2019春五年级英语下册 Module 8 Unit 1《Will you help me》课件5 (新版)外研版.ppt

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2019春五年级英语下册 Module 8 Unit 1《Will you help me》课件5 (新版)外研版.ppt_第1页
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2019春五年级英语下册 Module 8 Unit 1《Will you help me》课件5 (新版)外研版.ppt_第3页
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Help me, help me.Will you help me ?Yes, yes, yes. Yes, I will.Help me, help me.Will you help me ?No, no, no. No, I wont. Unit 1 Will you help me? Whose birthday is tomorrow?What will the boy do?He will make a paper fish for her.Tomorrow is the cats birthday.Listen to Part1 and answer. Words.paper paper plane paper flowersdragonChinese Chinese worda paper cake a piece of paper Who will go to America?Daming will go to America. New YorkDaming will visit his cousin in New York. a coat a computer a kitea book a hamburger a footballWhat present will Daming take? 1. Daming will visit his _ .A. uncle B. brother C. cousin 3. Daming will take a _.A. toy panda B. cat C. kite 2. The cousins name is _.A. Sam B. Simon C. New York 9 1. Is Damings cousin Simon?2. Will Daming take a toy panda? 3. Is Simons grandma Chinese? Yes, she is.No, he wont.Yes, he is.Listen and answer . New Yorkthe US Londonthe UK Beijing China Daming will make a . A. bike B. cat C. kite2. Fangfang_help Daming. A. wont B. will C. cant3. It will_in New York. A. windy B. be windy C. winds Listen and choose . 12 Damings cousin will the kite. A. cut B. love C. have2. The kite is a . A. bird B. cat C. dragon3. They will on it. A. write Chinese word B. write numbers C. draw some flowers Listen and choose . 13 1. Will the kite be a great present ?2. Will he draw some dragons on the kite ? 3. Does Daming like the kite? Yes, he does.No, he wont.Yes, it will.Listen and answer . 1. Simon is Damings friend.3. Fangfang wont help Daming.4. Daming will write the Chinese word for dragon on it.2.Simons mother is Chinese. FTFTcousinwill Read and fill inIm going to _ my cousin in _. His name is . What _ can I take?visitNew York SimonpresentWhat about _?a toy pandaI think a toy panda. His mother and grandma are _.hes gotChinese Daming: Im going to visit my cousin in New York. His name is Simon. What present can I take?fangfang: What about a toy panda? Daming: I think hes got a toy panda. His mother and grandma are Chinese.怎么样?我认为 What about? 怎 么 样 ?我 们 可 以 用 它 来提出建议噢 !例 如 :What about some apples?Were going to have a picnic. What can I take?What about some hamburgers?我 们 还 可 以询问看法噢 !例 如 :What about going shopping?What about the West Lake? Read and fill inWhat about a _!kiteBut will it be _ in New York?windy I think ._! Ill .Good idea somake a kite 19 Fangfang: What about a kite? Daming: Good idea! Ill make a kite!Fangfang: But will it be windy in New York? Daming: I think so.有风的我也这样认为 QingdaoShanghaiLhasaUrumqi HangzhouChengduXining Xianhot, cold, warm, coolsunny, rainy, snowy, cloudy, windyWill it be +天气 in+地点?Yes, it will./No, it wont. I think我 认 为 我 们 可 以 用 它 来表达自己的看法噢 !例 如 :I think theyre beautiful. I think its lovely.我 们 还 可 以表达自己观点噢 !例 如 : I think so. 我 也 这 么 认 为 的 /我 想 是 的 。I dont think so. 我 认 为 不 /我 不 这 样 想 。 Read and fill in help me?_I will. Will youOf course 23 Read and learn Daming: Will you help me?Fangfang: Of course I will.注意要问答呼应噢 Read and fill inDaming, your cousin will this kite. Its _.love Thank you your help. It _ a great present.will beYou can the Chinese _ for “dragonon it word Thats a _. great ideaa Chinese dragon forwrite Read and learnFangfang: Daming, your cousin will love this kite. Its a Chinese dragon. Daming: Thank you for your help. It will be a great present. Fangfang: You can write the Chinese word for “dragon” on it. Daming: Thats a great idea.谢谢你(原因)汉字“” of courseThats a great idea! I think sothank you for your helpChinese wordmake a paper fishvisit my cousinin New Yorkmake a kitea great presentI thinkIt will be windy What abouta toy panda Listen and say 用所给的单词组出单词,并写出中文意思。ostneseprineeshC gndoarorwdarppe paper 纸 so 如 此 , 这 样word词,字dragon龙Chinese 中 国 人 的present 礼 物 I will visit my cousin in New York.What about a toy panda?连词成句。cousin, will, visit, I , in, my , New York. toy, panda , a, What, about? Will it be windy in New York?you, your, help, Thank, for ! Thank you for your help!连词成句。windy, be, Will, it, New York, in? make a paper fish take a present to himvisit my cousinwrite Chinese words will be windyI think soGreat idea给他带一件礼物我也这么认为写汉字做一条纸鱼看望我的表哥好主意将会有风连一连。 Practise.A: will you tomorrow?B: Yes, I will./No, I wont.wear a coat play the computer fly a kiteread a book have a hamburger play footballOf course I will. 选出不同类的一项。 ( ) A. dragon B. cat C. animal( ) A. Chinese B. England C. English ( ) A. snow B. windy C. sunny ( ) A. present B. parent C. grandma ( ) A. make B. help C. will CAACB I my teacher tomorrow. A. visit B. am going to visit C. visiting2. It _ next Monday. A. will windy B. be windy C. will be windy3. - you make a kite? of course I will. A. Will B. Do C. Did选择。 4. How about ? A. go swim B. going swimming C. go swimming5. Lets make a kite! - ! A. Good idea B. What about a kite C. Thank you for your help 选择。 6. Thank you your book. A. to B. with C. for7. Tom will _ football next Monday. A. plays B. going to play C. play8. What present can I take to China? . A. No, I wont B. I think so C. what about a book 选择。 What are you going to do this Friday?What present can I buy for my cousin?Will you do homework?What about running?连一连。I dont think so. Im tired(累 的 ). Of course I will.Im going to watch a film with my family.What about a toy car? 补全对话。- Whats the matter, Lily? - .- Where he lives?- _- What about a toy panda?- _-Oh, what about a book about China?- _ - Lets go and buy a book.- .ADC He lives in New York.B. OK, lets go.C. I dont think so. He is fifteen.D. I will visit my cousin. What present can I buy?E. Good idea. I think he will love it.EB Readpaper Chinese soword Chinese word ReadI will visit my cousin in New York.What about a toy panda?Will it be windy in New York? Thank you for your help! ReadWill you help me?Of course I will.Your cousin will love this kite. Thats a great idea! 一般将来时:表示将来某一时刻的动作或状态,或将来某一段时间内经常的动作或状态。 表将来时的时间:tomorrow(明天), next week(下周 ); 结构形式:(1)be going to do eg : I am going to play football tomorrow. (2)will + doEg: I will play football tomorrow。 Will you ride a bike?visit your friend?mak k thave a picnic? A: Will you ?B: Yes, I will./Of course, I will. No, I wont. I will . play footballdo homeworkread a book play computer gamesride a bike play ping pong play basketball fly a kite review At this weekend:Are you going to?Yes,I am./No,Im not. go shopping play basketball play football watch TV sing fly a kite


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