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关于英文道歉信集合八篇 英文道歉信篇1DeaSarah, amtibly srry to tell yo tha I am unae to atnd ourbrthdy art nxt Thrday evening Tha owing to te fat tamy ongr rer suddenl fl illand wastanto ahosptl thisrning I haeto o hremmediatelnd ake care fhim. As toythdtor in charg,it wil k aroudfivedy for h ecoer and I have ased my bossor aee. raly eret that cnntgoto eleate your itday ersonally an wold iss teerct ance o enjoyin myslf ith al ou ld frieds Ihave choe all gift f yoand ll endt t yutorow to ow y best wishs. Bsides, plase giemyreards oouries when you et ta the party. Corial,xx 英文道歉信 篇 De Pof。 tnt, Iam verysrryto inform you ta I id not maae o complte th book report yu asignd lat wek,due t asude illne llingupoe afewdaag。 or ths ew day I haee in hosptal with a continuous fer,whch as hu prevente mefromayacaemicativity。 I hrebysit the doctrs not。 I would be vry muchobligedif you cold rantme anthe weefo he tak,as my alth uninbetr。 Hpe you an endmy ituation ndacct yaplo。 Yrs faithfly, Mn 尊敬的Patent教授: 我非常遗憾地告知您我没有完成您上周布置的读书报告,因为几天前我突然生病了。过去的几天中我一直持续高烧,住在医院,因此无法进行任何学术活动。随信是医生的诊断书。如果您能再给一周时间来完成它我将感激不尽,因为现在我的身体正在好转。希望您能理解我的处境并接受我的道歉。您真诚的, 李明 英文道歉信 篇3 Dea guest: Hello, ist of , pleeallw o apologizforth iconveienc ou ae encountere in theabsenc of a oom boke. e aes sry that someuest re unableto mve nde to thfc thtthe roomsaeo rowdedcentl W canrecommend youous ihhameleof the hoe, here ot convenintfor you to leaeyurnamnd cntactinrmain, if thre isa oomfor hefis time ewll inorm you andtay backfor ree,i orde oprs oapolo, weied yocck in to ive u somedcount iscut ad fee breakst.Hava gotime! 英文道歉信 篇 Dea Sir o Madam, As ne ofergr cusmrs f ouronline or,I am wrtngthis lter o eress my omplant againsthfaws i your rodu electronc dctinar Iboughti you shop th thery. Th dctionar is sppedto ba avorbletl formy tud Unfortunatey,Ifound tat hr ae sveal polems. Tobegnih, wnI oend it, detete that the ppeaance of ithad bncatched. eondy, I did notfindthe battry prmied ithe adertisement potdon the homep fou shop,which ks e feetht oue no kp your promise. What is worse,som of th keys n t keyar do not wr. I rongly reuest tat saifatoryexplaationbe in ndfectve meaures sul be taketo rveour serviceanthe ulityof our proc.You ca eth snd eon to m rfun m mny inull. a ling forar to yor rly atyour earliest cvenience. ieel ours i Ha 英文道歉信 篇5XX:Im sosory ,I wlaef hol.I think is a bad abit and bad mannesIil go t scho a ie rlier ,and go to atte asson ime llever be ate forscool aain,pasefrgiv me anbeieve me. Tan you! dte 译文: 英文道歉信篇6 亲爱的客人: 您好!首先请允许我对您遇到的预定没有房间的问题给您带来的不便致以真诚的道歉。由于近来客人较多,客房紧张,导致有些客人无法入住,我们深感抱歉。我们可以介绍您去与我们同等档次的酒店,还有不知您方不方便把您的姓名和联系方式留下,如果有了房间我们会在第一时间通知您并免费接您回来,为了表示我们的歉意,我们决定在您入住时给你一定折扣折并免费提供早餐。 祝您过得愉快! XX酒店 20x年x月x日 英文道歉信 篇 Dea Janet, I am or o tll you that Iwoteablet cme this afrnoon bcase hve to go to he irport at 2:0 . m. o mee an verseas istorom Asia. I rea have kept or dte ny min al e da Hwv, I eceivedmy bosss eai himorngad h ased met otot airport o et ne f his fieds rom abra. t uden and urgntand I ust o lasforgv me ulyou les ring e p to make aother tim? Yours, Tom 英文道歉信 篇8 尊敬的客人:DearGuest: 欢迎阁下莅临全新的XX华龙X大酒店! Wlcome o Halong Magnate oel, haoshan! 相信我们酒店按照五星级标准的设计、设施及服务,皆能迎合当代商务及旅游人士的种种所需。然而,由于我们酒店正处于试营业中,有部分设施及服务项目不到位,届时引起阁下不便之处,敬请谅解。Or nternational -tarstandard eined fclity nd service will mee buiessmno aelersdmds. owever, wefe very orry o alth inconveniecedue o sme facilityandservce is stll in sfteng. 同时,我们酒店管理层及全体员工将上下一心,当竭尽全力尽快改善目前不尽理想之状况,希望能为阁下的下次光临提供更加完善及周到的服务而努力。 Meanhile, uCa of comands wil try our bst to amd te uidlly iuatn and cerousl setng u, offeyoumore hutful osummate service.此外,我们十分渴望得到阁下的一切意见,如蒙赐教,感激不尽,欢迎随时直接与本职联络!我的电话号码是:XXX(分机)。 Futermore, we aegfo gettingyour kindy comment. Werevr apprecied r or cooperationWlcome ctct ith me drecty My telhne s XX9(ext.). 诚意致歉! Sncy pgz! 再次欢迎阁下的光临!Lokigorwarunt mi!


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