学生的耳朵,让学生正确区分ch和sh的发音。) 8.Read quickly.T: You can judge very well.So try to read more words in pairs and later we will play a game.(设计意图:进一步操练ch 和 sh的拼读以及区分两者的发音。)9.Listen, number and say.T: You can read the words well. There are more difficult words. Lets read together and then listen and number.(设计意图:由单词过渡到短语。)10.Choose ,write and say.T: You can listen and write. Now lets choose, write and say.Step 3. Consolidation 1.Read the story of The sheep.Step 1: Read by yourself and underline the word you cant .(自读并画出你不会的单词。)Step 2: Read in a group.(小组一起读。)2.Summary.T: What we have learned today? Step 4. Assignment1. Listen and imitate P26.2.Read the stories The three fish & The sheep after class and try to act it out.3.Copy the words on P26 for 4 times.(抄写P26单词四遍) 4. Play letter games with your friends.(和朋友们一起玩一玩ch/sh的拆音和拼音游戏)6.板书设计 Unit3 My school calendar A Lets spell chicken chip fish shoes teacher ch China sh lunch shirt brushes 9 / 9


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