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Unit 2:Reading and WritingFriendship Advice:Ask Dr.GreenRevisionTranslate the following phrases into English.1.以某人的名字命名2.附近的小区3.聚会,见面4.每三年5.相处,应付6.玩得非常开心7.一位来访的亲戚8.偶尔9.成百上千的be named afternearby neighbourhoodget togetherevery three yearsget alonghave a good time/enjoy oneselfa visiting relativeoccasionallyhundreds of 10.朋友圈11.非常沉迷某事12.有点儿不合群13.宁愿.也不.14.与某人会面15.不是常用电脑的人16.面对面17.与某人交朋友circle of friendsbe into stha bit of a lonerwould rather.than.meet up withnot much of a computer userface to facemake freinds withScanningQuestion What does Dr.Green do?She is a doctor of modern sciences.She is a doctor of animals.She is an expert in relationships.Skimming1.What is the problem with Bad Haircut?2.What advice does Dr.Green give her?Her friend Susan always criticizes her,which annoys her very much.She is wondering if she should give up the friendship.Tell Susan that these comments hurt her feelings.Its time to find a new friend.Y1.Whats the problem with Not with the Band?Y2.What advice does Dr.Green give him?His friend John has joined a band and hung out with his new friends.These friends did bad things and he has got into trouble.He is wondering if he can save the friendship.Talk to John to see whether you can give him any help.But dont get involved in his unhealthy interests.Language points1.嘲笑2.应该3.每次4.放弃5.明确表态6.作评论7.伤害某人感情8.使某人出丑9.对.感觉有信心10.嫉妒laugh atought toevery timegive upspeak upmake comments on sthhurt ones feelingsput sb.downfeel good about.be jealous of11.参加帮派12.与某人泡在一起 13.露面,现身14.过去常常15.辜负某人,让某人失望16.陷入麻烦17.一直争斗18.产生隔阂19.确保20.参与某事,与.有关联hang out with sb.show upused tolet sb.downget into troublefight all the timegrow apartmake sureget involved in


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