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中学生百科英语4Ccepts&Commn1 Nvjo Snd Painn2 Ceramics3 Cv Painng Graffii5The ned atins6 nesy Intenatonal7 UNICE8 Te Olympc oveent Hawaii Desrt1 Antactica1 Natial Ps3 atelies14 ets5 MotorVhces: Pro anCons6Ne Plans17 Up in Smoe18 Mmoy19 Obiy: Th Nw Epidemi20 ashioBeazardous o YorHelth?Nvajo SanPainingor thn 500 yer ao te ancstors o th vjopeopelef t colrthen regionhat isnw rto wsternCanadand Alska andmgrated sou ohat is owt southwrnpart o th Unitd State. The area i whih th ajfnall etled is mainly desrt. It i harsh nonet tatetsie raiT nimas ad pants ht ive herehavehd to adap rdr to suive thunorgivn climate nd landscape.WhentheNavjorivdin te area, hetoo d to dap tothharshdesert nditons n ordr tosuvive.They ha to earn makuseo natural reourcin hir environment to ovie for thisher, fod, andot necessite. Ovr tme, te aaj beame fmous fr th thing thy were al o et fm te naturalesourc t hand. Oeofhe o musNavajo creaioisalled sand iting.opeople thk of apntig as a wo ofart. or the Navajo, hower, sand paitingisno artwor er, adpaining s an mprt r o a reiios cmo. The making of a sandpainingis parofeaing ceremny tha is psed o restor th hn ll-beinofasicpron.Thonly peolewo are ald t crat sad pinngs are special traine Navajo siers ormeicine mandther ssista. A Navaj sigr begns e proces fcretig a sand paintigb colecng dffentrok. h rocks ae then cushedad ground into sand. Trdiinaly,aao ingerand is asstatsmake the sad paintingo te flor of a salNavj se calda hoga. Wrkn unerthe iection the inr, thasitantstaecolred sandin theihads an drip n t oori line Ung frntcolors, hy sowly mk pictue Te siz of aajosand inin aris. smll sand patigis lss than ametr wd, whlalarge sad pntin b ver6 mters wie. Thnumber o ele asising th nger alo vaies. A sllad painting ahe 2 or peope workg o itand tak hor to complete,hile a lrgpainng myrquie10 mnndwome and a al dayto fnisDringhe healing ceremony,h ic eson moes onto he lted sndpainting. The ickpron itsectlyon th san tingso ta t an sereasa pwafo ollnes o leve he pess boy and for goodesor helt to reurn it. Tis explan whyhe Nvao wor for ad paining eas lawhre the go oad o ftr he sick peson has bentrted, oer iitormay up to the aintin an db sme f th sad ontemslves sthtte ad paintigbin heath d well-eingnto ther lives tooAthe end o the ealn emony,ts mratta th sndainting be destrye. Thavjo blievetha someg terribwl hapen i he fl destro a sandainti proprlyo, in the ve f therd inwhi i wasae, the siger seeps he aingwayad retuns tesad to the lndscpe.Nvjo singers ke teirsandpantinom memory, ad they alwa maketh same pctures in exactlhe sameway. Ther a beteen60ad ,00 fferen cures f sn paintings. A on ot in history, there as e ngr or ver 1Navajos. Toda, the t muchlower, witone singe or roughly eve ,200peole.One reson fothis change ise xtenietranng reqiredto perfrm the dies of singer; it ca take as ong s 14yas to tai omone A se reasonr the chane i ato is that singec tain onlyonestudet at a tim.Thi ed or ne-o- tringhas lmited th nume ons who can btraidhila re and painting i part of aNaajo eemoy and asts fo only shorttme, sn ping as a prmnnt art form as also deeloped.Theirspermannt sandaintings apredin the ey 1900s. hese early pices f art wee actually apetris rather thnpainngs made ithsad. e aestries wee ovenby a respecteNavajo singenamdHosten Klah, who copied thepictures fm sand paintings.Hev, to avoidcaung smhing rrito hapey min a perment picture, Kh never adehepcure exactl he sae s eorigna. He woud noue a Navajo itrewthu haning alittle Befre long, urists in tara sw Klahs eavings nd askdto uythem. Kahfinally agreed tollon f his weaing if hebyer romed never to pit onhe foor or walkon it.Inthe 9s, the Navao beganreating oter type of rmaen sandaning. Th made the prmaenintngs by lw dripig olordsn onto lue-coverd boars. Tday,these and aintng areconiee to e wrks f artrthe than par f a religiou ceemy They are made b artsts rthe tan snges, atepe iat shows an inart museums.Tee still coovrsyover te selling f sad paitings. Some Naajo say tt sad paiingre pat o theirigion ndshod not b sd. But other beieve tha the artiss hange to the pictues potcthei relgiouspow.(913 wos)2 CeaicTh mos ancent rifacts i our possssintoaweemade outf lay mnytousands of r agon act,mucho whatwe nw ko abou cures of th past wlnd by studying pieces ofther lay ishesan clay gures. Very fw things mde fo other materis ae survive tolls abot h lure ta prodced them.Objct made rom claycm to alldceramic rom thereekwrd emi, whchmean potters cla. Crais aredivid no many dfeent kinds sed on te tye of clase andow the lay is fied. The mst com tp of ceramcs epotey, tnewe, an prclai. Tomakepotery,for empe, clay i firdat abot500C.Cla fired at about 100C ecm stoneware. When hite ayisfir t a even hgher mperaur, tecomes pocelain.Baig eclay at suchhgh tmprtursacualy cnes tetructure o the clayso thait ecmes permanenly ard ad alostindetrtibleTe art o ming pottey developdin man paces round he word. ome of he ealies picso poteryre pobaby ade when eople triedo senghenasets wovenf gras and stiks. So arceologiss thi that ery potters in Chimyhave coverd the nsid ofwoven akts it laythatthe baetswoul hold ater. Whe the baskets reetr lced on fi or let here mistae, t fire rned thgras away and urned th sksinto hard, duae pot.Early pottsin diffen arts f th od foud inersting asto ecorae er wor o mke it more atractive. They scrachethe rfaeof teof clay tomae deorae lnsand degns. They also used glaze,whi e specal kind of pain, t make cl objectssooth, shiy, an colofl.he ptins w alrdy decoraig ter poer wihcolorsandesgn abot 5,000ears ao.Siia stlebegan to spread hroughoutth Meditrranean, regi y 3,500yers ago, th peoe of th Gee island of rte were prduinheir ow potter decoated itdesignandimages fnmals Thse dein suived thouands f yearsand catll beseen xamples of ciet GekartThe potterymakers hi werethe frtto ern ae relan, which isheinet nd ost fragile tyeof ter. I yu od piec of prlai p in he air, lighwil shine hrough i.hChinese exported orcelanoErpe, whre it eame hly aue. Frnyyrs, Eopenpottstrie tocpyChinee prcean,ut wa notuntl 710hat a Grman ientistfinally earne howtomae it.By the en of th 1h centur, thr urope counieswe alsoproducing orcelain, ad oday France an Englan rce some te finest poreln in t orld.Tere aeifferen wys to fo cy dish r owl. e easies mthodis to simply llw ot a cla all,usinur had.Anther sile mehodiool the cla intoalong rope dthe wini ntoa ape A thrd method is to sprah cay aroud someting. heinvetino eptesee oretha 5,00 yersagitrodce entrl nw wayto or aclybect. Withti metod, the terles ome cay i t ceter of a rou, fat whel tat can turn vry fAshewheel turn,he ttr usesh o her had to sape the clay.sin a potters wheelm i pibl to form clay obect thataresmoor ad more unifomly round.Aclayobect is usual dcoaed fst anthe bake. Baknt clayat veryhh temperatures makes t hard andtron. Firing lo akes h gae sti t the otery. Whn firiniscomplte, e pote us crefully moe the pttry frm theoenand lt t ol slowly. I it ools tooquily, it coulcrack and break.ver theers, clayobects have sered many purposes Obviuly, on o the ostomoues ofpotter s for houshld dishs. Beus poter is trong and epof, t ae nxcellentdish torcryng, storin, cokig,ndsering ood.Fid clyhas lso be use t make icks fr buldig ose and t ke tlsorcoerig flors.Ceramcsrasncrdibye essat, soheycaneusd whre meal would mel or bmewak. Tod, eamics areimportnt iindstry ad enginrin.One aey icused se of eraicsisfor ural ceemoies. nsme cultues, peciacraic bjts wee urie along with theed person. Arlgsthnkthese cami obets wremad pcil fo ral cermnesbecae terecoatio is elabrate.I soe cultur, parts f adad pesos boy ere rmovd, ace inerami vases, anthe uied wth he bdy.Ceram obecsowig a dea prons til nd offeshed have alsobe fund buriites.om peopl efuset csier t making of ceic anartom because heobj ect reated ae s fte useful tngs.Ate sme im, hoee, ao tseuful cerami igs xmlvalube Some are e ket in museum. Ihecnty ofIr,acientpoteryis consired t e so vauable t thecuure th ee re hah pnhments ayone wo trietote eram atfac o fhe conry. Tepnishets rangeroyng money oie in jil. That sceinly acea idicattht ceramics ae valud by mapeole.(9 wd) Cave aningsI Demer 194, hreeamteur ave explorrsJan-Marie Chauvet,Elette rue Dshap,anChritian Hilairewere invstting an area i uhastern Franc. OnDecembe18, hey notcedthehalf-covere ntrancetoan unnamdcave. lth it ddnt ookike avery interestingcv, Eliette Dschampsusdherself through he mall openigTo her urprse,she sa ahgecae belo. The three explorers eturne o the ruck to geta lade, nd evthgh i was ady dark, theydcide go dwn into the av.e tee, hey discovered a vast etorofroomOn h wals wee some of te ot beatifu ainingthyhd evr seen.Thecavedisovered eembe 18, 199, is ow clled hauve Cav,afte one of he aaturxplorrs whdiscoveed it. rceologtsho inspctdthe cve paintings sonaferthe wre soed eimate ht the paintingsereabout 17,00 eas od. A femonthslaer,owever, tets showedtha hree of th animals i h paintin were a least 31,0 year ld. hat mant h paintngsin auv ae wethe oldst existicave paintis ith orlThere are more tha300 ating i hauvt Cae. Seeny-thre ofthe pitigs ar oa ty f lion hat nw enct. Otheraning show anter,hres, mamoths, ooly riocers, an oher animls There e also traingso humanhnda wll a symbol uchasosforin ircle.Many othe pitngs areexrrdinrily detailedForinstace, evraofther f ionsshw the varied patrns of whske spos tat bilists oayuse to idtif ndiidual animals.The artits uedtnaturacre f the avewallsoake thanmls ok eal.They used adin ndolo (lak, re,and elo)to add dpt to their antings. When theFencharcheolgist ean Clotes as ske bout the cvpaiting,he aid, I wadely move wheI a e paintgs. Teyre as od a any art mae nwhee inthe wolTe pintings i Chauet Cve weremoiel done b a numbr o artist.Some t pintigs ar rardinarily sophsticated With ime lines d shading, the rtists createdexisite picuf wild animals inaction.Soeof the paitns, however,aresiff d styd, and othrs are quite ouhadmateurh. om archeologsts hv susted tht e pinte wrkedwi assstants Perpsthe ssistants ade the roh paiings wltryng o opy teir eacherspaig.When he panting nCauve Cav weredicverd, tey were perftl prserved n th sne alls N ligt ha ented th avefo thetie the pti wr adntil Chauvet and is rnds found thm. Unotatey, theimple act f epoing paintng sohat peole can eete can ase tpaitins to diape. his aend t theaitnsin anothe vithi sixonhs ofthe opeingoftheave th aintinshad vnished. scientists know tha they mut tcaves careully and prevnt lht and a frm maing the picturesToda, ChauvetCav i clos to the pblic,bcse ev theathn o a large numbero peoplcuddme the aitings.Prh themostiteresting thngbotCauve Caveis taiha forced archeologtst canthir iea aout ar. For man ers,arheologistsbelved tht ittook thosands o ears fr huas togradualy learn ow todrw npan ChauvetCae owe tat thee were rartists ,000 rs ago.an ltes sumed itup,aying, Our ancetors id notedmiennia oftrial ad erorto aiv geatart. Atistic capcity wason of the cmponntsf ourspie rbbl ight from the ar.hauve Ce is ly oe o may cvesi the wold tat have been dcoratd anienpaitngs nusralia,outhica, hina nd ma oher places,raodiarancin works fart have been od Wy did prehtor eopl make esanings? Pehaps he blievedtapinig he anias ae th ats specil stetho powrsPrhs the itigsereart of a ereony, or eraps hey were though to holdsoe sor of gic.Te answer to this queso will rbl away emaia yster. (700words)4 Gaffitiuetstree, alank wll, a can o spray pait and a young ersn goes toworkwitng graffi.The m grffi mes wors drawings scrached or an o wll. h word comes rm he Geek termraphei, wichmeans o write. Peop hav enritng graffitin walfo thousands of ars, bu todaysmeee elievha craintyeso graffiti hae vlvednto a enuine ar fr.an of the oldest xstin exame f rafft are frm tenciencty of Pompi on the western ost of Italy.In th yr 79, Pompi wadestoyed by th erupion of t. Vesuvius As fom the olano buriedthecy, preserving much of t for us to se today. Credonte alsof Pompeiiaemanexampes f affiti. Some f tegafit aedeclaraonsofl,while other re inult. omo th graffitiarecomplns ut tore oners wo ere cheatng people, wileothes politic statemens r rough drwngs f eple. Althoughhe messaes dffr, the graffii have n mrant thing in cmon; tey werelwten ithoueperisinofhe one of th wal. Fo istrianhowevr, these grfit ae sm othe o availble surcesof inforation abou theives o te ommon peple oPmpeiiandtei evrydaycoerns.While eol have been wriinggrffii on ws forthousads f year,in the160s a nw tye gafftstart appring on ity wllsnhe Unted Sates.Se eoplalled this type of gaffti anraffii bcau t ws maby gangmemertoidntifythe territory. Gang gait consstd simlyf tegangsme, or ta; itsppos s to wn othegans to stay away. gng ta ad to be distctiveand asy mke ckly bt it was ntmeanto be rtic.B theendof the970, the ratic o taggig wa longer mainl a gang actity. People wo ad onecinta ang were wrtin their nams nflaturfacesall rd the city. Ther goal watbecme fs by gettingtir name on as may uras posible. wee, as moreand mo peplegot involedn aging, it ecame icasngly diffcutorterst g atetion.his l som rterstobgn exerimetingwith waystomake ti tags snu.Some srted makin eir tag igge adboler, while othes cmbnd letts ithpictures. As tag ecae increasil elorat, ndiidulsys coul eintified.Fagging,grffi developed into smeting caled gaffiti art, oaerosolar.Graffiiartists ombinehir uniqu lettstle wthpicrs cete lrge paintigs that cvrdan enti wll or heentir id f a subwayar.Duin the 197s ad 9 he sby carsofNe rbecame movin musum f artfr gffiiartists. Th purpos ofgafit ar, unli tha a graffiti, i seepesin andcretityAcng t neaffii rtit, eatg gafiti is an at, ad jus likeany ther rt, it rqire ons of ratice and work.day,os rafti ar i mad with spray pint,ltough some rts asosebuhesand markersForgrffti rtiss,ju about ann canea surce forthir artwo, venoks, roads, a billbdsOf cousenot evrone lks o appoves of the raffition ci walls. I fct, mos peole hink of creg graffit avandalisrather han art. For the mory of pepe,doingaffitiwithout soeones permssio s no fredoofxpreson; it arroanc. An thrsc fgrfft teireigohd ke mnyeop feel less fe. eeing graffiti all aoudthem makmanypeopee thtnger is juaroun the rner. te180s,many ctiesstated taking ation agast graffiti. Th cit f ew York, for examle, satd a camaign tg riof graiti o sway ars. By paitig oer t gaffti soon after they were made, thec ws abe o discage graffiti rtist fromdecoratig theubway ars. hen,in1987, a ew type or pairsistat ubway car becae alble, maingit imossblor grffitiaris to paint o he cas. Th ciyf L Angeesghtsevral paintoesn welstocomatraffitiThee va aeled aound he ctylooking for raffiti and painting over them immediatey Tcitys oal was todiscuage graffti aistsby paningve eigrafitihin24 hours. Other cies havesed rotecte coating and pecialbulding maei t prevet peope fromwritg grfii.Although hesesuions hav een efftive, thyaeery expensive.Ds hisa he end f rffii?Note. Insomountri, such Jpan,Eglan, nthe Uied Sat, rafiartis re allwedo do their work onspiall


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