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义务教育教科书(人教)八年级英语下册Section B(1a-1d) 1. 胃/肚子疼 2. 脖子疼3. 头疼4. 嗓子疼, 喉咙疼5. 背疼 6. 感冒7. 发高/低烧8. 咳嗽9. 牙痛I. Do you know how to say the following health problems in English?have a stomachachehave a neck ache/sore neckhave a headachehave a sore throathave a sore backhave/catch a coldhave a high/low feverhave a coughhave a toothache 1. Whats the matter (with sb)? Whats wrong (with sb)?II. If you care about others health, what can you say?(关心他人健康可以怎么说)? 2. A: 你感冒了吗? Do you have a cold? B: 是的。/我不知道。 Yes, I do./I dont know. 3. A: 他/她牙疼吗? Does he/she have a toothache? B: 是的。/ 不,不是的。 Yes, he/she does. / No, he/she doesnt. 4. A: 他们喉咙痛吗? Do they have a sore throat? B: 是的。/ 不,不是的。 Yes, they do. / No, they dont. III. How to give advice(如何给建议)You/We/He/She/They should doYou/We/He/She/Theyd better doYou/We/He/She/They shouldnt doYou/We/He/She/Theyd better not do Q1: He has a toothache. What should he do?他应该看牙医,照X片。 Q2: Mary has a sore throat. What should she do? 她应该喝点热蜂蜜水。 Q3: My two brothers have a high fever.How do you give advice in English?他们应该量体温。 He should see a dentist and get an X-ray. She should drink some hot water with honey. They should take their temperature. When accidents (事故) happen(发生),what should you do? What happened in the pictures?The boy hurt his back. The girl had a nosebleed.Someone cut his/her finger.hurt ones back某人背部受伤have a nosebleed 流鼻血cut ones finger切伤手指 1a Here are some treatments (治疗) from a doctor. Can you put them in the right order? Go to the hospital._ Get an X-ray._ Rest for a few days.123First, he should go to the hospital. Then he should get an X-ray. Finally, he should rest for a few days.What should he do ? _ Clean her face._ Put her head back._ Put on a clean T-shirt. _ Put a bandage on it._ Run it under water._ Put some medicine on it. 312 213What should she do ?First, she should Second, she should Finally, she should 1b Listen to the school nurse. Check ( ) the problems you hear.Problems Someone felt sick. ( )Someone cut his knee. ( ) Someone had a fever. ( ) Someone had a nosebleed. ( ) Someone hurt his back. ( ) Someone got hit on the head. ( ) 1c Listen again. Write the letter of each treatment next to the problems you checked in the chart above.Problems TreatmentsSomeone felt sick. ( )Someone cut his knee. ( ) Someone had a fever. ( ) Someone had a nosebleed. ( ) Someone hurt his back. ( ) Someone got hit on the head. ( ) a. put a bandage on it b. took his temperaturec. told him to rest d. put some medicine on ite. took him to the hospital to get an X-rayf. told her to put her head back a、dfeTreatments b、c 1d Role-play a conversation between the nurse and the teacher. Use the information in 1b and 1c.A: Who came to your office today?B: First, a boy came in. He hurt himself in P.E. class.A: What happened?B: B: He hurt his back.A: What should he do?B: First, he should go to the hospital. Then he should get an X-ray. Finally, he should rest for a few days. PairworkTeacher: Who came to your office today?Nurse: First, a girl/ boyTeacher: What happened?Nurse: Make a conversation with your partner. illness: a disease of the body or mind, or the condition of being ill指身体上或精神上的疾病。accident: sth that happens without anyone planning or intending it一般是指造成死亡、伤害、损坏或者其他损失的意外情况。 1. 区分 illness和accident What happened?happenvi.引起,发生。 通常指发生意外和事故。 eg. 意外有时候会发生。 Accidents sometimes happen.常用的搭配有: happen to sb 降临到(某人)身上 What happened to you? 你怎么了?(意为 “什么事情降临到你身上了”)2. 如何询问发生事情。 What should I/he/she/we/they do? 我/他/她/我们/他们应该怎么做?在给别人建议时,应该说:Sb. should do sth (should + V原形)你应该好好休息。You should have a good rest.他们应该睡一觉。 They should get some sleep.他应该去医院看看。He should go to the hospital.3.如何询问建议。 4. 碰到意外事故时,应该如何给别人建议。 因为意外事故通常比普通的病痛较难处理,因此 在给对方建议时应该有步骤的说明该做的事情。e.g. A:发生什么事了? What happened? B: 我腿受伤了。我该怎么办? I hurt my leg. What should I do ? A: 首先,你应该去医院。 其次,你应该照X片。 First, you should go to the hospital. Second/Then, you should get an X-ray. 最后,你应该好好休息几天。 Finally, you should rest for a few days. 注:可通过使用first (首先)和 second(其次/第二)等序数词 来表达动作先后顺序。也可以用then (然后)来说明中间的步骤。 最后的动词可以用finally (最后)来表示。 用绷带包扎一下put a bandage on it用水冲洗 run it/sth under water上药 put some medicine on it把头后仰put ones head back穿一件干净的T恤put on a clean T-shirt5. 常见的伤口处理方法洗脸clean ones face去医院go to the hospital照X片get an X-ray休息几天 rest for a few days Knowledge is a measure, but practise is the key to it.知识是珍宝,而实践是获取它的钥匙.


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