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Unit 12 You re supposed to shake hands.Part 1: Teaching design (第一部分:教学 )Structures:Supposed to infinitiveTarget language:How was the dinner at Pauls house last nightWell, it was OK, but I made some mistakes. I was supposed to arrive at 7:00, butI arrived at 8:00.Vocabulary:kiss,bow, tablemanners, chopstick, fork, spoon, napkin,greet, rude,wipe, point, stick, shake hands, be supposed to, drop by, pick up, You shouldLearning strategies:Comparing, Listening for key wordsSection AGoalsTo learn to use the structureSupposed to infinitive To listen and talk about what people are supposed to do ProceduresWarming up by learning about the structureSupposed toinfinitiveTurntopage 95 first.Look atthesentences.Do you see how thestructureSupposedto infinitive is usedWhat are you supposed to do when you meetYouresupposed to kiss.someoneYourenot supposed to shake hands.When were you supposed to arriveI was supposed to arrive at 7:00.You should have asked what you were supposed to wear.1a Looking, listening and matchingHello, class. What are we supposed to do next Yes, you are right. We are going tolook, listen and match. Now turn to page 94. Look at the picture and listen to therecording for what people do when they meet for the first time.TapescriptBoy1: What are people supposed to do when they meet in your country, CeliaGirl1:Well, do you mean when friends meet for the first timeBoy1: Yeah.Girl1:Well, in Brazil, friends kiss.Boy1: What about in Mexico, RodriguezBoy2: In Mexico we shake hands.Boy3: We bow.Girl2:And in Korea we also bow.Boy1: Well, I guess in most Western countries we shake hands.1b Listening and checkingYou are supposed to listen for a second time to check your answers in 1a.CountriesCustoms1. c Brazila. bow2. b the United Statesb. shake hands3. a Japanc. kiss4. b Mexico5. a KoreaNow you can turn to page 135 to read the tapescript. Whilereadingcircle the connectives and underline the expressions.1c Doing pairworkWhat do people do when they meet for the first time Now inpairs telleach other what you know about meeting for the first time. You are sopposed to usethe Supposed to infinitive structure, OKA: What are people in Korea supposed to do when they meet for the first timeB: Theyre supposed to bow.A: What are peoplein the UnitedStatessupposed to do when theymeet forthe firsttimeB:Theyre supposed to shake hands.A: What are people in China supposed to do when they meet for the first timeB: Theyre supposed to shake hands.A: What are people in Mexico supposed to do when they meet for the first timeB: Theyre supposed to shake hands.A: What are people in Brazil supposed to do when they meet for the first timeB: Theyre supposed to kiss.A: What are people in your city supposed to do when they meet for the first timeB: Theyre supposed to wave their hands.2a Listening and checkingMaria, an exchange student from India, went to her AmericanFriend Dan s place and had dinner there. Now listen to the tapefor the mistakes Maria made there.TapescriptBoy: Hi, Maria. How was Pauls partyGirl:Oh, Dan, it was a disaster.Boy: It wasGirl:Uh-huh.Boy: What happenedGirl:Well, I was supposed to arrive at 7:00 but I arrived at 8:00.Boy: Oh, so you were late.Girl:Yeah, but in my country it s different. When you re invited for 7:00,you re supposed to come later!Boy: I see.Girl:Then when I met Paul s mom, I kissed her.Boy: And you were supposed to shake hands instead.Girl:That s right. AND I wore a fancy dress.Boy: What s wrong with thatGirl:Well,itwas a barbecue,Dan. Everyone elsewas wearinga T-shirtand jeans.Boy: I guess you should have asked what you were supposed to wear.Now you may check the mistakes by Maria on page 95.Maria s mistakesArrivelate;ate the wrong food;greetedPaul s mother the wrong way; worethe wrong clothes2b Listening and fillingTo fill in the blanks on page 95 you are supposed to listen to thetape one more time.TapescriptMariA: I was supposed to arrive at 7:00 but I arrived at 8:00.MariA: In my country it s different. When you re invited for 7:00, you resupposed to come later.Dan: Boy: And you were supposed to shake hands instead.MariA: That s right. And I wore a fancy dress.Dan: I guess you should have asked what you were supposed to wear.Next you are supposed to make a conversation based on 2b. You are supposed to sayanything you like.Li Hong:I was supposed to get up at 7:00 but I got up at 8:00.Li Hong:In my home it s different. When you re asked to getup at 7:00, you re supposed to get up later.Wang Bin: And you were supposed to do the morning exerciseinstead.Li Hong:That s right. And I took my school backpack.Wang Bin : I guess you should have asked what you were supposed to take.2c Doing pairworkYou are supposed to role play the conversation between Mariaand Dan. And you are supposed to use the information fromactivities 2a and 2b.A:How was the dinner at Pauls house last nightB: Well, it was OK, but I made some mistakes. I was supposed to arrive at 7:00, but I arrived at 8:00.A:Why was that Why didn t you arrive earlierB: But in my country itA: What is the difference s different.B: When you re invited for 7:00, you re supposed to come later!A:So you didnt arrive at 7:00.B: When I met Paul s mom, I kissed her.A: But you were supposed to shake hands instead.other when we are only friends.We dont kiss eachB: But I didn t know that then.A: What did you wearB: I wore a fancy dress.A: What s wrong with thatB: It was a barbecue, you know. Everyone else was wearing a T-shirt and jeans.A: Oh, you made anothermistake.I thinkyou should have asked when you were supposedto arrive and what you were supposed to wear.3a Reading and fillingOn page 96 are two exchange students,one from Colombia,the otherfrom Switzerland,talkingabout theirown home culture.Nowread theirspeech,blackenthe connectivesand underline the expressions.Teresa LopezMarc LeBlancFrom Cali, ColombiaFrom Lausanne, SwizerlandWhere I m from,wereprettyrelaxedIn Switzerland, its very importantabout time. If you tell a friendyouretobeontime .Werethelandofgoing to theirhouse fordinner , it s okayifyou arrivea bitlate.Spending time withfamilyand friendsis very importantto us.Weoftenjustdrop bywatches,afterall ! Ifsomeone invitesyou to meet them at 4:00, you have tobethereat4:00.Ifyouareevenfifteen minutes late, your friend mayourfriends homes.getangry.Also,wenevervisitaWedont usuallyhave tofriend s house withoutcallingfirst .make plans to meet our friends. Often weWe usually make plans to see friends.justwalk around the town center,seeing asWeusuallyplantodo somethingmany of our friends as we can!interesting,or go somewhere together.And now you are supposed to fill in the chart.Attitude aboutColombiaSwitzerlandBeing on timePrettyrelaxedaboutvery important to be ontimetimeVisiting a friends houseOftenjustdropbynever visit a friendsfriends househouse withoutcallingfirstMaking plans with friendsDontusuallyhave tousuallyplantodomakeplanstomeetsomethinginteresting,friendsor go somewhere together3b Doing pairworkNext you are supposed to role play aconversation between Teresa andMarc, tellingabout the different attitudes of life in their home countries.A: What kinds of rules do they have in ColombiaB: Well, they have pretty relaxed rules.A: Like whatB:Well, its ok if youre nA: Could you give me an exampleot on time.B: Sure.Iftheytella friendthey regoingto hisor her house fordinner,itsokay if they arrive a bit late.A:Do they often visit friendshouseB: Yes, they do. Itis very importantto them. They oftenj ust drop by theirfriendshomes.A: Do they have to make plans to do thatB: They dont usually have to make plans to meet their friends. Often they justwalk around the town center, seeing as many of our friends as we they!B: What kinds of rules do they have in SwitzerlandA: It s very important for them to be on time.B: Because they re the land of watchesA: Maybe. If someone invites you to meet them at 4:00, you have tobe there at 4:00.B: If you are even fifteen minutes late, may your friend get angryA: Yes, they do.B:Do they often visit a friends houseA: Sometimes. Butthey never go without callingfirst. They usually make plans tosee friends.They usuallyplantodo somethinginteresting,orgo somewheretogether.4 Doing pairworkAn exchange student from England is coming to your school forclasses. You are supposed to fill in the chart below on page 96with things he is supposed to do inside and outside theclassroom.ItemsGreeting teachersDoing homeworkPhoning someoneVisiting someones placeMaking plans with friendsBeing on timeGiving giftsYou are supposed toSay, “Good morning” inthe morningAt home or in school after classSay, “Ni Hao, Im ”Call first, and knock at the doorDiscussthe plan,callto make changesAlways on time or little earlierFestival gifts being necessaryNow you are supposed to role play a conversation based on thechart you just filled in.A conversation between you and an exchange student from BritainA: How do you doB: How do you do Are you a new exchange studentA: Yes, I am fromBritain. Couldtell me the things I am supposed to doinside andoutside the classroomB: Sure. Togreet the teachers you say,“Good morning” in the morning,“Goodafternoon” in the afternoon.A: And “Good evening ” in the evening. That s the same as we do in Britain. B: For homework you may do it at home or in school, but always after class.A: Can I do it at classB: No, you can t, because you have lots to do then.A: What do I have to do at classB: You will have to sit straight, to listen attentively, to take notes, to answer questions, to do pairwork, to do groupwork, to do the test papers,and to read Learning English!A: Learning English Am I have to learn English hereB: Yes, you have to learn English, too. If you dont, you will fail the Englishexams.A: But I am a native speaker of English!B: But you are poor at Englishgrammar! There are lotsof grammar items in the Englishexam.A: But I can listen, speak, read and write in English. Is that not enoughB: I dont know. But you have to take the 4th , the 6thand the 8thlevel Englishexams.A: All right. I agree to take all those exams in English, and on grammar.B:And to phone someone you say say,“Ni Hao, Im ”A: “Ni Hao, I m ”B: Right. You are learning fast. You are smart.A:What about visiting someones placeB: Call first, and knock at the door.A: What should I do to make plans with friendsB: Discuss the plan with them. Call to make changes before it is too late.A: Do I have to be on timeB: Itdepends.You have to be on time forschool.And you donthave to be on timefor meals by yourselves.A:That s also the same as we do back at Britain.A: And giving gifts I hear that you give many gifts on many occasions.B: Yes, we do. Butyou can t give gifts to the teachers in orderto pass the exams, and the English grammar exams!Closing down by competingTo end this English class you are supposed to take acompetition. You are supposed to say as many sentences withtheStructure:Supposed to infinitive as possible.Now go ahead in pairs. Thewinner will be given a big, wonderful gift.Section BGoals To listen and talk about table manners To read about life as an exchange student ProceduresWarming up reading aloud to the tapeHello, it s nice to meet you on this cool lovely morning! To begin with, listen and read loud to the recording of the text on page 96. But try not to look at the text while listening and reading it aloud.1 taking a quizOn page 97 is a chart with 5 sentences. Read them and circle T for true and F for false.Mind your manners!Trueorfalse1.In the United States, youre not supposed toTeat with your hands.2.In Peru, you re not supposed to talk at theFtable.3.In China, you re not supposed to pick upyourTbowl of rice.4.In Korea, the youngest person is supposed toFstart eating first.5.In Brazil, you shouldwipe your month withyourI don tnapkin every time you take a drink.know.2a Listening and numberingListen to a conversation between Steve and Satoshi about table manners in Japan.TapescriptSatoshi:You must be really excited about leaving for Japan tomorrow, Steve!Steve:Satoshi:Yeah, I am. But I m a little nervous, too.Nervous about whatSteve:Satoshi:Well, for one thing, I don t know how to behave at the dinner table.Oh, I see. I could give you a little lesson on Japanese table manners ifSteve:you d like.Really That would be great!Satoshi:Hmmmm. Let me see. One difference is that sometimes its polite to makenoise when you re eating. Especially when you that you like the food. ve eating noodles. It showsSteve:Really Thats interesting. In the United States you re not supposed todo that.Satoshi:Yeah, I know. OK, so here are some chopstick rules: it s rude to stickyour chopsticksintoyour food.And you shouldn t pointatanyone withyourchopsticks.Steve:Oh, OK. I wont.Satoshi:And also,thisisn t about tablemanners exactly,but you shouldknow thatit s rude to eat or drink while walking down the street.Steve:Huh.Satoshi:Oh, and the most important thing you need to know is that youre notsupposed to talkwhen you re eatingdinner.at the dinner table. Children are not allowed to speak.Only parentsare allowedto talkSteve:Wow! That sthat s unusual!Satoshi:I m just kidding! Steve!Here is the key:41322b Listening and matchingYou are supposed to listen and match the sentence parts in the chart on page 97.b1.You aren t supposed to a. to make noise wile eating noodles.a 2. Its politeb.to stickyourchopsticks into yourfood.d3.Its rude c.point atanyonewith your chopsticks.c4.You shouldnt d. eat and drink while walking down thestreet.Finally you are supposed to read the tapescript carefully. While you are readingyou are supposed to underlineallthe expressions,blackenallthe connectivesandcircle all examples of theSupposed to infinitive Structure.2c Doing pairworkIn pairs you are supposed to talk about the table manners in your country.A: Where are you fromB: I m from Korea.A: What are the table manners in your countryB: Korea is a country famous for its many native dishes. Korean food is rich innutrition,well-balancedand low incalories.They say thatyou can eatas much Koreanfood as you like and never gain weight.A: Wonderful.Ieat a lot.Ilike toeat nicethingsand keep slimat the same time.B: Come to Korea then.A: Is Korean food chiefly made of vegetablesB: Yes,itis.Seasoningsincludegarlic,redpeppers,scallions,soy sauce,fermented bean paste, ginger and sesame oil.A: Who eat first, the old or the youngB: Of course, the oldest eat first. They are respected most in our country.3a Reading and answeringTurn to page 98 and read the e-mail message to answer the questions followed.Subject: Table Manners!From: Wang KunDear Lindsay,Thanks foryour message. Yes, Imhaving a great time on my exchange program inFrance. Its even betterthan I thought it would be. I was a bit nervous beforeI arrived here, but there was no reason to be. My host family is really nice. Theygo out of their way to make me feel at home. Andyou wouldn t believehow quicklymy French has improved !I m verycomfortablespeakingFrench now. AlthoughI stillmake lots of mistakes, it doesnt bother melike it used to. My biggest challengeis learninghow tobehave atthe dinnertable.As you can imagine, thingsare reallydifferent from the way they are at home. For example,yourenot supposed to putyour bread on your plate. You are supposed to put it on the table! I thought thatwas pretty strange at first, butnow I m used to it.Yourenot supposed to eatanything with your hands except bread, not even fruit!( You have to cut it up andeat itwitha fork.) Anotherthingisthatitis veryrude to put your hands inyourlap. You should always keep your hands, but not your elbows, on the table. I haveto say,I find itdifficultto remember everything,but I m graduallygettingusedto things, anddont find them so strangeany more. Ill write soon and tell youmore aboutlife in France. Hope yourehaving a good school year.Wang KunNow as you have finished reading the message, you are supposed to answer the fivequestions as follows:1.Why was WangKun nervous beforeshe arrivedin France Because she had no ideaof the life in France.2.Why did she have no reason to be nervous Because her host family is reallynice. They go out their way to make her feel at home.3.What differences have occurredin herFrench Her Frenc


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