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五年级英语上册期末试卷一、单词辨音。找出下面每组单词中划线部分发音不同的单词,并将其字母编号在答题卡上涂黑。(5 分)()1.A. son()2.A. teaB.hopeB.cleanC. cokeC. bread()3. A.bunB. putC. run()4. A.hotB. hobbyC. hour()5.A. iceB.canC. cat1.make as2.abofj3.ChildrensP4.a niced二、单词拼写。看图或根据中文提示,在答题卡相应的位置上写出单词所缺的字母。(8 分)5.a big h6.awday7.a s8.at them1.例 如fe2.大量的po3.迅速地走wq4.在午餐时间atl三、单项选择。选择最佳答案,并把其英文字母编号写在括号内。()1. Jiamin eatstoomuchevery day. So he isheavy.A.vegetablesB. teaC. chocolate() 2. I dont likeswimming.Igoswimming.A. alwaysB.seldomC.usually() 3. Sams parents arealwaysbusyweekdays.A.atB. onC. in() 4. Mike lovesEnglishfoodssandwiches andchips.A. likeB. areC.is()5.Janetloveschildrenandshesgoodatusingnumbers.Shewantsto be.A. afactoryworkerB. anartteacherC. a mathsteacher() 6. Its cold outside.Iwantdo drink.A.somethinghotB.somethingcoldC. hotsomething()7.Look!Theskyturnsdark(黑)。I thinkitwillbe.A. rainyB.warmC.sunny()8. Everythinggood. I really enjoy themeal.A.tasteB. tastesC.are() 9. Western people usually havemealswith。A. a knifeandforkB. forksandbowlsC. chopsticks and bowls() 10.A:Whatsthenow?B:Its 28 。A.weatherB.temperatureC.date() 11.A:is Xiaoling? B: Maybe shes in her studynow.A.WhereB.WhenC.What() 12.A:the fruits? B:Very fresh.A. DoyouwantB. Wouldyou likeC. What do you think of() 13.A:yourmotheroftenbadminton?B: Yes. She loves badminton.A.Does,playsB.Do,playC. Does,play() 14.A:Do you want teaorwater?B:.A. Yes,IdoB.Water, pleaseC.I dont likechips() 15.A:How much are thedrinks?B: The coke is 2.50, the coffee and the milk 5.00each. Thatwillbe.A. 7.50B.10.00C. 12.50四、句子理解。根据问句,找出答语,并将其字母编号在答题卡上涂黑。(5 分)() 1. Whatsyourhobby?A. In thegym.() 2. What can therobotdo?B. Keepingpets.() 3. Hows the weather inEnglandnow?C. It can tellstories.() 4. Where should weplaysports?D. Yes. But dont eat too much. () 5. Can I have someicecream?E. Its cloudy andwarm.A.dumplingsB.forC.hopeD.orE.shallF.great五、补全对话。阅读下面对话,从方框内选择正确答案填空,并将其字母编号在答题卡上涂黑。(12 分)I.Kate:Mum,wherewe have lunchtoday?Mum: I have no idea. What do you wanttoeatlunch?Kate: I dontlikesourhotfood.Mum:Whatabout?Kate:OK,! I like vegetabledumplings.Mum: Me too. Theyre good for us.Kate:Iwe can make dumplings at home someday.Mum: Good idea!1.Kate:Mum,wherewe have lunchtoday?2.What do you wanttoeatlunch?3.I dontlikesourhotfood.4.Whatabout?5.OK,! I like vegetabledumplings.6.Iwe can make dumplings at home someday.F. Theyre so coolE. Do you know my hobby?D. How many model ships do you haveC. Whats your hobby?B. Heres one for you.A. I make model shipsII.Lily:,Tim?Tim: My hobby is making models.Lily: Thats good. What model do you usually make?Tim:. Look! Here are my modelships.Lily:Wow!Tim: Thankyou.Lily:?Tim: No, I dont. Whats your hobbythen? Lily: My hobby is collecting model ships. Tim:Really?Lily: I will have one if(如果) you give me one.Tim: Oh,Isee.Haha.7.Lily:, Tim?8.Tim:. Look! Here are my modelships.9.Lily:Wow!10.Lily:?11.Tim:Really?12.Tim: Oh,Isee.Haha.六、阅读理解。(15 分)I. 阅读短文,判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,如符合,在答题卡上涂 “T”, 否则写“F”。AnnisanEnglishlady.SheislivinginGuangzhounow.ShehasanewjobinZhujiangNewTown (珠江新城). Sheworksinatallofficebuilding (办公大楼).From her office, she can see many beautiful places. At the weekend, She likes tohavesomefun.ShewakesupearlyandgoesrunningatZhujiangPark.Then she enjoys morning tea with her friends. Dimsum is her favourite food. In the afternoon,AnnoftendoessomereadinginGuangzhouLibrary.Sometimesshe goes to the cinema. In the evening, she always talks about her days with her parentsinEnglandonthetelephone.ShefeelsveryhappytoliveinGuangzhou. ( ) 1. Ann is living in Englandnow.( ) 2. Ann is studying at school in Guangzhou.() 3. Ann goes running early in the morning at theweekend.() 4. In the afternoon, she often reads books but never goes to the cinema.() 5. Ann loves the life in Guangzhou somuch.MENUStartersTomato andegg soup¥10 Vegetablesalad¥15Desserts and DrinksChocolatecake¥14Icecream¥12Coffee¥9Coke¥7Main CourseRice with potatoes and chicken ¥25 Rice with vegetablesandfish¥26 Rice with tomatoesandegg¥12 Chickensandwich¥12Eggsandwich¥8Steakwithpotatoes¥48II. 阅读下面的菜单(Menu),根据菜单内容选择问题的正确答案,并将其字母编号在 答题卡上涂黑。Milktea¥10() 1. Howmanykinds (种类) ofdrinks are thereonthe menu?A. Two.B.Three.C.Four.() 2. On this menu, what can you have forstarters?A. Tomato andeggsoup.B. Vegetablesalad.C. Both A and B.()3. You want to eat rice for lunch, and now you have 20 yuan. Which can you have?A. Rice with potatoesandchicken.B. Rice with vegetables andfish.C. Rice with tomatoes and egg.() 4. You want steak with potatoes and a cup of coffee, How much are they?A.¥57B.¥55C.¥47() 5.You shouldpay (支付)¥25for.A. Vegetable salad andmilkteaB. Egg sandwich andcokeC. Chicken sandwich and ice cream七、书面表达。本周末,有外国友人到广州参观,请你以“小导游”的身份,根据以下思维导图中的信息,从天气、衣服、食物、活动四方面(从方框里选取信息,但需涉及这四方面)为他们介绍广州。要求表意恰当,时态正确,语句通顺,书写规范, 不少于 5句话。开头已给出,不纳入计分。coat, sweater, jacket, shirt, T-shirt, blouse, trousers, jeans, hat, cap(clothes)dimsum, chicken, soup,dessert,roastgoos(e烧鹅)Guangzhousunny,cool 12-18(weather)(foods)(activities)visit Canton Tower(广州塔)watch flowers at Yuntai Garden go boating at Yuexiu ParkgoonthePearlRiverCruise(珠江夜游)


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