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Module 3 Now and thenUnit 1 People are healthier todayI. 根据首字母或汉语提示写出单词1. We shouldlearnhow to p_ a diseaseratherthan learnhow to curea disease.2. Our class will have a_ on how to protect our environment next week. 3.I _ ( 猜想 )its too late to catch the early bus now.4. That poor young man died in the hospital yesterday after a serious _ (病 ).5. Miss Yang is a Doctor of _ (医学 ).单项选择()1. John is much shorter than his sister, but he jumps _ she does.A. as good asB. as best asC as high asD. as higher as()2. Nothing Call prevent her _ reaching her aims.A forB onC in D from()3.Doctorsoftensuggest,“_ vegetablesand _ meat Can helpyou keepfit.”A. More; lessB. Few; muchC. Fewer; more D. Little; much()4. Health is very important to us. We should eat more vegetables and fruitinstead of _ rich food.A. too muchB. much too C. very muchD. too many()5.-How nice the music sounds!-It does! The peaceful music will make you feel _.A. excitedB. boredC. movedD. relaxed.用括号内单词的适当形式填空1. I think this one is the _ (good)of the two watches.2. Shanghai is one of _ (big) cities in the world.3. Dont you think this garden is not as_ (beautiful )as that one?4.I m fifteen,and my cousin is thirteen.So Im two years_ (old) than him.5.Compared with money, health is _ (important). 句型转换1.How do you like Our new Chinese teacher?(改为同义句 )_ do you _ our new Chinese teacher?2.The population of China is the largest in the world. (改为同义句 )The population of China is _ than that of _ _ country in the world.3.Why don t you try some music that you can dance to? (改为同义句 )_ _ try some music that you can dance to?4.I suppose you d better give her a lift to the station. (改为否定句 )I _ _ youd better _her a lift to the station.5.The problem is how we can find a cheaper hotel here. (改为简单句 )The problem is how _ _ a cheaper hotel here.V. 根据汉语提示完成句子,词数不限。1. 我不喜欢响亮的音乐,它不如轻柔的音乐令人放松。I dont like loud music, because its _ than quiet music.用心爱心专心12. 别担心这次考试,尽你最大的努力。Don t worry about the exam, just _.3. 说起他的儿子,李先生就为他自豪。_ his son, Mr. Li is proud of him.4. 杰克缺席的原因是他生病了。Jack s absence was _.5. 我妹妹比我学习用功点。My sister studies _ than me.从方框中选出适当的句子补全对话Maria: Did you like to eat candy in the past?Peter: Yes, I did.Maria: _1_Peter: No, I dont. _2_Maria: Me? I enjoy eating candy all the time. Also, I watched TV a lot before.Peter: So did I. Did you spend much time in playing computer games?Maria: Yes, I did. _3_ I used to walk to school. How about you?Peter:I went toschoolby bus then.But now I likewalkingto school,too._4_Maria: No, I ride a bike to school every day. _5_Peter: Of course I did.A. Do you walk to school now?B. Did you ride a bike when you were free?C. Do you like eating candy now?D. What about you?E. But now I spend less time playing them.VII.阅读理解Long ago, people in Rometalkedto one anotherin Latin( 拉丁文 ).Pupilsin schoollearned to read and write in Latin. Books are in Latin.Some Romanswent to otherpartsof the world.They tooktheirlanguage withthem.Soon Latin was used in many countries. It became a world language. People in othercountriesdidnot talkin Latinthe same way. In each land,theymade more changes.At last they did not talk in Latin any more. New languages had come from the oldone.People dont talk to one another in Latin today, but they still use many Latinwords.You do, too.Street,wall,city,and saltare some of the Latinwords we use.You are a pupil in school. Pupil is a Latin word. It means little doll.1. Latin was used by people in _ long ago.A. RomeB. the United States C. GreeceD. Texas2. The word in the passage that means what people speak and write is _.A. mathsB. Chinese C. EnglishD. language3. Which of the following does this passage lead you to believe?A. It is not good to change a language.B. Most of people could read Latin many years ago.用心爱心专心2C. Many people can read Latin today.D. Pupils in schools today play with dolls.4. What happened to Latin when it was taken to other countries at the beginning?A. In each land, they changed the language a little.B. In each land, they changed the language a lot.C. In each land, people t, dked about each other.D. In each land, the children had to speak some Latin.5. The main idea of the whole passage is thatA. people in old Rome talked a lot to each otherB. Romans did not like to stay at homeC. although Latin moved from land to land, it didnt changeD. Latin changed as it moved from land to land第 2 课时 Unit 2 We weren t very rich, but we were happy.I. 用括号内 的适当形式填空1. This is my _ (old)sister. She s one year _ (old)than me.2. Ifyou want tobe healthierand _ (thin),you shouldeat lessmeat and take_ (much) exercise.3. They were very happy throughout their _ (man y)life.4. That boy is the second _ (tall)boy in our school.5. Our town had _ (little)snow this year than last year.将下列 成英 1.不再2. (从 ) 跌落3.拾起4. 婚5.另一方面6.一生; 身7. 工作8.最后.单项选择1. - As middle school students, we should study hard for the future.-I think so. _we study now, _future well have.A. The hard; the goodB. The harder; the betterC. The hardest; the bestD. The harder; the best2. The story is_. We all like it.A. much more interestingB. very more interestingC. less more interestingD. few more interesting3. A lot of tourists will come to Lu Xun Museum tomorrow, _ you had better get up early if you want to visit it.A. orB. butC. soD. though4. Hows Annie? I_ her for a long time.A. don t seeB. wont seeC. didn t seeD. haven t seen5. -I really hope we can see Zhao Benshan in Beijing this time.-Maybe, if we are_.A. lucky enough B. enough lucky C. good enough D. enough good . 用方框中 或短 的适当形式填空fall off; the number of; pick up; tall; a lot; get married1. Don t worry. Im feeling _ better today.用心爱心专心32. The boy _ his bike yesterday, luckily, he wasnt badly hurt.3. -How long have they _?-For ten years.4._ workers in this factory is over 1,000.5.This is _ building I ve ever seen.6.-Whose notebook is on the floor?-Please _ it _.V. 根据 提示完成句子1. 夫 一 子都住在 下。_ _ have lived in the countryside _ _ _.2. 她的女儿嫁 了一位商人。Her daughter_ _ _ a businessman.3. 周末 常帮助奶奶做家 。On weekends, Sally often _ her grandma _ the housework.4. 照 个 儿是她的 工作。_ _ _ the baby is her _ job.5. 男女 同工同酬。Men and women should get _ _ pay for doing _ _ job.拓展提升. 完形填空My grandfather is eighty years old. He always complains about how fast thingshave changed, and he often says that life was_1_ in the past.Families arent the same as _2_ used to be. A lot of families have brokenup. _3_ husband and wife have problems with their marriage, they wont staytogether_4_. And mothersstayed athome and _5_theirchildren,but no morenow. Everyone s busy working. So they dont have_6_ for children.And the cars! No one_7_ anymore; more and more people drive. But peoplewalked to school every day, even in winter.Most families have computers now. In the past we didnt have computers. Wedidn t even have lights. My mother spent all day cooking in the kitchen. But now_8_ eats home-cooked food anymore.And people dont talk to _9_ anymore. They are too busy to talk, too busyto eat, too busy to thinkLife Was simple then, _10_ it isnt anymore.1.A. goodB. betterC. bad D. worst2.A. it B. thisC. that D. they3.A. IfB. BecauseC. WhenD. Since4.A. anythingB. anymoreC. another D. anybody5.A. were interested inB. concentrated onC. looked after D. grew up6.A. home B. moneyC. schoolD. time7.A. takes a bus B. walksC. by car D. on foot8.A. somebodyB. anybodyC. nobody D. none9.A. each otherB. themselvesC. their parents D. their children用心爱心专心410. A. andB. butC. orD. so . 任务型阅读Three years ago, I was a student, and I thought life was really good. I got uplate.I spent the day talkingto friends,and then Istudiedallnight.Iwore jeansand sweatshirts and had long hair. I felt free. _1_I moved to a new town three years ago. My job was interesting, but I was singleand I didn t have any friends.Peopleat work were friendlybutnotveryoutgoing.We never did anything after work. _2_Im Peter. My life seemed to come to an end three years ago. I lost my job. ThenI lost weight and looked terrible. Money became a problem, I was very sad. I needsome good luck. _3_将 Jack , David , Peter三年前的生活与他们现在的生活相匹配。A Now my life has completely changed. I got married six months ago! My wife andIoftenhave friendsover fordinner.We re talkingclassesseveralnightsa week.Its great ! We re ever talking about starting a family soon.B. Now I work as a computer programmer in an international company. Ive moved toSeouland have startedto learn Korean.Korean foodis great,and ryegainedseveralkilos. I feel much happier and healthier.C. Now I get up earlyin the morningand go to work.Of course, Idressup ( 打扮 )now,and my hair is shorter. I m very busy during the day, but I dont really mind.At last my evenings are free.1. _ 2. _ 3. _4. Write down what changes Peter has had during the two years. (2-3 sentences)5. The underlined part“ lost weight” and “ gained several kilos” mean “ _”and“ _” in Chinese.你的生活在过去几年中有哪些变化呢?至少写出五个方面的不同之处第 3 课时 Unit 3 Language in useI. 根据首字母提示写出单词1. If we want to keep healthy, we should have a healthy, balanced d_.2. He catches a rare (罕见的 ) d_ of the brain.3. I s_ a big office at school with twelve other teachers.4. If Joe can t attend the meeting, I could go i_.5. Shella s i_ in watching, studying, protecting the wild birds.单项选择1. -There will be a railway in Taizhou soon.-Great! We ll have _ ways of traveling than before.A. manyB. muchC. moreD. fewer2. Tina runs _ in our class. No one can catch up with her.A. slowlyB. fasterC. more slowlyD. fastest3. The number of giantpandas is getting_ because theirlivingareas are becomingfarmlands.A. lessand lessB.largerand larger C.smallerand smaller D.fewer and fewer4. In our city,_ middleschoolstudentswant to work as a teacherin the future.用心爱心专心5A. thousandB. thousand of C. thousands of D. two thousand of5. It s our duty to _ people _ too many tree.A. stop; cutting downB. prevent; to cutC. keep; cutting downD. make; cut down.用方框内词或短语的适当形式填空please as a result find out certain close care for1. Im _ to tell you that you ve got the job.2. Hurry up, Peter, it was_ to two fifty now.3. She moved back home to _ her elderly parents.4. Please how much all this is going to cost.5. I _ never expected to become a writer.6. She did her homework carelessly. _, the teacher was very angry with her.IV. 用括号内形容词或副词的适当形式填空1. His mother is as _ (serious) as his Chinese teacher.2. Whose hair is _(long), yours or mine?3. Tom talks _ (much)than any other student in his class.4. Ann is much _(good)than I at English.5. Li Ping is the _ (thin)of the two boys.6. Miss Yang is one of the _ (popular)teachers in our school.7. Maggie is the_ (careful)inher class.She isthe top studentinher class.8. Which is the _(big), the sun, the moon or the earth?9. My younger sister does _(little) work in my family.10. The busier he is, the _(happy) he feels.V. 根据含义提示完成句子1.One of my classmates is going to be a policeman when he _ _ (长大 ).2.Id be very _ _ (非常想听听 ) your opinion.3.In those days, people all _ _ _ (过着艰苦的干活 ).4.Lots of people are _ _ (做兼职工作 ) jobs now.5.Our purpose is to do _ (更多 ) things but use _ (较少 ) time.VI.补全对话A: My six-year-old sister started school this week.B: _1_ Life was great when I was six years old.A: Really? Why?B: _2_ Dont you think so?A: Not for me. I didnt like tests. _3_B: _4_ Now we just study all the time.A: Yeah, but we walked to school. Now we can take the school bus.B: I remember one thing. _5_ Now I love art classes.A: Me, too.A. School work was really easy at that time.B. Life was very hard at that time.C. I hated art.用心爱心专心6D. Is your sister sad?E. But now I dont worry about tests.F. Her school life must be hard.G. At that time we played a lot.VII.阅读理解(A)Lifts are very useful. Why? Think about a tall building you work on the thirtiethfloor.Maybe you can walkup allthe stairsone time.Butcan you climb thirtyfloorsto your office every day? Of course not.In an old lift, a worker is needed. He or she operates it up and down. In a modernlift there is no worker. People can operate it themselves.Do you know how to use a lift? OK, let me tell you. For example, you want to go tothe twelfth floor from the ground floor. First, you must press the button,thenthe dooropens Afterthatyou can getintothe lift.Third, you press the? ,and the door closes. Fourth, you press the number 12, then the lift takes you upto the twelfth floor. When the door opens again, you can get out of the lift. Ifyou want to go down to the first floor, you must press the , then do the same.It takes you there. It is easy and fast. Now can you use it?判断正误:1.In a modern lift, people can operate it by themselves.2.If you want to go upstairs, you must press the .3.If you want to go down to the first floor, you must press the .4.Ina tallbuilding,itis very easy and fastforyouto go up and down ina lift.5. Anyone can use the lifts in a tall building.(B)阅读短文,把四个句子填入短文空缺处,然后完成第10 小题。Dear John,I write you a letterand tell you about whatthe world was like whenI was young._6_. We didnthave telephoneswhen we wanted to talkto our friends.Wedidnthave e-mail either, so we had to write letters.Whenwe traveledfrom town to town, we walked or rode horses or took a cart._7_Airtravelwas a dream and we dreamed of beingon an airplanebut now everyone does.Its so common.Food isanotherbigdifference._8_ We would exchange some withpeoplefromother towns to buy the things we didnt have. We didnt have a refrigerator so we kept things cool in a special room downstairs.But the biggestdifferenceiselectricity.Wedidnthave any in our town!_9_We didnt have televisions. In summer, we went swimming in the river.Though life was different in the past, we were happy.Yours,GrandmaA. Life was very different then.B. At night, we lighted candles and we burned coal or wood to keep warm.用心爱心专心7C. There werent any supermarkets so we grew our own food then.D. Later we had buses but very few people had cars.10. The letter talks mostly about _.A. what the writer wants to do in the futureB. what the life was like in the pastC. what John should do differentlyD. what John hasnt done recentlyModule 3 Now and thenUnit 1 People are healthier today.I. 1. prevent2. debate3. suppose 4. illness5. MedicineII. 1. C2. D3. A 4. A5. DIII. 1. better2. the biggest 3. beautiful 4. older 5. more importantIV.1.What;thinkof 2.larger;any other3.Why not4.dontsuppose;give 5.to findV.1. lessrelaxing 2.tryyourbest 3.Talkingof 4.thathe was ill5.a littleharderVI. 1. C2. D3. E4. A5. BVII. 1. A2. D3. B4. A5. DUnit 2 We werent very rich, but we were happy.I. 1. eider; older 2. thinner; more3. married4. tallest5. lessII.1.no longer2.falloff3.pickup4.getmarried 5.on theotherhand 6.all ones life7. a full-time job 8. in conclusion/at lastm. 1. B 2. A3.C 4. D 5. AIV.1.a lot2.felloff3.been married 4.The number of 5.thetallest6.pick;upV.1. The couple;alltheirlives2.gotmarriedto 3.helps; with 4.Taking careof; full-time 5. the same; the sameVI. 1. B2. D 3. A4. B5. C6. D 7. B 8. C9. A10. BVII. 1. C2. A3. B4. It seemed that everything didnt go well with him threeyears ago. He lost both job and some weight. Now he has a good job and put weightback on. 5.体重减轻;体重增加了几公斤VII. 1. I was short when I was young, but now Im tall.2. I played every day after school in the past. Now I just study at the time.3. When I studied in a primary school I was afraid of exams, but now I like them.4. I had short hair two years ago, but I have long hair now.5. In the pastI feltnervous when I spoke in frontof people,but now I likespeakingin public, because I want to be a reporter.Unit 3 Language in useI. 1. diet 2. disease 3. share 4. instead 5. interestedII. 1. C 2. D 3. C 4. C 5. A用心爱心专心8III. 1. pleased2. close3. care for4. find out5. certainly 6. As a resultIV. 1. serious 2.longer3.more 4.better5.thinner 6.most popular 7.mostcareful 8. biggest9. the least10. happierV. 1. growsup 2. interestedtohear3.ledhardlives 4.in part-time 5.more;lessVI. 1. F 2.A3. E4. G5. CVII. 1. T 2.F3. F4. T


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