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人教版版七年人教版版七年级下册下册unit4-Dont-eat-in-class-section-A-period3-Grammarfocus-3c1.不要在楼道里跑。不要在楼道里跑。_2.不要打架。不要打架。_3.有什么规则?有什么规则?_ 4.我们必须按时上课我们必须按时上课._阅读阅读Grammar Focus部分,完成下列句子。部分,完成下列句子。Dont fight.Dont run in the hallways.What are the rules?We must be on time for class.5.我们可以在教室里吃东西吗?我们可以在教室里吃东西吗?_6.不能。但我们可以在餐厅里吃东西。不能。但我们可以在餐厅里吃东西。_ _7.我们可以在上课的时候带帽子吗?我们可以在上课的时候带帽子吗?_Can we wear a hat in class?No,we cant,but we can eat in the dining hall.Can we eat in the classroom?8.他在学校里必须穿校服吗?他在学校里必须穿校服吗?_9.是的,必须。是的,必须。/不,不必。不,不必。_10.你们必须做什么?你们必须做什么?_ 11.在图书馆里我们必须保持安静。在图书馆里我们必须保持安静。_Yes,he does./No,he doesnt.Does he have to wear a uniform at school?What do you have to do?We have to be quiet in the library.GrammarGrammar:Example:Example:肯定肯定肯定肯定祈使句祈使句祈使句祈使句 否定否定否定否定祈使句祈使句祈使句祈使句1.1.Sit down.Sit down.2.2.Come in.Come in.3.3.Eat in the hallways.Eat in the hallways.4.4.Listen to music in class.Listen to music in class.5.5.Do your homework on Sunday night.Do your homework on Sunday night.Dont sit down.Dont come in.Dont eat in the hallways.Dont listen to music in class.Dont do your homework on Sunday night.表示表示表示表示请求请求请求请求,建议建议建议建议,命令命令命令命令,禁止禁止禁止禁止等语气的句子等语气的句子等语气的句子等语气的句子,其结构为省其结构为省其结构为省其结构为省去主语去主语去主语去主语youyou,以以以以动词原形开头动词原形开头动词原形开头动词原形开头的简单句的简单句的简单句的简单句。祈使句祈使句2.句子结构句子结构(1)肯定句:肯定句:_+其他其他 在餐厅里吃东西。在餐厅里吃东西。_ 在音乐教室里听音乐。在音乐教室里听音乐。_ 骑自行车去上学。骑自行车去上学。_Ride the bike to school.Eat in the dining hall.动词动词原形原形Listen to music in the music room.(2)否定句否定句:_+_+其他其他 不要和同学们打架。不要和同学们打架。_ 不要在教室里打不要在教室里打篮篮球。球。_Dont fight with your classmates.Dont play basketball in the classroom.Dont 动词原形动词原形(3)以以let引起的句子引起的句子 _+sb.+动词动词原形原形 让让我我们们步行去上学吧。步行去上学吧。_(4)表示表示“禁止、禁止、规劝规劝”禁止停禁止停车车!No Parking!禁止吸烟!禁止吸烟!No Smoking!不要放包!不要放包!No bags!LetLets walk to school.No+动词动词-ing形式形式No+可数名词复数可数名词复数/不可数名词不可数名词Dont fight.Dont listen to music in the classroom!in the classroomDont run in the hallways.Dont take photos here.No photos!Dont talk in the library!in the libraryNo talking!Dont smoke!No smoking!Dont eat in the classroom.in the classroomDont take your schoolbags to the library!in the libraryNo schoolbags!Dont arrive late for class.Library rules1.Dont talk.2._3._ _4._ _Dont eat.Write the rules for the school library.3aDont listen to music.Dont take photos.Do you know the rules for the school library?No school bags!No talking!No wet umbrellas!No listening to music!No food!3aI _a uniform every day.They _wear a uniform every day.Yes,_.Look and say.Do you have to wear a uniform every day?have toNo,_.have to wearI doI dontShe _do homework every day.has toJane_on weekends.has to clean her bedroom We have to.We have to arrive at school on time.We have to do homework every day.We have to clean the classroom every day.We have to keep the classroom clean.We have to study hard at all lessons.What do you have to do at school?Group workUse the words to make questions about the rules.Then write answers according to your school.3b1.Be quite?Q:Does she have to be quite in the library?(she/have to/in the library)A:Yes,she does.2.Eat?Q:_ (he/have to/in the dining hall)?A:_Does he have to eat in the dining hall?No,he doesnt.He can also eat outside.3.Listen to music?Q:_ (we/can/in the hallways)?A:_ 4.Wear a hat?Q:_ (we/can/in the classroom)?A:_Can we listen to music in the hallways?Can we wear a hat in the classroom?No,we cant.No,we cant.At my dream school,we dont have to come to school every day.We can eat in class.3c Make up five cool rules for your dream school.Share your rules with the class.Your classmates vote for the Coolest School!We dont have to wear school uniforms.We can listen to music in class.We can eat in the classroom.We dont have to do homework.At my dream school,we dont have to come to school every day.We can eat in the classroom.We can listen to music in class.We dont have to do homework.We dont have to wear school uniforms at school.Discuss and make rules for the computer room in your school.Computer Rules1._2._3._4._5._Group workWe must be quiet in the computer room.Dont run in the computer room.Dont eat or drink in the computer room.Wear slippers in the computer room.Computer Rules1._2._3._4._5._We must be quiet in the computer room.Dont eat or drink in the computer room.Dont run in the computer room.Wear slippers in the computer room.Clean the computer room every day.1.You must not break the _(规定规定).2.We cant make too much noise in the _(大厅走廊大厅走廊).3.We have to wear _(运动鞋运动鞋)for gym class.4.He _(步行步行)two kilometers to work every morning.5.She has to _(洗洗)the dishes after meals.ruleshallwayssports shoeswalkswash.词汇词汇.用用can和和cant填空填空1.Mr Green _ smoke here,because theres a sign on the wall.It says“No smoking.”2.Its very hot outside.You _ wear a hat.3.We _ eat in the classroom,because its impolite to teachers.4.I _ go to bed after 11:00 on school night.5.The students _ read books and magazines in the library.cantcancancancant1.We _ clean our classroom after school.2.She _ make her bed after getting up.3.Its late.Mr.Beckman _ go to work by car.4.Emily and Peter join a music club.They _ practice guitar every day.have tohave tohas tohas to.用用have to或或has to填空填空1.No talking!(改成同义句改成同义句)_ _,please!2.The man behind the white car is his father.(对画线部分提问)(对画线部分提问)_ _ is his father?Dont talk Which man 按要求改写下列句子。按要求改写下列句子。句型练习句型练习1.Mike was late _ school yesterday because he got up late.2.Zhao Pei cant go out _ school nights.3.The boy _ a blue T-shirt is my brother.4.The students in our school cant wear hats _ class.5.Who do you often play basketball _?My friends.for on in in用适当的介词填空。用适当的介词填空。介词填空介词填空 with按要求改写句子,每空一词。按要求改写句子,每空一词。1.Paul has to eat outside.(改为一般疑问句改为一般疑问句)_ Paul _ _ eat outside?2.They can wear hats in the hall.(改为一般疑问句改为一般疑问句)_ they _ hats in the hall?3.The students have to wear sports shoes for gym class.(对划线部分提问对划线部分提问)_ do the students _ _ _?Does have toCan wearWhat have to do4.You cant stand in the middle of the street.(改为祈使句改为祈使句)_ _ in the middle of the street.5.Take the pen to your sister.(改为否定句改为否定句)_ _ the pen to your sister.6.Dont arrive late next time.(改为同义句改为同义句)_ _ late next time.Dont beDont standDont take谢谢观赏谢谢观赏


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