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书面表达突破(六)俗语/谚语类原题再现我国有一句著名的俗语“有志者,事竟成”。请以“Where There Is a Will,There Is a Way”为题写一篇100词左右的短文,并发表自己的看法。写作模板学生习作It is wellknown to us that the proverb俗语/谚语. It means that俗语/谚语的涵义. Indeed, we can learn many things from it.For one thing,列举1. For example,举例. For another,列举2. Last but not least,列举3. In my opinion,我的观点. If you understand the proverb and apply it to your study or work, you will necessarily benefit a lot from it.Where There Is a Will,There Is a WayIt is wellknown to us that the proverb “Where there is a will, there is a way.”It means that anyone who has a strong mind can achieve his goal.Indeed, we can learn many things from it. For one thing, when you failed to do something, never lose heart. For example, Thomas Edison failed about 2,000 times before he succeeded in inventing the light. For another, as it is widely recognized that thought decides behavior, nothing will be hard to a determined and persistent person. Last but not least, confronting with enormous difficulties or frustration, only a man holding a steel will can get through and embark on a new way with a promising prospect. In my opinion, living in an age when the modern competition becomes more and more fierce, a strong will seems more necessary. If you understand the proverb and apply it to your study or work, you will necessarily benefit a lot from it.名师点评本文对该句谚语对人们的启迪分析得非常到位,在分析的过程中用了for ong thing,for another,last but not least等过渡词语,使文章生动流畅,这是亮点一;在写作过程中用了大量的高级词汇及句式,如remind sb. that., achieve ones goals,lose heart,determined,persistent,confront, enormous,embark on,fierce等,使文章生动有趣,这是亮点二;最后一句用了条件状语从句,留给了读者广阔的思考空间,为亮点三。仿写训练根据下面的汉语提示,写一篇100词左右的英语短文。古人云:“天生我材必有用”(There must be a use for my talent.)。请你描述你生活中的一件事,说明人各有所长,无论才能大小都能成为有用的人。参考范文There is an old saying that there must be a use for my talent.I have regarded it as my motto for many years.From my point of view,there is no difference between one person and another with some useful talent,and everyone will make his contributions to this society.When I was ten years old,there was an old man living at the corner of Road.He didnt have the opportunity to study in school,but he learned how to make wood furniture.Every time people went to ask him to solve some problems of furniture,he was willing to help them.To my surprise,in his spare time,he would make some toys with small pieces of wood.Some of them were sold to toy stores and the others were given to us.The moment I see the lovely toys made by this old man,I would remember the happy childhood.From this old man,we can see whatever kind of talent you have,the most important factor is your confidence.If you believe that there must be a use for your talent,you will succeed.补偿练习1阅读理解It Costs a Bit More but Has Something NewTaiwans Education Minister Cheng Jeicheng announced in November that Taiwan authorities would open universities and colleges to mainland students and acknowledge mainland academic degrees,starting in 2009.Details of the plan may be released before the Lunar New Year,according to South Weekend.Q:How many students does this involve?A:The exact figure is still under consideration,but media estimates put the figure at around 1,000 for 2009.Q:Who can apply?A:Only mainland students from fewer than 40 universities and colleges with “distinguished academic reputations” will be accepted for study in Taiwan.The list of schools is being finalized.Q:What can I study?A:Fields involving national security and medical treatments are out of the question. Applications for “sensitive” subjects like nuclear science will be given serious consideration,but may be rejected.During their course of study,mainland students will be prohibited from taking parttime jobs off campus and will not be allowed to take part in professional licensing tests in Taiwan.After graduation,mainland students will not be allowed to stay and work in Taiwan.Q:How much does it cost?A:When living expenses are added in,the cost of study in Taiwan may run to around 20,000 to 30,000 yuan a year.1Whats the best title for this passage?AMainland Students Travel to TaiwanBMainland Students Find Work in TaiwanCTaiwan Universities and Colleges Are Open to Mainland StudentsDIs It Worthwhile to Study in Taiwan答案C解析标题归纳题。这是继海峡两岸“三通”之后的一篇新闻报道,即台湾的大学开始向内地学生开放。所以C项是正确选项。新闻没提到“到台湾旅游”之事,故排除A项;B项文章中没有提及;本文只是一篇新闻报道,并不是对某事进行评述,所以D项也不正确。2Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?AMainland academic degrees are accepted in Taiwan.BThe number of mainland students to study in Taiwan is limited.COnly some mainland students are allowed to study in Taiwan.DMainland students can study any courses they like in Taiwan.答案D解析细节理解题。A项意为“内地的学位在台湾也会得到认可”;B项意为“台湾录取内地学生的数量是有限制的”;C项意为“只有一部分内地学生允许到台湾学习”;D项意为:“内地学生可以在台湾学习他们喜欢的任何课程”。根据“What can I study?”答语部分中的内容可知,在台湾内地学生不是所有的课程都可以学的。故答案选D项。3If you are accepted for study in Taiwan,you_.Acan stay in Taiwan to work after graduationBcan take part in parttime jobs to support your studyCwill spend moreDcan take part in licensing tests related to professions答案C解析细节理解题。A、B和D项在“What can I study?”答语部分中均可找到排除的依据。故只有C项正确。4What does the underlined phrase“out of the question” most probably mean?AImpossible. BCertain.CUnder consideration. DPossible.答案A解析短语猜测题。根据“What can I study?”答语部分中的“national security”可以推断出该短语的意思是“不可能的”。5_ are most interested in this news.AAll the students BJunior school studentsCAdults DHigh school graduates答案D解析主观推断题。只有高中毕业生才会想要去台湾的大学就读,所以,高中毕业生应该对本篇报道最感兴趣。补偿练习2书面表达(2009成都二次月考)科学技术在青少年中的影响日益扩大。某学校对学生们使用现代化产品,包括电脑上网,发送短信,听MP3等进行了一次调查,结果如下图。请根据图中的信息,写一篇英语短文,并针对这些信息发表你的看法,词数为100左右。参考范文With the development of technology,it has more and more influence on teenagers.Many teenagers use the latest technological products at school.According to the recent survey on the technological products the students use daily at school,there are 22.30 percent of the students who use cellphones every day at school while about 21.60 percent of the students have access to the Internet.Most students,about 30.70 percent,send instant messages,and about 16.30 percent of the students listen to MP3 for pop songs.The rest of the students,about 9.1 percent,use other technological products at school.Teenagers are at a stage when they easily become interested in the new things,which reflects their strong curiosity about the unknown world.What is the most important is that teenagers should use technological products scientifically and appropriately,which means they shouldnt make technology destroy their learning and life.


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