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八年级(下)英语期末考试复习题一、单项选择(40 小题,每小题分,共40 分)()1. Where is Tom s and Peters homework?The two students_ ill yesterday, and they didnA. are allB. were allC. are bothD. were both)2. Lovely weather, _it?t come to school.Yes,it is warm today.(A. doesn tB. isntC. won tD. wasn t) 3. _ does he swim?He swims twice a week.(A. How longB. How soonC. How oldD. How often)4. Thank you, mum. I wont do it so well _ your help.A. withB. withoutC. inD. under) 5. If Mr. Smith comes, ask him to leave a _.A. messageB. sentenceC. noticeD. news) 6. The boy wanted to be an engineer when he was a child, _ in the endhe became an actor.A. andB. soC. orD. but) 7. Be quiet, please! The baby _. Sorry.A. sleepsB. sleptC. is sleepingD. was sleeping() 8. John, you really did a good job.(Thanks, but I think I can do it even better if I havetime.A. manyB. muchC. moreD. less) 9. Would you mind my smoking here? _. It says“NO Smoking”.A. Not at allB. You d bettr notC. I think soD. No problem) 10. Go and tell the boywith the fire. Its too dangerous.A. don t playB. not playC. not to playD. not playing) 11.He was _ tired _ he fell asleep as soon as he lay down.A. so; thatB. too; toC. enough; toD. such; that) 12. Look! _ carefully the girl is writing! Yes, she is always very strict with herself.A. HowB. WhatC. what aD. How a() 13. Dictionary is a good teacher. You d better _ the new words idictionary instead of keeping asking others.A. put upB. wake upC. set upD. look up() 14. The visitors are going to _ three days in Henan next week.A. spendB. payC. costD. take() 15. The beautiful music made the kids _ . They began to dance to it.A. boredB. boringC. excitedD. exciting()16 The scientists arrived in Beijing the day before yesterday.A get toBreachedCarrived atDwent to()17Tom, could you please come and do me a favor?Sure.A help youBgive a handCask for helpDhelp me()18 We should drink plenty of boiled water every day.AmuchBmanyCtoo manyDmuch too()19Must we keep the windows open all the time?No, we dont have .toAmustntBcantCneedntDhad better not()20 The girls in our class only cover 20% of the students.Aget upBmake upCput upDgrow up()21 We believe there _ a robot in our school library in ten years.AisBwasCis going to haveDwill be()22I hate _ vegetables.You should try to _ them. It can make you strong and healthy.Aeating; eatB eat; eatingCeating; eatingDeat; eat()23My father _ a music lesson at 8:30 am the day before yesterday.AgivesBgaveCwas givingDwill give()24 You _ wash your hands before meals. Its goodrhealthfor. youAmayBcanChave toDmust()25 A famous scientist wants to _ a new school for the poor childrenin the village.(Aset upBgive upClook upDget up)26Did you finish the work _?Yes, I did it all by _.Amyself; yourselvesByourself; herselfCmyself; ourselvesDyourself; myself()27. Hello,Mike. Glad to see you . How long have you _here?Let me see. About half an hour.(A. comeB.skatedC. leftD. got)28. When will the report end? I _to it for three hours.A. listenB. was listeningC.listenedD. have been listening()29.Everyone in Class 11 _English well.A. studyB. amC. studiesD.are studying()30.If there are _trees, the air will be _cleaner.A.less, moreB. more, muchC. less, muchD.more, more()31. Where is your uncle?He went to Beijing yesterday and will come back _a week.A.beforeB. forC.afterD.in()32. My friend Mike likes _the same clothes as me.A. wearingB. wearsC.putting onD.dressing()33. How are you getting on with your English studying?Not very well.I find _hard to remember the new words.A.ItB. themC. veryD. too()34. Dont read picture books in class,John.Sorry, I _.(A. don tB. cantC. won tD. mustnt)35. I stayed at home watching the NBA game this morning._.A. Sodo IB. Neither did IC. Neither do ID. So did I)36. My brother will call me as soon as he _Shanghai.A. getsB. arrives inC. will get toD. will arrive in)37. Do you know how much water _?She needs only one cup.A. Mum is needB. does Mum needC. Mum needsD. did mum need)38. The old man _for 5 years.Ahas diedB. has been deadC. diedD. was dying()39. I ve just finished _my homework.Really? I _mine two hours ago.A.to do ,didB. doing, didC. doing, have done)40. Lets go hiking, _?A. shall weB. will youC. dont youD. to do ,did D. do we二 完形填空(共 25 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 25 分)阅读下面短文,从短文所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。AEveryone 41 gifts. Some little kids thinks think they don t get enough Some old people think they get 42 gifts. Different people like different kinds of gifts. Some 43 are never too small. A little child may give his mother a leaf 44 a tree. It is enough to make her very happy.Gift giving is different in different countries. In Japan, people sometimes give special gifts. But they are not 45 . Later the same gift may 46 away to someone else. Many people have enough things and don want too many gifts themselves. In Canada, many people will not give big gifts to someone 47 . They will pay for a park bench or a tree to help 48 a person. In the USA, some people ask their families and friends 49 money to charity rather than buy them gifts. In Sweden, doing something foe someone is the best gift. People 50 to spend too much money. Instead, making a meal is enough.()41. A.likeB.likesC.likedD.are like()42. A. too much B. too manyC. many tooD. much too()43. A.giftB. presentC. presentsD. presants()44. A.inB. onC. atD. from()45. A.openB. openedC. openingD.opens()46. A. be giveB. giveC. givenD. be given()47.A.othersB.otherC. elseD.elses()48.A.remember B. to rememberedC. rememberingD.remembered()49.A.giveB.to giveC. givingD.given()50.A.didn t need B. donC.dontneedtneedsD. doesnBAn old man lived in a nice house with a large garden. He took care of his 51 all the time, watering and fertilizing (施肥 ) them.One day a young man passed52the garden. He looked at the beautifulflowers, imagining ( 设想 ) how happy he could be53 he lived in such a beautifulplace. Then suddenly he54the old gardener was blind. He was very55 aboutthis and asked,“ You can t see these flowers. Why are you busy taking care ofthem every day?”The old man smiled and said,“ I can tell 56you. First,four I was a57when I was young, and I really like this job. Second, although 即(使 ) I cant seethese flowers, I can58 them. Third, I can smell the sweetness of them. As to thelast one, that59.”s“ Me? But you don t know me. ” said the young man.“ Yeah, it60 sthat I don t know you. But I know that61 thinks flowersare angels 天(使 ). We enjoy the happiness these flowers bring us.”The blind man s work62 our eyes and pleased our hearts. It also made hislife 63 . It was just like Beethoven. Beethoven wrote a lot of great music, but there was something wrong with his ears in his later life. Beethoven himself couldn 64t his wonderful music, but his music 65 millions of people to facetheir difficulties bravely. Isn t it one kind of happiness?( )51 AgrassBflowersCvegetablesDtrees( )52 AinBaroundCbyDabove()53 AafterBwhenCbeforeDif()54 AfeltBfoundCgotDwatched()55 AsadBworriedChappyDsurprised()56 AexcusesBstoriesCreasonsDfacts()57 AteacherBgardenerCworkerDdoctor()58 AsmellBwaterCpickDtouch()59 Amy children B youCmy wifeD me()60 AwrongBOKCtrueDsure()61 AeverybodyBsomebodyCnobodyDanybody()62 AclosedBopenedChurtDbroke()63 AemptierBbusierCluckierDhappier()64 AhearBplayCseeDwrite()65 AmakesBasksCencouragesDtells四、阅读理解( 15 小题,每小题 2 分,共 30 分)阅读下面三个语言材料,并根据要求答题。AOnce upon a time, there were three tortoises(乌龟) who were friends. One of them was a large tortoise, one was a medium-sized tortoise and the third was a small tortoise.One day they went into a restaurant and ordered some cake.While they were waiting for the cake, they remembered that they hadnt brought any money.Hey, we forgot to bring money to pay for our cake, the big tortoise said.The little tortoise can go home and get it, the medium-sized tortoise said.Hes the youngest, so he should be the one to go.The little tortoise wasnt very pleased at this, but he knew he shouldnt argue with his elders, so he said, All right, Ill go. But you must promise not to eat my cake while Im away.The large tortoise and the medium-sized tortoise agreed, and the little tortoiseset off for home to get some money.A few days later, the big tortoise said to the medium-sized tortoise, Lets eat the little tortoises cake. Im hungry again.So am I, the medium-sized tortoise said, and reached for the cake.As she did so, the little tortoise shouted from near the door of the restaurant, If you touch my cake, I wont go and get the money!根据短文内容选择最佳答案, 将其标号填入题前括号内。() 66. The three tortoises _.A. didnt know each otherB. knew each otherC. lived in a restaurantD. were very poor() 67.The three tortoises found they didnt take money with them _ .A. when they were ordering the cakeB. after they ate up the cakeC. before they went into the restaurant D. after they ordered the cake() 68. The little tortoise _ .A. didnt mind getting the moneyB. couldnt find the moneyC. wanted to share his cakeD. agreed to get the money() 69. The little tortoise _ .A. didnt go very far after a few daysB. came back very quicklyC. had some money with himD. believed in the other two tortoises() 70. The two elders decided to eat the little tortoises cake because _A. they felt hungry againB. they wanted to leave at lastC. the cake was so nice to eatD. they were angry with the little tortoiseBThe Trousers ShopNew Arrivals from Europe!Trousers PatternsFromMaterialColorSizePrice ($)Italysilkwhite / blueL / M /60-90Francecottonred / yellowS45-80Englandwoolchecked (花M / S80-105L / MGermanycotton格的 )55-80black / brownXL / LWelcome e-mail orders for all our trousers and we also welcome credit card. Free post and packing.Tel: 67867822E-mail: trousershopyahoo.com根据内容选择最佳答案, 将其标号填入题前括号内。() 71.Which of the following is sold in this shop?A. Shoes.B. Socks.C. Trousers.D. Sweaters.() 72.Size L black cotton trousers are from _.A. EnglandB. FranceC. GermanyD. Italy() 73.Which are the cheapest trousers?A. The red cotton trousers.B. The black cotton trousers.C. The checked wool trousers.D. The white silk trousers.() 74.How much will you pay if you buy a pair of silk trousers and a pair ofchecked trousers?A. More than $195.B. Less than $140.C. Over $200.D. About $160.() 75. You cant buy the trousers _.A. by telephoneB. by letterC. by credit cardD. by e-mailCReading is a good habit, but the problem is, there s too much to read th and too little time to read every word of it. There are hundreds of skills 技(巧 ) tohelp you read more in less time. Here are two skills that I think are very good.Preview if it s long and hard. Previewing is very useful for getting a general (概括性的 ) idea of heavy reading like long magazine articles and science reports.Here s whoto preview. Read the first two paragraphs and the last two paragraphs段落( ) carefully. Then read only the first sentence of the other paragraphs.Previewing doesn t give you all the details. It tells you not to spend time on things you don t really wantor need to read.Skim if it s short and simple. Skimming is a good way to get a general idea of light reading like popular magazines or the sports of your daily paper.Here s how to skim. Get your eyes to move fast. Sweep them across each line.Pick up only a few key words in each line.Everybody skims differently. You and I may not pick up the same words whenwe skim the same piece, but perhaps we ll get the same idea of what it76How many skills are talked about in this passage?AOne.BTwo.CThree.DFour.77What does the underlined word“preview”mean in Chinese?A精读B默读C朗读D略读78. What should we do when we read the popular magazine articles according to the passage?A. the first two paragraphs and the last two paragraphs carefully.B. read all the sentences of the each paragraph.C. Get your eyes to move fast. Sweep them across each lineD. Pick up only a few key words in each line.79What should we NOT do when we read the news about sports events in a daily paper according to the passage?AGet our eyes to move fast.BRead the last two paragraphs carefully.CSweep our eyes across each line.DPick up only a few key words in each line.80What is the best title (标题 ) for this passage?AWhy we should readBWhat to readCWhen to readDHow to read faster五、阅读理解填词(10 小题,每小题1 分,共10 分)It was autumn. The Indians asked their new chief(首领 ) w_81_ theweather would be that winter. The chief looked a_82_the sky and said,“It susually cold.” Then he went to ask the weatherman,“ Is the coming winterto be c_83_?”“I have studied the w 84_for a long time. It seems that this winter isgoing to be much colder,” The weathermannswered.So the chief went back and told his people to c_85_ more wood. Thepeople collected every piece of wood they c_86_ find. A week later the chiefvisited the weatherman a_87_.“Is it going to be a very cold winter?”“Yes, ” the weatherman answered again“I.m sure it s going to be colder than b_88_.”“Why do you think s 89_?”asked the chief.The weatherman answered, “Because the Indians_have90 b collecting wood for many days. ”六书面表达。(本小题15 分)根据中文提示写一篇80 字左右的英语短文。1 你很喜欢小动物,特别喜欢猫,但是你妈妈不喜欢。2 上周你的同学送给你一只白色的小猫,你非常开心,放学后经常和猫一起玩。3 你妈妈讨厌猫,说猫很脏,到处可以看到猫的毛发。4 上周三你放学回家发现猫不见了。妈妈说她把猫送给了一位朋友。你听到这后非常生气,又哭又闹,和她争吵。不和她讲话。5几天后我意识到我太没礼貌,我向妈妈说了声“对不起”,妈妈笑了。


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