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关于考研专业复试自我介绍t! 关于考研专业复试自我介绍篇二My name , a pstgrduat sten from TiajinUnivrsi, and wil g my mae degree in ac 202.Id lke tsmmarizemysefrom3 apects:irt, Iman exent earner. In myophmore yea, Iasheentraceeiaion the ExcellntStuentPrr in Tiaj Univesitand as eommendedas thpotgraduate stent isecal curs, and hnI joined he BM Cenr in Tinjin UniversityAfter fiishingunrgauacs, y GPA was 3.8out f 4.5. Second, Im a exelnt prolm-solver. During thelt 4yas, Iae nshd 5projects,incldi te daulc Egineerig Pojctaneen tem, ad soon.An tokpr intheathemtcal ContestnMoelingin22Xand on eond prze in ianin rego Last,Ian xellent tam plyer. Ie bee servin s t monitr for 6 ears ad taeader for2 ears Ad bsds takin moe rsponibilities, Ialso pladgreat emphsisonteamwork, iordr meetthetams galXXompanyis avr famu comny heChina. What more, Iae gretntest njonng ts compny as it has erec systemnd trigprorms, Ieel I cangin the most fro kin n tisomany Thathe reaso whI om her to copete for thi postio. Itrferstomy peonalit, thn Im good ta paer an Im a peson of gtonesytothes. Aso am ae toworuner gret prsur. I I weregivea ac twok, I rmse atI wll ry my st t work hard and will saeno frt to be aqaified rorammr. Ok,thats al. Thnk youvery much o you timeand atteon.


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