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名校名 推荐牛津译林版九上 Unit 3 Teenage problem习题Task一 .单项选择()1.interesting it was to visit the 2011 International Horticulture Expo!A. WhatB. HowC. What aD. How a()2. Though the teacher is strictus, she is good to us.A. atB. inC. forD. with()3. Sometimesturns off the lights in the classroom,because everybody thinkssomebody will do it.A. anybodyB. somebodyC. nobodyD. everybody()4. Do you think Amy has made a wrong? No, I don t think so. It s good for her to live at school.A. decisionB. experimentC. differenceD. experience()5. WhenI haveproblems withmy Maths, mydeskmatealwaysgives memanyvaluabl e.A. informationB. adviceC. suggestionsD. trouble()6. Chinese film makers all say that they will make better cartoons if they are givenmoney. Do you believe it? I just think they have a long way to go.A. the number ofB. plenty ofC. a bit ofD. a few()7. Manymenprefer stayingathometoshoppingwith their wives.Thiscertainly makes their wivesbad.A. go; feelB. go; to feelC. going; feelD. going; to feel()8. I think Tom is selfish. I won t votehimfor.A. at timesB. on timeC. in timeD. at a time()9. It seems thatJane hasdevelopeda habitof stayingup untilmidnight.Shemust. Otherwise, her health will fail.A. give it upB. give up itC. give it awayD. give away it()10. The building of the new cinema. It is now ready to welcome its opening.A. has completedB. will completeC. will be completed D. has been completed1名校名 推荐()11. David is studying sothat he canspare any time for me.A. hard; hardB. hardly; hardlyC. hardly; hardD. hard; hardly()12. What should I d o if she invites me to go there? You know, I wouldn t like to go. You shouldher invitation politely.A. sendB. refuseC. askD. receive()13. It s really stubbornJaneher mind.A. for; not to changeB. of; not to changeC. for; not changeD. of; not change()14. Your advice will be of great value. Iooking forward to m l you as soon as possibl e.A. hear ofB. hear fromC. hearing fromD. hearing of()15. Do you think Sally is free today?. Recently she has been busy studying for the final exam.A. The same to youB. Of course, she isC. Yes, she might be busyD. No, I don t think so二 . 完形填空There will be a lot of problems in a teenager s life. They are just a part of 16tobe an adult. However,17they are dealt with well, they won t become real problems.Some parentsdon understandttheirteenagechildrenverywell.They don t18theirwishes or differentmoods at this special time of life.They donunderstand that it isquite19forteenagers tobecome adults. That is also the reason whyteenagers20don t know what to do and get angry easily.I think I m a good example of that kind of person. I had a(n)21like that. When Ijust went to middle school, I22a lot ofproblemsfor myteachers. Ididn t23the class rules and kept talking to my classmates in class.24the head teacher calledmy parents. After they learned25had happened, my parents took me home. To mysurprise, they weren26 twith me. They talked with me about the problem and triedto find out thereason for the problem27theycould solveit.28their help,the problem was solved in the end. And I was really29for what they did for me.When there s a problem in a teenage child s life, parents should find a good opportunityto have a30with the child first. Then they should try to solve the problem together.2名校名 推荐This is good for both the parents and the child.()16. A. giving upB. growing upC. looking upD. cleaning up()17. A. ifB. thoughC. becauseD. unless()18. A. get overB. care aboutC. keep outD. take away()19. A. easyB. wonderfulC. hardD. nervous()20. A. hardlyB. some timesC. neverD. sometimes()21. A. experienceB. ideaC. mistakeD. secret()22. A. causedB. solvedC. facedD. got into()23. A. breakB. obeyC. relaxD. make()24. A. OrB. ButC. ThoughD. So()25. A. whereB. howC. whatD. who()26. A. happyB. angryC. strictD. busy()27. A. even thoughB. ever sinceC. so thatD. only when()28. A. FromB. AboutC. UnderD. With()29. A. sorryB. afraidC. thankfulD. patient()30. A. lookB. smellC. dutyD. talk三 .完成句子(每小题2 分,满分 10 分)31. 许多和我一样大的学生有这个问题。_ have this problem.32. 你的父母太关心你每次考试后的分数。Your parents _after each _.33.当你把它埋在心里的时候,压力问题变得更糟。_gets _when you_.34. 如果当有人嘲笑我们,我们应该不注意他。If _us, wed shoul.3


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