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2022年湖北大学英语考试模拟卷(本卷共分为1 大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总 分 100分,60分及格。)单 位:姓 名:考 号:题号单选题多项选择判断题综合题总分分值得分一、单项选择题(共5 0题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意)1.Interna ti ona l a i rIi nes ha ve redi s covered the b us i nes s tra velers,thema n or woma n who regula rly j ets from country to country a s pa rt of thej ob.T hi s does not(62)mea n tha t a i r I i nes ever a b a ndoned thei rb us i nes s tra velers.(63),compa ni es I i ke Luftha ns a a nd Swi s s a i rwould ri ghtIy a rgue tha t they ha ve a lwa ys (64)b es t for theexecuti ve-cla s s pa s s engers.(65)ma ny Ii nes could b e a ccus ed ofconcentra ti ng too hea vi ly i n the recent pa s t(66)a ttra cti ngpa s s engers b y volume,often a t the(67)of regula r tra velers.T oooften,they ha ve s eemed gea red for qua nti ty(68)tha n qua Ii ty.Opera ti ng a ma j or a i rli ne i n the 1980s i s es s enti a l ly a(n)(69)offi ndi ng the r i ght mi x of pa s s engers.T he a i rIi nes need to fi ll up theb a ck end of the i r wi de-b od i ed j ets wi th pa s s engers pa y i ng a (70)fa re,wi thout forgetti ng tha t the front end s houId b e fi lled wi th peopIe whopa y(71)more for thei r ti ckets.It i s no(72)tha t the twoma j or a i rli ne b a nkruptci es i n 1982 were a mong the compa ni es (73)i nchea p fli ghts.But low fa res requi re cons i s tent Iy fulI a i rcra ft to ma kef I i ghts economi ca I Iy vi a b le(可行的),a nd i n the recent reces s i on the(74)of tra ffi c ha s not grown.Equa lly the la rge numb er of a i rIi nesj os tIi ng(争夺)for the(75)pa s s engers ha s crea ted a huge exces sof capacity.The net result of excess capacity and cutthroat(76)driving down fares has been to push some ai r I i nes i nto(77)and I eavemany others hovering on the(78).Against th is grim background,(79)is no surpr ise that ai rIines are(80)increasingly to thebusiness travelers to improve thei r rates of return.They have(81)much time and e ffo rt to estab I i sh exact I y what the execut i ve demands fors ittin g apart from the tourists.A.coincidenceB.correspondenceC.intuitionD.inspiration2.International ai rIines have rediscovered the business travelers,theman or woman who regularly jets from country to country as part of thejob.This does not(62)mean that ai r I ines ever abandoned thei rbusiness travelers.(63),companies I ike Lufthansa and Swissairwould rig h tIy argue that they have always(64)best for theexecutive-class passengers.(65)many Iines could be accused ofconcentrating too heavily in the recent past(66)attractingpassengers by voIume,often at the(67)of regular travelers.Toooften,they have seemed geared for quantity(68)than qua Iity.Operating a major ai rIine in the 1980s is essentially a(n)(69)offinding the right mix of passengers.The a irI ines need to f i l l up theback end of the ir wide-bodied jets with passengers paying a(70)fare,without forgetting that the front end shouId be fille d with peopIe whopay(71)more for thei r tickets.It is no(72)that the twomajor a irlin e bankruptcies in 1982 were among the companies(73)incheap fl ights.But low fares require cons i stent I y ful I a irc ra ft to makef I i ghts economi ca 11y vi a b le(可行的),a nd i n the recent reces s i on the(74)of tra ffi c ha s not grown.Equa lly the la rge numb er of a i rIi nesj os tIi ng(争 夺)for the(75)pa s s engers ha s crea ted a huge exces sof ca pa ci ty.T he net res ult of exces s ca pa ci ty a nd cutthroa t(76)dri vi ng down fa res ha s b een to pus h s ome a i r I i nes i nto(77)a nd I ea vema ny others hoveri ng on the(78)Aga i ns t thi s gri m b a ckground,(79)i s no s urpri s e tha t a i rIi nes a re(80)i ncrea s i ngly to theb us i nes s tra velers to i mprove thei r ra tes of return.T hey ha ve(81)much ti me a nd effort to es ta b I i s h exa ct I y wha t the execut i ve dema nds fors i tti ng a pa rt from the tour i s ts.A.majoringB.specifyingC.specializingD.diversifying3.Interna ti ona l a i rIi nes ha ve redi s covered the b us i nes s tra velers,thema n or woma n who regula rly j ets from country to country a s pa rt of thej ob.T hi s does not(62)mea n tha t a i r I i nes ever a b a ndoned thei rb us i nes s tra velers.(63),compa ni es I i ke Luftha ns a a nd Swi s s a i rwould ri ghtIy a rgue tha t they ha ve a lwa ys (64)b es t for theexecuti ve-cla s s pa s s engers.(65)ma ny Ii nes could b e a ccus ed ofconcentra ti ng too hea vi ly i n the recent pa s t(66)a ttra cti ngpa s s engers b y voIume,often a t the(67)of regula r tra velers.T oooften,they ha ve s eemed gea red for qua nti ty(68)tha n qua Ii ty.Opera ti ng a ma j or a i rli ne i n the 1980s i s es s enti a lly a(n)(69)offi ndi ng the r i ght mi x of pa s s engers.T he a i rI i nes need to fi ll up theb a ck end of the i r wi de-b od i ed j ets wi th pa s s engers pa y i ng a (70)fa re,wi thout forgetti ng tha t the front end s hould b e fi lled wi th peopIe whopa y(71)more for thei r ti ckets.It i s no(72)tha t the twoma j or a i rli ne b a nkruptci es i n 1982 were a mong the compa ni es (73)i nchea p fli ghts.But low fa res requi re cons i s tent Iy fulI a i rcra ft to ma kef I i ghts economi ca I Iy vi a b le(可行的),a nd i n the recent reces s i on the(74)of tra ffi c ha s not grown.Equa 11y the la rge numb er of a i rIi nesj os tIi ng(争 夺)for the(75)pa s s engers ha s crea ted a huge exces sof ca pa ci ty.T he net res ult of exces s ca pa ci ty a nd cutthroa t(76)dri vi ng down fa res ha s b een to pus h s ome a i r I i nes i nto(77)a nd I ea vema ny others hoveri ng on the(78).Aga i ns t thi s gri m b a ckground,(79)i s no s urpr i s e tha t a i rIi nes a re(80)i ncrea s i ngly to theb us i nes s tra velers to i mprove thei r ra tes of return.T hey ha ve(81)much ti me a nd effort to es ta b I i s h exa ct I y wha t the execut i ve dema nds fors i tti ng a pa rt from the tour i s ts.A.velocityB.volumeC.amountD.bulk4.Interna ti ona l a i rIi nes ha ve redi s covered the b us i nes s tra velers,thema n or woma n who regula rly j ets from country to country a s pa rt of thej ob.T hi s does not(62)mea n tha t a i r I i nes ever a b a ndoned thei rb us i nes s tra velers.(63),compa ni es I i ke Luftha ns a a nd Swi s s a i rwould r i ght I y a rgue tha t they ha ve a I wa ys (64)b es t for theexecuti ve-cla s s pa s s engers.(65)ma ny Ii nes could b e a ccus ed ofconcentra ti ng too hea vi ly i n the recent pa s t(66)a ttra cti ngpa s s engers b y volume,often a t the(67)of regula r tra velers.T oooften,they ha ve s eemed gea red for qua nti ty(68)tha n qua Ii ty.Opera ti ng a ma j or a i rli ne i n the 1980s i s es s enti a l ly a(n)(69)offi ndi ng the ri ght mi x of pa s s engers.T he a i rIi nes need to fi ll up theb a ck end of thei r wi de-b odi ed j ets wi th pa s s engers pa yi ng a (70)fa re,wi thout forgetti ng tha t the front end s houId b e fi lled wi th peopIe whopa y(71)more for thei r ti ckets.It i s no(72)tha t the twoma j or a i rli ne b a nkruptci es i n 1982 were a mong the compa ni es (73)i nchea p fli ghts.But low fa res requi re cons i s tently ful I a i rcra ft to ma kef I i ghts economi ca I Iy vi a b le(可行的),a nd i n the recent reces s i on the(74)of tra ffi c ha s not grown.Equa lly the la rge numb er of a i rIi nesj os tIi ng(争 夺)for the(75)pa s s engers ha s crea ted a huge exces sof ca pa ci ty.T he net res ult of exces s ca pa ci ty a nd cutthroa t(76)dri vi ng down fa res ha s b een to pus h s ome a i r I i nes i nto(77)a nd I ea vema ny others hoveri ng on the(78).Aga i ns t thi s gri m b a ckground,(79)i s no s urpri s e tha t a i rIi nes a re(80)i ncrea s i ngly to theb us i nes s tra velers to i mprove thei r ra tes of return.T hey ha ve(81)much ti me a nd effort to es ta b I i s h exa ct I y wha t the execut i ve dema nds fors i tti ng a pa rt from the tour i s ts.A.availableB.adaptableC.approachableD.agreeable5.Interna ti ona l a i rIi nes ha ve redi s covered the b us i nes s tra velers,thema n or woma n who regula rly j ets from country to country a s pa rt of thej ob.T hi s does not(62)mea n tha t a i r I i nes ever a b a ndoned thei rb us i nes s tra velers.(63),compa ni es I i ke Luftha ns a a nd Swi s s a i rwould ri ghtIy a rgue tha t they ha ve a lwa ys (64)b es t for theexecuti ve-cla s s pa s s engers.(65)ma ny Ii nes could b e a ccus ed ofconcentra ti ng too hea vi ly i n the recent pa s t(66)a ttra cti ngpa s s engers b y volume,often a t the(67)of regula r tra velers.T oooften,they ha ve s eemed gea red for qua nti ty(68)tha n qua Ii ty.Opera ti ng a ma j or a i rIi ne i n the 1980s i s es s enti a lly a(n)(69)offi ndi ng the ri ght mi x of pa s s engers.T he a i rI i nes need to fi ll up theb a ck end of thei r wi de-b odi ed j ets wi th pa s s engers pa yi ng a (70)fa re,wi thout forgetti ng tha t the front end s houId b e fi lled wi th peopIe whopa y(71)more for thei r ti ckets.It i s no(72)tha t the twoma j or a i rli ne b a nkruptci es i n 1982 were a mong the compa ni es (73)i nchea p fl i ghts.But low fa res requi re cons i s tent I y ful I a i rcra ft to ma kefl i ghts economi ca I Iy vi a b le(可行的),a nd i n the recent reces s i on the(74)of tra ffi c ha s not grown.Equa I Iy the la rge numb er of a i rIi nesJos t Ii ng(争 夺)for the(75)pa s s engers ha s crea ted a huge exces sof ca pa ci ty.T he net res ult of exces s ca pa ci ty a nd cutthroa t(76)dri vi ng down fa res ha s b een to pus h s ome a i r I i nes i nto(77)a nd I ea vema ny others hoveri ng on the(78).Aga i ns t thi s gri m b a ckground,(79)i s no s urpr i s e tha t a i r Ii nes a re(80)i ncrea s i ngly to theb us i nes s tra velers to i mprove thei r ra tes of return.T hey ha ve(81)much ti me a nd effort to es ta b I i s h exa ct I y wha t the execut i ve dema nds fors i tti ng a pa rt from the touri s ts.A.collaborationB.collisionC.competitionD.competence6.Interna ti ona l a i rIi nes ha ve redi s covered the b us i nes s tra velers,thema n or woma n who regula rly j ets from country to country a s pa rt of thej ob.T hi s does not(62)mea n tha t a i r I i nes ever a b a ndoned thei rb us i nes s tra velers.(63),compa ni es I i ke Luftha ns a a nd Swi s s a i rwould ri ghtIy a rgue tha t they ha ve a lwa ys (64)b es t for theexecuti ve-cla s s pa s s engers.(65)ma ny Ii nes could b e a ccus ed ofconcentra ti ng too hea vi ly i n the recent pa s t(66)a ttra cti ngpa s s engers b y voIume,often a t the(67)of regula r tra velers.T oooften,they ha ve s eemed gea red for qua nti ty(68)tha n qua Ii ty.Opera ti ng a ma j or a i rli ne i n the 1980s i s es s enti a lly a(n)(69)offi ndi ng the ri ght mi x of pa s s engers.T he a i rIi nes need to fi ll up theb a ck end of the i r wi de-b od i ed j ets wi th pa s s engers pa y i ng a (70)fa re,wi thout forgetti ng tha t the front end s houId b e fi lled wi th peopIe whopa y(71)more for thei r ti ckets.It i s no(72)tha t the twoma j or a i rli ne b a nkruptci es i n 1982 were a mong the compa ni es (73)i nchea p fl i ghts.But low fa res requi re cons i s tent I y ful I a i rcra ft to ma kef I i ghts economi ca 11y vi a b le(可行的),a nd i n the recent reces s i on the(74)of tra ffi c ha s not grown.Equa lly the la rge numb er of a i rIi nesj os tIi ng(争 夺)for the(75)pa s s engers ha s crea ted a huge exces sof ca pa ci ty.T he net res ult of exces s ca pa ci ty a nd cutthroa t(76)dri vi ng down fa res ha s b een to pus h s ome a i r I i nes i nto(77)a nd I ea vema ny others hoveri ng on the(78)Aga i ns t thi s gri m b a ckground,(79)i s no s urpri s e tha t a i rIi nes a re(80)i ncrea s i ngly to theb us i nes s tra velers to i mprove thei r ra tes of return.T hey ha ve(81)much ti me a nd effort to es ta b I i s h exa ct I y wha t the execut i ve dema nds fors i tti ng a pa rt from the touri s ts.A.deteriorationB.failureC.frustrationD.collapseInterna ti ona l a i rIi nes ha ve redi s covered the b us i nes s tra velers,thema n or woma n who regula rly j ets from country to country a s pa rt of thej ob.T hi s does not(62)mea n tha t a i r I i nes ever a b a ndoned thei rb us i nes s tra velers.(63),compa ni es I i ke Luftha ns a a nd Swi s s a i rwould ri ghtIy a rgue tha t they ha ve a lwa ys (64)b es t for theexecuti ve-cla s s pa s s engers.(65)ma ny Ii nes could b e a ccus ed ofconcentra ti ng too hea vi ly i n the recent pa s t(66)a ttra cti ngpa s s engers b y volume,often a t the(67)of regula r tra velers.T oooften,they ha ve s eemed gea red for qua nti ty(68)tha n qua Ii ty.Opera ti ng a ma j or a i rI i ne i n the 1980s i s es s enti a l ly a(n)(69)offi ndi ng the r i ght mi x of pa s s engers.T he a i rIi nes need to fi ll up theb a ck end of the i r wi de-b od i ed j ets wi th pa s s engers pa y i ng a (70)fa re,wi thout forgetti ng tha t the front end s houId b e fi lled wi th peopIe whopa y(71)more for thei r ti ckets.It i s no(72)tha t the twoma j or a i rli ne b a nkruptci es i n 1982 were a mong the compa ni es (73)i nchea p fli ghts.But low fa res requi re cons i s tent Iy fulI a i rcra ft to ma kef I i ghts economi ca 11y vi a b le(可行的),a nd i n the recent reces s i on the(74)of tra ffi c ha s not grown.Equa 11y the la rge numb er of a i rIi nesj os tIi ng(争 夺)for the(75)pa s s engers ha s crea ted a huge exces sof ca pa ci ty.T he net res ult of exces s ca pa ci ty a nd cutthroa t(76)dri vi ng down fa res ha s b een to pus h s ome a i r I i nes i nto(77)a nd I ea vema ny others hoveri ng on the(78).Aga i ns t thi s gr i m b a ckground,(79)i s no s urpri s e tha t a i rIi nes a re(80)i ncrea s i ngly to theb us i nes s tra velers to i mprove thei r ra tes of return.T hey ha ve(81)much ti me a nd effort to es ta b I i s h exa ct I y wha t the execut i ve dema nds fors i tti ng a pa rt from the touri s ts.A.blinkB.brinkC.edgeD.fringe8.Interna ti ona l a i rIi nes ha ve redi s covered the b us i nes s tra velers,thema n or woma n who regula rly j ets from country to country a s pa rt of thej ob.T hi s does not(62)mea n tha t a i r I i nes ever a b a ndoned thei rb us i nes s tra velers.(63),compa ni es I i ke Luftha ns a a nd Swi s s a i rwould ri ghtIy a rgue tha t they ha ve a lwa ys (64)b es t for theexecuti ve-cla s s pa s s engers.(65)ma ny Ii nes could b e a ccus ed ofconcentra ti ng too hea vi ly i n the recent pa s t(66)a ttra cti ngpa s s engers b y volume,often a t the(67)of regula r tra velers.T oooften,they ha ve s eemed gea red for qua nti ty(68)tha n qua Ii ty.Opera ti ng a ma j or a i rI i ne i n the 1980s i s es s enti a l ly a(n)(69)offi ndi ng the ri ght mi x of pa s s engers.T he a i rIi nes need to fi ll up theb a ck end of thei r wi de-b odi ed j ets wi th pa s s engers pa yi ng a (70)fa re,wi thout forgetti ng tha t the front end s houId b e fi lled wi th peopIe whopa y(71)more for thei r ti ckets.It i s no(72)tha t the twoma j or a i r I i ne b a nkruptci es i n 1982 were a mong the compa ni es (73)i nchea p fl i ghts.But low fa res requi re cons i s tent I y ful I a i rcra ft to ma kef I i ghts economi ca I Iy vi a b le(可行的),a nd i n the recent reces s i on the(74)of tra ffi c ha s not grown.Equa lly the la rge numb er of a i rIi nesj os tIi ng(争 夺)for the(75)pa s s engers ha s crea ted a huge exces sof ca pa ci ty.T he net res ult of exces s ca pa ci ty a nd cutthroa t(76)dri vi ng down fa res ha s b een to pus h s ome a i r I i nes i nto(77)a nd I ea vema ny others hoveri ng on the(78).Aga i ns t thi s gri m b a ckground,(79)i s no s urpri s e tha t a i rIi nes a re(80)i ncrea s i ngly to theb us i nes s tra velers to i mprove thei r ra tes of return.T hey ha ve(81)much ti me a nd effort to es ta b I i s h exa ct I y wha t the execut i ve dema nds fors i tti ng a pa rt from the tour i s ts.A.thisB.whichC.asD.it9.Interna ti ona l a i rIi nes ha ve redi s covered the b us i nes s tra velers,thema n or woma n who regula rly j ets from country to country a s pa rt of thej ob.T hi s does not(62)mea n tha t a i r I i nes ever a b a ndoned thei rb us i nes s tra velers.(63),compa ni es I i ke Luftha ns a a nd Swi s s a i rwould ri ghtIy a rgue tha t they ha ve a lwa ys (64)b es t for theexecut i ve-cI a s s pa s s engers.(65)ma ny Ii nes could b e a ccus ed ofconcentra ti ng too hea vi ly i n the recent pa s t(66)a ttra cti ngpa s s engers b y voIume,often a t the(67)of regula r tra velers.T oooften,they ha ve s eemed gea red for qua nti ty(68)tha n qua Ii ty.Opera ti ng a ma j or a i rli ne i n the 1980s i s es s enti a lly a(n)(69)offi ndi ng the ri ght mi x of pa s s engers.T he a i rIi nes need to fi ll up theb a ck end of thei r wi de-b odi ed j ets wi th pa s s engers pa yi ng a (70)fa re,wi thout forgetti ng tha t the front end s houId b e fi lled wi th peopIe whopa y(71)more for thei r ti ckets.It i s no(72)tha t the twoma j or a i rli ne b a nkruptci es i n 1982 were a mong the compa ni es (73)i nchea p fl i ghts.But low fa res requi re cons i s tent I y ful I a i rcra ft to ma kefl i ghts economi ca I Iy vi a b le(可行的),a nd i n the recent reces s i on the(74)of tra ffi c ha s not grown.Equa I Iy the la rge numb er of a i rIi nesJos t Ii ng(争 夺)for the(75)pa s s engers ha s crea ted a huge exces sof ca pa ci ty.T he net res ult of exces s ca pa ci ty a nd cutthroa t(76)dri vi ng down fa res ha s b een to pus h s ome a i r I i nes i nto(77)a nd I ea vema ny others hover i ng on the(78)Aga i ns t thi s gri m b a ckground,(79)i s no s urpri s e tha t a i rIi nes a re(80)i ncrea s i ngly to theb us i nes s tra velers to i mprove thei r ra tes of return.T hey ha ve(81)much ti me a nd effort to es ta b I i s h exa ct I y wha t the execut i ve dema nds fors i tti ng a pa rt from the touri s ts.A.turningB.adaptingC.adjustingD.setting10.Interna ti ona l a i rI i nes ha ve redi s covered the b us i nes s tra velers,thema n or woma n who regula rly j ets from country to country a s pa rt of thej ob.T hi s does not(62)mea n tha t a i r I i nes ever a b a ndoned thei rb us i nes s tra velers.(63),compa ni es I i ke Luftha ns a a nd Swi s s a i rwould ri ghtIy a rgue tha t they ha ve a lwa ys (64)b es t for theexecuti ve-cla s s pa s s engers.(65)ma ny Ii nes could b e a ccus ed ofconcentra ti ng too hea vi ly i n the recent pa s t(66)a ttra cti ngpa s s engers b y voIume,often a t the(67)of regula r tra velers.T oooften,they ha ve s eemed gea red for qua nti ty(68)tha n qua Ii ty.Opera ti ng a ma j or a i rli ne i n the 1980s i s es s enti a lly a(n)(69)offi ndi ng the r i ght mi x of pa s s engers.T he a i rI i nes need to fi ll up theb a ck end of thei r wi de-b odi ed j ets wi th pa s s engers pa yi ng a (70)fa re,wi thout forgetti ng tha t the front end s houId b e fi lled wi th peopIe whopa y(71)more for thei r ti ckets.It i s no(72)tha t the twoma j or a i rli ne b a nkruptci es i n 1982 were a mong the compa ni es (73)i nchea p fl i ghts.But low fa res requi re cons i s tent I y ful I a i rcra ft to ma kef I i ghts economi ca 11y vi a b le(可行的),a nd i n the recent reces s i on the(74)of tra ffi c ha s not grown.Equa lly the la rge numb er of a i rIi nesj os tIi ng(争 夺)for the(75)pa s s engers ha s crea ted a huge exces sof ca pa ci ty.T he net res ult of exces s ca pa ci ty a nd cutthroa t(76)dri vi ng down fa res ha s b een to pus h s ome a i r I i nes i nto(77)a nd I ea vemany others hovering on the(78)Against th is grim background,(79)is no surprise that ai rIines are(80)increasingly to thebusiness travelers to improve thei r rates of return.They have(81)much time and e ffo rt to estab I i sh exact I y what the execut i ve demands fors ittin g apart from the tour i sts.A.donatedB.contributedC.investedD.arranged11.A.She broke the bicycle herself.B.She fixed the broke bicycle.C.She was ab I e to get the b i eye I e fast.D.She hurt herself on the brokenb i eye I e.12.A)Three years ago.B)For three years.C)Maybe inthree years.D)No,only three years.13,A.He had two classes yesterday.B.He w ill have classes al Imorning.C.His class begins at 9:00 o5 cIock.D.His class Iasts twohours.14.A)Nothing serious.B)That s right.C)That,s al Iright.D)You,re welcome.15.A)P m wel I today.B)That s OK.C)No,I like todo so.D)Because I ve got a headache.16.A.Swimming is also a


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