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Reading Grammar Writing Culture express Listening and speakingReadingGrammarWritingCulture expressContent Reading Grammar Writing Culture expressl Pronunciation and listening skills l Conversationsl Passage Reading Grammar Writing Culture expressListen to some sentences and check ( ) the number you hear in each sentence. Tips英语数字的尾音 teen和ty,分辨起来难度较大,但却有规 律可循;以teen结尾的数字,其重音在最后一个音节;以ty 结尾的数字,其重音在第一个音节。1 Tonys classroom is on the (30th / 13th) floor of the new teaching building. 2 Mary is celebrating her birthday with friends. Now she is (40 / 14). 3 My room number is (570 / 517).4 I graduated from No. (15 / 50) Middle School. 5 Mary will take Flight MU (1940 / 1914) to Shanghai.6 The story happened in (1830 / 1813). Reading Grammar Writing Culture expressl Conversation 1l Conversation 2Functional languageExercisesExercisesFunctional language Reading Grammar Writing Culture expressListen to a conversation and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).Word tipsexhibition n. 展览ink and wash style 水墨风格outdated adj. 过时的element n. 元素1 . The man speaks highly of the painting exhibition.2 . The paintings are of modern Chinese ink and wash style. 3 . The woman thinks that ink and wash paintings are outdated.TFT Reading Grammar Writing Culture express Listen again and complete the following conversation with what you hear. Pay attention to the function of these expressions. Woman:Man:Woman:Man:WomanMan: Woman: Man: How did you feel aboutIt was greatI thought 2 ) _. I really recommend you go to see it. I heard you went to the painting exhibition. 1 ) _ it? Well. 3 ) _, I seldom go to these art exhibitions. Is it worth seeing?you knowPersonally, 4 ) _ its the best one Ive ever seen. I believe 5 ) _ that I will understand it? Do you think 6 ) _ you will. The paintings are of traditional Chinese ink and wash style.Im sureBut 7 ) _that kind of painting is outdated? As far as Im concerned, the paintings also contain new elements, and Im sure you will enjoy it.dont you think Reading Grammar Writing Culture expressWoman:Man:Woman:Man:Woman:Man: Woman: Man: I heard you went to the painting exhibition. How did you feel about it?I thought it was great. I really recommend you go to see it.Well You know, I seldom go to these art exhibitions. Is it worth seeing? Personally, I believe its the best one Ive ever seen. Do you think that I will understand it?Im sure you will. The paintings are of traditional Chinese ink and wash style.But dont you think that kind of painting is outdated?As far as Im concerned, the paintings also contain new elements, and Im sure you will enjoy it. Reading Grammar Writing Culture expressRole-play a conversation in pairs according to one of the following situations. You may refer to the Functional Language.Situation 1A wants to buy a new mobile phone. He / She doesnt know which one to choose and asks for Bs opinion. Situation 2A and B meet in a painting exhibition and they are talking about a painting. GUIDED CONVERSATION A: Ask for Bs opinion on the mobile phone / painting.B: Express your opinion and ask for As opinion.A: Give your opinion.B: Show agreement or disagreement.A: Show your attitude.(Sample) (Sample)(Reference) Reading Grammar Writing Culture expressNick: Pam:Nick: Pam:Nick: These two mobile phones are both nice. I cant decide which one I should get. How do you think about them?Personally, I believe the blue one is nicer. It is the newest model. What do you think? I like the blue one too, but the price is too high. The silver one also looks nice and its price is reasonable, but it has fewer functions than the blue one.Well, youre right. It will cost you too much to get the blue one. Ok, I will get the silver one.Role play - Sample conversationSituation 1 Reading Grammar Writing Culture expressDave:Susan:Dave:Susan: Dave: What do you think of this painting?Well, It looks nice. ButTo tell you the truth, I dont really know what it is about. Whats your idea?You know, many pictures are not about anything, they are just pretty. It is just like this one. You may be right on that, but there must be some reason why it is painted this way.Maybe. I like this painting anyway. Role play - Sample conversationSituation 2 Reading Grammar Writing Culture expressFunctional LanguageAsking for opinions Giving opinionsAny thoughts on that? I think its good / perfect.Any ideas? I consider it not bad / ideal.How do you think / feel about ? In my opinion / view, How do you like ? Personally, I believeWhat do you think of ? As I see it, Reading Grammar Writing Culture expressListen to a conversation and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). Word tipsawesome adj. 极好的 steal the show 抢尽风头 pass the ball传球 weakness n. 弱点1 . The basketball game was so important that Mike wouldnt miss it. TTF 2 . John scored the most points in the game and proved that he is the best player.3 . Is According to Mike, John still has some other weaknesses besides passing the ball. Reading Grammar Writing Culture express1 . _ , I dont think they could win a game without him. 2 . _ that this is his only weakness . Listen again and complete the following conversation with what you hear. Pay attention to the function of these expressions.FranklyIt seems to me Anyway3 . _, as his fan, _ hes the greatest. I think Reading Grammar Writing Culture expressMary: Mike: Mary: Mike: Mary:Mike: Mary:Mike: Mary:Mike: Hi, Mike. Did you watch the basketball game yesterday?Of course. I wouldnt miss such an important game.Any thoughts on Johns performance?Awesome. He scored the most points and once again proved that he is the best player.Youre right. He stole the show yesterday.Frankly, I dont think they could win a game without him.How about his passing the ball yesterday?It seems to me that this is his only weakness.But anyone would feel a little nervous in the final match.Anyway, as his fan, I think hes the greatest. Reading Grammar Writing Culture expressRole-play a conversation in groups of three according to one of the following situations. You may refer to the Functional Language.Situation 1A and B are shopping in a department store. A tries on a coat and asks Bs opinion about it. Situation 2A is an art major. He / She has just finished a piece of self-portrait (自画像) and asks Bs opinion about it.GUIDED CONVERSATION A: Ask Bs opinion about the coat / self-portrait.B: Express your opinion.A: Say what you think of Bs opinion.B: Further express your opinion.A: Ask why B thinks so.B: Give your reason.(Sample) (Sample) Reading Grammar Writing Culture expressMaria: Steve: Maria: Steve:Maria: Steve: Maria: Look! This coat is really nice. It goes with my shoes. Whats your opinion?En This coat is very stylish. Really? Whats your feeling about its color?Im quite sure that the color is very pretty. Why do you think so? Dont you think it is too bright for me?Not at all. In my opinion, you look very attractive in this color.Great! Ill take this one. Role play - Sample conversationSituation 1 Reading Grammar Writing Culture expressKeith: Meg:Keith: Meg : Keith : Meg:Keith: So, what do you think of my self-portrait? Ive just finished it.Oh! It looks great, but I think a few places need to be modified.Really? Could you please show me which places need modifying?To be frank, I think the color above the nose and the lines of the chin need to be revised. Er Could you please explain in detail?As I see it, the color above the nose is not deep enough and the lines of chin look blurry. They dont look quite natural.That sounds reasonable. Thanks for your suggestion. Role play - Sample conversationSituation 2 Reading Grammar Writing Culture expressFunctional LanguageAsking for opinions Giving opinionsHow does seem to you?Do you think / feel / believe ?How about ?Whats your opinion about ?What are your thoughts on ?What is your feeling / idea / view about ? It seems to me thatGenerally / Frankly speaking, I thinkId just like to sayIm quite sure thatTo be quite honest / frank, I tend to think that Reading Grammar Writing Culture expressListen to a passage and match the events in Column A with the place and time in Column B and Column C. Column A Column B the ancient Olympic Games the first modern Olympic Gamesthe players from the Peoples Republic of China won the first Olympic gold medal GreeceLos AngelesWord tipsGreece 希腊(欧洲东南部国 家)Los Angeles 洛杉矶(美国 加利福尼亚州城市)Column C 1896around 776 B.C.1984 Reading Grammar Writing Culture expressListen again and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). 1 . Women have been allowed to take part in the games since the Olympics started. 2 . The Winter Olympics are usually held two years after the Summer. 3 . The players from the Peoples Republic of China won the first Olympic gold medal in the 2 3 rd Summer Olympics.FTT Reading Grammar Writing Culture expressThe ancient Olympic Games began in Greece around 7 7 6 B.C. Many of the sports were the same as they are now. But at that time women were not allowed to take part in the games.The first modern Olympic Games were held in Greece in 1 8 9 6 . Both the Summer and Winter Olympics are held every four years. The Winter Olympics are usually held two years before the Summer Olympics.The 2 3 rd Summer Olympics were held in Los Angeles in 1 9 8 4 . The players from the Peoples Republic of China won the first gold medal in the games. The Chinese players have won many medals since then and China has done a lot for the development of the Olympic Games. Reading Grammar Writing Culture expressWork in groups to make a brief introduction to the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games or the 2012 London Olympic Games. Do some research before class if needed. Reading Grammar Writing Culture expresslPassage AlPassage BA quest to cycle across continentsYogaReading Reading Grammar Writing Culture expressA quest to cycle across continentsl Lead-inl Text studyl ExercisesPassage A Reading Grammar Writing Culture expressLead-in l Extended readingl Questionsl Video appreciation Reading Grammar Writing Culture expressLead-in - Video appreciation Reading Grammar Writing Culture express 撒 哈 拉 的 故 事 书 摘 三 毛去 年 冬 天 的 一 个 清 晨 , 荷 西 和 我 坐 在 马 德 里 的 公 园 里 。那 天 的 气 候 非 常 寒 冷 , 我 将 自 己 由 眼 睛 以 下 都 盖 在 大 衣 下 面 ,只 伸 出 一 只 手 来 丢 面 包 屑 喂 麻 雀 。 荷 西 穿 了 一 件 旧 的 厚 夹 克 ,正 在 看 一 本 航 海 的 书 。“ 三 毛 , 你 明 年 有 什 么 大 计 划 ? ” 他 问 我 。“ 没 什 么 特 别 的 , 过 完 复 活 节 以 后 想 去 非 洲 。 ”“ 摩 洛 哥 吗 ? 你 不 是 去 过 了 ? ” 他 又 问 我 。“ 去 过 的 是 阿 尔 及 利 亚 , 明 年 想 去 的 是 撒 哈 拉 沙 漠 。 ”荷 西 有 一 个 很 大 的 优 点 , 任 何 三 毛 所 做 的 事 情 , 在 别 人 看 来 也 许 是 疯 狂 的 行 为 , 在 他 看 来 却 是 理 所 当 然 的 。 所 以 跟所 以 跟 他 在 一 起 也 是 很 愉 快 的 事 。 Lead-in - Extended reading Reading Grammar Writing Culture express“ 你 呢 ? ” 我 问 他 。“ 我 夏 天 要 去 航 海 , 好 不 容 易 念 书 , 服 兵 役 , 都 告 一 个段 落 了 。 ” 他 将 手 举 起 来 放 在 颈 子 后 面 。“ 船 呢 ? ” 我 知 道 他 要 一 条 小 船 已 经 好 久 了 。“ 黑 稣 父 亲 有 条 帆 船 借 我 们 , 明 年 去 希 腊 爱 琴 海 , 潜 水去 。 ”我 相 信 荷 西 , 他 过 去 说 出 来 的 事 总 是 做 到 的 。“ 你 去 撒 哈 拉 预 备 住 多 久 ? 去 做 什 么 ? ”“ 总 得 住 个 半 年 一 年 吧 ! 我 要 认 识 沙 漠 。 ” 这 个 心 愿 是我 自 小 念 地 理 以 后 就 有 的 了 。 Lead-in - Extended reading Reading Grammar Writing Culture express Match the following expressions with the pictures below.A travel to explore lifeB do some volunteer workC participate in international education programsD have a working holidayA B CDPre-reading questions Reading Grammar Writing Culture express1. Whats your plan after graduation? Would you like to do the above activities if you had a chance? 2. Have you ever heard about the gap year? If yes, what do you know about it? Work in groups to discuss the following questions.Pre-reading questions Reading Grammar Writing Culture expressText studyl Organization of the textl Language pointsl Text reading Reading Grammar Writing Culture expressA quest to cycle across continents1. While the graduates of 2011were busy job hunting, their senior Zheng Sheng, was not acting as a “role model.” Having worked for six months in Shanghai, Zheng Sheng decided to quit his job, pack his bag, and cycle to London. “I heard that Europeans can have a gap year to experience life. But in China, the year between college and work cannot be wasted,” said Zheng, 23. “I wanted to prove that a person with a common background and without much money can still make his dream come true.”_ Reading Grammar Writing Culture express2. Starting out on March 5 in Shanghai, Zheng spent 136 days traveling through 11 countries in Asia and Europe. He finally arrived in London on July 18. During his journey, he experienced a lot. In Kazakhstana wolf chased him one night. Zheng escaped by riding his bicycle to a nearby house. Another time, he only had bread and water to eat for several days and had bad stomach pains. But he did not give up. “In the future, when I have a career, things will tie me down. So now I have to grab my chance for adventure,” he said._A quest to cycle across continents Reading Grammar Writing Culture express3. He camped, often in forests, instead of sleeping in hotels. “Travel is not about getting from one point to another; it is about exploring life,” said Zheng.4. While cycling in France one night he got injured and broke his flashlight. Zheng was desperate, but a French driver stopped his car and took Zheng to his house to spend the night. _A quest to cycle across continents Reading Grammar Writing Culture express5. “It was a big surprise to me. I asked him why he helped me. He told me that he was also fond of cycling but was afraid of cycling at night. He wished that people would help him at those times, so he helped me,” said Zheng. Zheng was touched by the mans words. “I realized that the best way to thank someone for his help was to reach out to help other people,” he said. 6. Zhengs knees were still painful from his injuries, but he never regretted his journey. 7. “This journey was my dream. It might not change my life, but it surely changed my attitude. I am happy because I was able to fulfill my dream._ _A quest to cycle across continents Reading Grammar Writing Culture expressOrganization of the textStructure Part I (Para. _)Part II (Para. _) Part III (Para. _)12 -61 3Starting: Zhengs decision.The procession: Zhengs experiences Conclusion: What Zheng learned from the cycle. Reading Grammar Writing Culture expressWhile the graduates of 2011 were busy job hunting, their senior Zheng Sheng, was not acting as a “role model.”当 2011 届 的 毕 业 生 们 正 忙 着 找 工 作 之 际 , 他 们 的 学长 郑 盛 却 并 没 有 做 一 个 好 的 “ 榜 样 ” 。while我 在 等 公 交 车 时 , 三 辆 相 反 方 向 的 车 驶 过 。While I was waiting at the bus stop, three buses went by in the opposite direction.当 时 , 在 时 (Line 1, Para. 1) Reading Grammar Writing Culture expressbe busy (in) doing sth.安 迪 在 为 考 试 忙 着 学 习 。Andy is busy studying for the exam. 忙 于 做 某 事While the graduates of 2011were busy job hunting, their senior Zheng Sheng, was not acting as a “role model.”(Line 1, Para. 1) Reading Grammar Writing Culture expressHaving worked for six months in Shanghai, Zheng Sheng decided to quit his job, pack his bag, and cycle to London. 在 上 海 工 作 了 半 年 后 , 郑 盛 决 定 辞 去 工 作 , 收 拾 行 囊 ,骑 自 行 车 去 伦 敦 。 做 完 作 业 , 他 就 去 睡 觉 了 。 Having fished his homework, he went to bed. 平 行 结 构 通 常 由 介 词 短 语 、 动 词 短 语 、 分 词 短 语 、 不 定 式 短 语 等词 组 并 列 而 成 。having worked 是 现 在 分 词 的 完 成 形 式 , 在 句 中 作 状 语 , 说 明 它的 动 作 在 主 要 谓 语 动 词 表 示 的 动 作 之 前 发 生 。(Line 4, Para. 1) Reading Grammar Writing Culture express“But in China, the year between college and work cannot be wasted,” said Zheng, 23.“ 但 是 在 中 国 , 大 学 毕 业 和 工 作 之 间 的 这 一 年 不 能 被浪 费 的 , ” 23 岁 的 郑 盛 说 。It cannot be wasted 这 项 工 作 必 须 要 在 短 时 间 内 完 成 。This work must be done in a short time. 是 含 有 情 态 动 词 的 被 动 结 构 , 该 结 构 由 “ 情 态 动 词 +be + 动词 的 过 去 分 词 ” 构 成 。 (Line 9, Para. 1) Reading Grammar Writing Culture expressStarting out on March 5 in Shanghai, Zheng spent 136 days traveling through 11 countries in Asia and Europe. 3月 5日 从 上 海 出 发 , 郑 盛 花 了 136天 的 时 间 穿 越 了 亚欧 的 11个 国 家 。at 后 接 时 间 点 或 小 地 点at 8:30; at school表 示 在 某 时 介 词 有 at, on 和 in, at 和 in 还 可 以 用 来 表 示 在 某 地 ,它 们 的 区 别 是 :(Line 1, Para. 2) Reading Grammar Writing Culture expresson后 接 星 期 、 某 日 、 具 体 的 某 一 天 的 上 午 或 下 午 。on Tuesday morning; on July 4thin 后 接 表 示 周 、 月 、 季 节 、 年 , 泛 指 上 午 、 下 午 或 晚上 及 大 地 点 。in September; in 2010; in BeijingStarting out on March 5 in Shanghai, Zheng spent 136 days traveling through 11 countries in Asia and Europe. (Line 1, Para. 2) Reading Grammar Writing Culture express“In the future, when I have a career, things will tie me down. 将 来 , 当 我 找 到 工 作 , 就 会 被 各 种 事 务 牵 绊 。在 时 间 、 条 件 状 语 从 句 中 常 用 一 般 现 在 时 代 替 将 来 时 。If you come tomorrow, I will be very happy如果你明天能来,我会很高兴。(Line 12, Para. 2) Reading Grammar Writing Culture expressHe camped, often in forests, instead of sleeping in hotels. 他 常 常 在 森 林 里 露 营 , 而 不 是 睡 在 酒 店 里 。代 替 ; 而 不 是instead of: used to say what is not used, does not happen, etc., when sth. else is used, happens, etc. I love playing the guitar instead of singing.我喜欢弹吉他而不是唱歌。(Line 1, Para. 3) Reading Grammar Writing Culture expressWhile cycling in France one night he got injured and broke his flashlight. while cycling in France one night 是现在分词作状语,表示在做某事的过程中,又发生了或做另一件事。他 们 在 欧 洲 旅 行 时 结 婚 了 。They got married while traveling in Europe.有 一 晚 , 当 他 骑 行 在 法 国 时 , 受 伤 了 , 手 电 筒 也摔 坏 了 。 (Line 1, Para. 4) Reading Grammar Writing Culture expressget injured: 受伤。这里 get 作系动词,与多数都已形容词化了的过去分词连用,构成系表结构,表示状态的变化 (或动作的结果),其含义等于become,begin to be或 come to be。我 们 不 想 失 去 你 们 任 何 人 。We dont want any of you to get lost.While cycling in France one night he got injured and broke his flashlight. (Line 1, Para. 4) Reading Grammar Writing Culture expressI asked him why he helped me. 我 们 老 师 给 我 们 讲 了 个 故 事 。Our teacher told us a story.ask后 面 跟 了 双 宾 语 结 构 , him作 间 接 宾 语 , why引导 宾 语 从 句 作 直 接 宾 语 。我 问 他 为 什 么 要 帮 助 我 。 (Line 1, Para. 5) Reading Grammar Writing Culture express“I realized that the best way to thank someone for his help was to reach out to help other people,” he said. 他 说 : “ 我 意 识 到 感 谢 他 人 的 最 好 方 式 是 伸 出 手 去 帮助 其 他 人 。 ”我 伸 手 去 抓 他 但 是 他 已 经 不 在 那 儿 了 。I reach out to grasp him but he isnt there any more. 伸 手 去 reach out to: stretch out your arm to do sth. (Line 6, Para. 5) Reading Grammar Writing Culture express低 年 级 和 高 年 级 之 间 将 会 有 一 次 演 讲 比 赛 。There will be a speech contest between the juniors and the seniors. senior 1) n. 高 年 级 学 生 ; 毕 业 班 的 学 生My brother is my senior by two years.2) n. a person who is older than sb. else 年 长 的 人(Line 2, Para. 1) Reading Grammar Writing Culture express如 果 得 不 到 更 高 的 薪 水 , 我 就 辞 职 。Ill quit this job if I cant get a better pay.quitv. to leave a job, school, etc. 辞 职 ; 退 学 ; 离 去他 在 很 小 的 时 候 就 辍 学 了 。He quit schooling when he was very young. (Line 6, Para. 1) Reading Grammar Writing Culture expressgapAfter a gap of 10 years, the relation between the two countries is rebuilt. 两国关系在中断了10年后又重新建立起来。你得补好窗户和门之件的裂缝。 You should fill in all the gaps around windows and doors.1) n. a period of time in which nothing happens 间 隔 ; 间 断2) n. an empty space between two things or two parts of sth. 缺口;裂缝(Line 8, Para. 1) Reading Grammar Writing Culture expresscome trueMy dream of going to college has come true.我上大学的梦想成真了。to happen in the way that sb. has said or hope they would ( 愿 望 、 梦 想 等 ) 实 现 , 成 真(Line 15, Para. 1) Reading Grammar Writing Culture expressspendLily has spent one hour swimming. 丽莉花了一个小时游泳。v. to use (time etc.) for a purpose 花 ( 时 间 等 )衍 伸 短 语 spend money/time on/(in) doing sth.: to use money or time for a particular purpose 花 费 ( 金 钱 或 时间 ) 做 某 事 (Line 2, Para. 2) Reading Grammar Writing Culture expressSwimming cost Lily one hour.游泳花了丽莉一个小时。表 示 花 费 的 表 达 还 有 “ sth. costs sb. + 时 间 / 金 钱 ”和 “ it takes sb. + 时 间 + to do sth.”It took Lily one hour to swim.丽莉花了一个小时游泳。 spend (Line 2, Para. 2) Reading Grammar Writing Culture expressarrive inHe finally arrived in New York with his family. 他最终与他的家人到达了纽约。到 达 表 示 到 达 某 地 , 可 用 arrive in + 大 地 点(Line 4, Para. 2) Mary arrived at the bus station on time.玛丽按时到达了车站。arrive at + 小 地 点 Reading Grammar Writing Culture expresschaseMy dog is chasing a rabbit.我的狗在追赶一只兔子。v. t


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