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3A M1单元参考班级 姓名 学号 得分 听力部分50%(每题读两遍)一、听录音,选出你听到的单词,将编号填在()内 10%( )1. A. ball B. tall C. doll( )2. A. blow B. blue C. balloon( )3. A. Miss B. Mr C. Mrs( )4. A. draw B. cut C. stick( )5. A. cake B. make C. plate( )6. A. fat B. sad C. bad( )7. A. get B. fold C. pick( )8. A. three B. tree C. tea( )9. A. one B. only C. old( )10. A. he B. she C. me二听录音,给下列图片编号。10%1. ( )( )( )( )( )2. ( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、听录音,将听到的句子的编号填在()内10%( )1. A. How are you? B. How old are you?( )2. A. She is my new teacher. B. He is my new teacher.( )3. A. Good morning, Dad. B. Good morning, Mum.( )4. A. Jane likes cakes. B. Jane makes cakes.( )5. A. Hello, Im Dolly. B. Hello, this is Dolly.( )6. A. Open your book. B. Close your book.( )7. A. Whats your name? B. Whats his name?( )8. A. Open the door. B. Open the window.( )9. A. Get a card. B. Get a car.( )10. A. Heres your cake. B. Heres a cake.四、听录音,将听到的应答句的编号填在()内10%( )1. A. I am fine. B. I am five. ( )2. A. My names Danny. B. His names Danny.( )3. A. Happy Birthday. B. Thank you.( )4. A. Thank you. B. OK.( )5. A. Good night. B. Goodbye.五、判断句子与录音内容是否一致,是用T、否用F表示 10%( )1. How old are you? Im five.( )2. Heres a cake for you.( )3. Whats your name? My names Kitty.( )4. Hello! Im Mr Cat.( )5. Clean the window.笔试部分50%一、正确书写下列句子,注意大小写和标点符号 12%how are you fine thankswhats your name my names peterhow old are you im eight二、选出不同类的单词,将编号填在括号内 5%( ) 1. A. Fang B. Mr C. Mrs D. Miss( ) 2. A. draw B. cut C. car D. stick( ) 3. A. stand B. sit C. open D. blackboard ( ) 4. A. seven B. eight C. tree D. three( ) 5. A. Ben B. Tom C. I D. Kitty三、选出与例词划线部分发音相同的词 3%( ) 1. cake A. fat B. man C. make( ) 2. hand A. table B. fat C. plate( ) 3. he A. net B. she C. take四、填写正确的单词于横线上,每格填一个单词 10%1. Good morning, boys and .2. Jane likes .3. This is Zhang.4. the door, please.5. How are you? Im five.五、选择填空 10%( ) 1. Hi, Peter. How are you? . A. Five B. Im tall C. Fine ( ) 2. What are they? dolls. A. Its B. They are C. He is ( ) 3. John is hungry. He wants some . A. cakes B. cola C. jam ( ) 4. Is it animal? Yes, it is big animal. A. an a B. an an C. a an ( ) 5. It is cold. the window, please. A. Clean B. Close C. Open ( )6. the blackboard, please. A. Clean B. Close C. Open( )7. Pick up your pencil. And your name. A. fold B. write C. draw( )8. How are ? A. you B. your C. youre( )9. Shes my grandmother. Shes . A. Mr Wang B. Mrs Wang C. sister( )10. are you? Five. A. How B. Who C. How old六、阅读短文并判断,正确的用T,不正确的用F 10%My name is Kitty. Im eight years old. Im tall and thin. I can play ping-pong. I like apples. Today is Dannys birthday. He is my friend. He is nine years old. He is tall and fat. He can play football. He likes bananas. There is a birthday cake on the table. Its yummy.( ) 1. Danny is eight years old.( ) 2. Kitty can play ping-pong.( ) 3. Today is Kittys birthday.( ) 4. There is a cake on the table.( ) 5. Danny likes apples and bananas.听力材料一、1. tall 2. blow 3. Mrs 4. cut 5. cake 6. fat 7. pick 8. three 9. old 10. she(B A C B A A C A C B)二、1. stand up; open the door; pick up the pencil; close the door; sit down (2 4 1 5 3)2. seven; eight; two; ten; nine (5 4 2 3 1)三、1. How are you? 2. She is my new teacher.3. Good morning, Mum. 4. Jane likes cakes.5. Hello, this is Dolly. 6. Open your book.7. Whats his name? 8. Open the window.9. Get a car. 10. Heres a cake.(A A B A B A B B B B )四、1. How old are you? 2. Whats your name?3. Happy Birthday! 4. Clean the blackboard, please.5. Goodbye!(B A B B B)五、1. How are you? Im fine.2. Heres your cake.3. Whats your name? My names Kitty.4. Hello! Im Miss Cat.5. Close the window.(F F T F F )


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