Job Responsibilities -工作责任 NO.05 2 uDelegation:授权/委派 Assignment of projects, tasks, and responsibilities to subordinates.uAnalysis:分析 Research, measurement, and assessment of situations, projects, facts and figures to facilitate decision-making by higher level management. 3 uTracking:跟踪 Tracing the progress of business projects and tasks through measurement of available data.uQC:质量监控 Quality Control, process of ensuring consistently high standards of performance and/or products and services. 4 uAuditin:审计 Verification and troubleshooting to ensure that rules or guidelines are followed accurately (e.g. GAAP-Generally Accepted Accounting Procedures).uManaging:管理 Responsible for overseeing projects, tasks, and personnel. 5 uReporting:汇报/报告 Collect, summarize and convey facts and figures in a specified format for further analysis and/or to aid in decision-making (closely related to Tracking).uSelling:销售 Providing a service, benefit or product to a customer for monetary gain. 6 uStrategies:策划/战略规划 Creating, developing and charting the overall vision, mission and objectives of a business entity.uResearching:调研 Looking for and investigating facts and figures pertinent to any business matter, whether it be an answer to a question or project-oriented. 7 uPurchasing:采购 Responsible for buying equipment and/or supplies necessary for company operations. 8 UsageuRegardless of the functional area, whether it be marketing, finance, or whatever, a major project entails many elements performed in the proper comprehensive sequence of elements/events that come into play while executing a major project. 9 u无论是市场营销,财务或其他什么部门,任何大项目的完成和成功都需要多方面因素,按照一定顺序协调工作。以下是在项目实施过程中各方面因素协同工作的一个简略顺序: 10 uStrategy Defining the goal and purpose.uResearch Getting necessary facts and figures.uTracking & Analysis Monitoring and assessing the research material. 11 uReporting Communicating the actionable items.uPurchasing Acquiring necessary equipment, tools, or supplies.uDelegation Assigning workload. 12 uManagement Administering and driving results.uSelling Exchanging project results for benefits.uAuditing & QC Follow-up process to ensure that customers are getting value for their money. 13 SummaryuWhen you clearly understand your job responsibilities, you can perform your job more effectively. It avoids misunderstanding, conflicts and keeps the workflow process functioning smoothly. It makes it easier to identify which person is the right choice to get the job done. 14 u当你明确并理解了你的工作职责后, 你就可以更有效率地完成你的工作。这就避免了一些不必要的误会和冲突,并使工作更加流畅。同时,工作责任明确后,才更容易判断谁最适合这项工作。 15The end