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UNIT 2 I used to be afraid of the dark.检测题(时间: 60 分钟;满分: 100 分 )一、听力部分(满分 20 分).听对话,选图片。每段对话读一遍。(每小题1 分,满分5 分)1. How much is the sweater now?¥120¥60¥30A.B.C.2. What sport would the woman like to do?A.B.C.3. How will the girl tell Victor about it?A.B.C.4.Whos Max?A.B.C.5. Which picture is right?A.B.C. 听对话,选择最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。(每小题1 分,满分5 分)6. Wh at did David use to be afraid of?A. Dogs.B. Snakes.C. Cats.7. What does the man do?A. He is a scientist.B. He is a doctor.C.Heisapoliceman.8. Where does Jimmy live now?A. On King Street.B. On Bridge Street.C.OnNewStreet.9. How has Fred changed?A. He is much taller.B. He is much thinner.C. His hair isshorter.10. Who likes to have English classes now?A. Jane.B. John.C. Peter. 听对话,选择最佳答案。对话读两遍。(每小题1 分,满分5 分)11. Did Ted know Jane?A. Yes, he did.B. No, he didnt.C.Wedontknow.12. What did Jane use to be like?A. She used to be shy.B. She didn t use to be shy.C.Shewasoutgoing.13. Who used to be afraid of flying in an airplane?A. Ted.B. Jane.C. Both Ted and Jane.14. What is Ted afraid of doing now?A. Flying a kite.B. Taking a plane.C.Takinga第 1页train.15. How does Ted go out?A. By bike.B. By plane.C. By bus. 听短文,判断句子正(T)误 (F)。短文读两遍。 (每小题1 分,满分5 分)16. My parents were away on business for about a week.17. I wasn t afraid of the dark at all.18. I kept the light on the whole night because I forgot to turn it off.19. I set the alarm clocks at three different times.20. I was proud of myself at last.二、基础知识运用(每小题 1.5 分,满分15 分)21.I _ frustrated when I wasnt sure of the correct answer.A. may beB. used toC. used to beD. use to be22.When I was a child, I used to _ chocolate.A. likingB. likeC. likedD. likes2 3. It _ that he has been ill for a long time.A. seemsB. looksC. looks as ifD. seems as if24._ our surprise, he didnt pass the English exam.A. InB. WithC. ByD. To25.You used to be quiet, _ you?A. usedB. didC. didn tD. are26.He has failed several times, but he wont.A. go onB. come onC. get upD. give up27.He used tolate. But now he is used to _early.A. sleep; get upB. sleep; getting upC. sleeping; get upD. sleeping; getting up28.My brother is interested in _ basketball.A. playB. playingC. to playD. played29.Are you _ in the _ story?A. interested; interestingB. interesting; interestingC. interested; interestedD. interesting; interested30.There is nothing wrong with your mother. Please donther.A. worry aboutB. take pride inC. pay attention toD. listen to三、完形填空 (每小题 1.5分,满分15分)Some students get angry more often or more easily. Sometimes, theiranger becomes 31 strong that their feelings get out of control (失去控制 ).Peoplesaythatkidslikethishavea(n)32 temper( 脾气 ). Whensomekids getangry,theymight33attheirparents,break something,or even34 ,hit someone. Kids should express their feelings when they are angry,35itsnot OK for a kid to do any of such terrible things. What should you do if yourevery angry? Here is some advice for you to36, even when youre not angry.Exercise more. Any exercise,such as runningor37 ,can be helpfulbecauseit s a way to38you feel relaxed. 39yourmomor dad. Ifyoure angry aboutsomething, tellyour parentsand第 2页ask them for help or advice.Put yourfeelingsintowords.Using wordsmightkeep you from getting intotrouble.Using words can40youtoexpressyourstrongfeelingsand controlyourtemper.31.A. tooB. quiteC. soD. such32.A. badB. goodC. happyD. annoyed33.A. laughB. smileC. shoutD. look34.A. heavierB. strongerC. betterD. worse35.A. ifB. butC. unlessD. until36.A. breakB. takeC. forgetD. bring37.A. smokingB. sleepingC. swimmingD. working3 8. A. makeB. allowC. keepD. see39.A. Help withB. Take pride inC. Talk aboutD. Talk to40.A. tryB. teachC. wantD. help四、阅读理解 (每小题2 分,满分20 分)AOn thefirstday ofmy sixthgrade,Isaw one littlegirlcalledAmy on theschoolbus. “Dont talk to her,” said Lauren, who sat beside me,“or they will makefun of you.”Amy had many physical differences lots of reasons for other kids to make funof her. Her eyes weren t straight. Her glasses were too big. And she had reallyugly teeth.Every day as we drove to and from school, kids would insultAmy, “God, what astrange face! Stop looking at me!”I had to be in silence. After all, I didnt want them to treat me in the sameway.But whileI was insultingher, my heartached forthegirl.Icouldsee thatshewas so ashamed (感到羞耻的 ) and alone. Then I wanted to stand up for her. I justdidnt know how tostopmy schoolmatesuntilthenightofourclass skatingparty.Our whole class was there. Amy was there, too. Amy didnt know how to skate,but I could see how much she wanted to have fun like the rest of us. So I skatedover to her and took her by the hand. She just smiled, and was very excited.The nextmorningtherewas much news aboutAmyand me skatingtogether.But nobodylaughed at her or me. And they didnt for the rest of the year.I never heard fromAmy againaftertheschoolyear.ButI vealwayshoped that Ichanged herlifeforthe better.41.What grade was the writer in when he first met Amy?A. Grade 1.B. Grade 2.C. Grade 5.D. Grade 6.42.What did Amy look like?A. She was beautiful.B. She was ugly.C. She was fat. D.Shewasserious.43.The underlined word“insult” has the similar meaning to“”.A. laugh atB. look afterC. wake upD. talk with44.What did he do on their class skating party?第 3页A. He taught Amy to skate.B. He introduced Amy to others.C. He drove Amy out of the party.D. He said sorry to Amy.45. What happened after the party?A. Kids began to talk with Amy.B. Amy left the school.C. Kids no longer laughed at Amy.D.Amyslifechangedforthe worse.BAn important question about eating out is who pays for the meal. If a friendof yours asks you to have lunch with him, you may say something like this,“I mafraid itll have to be someplace cheap, as I have very little money.” The otherperson may say,“OK, I ll meet you at McDonalds. ”This means that the twoagree to go Dutch, that is, each person pays for himself. He may also say,“Oh,no. I want to take you to lunch at Smiths, ” or“I want you to try the Chinesedumplings there. Theyre great.” This means the person wants to pay for both ofyou.Ifyou feelfriendlytowardsthisperson,you can go withhim and you needntpay for the meal. You may just say,“Thank you. That would be very nice.”American customs (风俗 ) about who pays for dates (约会 ) are much the same asin other parts of the world. In the old days, American women wanted men to pay forallthe meals. But,today,a universitygirlor a womanin businessworld willusuallypay her way duringthe day.Ifa man asks her fora dance outsidethe workinghours,it means “ Come, as my guest (客人 ). ” So as you can see, it is a polite thing tomake the question clear at the very beginning.46. The passage tells us.A. how to eat outB. where to eat outC. what to eat outD. who paysfor the meal47. If you have little money,.A. you ll have a cheap mealB. you ll borrow some from othersC. you ll ask your friend to pay for your mealD. you wo nt want your friends to ask you to dinner48. “Go Dutch” in this passage means.A. 去饭馆B. 就餐C.订餐D. 各自付款49. Sometimes your friend takes you to lunch. It means.A. he s going to lend some money to youB. he s going to pay for your meal,tooC. he ll be angry with youD. he can t understand you50. In America, some girls and womennow.A. ask men to pay for their mealsB. tryto pay forthe mens mealsC. try to pay for their own mealsD. never have anything outside五、词汇运用A. 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词(每小题1 分,满分5 分)1. Some students like c_ with each other online.2. Children like to read c_.3. The little boy is t_ of going out at night.4. We have made a dto buy a camera online.第 4页5. Since my sister started high school, her dlife has changed.B. 用括号里所给单词的适当形式填空(每小题1 分,满分5 分)6. After that, he became more_ (interest) in history.7. I spent much time _ (chat) on the Internet.8. If you want to be a good teacher, you must be more_ (patient).9.It s _ (necessary)to give him a call and say“thanks ” to him.10. The shop sells all kinds of _ (candy).六、完成句子 (每小题 1 分,满分5 分)1.Philip used to play soccer very well. (改为一般疑问句 )_ Philip _to play soccer very well?2.Miss Liu used to be easygoing. (改为反意疑问句 )Miss Liu used to be easygoing, _ _?3.Alice shows great interest in playing the violin. (改为同义句 )Alice _ _ in playing the violin.4.I used to be outgoing. (改为否定句 )I _ _ to be outgoing.5.Maria used to help Mom do housework. (对画线部分提问 )What _ Maria _ to do?七、书面表达(满分 15 分)假如你是李华, 这个学期刚转到一所新学校。请根据下面表格中的信息, 介绍你的一些变化。 80 词左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。过去现在有很多朋友,性格开朗几乎没有朋友,变得沉默寡言花很多时间和朋友们一起玩多数时间用在功课上对功课没有兴趣 , 成绩很差变得爱学习了 , 成绩大幅度提高I have changed a lot since I moved to thisnew school this term.UNIT 2 I used to be afraid of the dark.检测题听力原文及参考答案一、听力部分 . 听对话,选图片。每段对话读一遍。1. M: How much is the sweater?W: It was 120 yuan last week. But the season has changed, so you can pay onlyhalf for it now.2.M: Cold day, isnt it?W: Yes. I wish we could skate on the lake today. It s a pity that the ice hereis so thin.3.M: I called Victor just now, but nobody answered the phone.W: Never mind. I ll go to his house and leave a message for him.4.W: Eric, you played so well at yesterday evenings par ty!M: Oh, it was Max. We are twins.5.W: You forgot your keys again. I m worrying aboutyou.M: Dont worry,dear! I can still get intoour house with the help of the police. . 听对话,选择最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。6. W: Hello, David. Did you use to be afraid of dogs?M: No,I didn t.I always like animals like dogs and cats. I used to be afraid第 5页of snakes.7. W: You are a policeman,aren t you?M: Yes, Iam. But I wanted to be a scientist when I was a child.8. W: Jimmy, do you live on King Street?M: Oh, I used to live there but I moved to Bridge Street last month.9. W: Fred, it seems you have changed a lot. You are much taller than before.M: Really? But Rose, you look as beautiful as before.W: Thank you.10. W: Do you still hate to have English classes, Peter?M:I used to ,but now I ve changed. But John and Jane still dont like English. 听 , 最佳答案。 两遍。W: Hey! Ted!Dont you remember me?M: Oh, wow! You are Jane,aren t you?W: That s right.M: You used to be really shy,didn t you?W: Yeah. I wasn t very outgoing.M: You used to be afraid of flying in an airplane, didnt you?W: Yes, I did.M: Are you still afraid of flying in an airplane?W: No,I m not.What about you?M: Me? Oh,I m terrified of flying in an airplane.W: So what do you do about it?M: I usually go out by bus. 听短文,判断句子正(T) ( F)。短文 两遍。Last Sunday, both my mother and father left on business, so I had to stay athome for twodays by myself. But I used to be afraid of the dark, so I turned on all the lightson the first evening.ActuallyI kept the lighton inmy bedroom thewhole night.For fear ofgettingup latethenextmorning,Iputthree alarm clocks nearmy bed andset themrespectively at 6:00, 6:10 and 6:15, because I used to be woken up by my mother.What I felt most proud of is that I washed my own clothes on the second afternoon.I m used to hav ing my clothes washed by my mother. These two days showed that Ican take good care of myself.1 5 BCBAC6 10 BCBAC11 15 AABBC16 20 FFFTT二、 基 知 运用21. Cused to be 去常常。22. Bused to do sth.意 “ 去常常做某事” 。23. AIt seems that意 “看起来” 。24. Dto one s surprise意 “令某人吃惊的是” 。25. C本 考 反意疑 句。根据“前肯后否”的原 ,正确 C。26. Dgive up 放弃。句意:他失 几次了,但他不会放弃。27. Bused to do sth. 去常常做某事; be used to doing sth. 于做某事。28. Bbe interested in doing sth. 做某事感 趣。第 6页29. A句意:你 个有趣的故事感 趣 ?30. Aworry about意 “担心”,符合 意。take pride in以 傲;payattention to注意; listen to听。三、完形填空31. Cso that 如此以至于32. A由前句“ their feelings get out of control.”可知 A 。33. Cshout at sb. 朝某人大声喊叫。34. D由 “ hit someone. ”可知 D 。35. Bbut 表 折。36. Btake one s advice采 某人的建 。37. C四个 中只有 C 属于 。38. Amake sb. do sth. 使某人做某事。39. Dtalk to sb.与某人交 。40. Dhelp sb. to do sth.帮助某人做某事。四、 理解41. D由第一段第一句可知。42. B由第二段可知。43. A由第三段中 God, what a strange face! Stop looking at me! 可推知, insult 意 “侮辱” ,与 laugh at 意思相近。44. A由第六段可知。45. C由最后一段可知。46. D本文主要 了 付款的 。47. A当你没什么 的 候, 点便宜的 菜。48. Dgo dutch 意 “各自付款, AA制原 ”。49. B由第一段后四句可知。50. C由第二段第三句可知。五、 运用1. chatting 2. comics3. terrified4.decision5.daily6. interested7.chatting8. patient9. necessary10. candies六、完成句子1. Did, use 2.didnt/usednt she3.is interested4.didn tuse5.did, use七、 面表达One possible v ersion:I have changed alotsince Imoved to this new school this term.I usedto havemany friendsand be outgoing,butnow I have few friends,and I become a littlequiet.Inthe oldschool,Iused tospend much timeplayingwithmy friends,but now I havetospend most ofmy timeon my schoolwork. Iused tohave no interestin my lessons,so I usually got bad grades. However, now I become more interested in my studies,and my grades are improving a lot.第 7页


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