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德州市初中学业水平考试英语 试 题注意事项:.本试题共七个大题,分选择题和非选择题两种类型:选择题计75分,非选择题计4分;试卷总分10分,考试时间120分钟。2.考生应将答案所有答在答题卡上,注意事项请参与答题卡规定。考试结束后,试题和答题卡将一并收回。一、听力部分(共25小题,计分;每题约有秒钟的答题时间)(一)录音中有五个句子,每个句子听一遍,然后从每题、B、C中选出能对每个句子做出合适反映的答语。(5分)1.A. I adoctor. B.I ke pop music .Im from New Yo.2. A. Ha a goodime! . Wonderfl,pse! C. ppy for you!3A 55784 .Nar the oital. C.Wk straight. . You lo gret. BWhate problem? .ats dngerous.5 A. Abou 15 us. B.Abo 20dollar. C. ou23 ilos.(二)录音中有三个句子,每个句子相应一幅图片,每个句子听两遍,然后选择与句子内容相相应的图片。(分)(三)录音中有六组对话,听对话两遍后,从每题AC中选出能回答所给问题的对的答案(6分)9What does Nacys og look like?A She hasa white sock. . Shhas white bas C. heis brown.1 hee a they?A.In a sp. B In bank. C. ina musem.1.Wha lesson il t udents tk insed of English?A. Engli B. Mth Histoy.12.Hw ld istegirl? 1 ears old. B yasold. C. 13 y ol.13 What ilharn do on Stuay?A To see a i B.To vii her grnpa. . o o horse riding.14. Why isLly eie?. She woda partyt hmeB.he hanvted Simon to hepary.C.he got th ft rize ina cmeito.(四)录音中有两段长对话,听对话两遍后,从每题AB中选出能回答所给问题的对的答案(分)听每一段对话,回答第15,16,7小题。5. Wh is Peter?Aeacher . Atudt . A liby ssitant.16. wdos Mrs. Smith o owork?. By b. B. B bu .O fot. 7Whee does rsSitwork?. At Deyua Hotel B. Atthcity liar. Aa coay听第二段对话,回答第18,9小题。8 ere il Tony o fr a hlidy?A . ndon. C Bjing.9. Wh il Ton go ith?A Hi fahe. B. His cousin. C.His ama0 Whenwill Tycme ac hme?A t the noJuly B Atte C. At he (五)听力填表(共5小题,录音播放前,你有0秒钟的时间)(5分)李伟委托张华寻找海景房供其家人度假租住。张华在微信中向李伟具体描述了一套海景房的状况。听微信信息两遍,根据表格内容提示,记录有关信息。二、单选(共1小题,计0分)从每题ABCD中选出一种能填入句中空白处的最佳答案。26. Youdbeter wake u m t6:30 _ hewlb late othe atchA if B.r C. and bu2. The NeYorTmes is a popularaily_.A.ditionry . mgzin C newpaper D. gudebk28. We waveto s off _ to avo th heav traffc tomrrw moin A, eary B. qly C. slwly D.polite29. I oveweiht ple et eandte more exercis,heyll sonfemch_.A fater B. oldr C. bigger D. healthr30.MrWan,mus I cm gain tolea te carom n und?No, you_ haeaked Kate to d it.cant B. musnt C neednt. shln1. eryone _ has e to Shanhiaysits mdrn ity.Ay B.h . ho Dwhch3 Whn I gotto th busstop missed h earbs and I a o_ tenexoneA gieu B. keep of C. al f D. aitor3. Wd ouike toco to diner omrow eening?_.A Yes, its te. . You ellydo. C It upstais D. Yes, Id lvto3. Wh is yor favite singe,ie?TFoys. Th are vry _ boysand irl. prod f B. popular with C.trict wth D oriabout35. Iwonder _.Ys,of cousA. wherewe canbuy th pat . ow ot you ear form our siseC.i I myave a word wit you D. whye arrved late yesteda三、阅读理解(共20小题,计40分)阅读下列短文,然后从每题ABCD中选出能回答所提问题或完毕所给句子的最佳答案。AFouyears ag wen I wa bo o 1, gt no the biggest troue s i. I as Satudmrnig. Bth paents we out,eaing me nd m10monhod istebcame ae. yay, my sister wasstl alp in herroom.In act hat use o myself. I ecid to d me drawng. Son gave u. Nthigwas onV,o I feltrdand tuchd th ades on hehpI had an ida! What woud happen ifI ee fito smeitce aper?l, ofcourse iwent onir, bu it wsnt heinflame(火箭)Id exected, an I coudntblowt ou. I threw it n the floor, ad then lckil gtmy dads oots(靴子)ad staedto.Ithought wassaeuntil hre was a HCGEle nmy ro. enmy mum camehomeatr, she selt te soke immeditly. She dropd thpin ag, ukiy re,overth ole. I hought this meatsh old nve t.eve, after rnin oun the house chekig for fire, hofcourse pickd pth a and a theole NexI was gronded(关禁闭)and ntroul r nths. Eve thh,thho was stil there, emindng meo what I di. ool wsthewriter he ohe assag? 11 years old B. 13ars ol C 15 r o. D. 1 yearsol.37 The drine ords “stam out” in he irstpararaph me _.A.吹灭 .扑灭 C. 杀灭 D浇灭38 Puthesntnceinhe rihtorder accordg tothpasageThy se fire to s kiche pper.The boy did oedwinT b was groun.Te boystmped he irout.His mother checed fo afire. A . 3.Wo ut outthe fie la?A. The writer B. The itan hs iter. he writersmother. D. The riter fater.40. Wats temin da f the passage?AIts fficultt ut out fire.B.he bo dintok fte hs sistr.CThe bo made a bigtl wn was 11.D. Dont leave hidr hme alonwhl shoppng B4. If you antto booktcket, youcan NT_. us the Itrn B. go to he Bx Offic onSundysC ing and pay by c ca . post t boong formt the Box Offi42. If you makea group bokinfor14prsons, hw mh should u pay?A. $10 . 26 C. 14. D.$103. rae(平均), chkindo ticet i the chepest?A.Saer. B. upersaer. C Group booings. D. Shool4. Wc of the folowing isTUE cording to the passe?A. Ther are nospaces for whchars. BThe auiene(观众)anserve echange tikets.C.A grop f 12 an get 1% dscountD. A schogrop o hould y $ 9fr th kets45. The passage is _.A. bingotes of Fra ? B. areio a ?C. a survey o F ? D.aoutf ?CEmerenies(紧急状况)dont happen very oftenBt when they do,yu ant t get hlp firstNonewants to spend te loking u thephne numbers.n 1568, thUned Staes ovrnmntwatedone number thatelecoud allfor mergencis. Theydecided that 911 ws easy rembrand peope colddiat quicy.The veyfrs91calwa made oFeruary 16, 196. in Alaa Tdy,911 isud for erenciesin most rts ofte UntedSat nd any parts of Cna.Othercounties ma useothr umbs. IGrea Briti, its 99 yre ot sur whicheern numberis use in your are, check your one bok.Wheto cal eve call 1 as oke or just to see what might happen.h onyie yu shod ca 911hen i a emrgency callWhn ou ia the911 opator(接线员),is lways OKt ive oor nforaionsoly nd clearly henyou explain hts hppning Wha hapeed? Wer are yo? Wo edshelp?Donthagup(挂断)!I you haetall911, onothng up n teeratortel youit OK to do so, hatw, yo abe tha the operatorhs lthe nformtonto ofr elpft. Ado na Faith ae911 wnherower wo as n a whelhairfl a ne help. She hd eentaug to e spel(快递拨号)functon.46 Te emegncy number91 wasfirs ue in_ inhe US.1958 18 C.197 . 1997. wa 11 chos o ethe mergecy call?A.Bcause othr couries alo sd enumer. B Bease it wassuggestd by th phone copan Bcauseitwas impl and eas to rmemer andia D Beas t a alsosed i may ptofanada.48. Pepl cn call 91 when_.A. abus hit a oy aly B gir felsbored an old lad falls off he stair, uableto sn pD. some pople nt getot ofaburngbilding49. hi ishe righ thing todo?A. Wat f the opeator ordt ed thecl.B.Tll e opraor wha is hapened an hang u.C stif yourphone cn thoug o 911. D.Tell he operatr veryin a uicklas osibe.50 ih is OT tu cording th pasage?9 san emny nmber astthroghutt Unite ttes.B haet ot a worldwid univer(通用的)emegency numbr y.C. sualy phoe book list mrgeny callnubers.D. TheoFaith rsed the thee nues 911.DGren s a portolor in nature. i he or o grassan te leaves ontree Ii als te color of most growingpats.Soeims, the word “ren” meas young, frs nd gowing. Forexampe, greenbon is smeoe wo as no exerin.nte 5 h cenry, a greenbor as a yo wor x who borns(角)hdnot edeeop. A enty later, a grenbnwas a soldi hohad o experie i war.By the 1 cntury, reeornhad theanin hs todayaerson who isnein a job. omnw good atgg anti said to hae a green thumb(大拇指).Thexprsin omes fom te early 20 th century.A pron with geenthumbcan ae pants rw quiklan wll h GreenRevolton(绿色革命)i thenameve ome year g o hedevelopment o new kinds of rie a ohrgains. It as t esul f hardwor byaricltural scenti who hagreehumbs.Greenis as he clorusedto descrbethe owerfulfelin.alosy(嫉妒)The greeneyedonse is not aaerus animal fom oter spa Itisan ressione abu 0 years go b te BtishwriteWillam hkepeare his play“Othll”. It descrbe t unpleaant een when smeone has methingh a.n otplaces in t wld, a een igh a signal(信号) moveahead. n ry speech,rliht meansaproval(赞成)oconti wit rojec.1. A nw olidewas alled a grenbon inthe _ entury. A. 15h B.16 th C. 8 h D. 20t52 A persnwithare thumb_. A.s good t groing at B. really has a green thumb.h n expeenc i wr D.is n in job53 A a ay t h gened monster f _.A e seesa daneous nimalhe cat get soting . h reas a adpayD. hisfredges pize hathe wats. his sag doesnt enton the histor f the eressio “_”.A.a gre B.a greenorn C. tegre eyedmonste D. a green liht 55. Wc woulbethe t tle o the assae?A. Gree,t color o gas a ts B. Th sores aout h lo “gren”C ee, asi of appval D.Diffeent meanings o “gren”四、短文还原(共5空,计5分)阅读短文,从短文下面方框中的六个句子中选择五个还原到短文中,使短文通顺完整,衔接自然。“Homestas aform of stdybrad proram. It allows e visior to say with alocal amly to beer undestnd th loca lifestyle. It also helps to improve the vitor lagage bity. Ify wsh tlearn more about foein ctusor to t forin expeience,yo houldjin tisind f hlday. (5)_”. Said a techer urnga scool metinglas term.Afer thi meetig, (7)_. At last, had suchcance togo n u aoidaywth so omy colts las ont.Weent toLondon, plcewhe hwantedto osice years go.Aftr we gotto Lono,e went tsaywith differetfaiies.I wa ly ta my host famly (寄宿家庭)was whie couple wh hd aduhter aout m age (5)_. Te ee iterestdi mead larnt loof thigs from he on. (59)_. Ater brakfa, a loca teachr wld omeo akeus in hi ca.Then woulave lass or go on asihtseengtrip t dffertpce of intst ike ig Ben LononBidge, nd Bocinghm Palae. We wud go bc to our o homes ar thectivites. Theholda wa avauale exeriec fr e enjoy ry inue of t. (6)_ Three weeksler, we had to lave “om” or Hong Kog. A Yes,tim reall fle faB I amur yu wt edsapoinedC. I always hoght outthis kindo holiD. It oo me 8 hous t fly t donEThey treate e as dugher of heir filyF. Theoldayasfilld wthatvitis ever a 五、综合填空(共10空,计10分)阅读短文,根据短文内容及首字母提示,在空白处填入一种合适的单词,必要时进行词形变化。Ac stoe outsdtChery Hotel a oung ma goot. r mitsid oh yung ma “What an Ido fyu, si?”“cse e,” t yg man s,“I am (61)l_ fo myncle. r. ht. hs bee wyfromome (62)s_two ay a. I think h i sayinher”“Ye, s. ” Mrs Smith sai, “ButIm fraidthat e wnt back tondonyerday. ” “O, dear, ”saidthe youngmn, lokn, “I ent tois houe, bt Iwas (3)t_ b his chldren that h asgong tostay hr utl end o thwek.”“Yes,”id M. Smh. “Hewantetsty hee whleweek, but yestrdy somoe caledim sayig that one hi rieds (4)w_ il So he cutthe ri bak t Lndonto see fiend (6)a _ once.”“Hehould le me()k_” the youg man said. “wote hi a (67) l_, saying tha wscomig.We,he isnt hee. wontait ay longer”Theyoung m thnked rsith ad went u. Mrs. Smih tch(8)h_ e. Wen his ar udn b en, secalled out,“You cm out now Wit He go.”r. Wit cmeout f the erom.“Mnythanks, Ms. ith. ”e aiding “Yo did very (6)w_ Thouan is my tepbow(侄子). Whenhe(7)_ moy, he ill ook for me everwhere.Nextme he wont tell m by rtin me a lettr.”六、阅读体现(共5小题,计1分)阅读短文,根据题目规定完毕各小题。Wend o berepnsible(有责任心的)foror evironmet.Being a frualosmer(节俭的消费者)is one way o hl. B, wha exacy does ttan?se it up74 _Yu onotalwayned thenew thigs.Suppose ther ar olesinyur ocks. en tem an earhem loner.Yu don hve tohav the ateselephoe nil the ld oe oent work aymore. hen oge a eone. 72 Thik tice eferepacngsomething tat stil works_Whe smethig yu want i no hand lokfor smethines thatyou alredy haveo ke ts pae.Spposeyo are peparig urunchf tomorow d want a bttr sandwic Hoev, tre is ot anybttern your home. Have achese sandwich ieaso that yu an ue all fheheese. Wih a tle hoght,yo cnmak somethn o, intead of uy smethignew.Do itouTn aotalthos hithat youwoulle o haeo you really ned thm? How ong will yo rall play with tha new o? Maka ls ofthings that ou want.Delee the thigs tha u don raly ee, soo save lo of rsoures(资源)71. Wen an you ge new telephonacodng tothepassag?_7. Pas traslate the underlind stence into Chne._73.What shoulyou ifyou dont hav utror a andichathome?_7从下列ABC中选出能填入文中空白处的最佳段意。_5 Gve a t(题目)tothe passag._七、书面体现(共1题,计20分)新学期开始,某学校的学生社团又开始拓荒了。假设你是社团负责人,请根据如下内容和规定写一篇800词的英语宣传员,为新同窗简介下列社团的状况(涉及名称、活动内容及其目的)。Good Pyers EnglihLverswatc mtces speakt fegers do ne h sports eery day tal aboutgoo waysto learn glskep itimprove our Elishxellent Coks design healh learn to cokhve althy i 规定:1自拟第四个社团,涉及名称、活动内容及其目的,不少于2句;2.语言通顺,要点齐全,意思连贯,条理清晰,书写规范; 文中不得浮现真实的姓名和学校名称;.文章开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Weoto Or Clubss and irs, lcom to oucho Now etmnrducsmef or clubs to you._Thesere te mos opul cub in ur chool an I hoe yu c join s. 英语试题参照答案与评分原则一三题 (一)答案5 ABA 6-8 91 BABBCC 15-7BCC 180 A1.005/ive hded 22. park 23 bdrom 2.garen 5. eek26-30BAC 3135CDDBC 340 AC 145 BBCA 46-0 BCBA 5155 BDDD (二)评分阐明1. 35. 每题1分;与答案不符,不得分。第23小题edooms是复数形式,单数不得分。2. 36-55.每题分;与答案不符,不得分。四、短文还原(共5空,计5分)(一)答案5660CEFA(二)评分阐明1. 本题共5分,每空1分;2.与答案不符,不得分。五、综合填空(共10空,计10分)(一)答案61 lokng 62.nce 3. told 6. ws 6. t 66 now 67.letter . him 69 well 70. neds (二)评分阐明本题共10分,每空分。2.与所给答案不符,只要语法,意义,拼写(含大小写)对的,也可酌情给分。六、阅读体现(共5小题,计10分)(一)答案71. You ont hae t have t tt telephoneti thl onedesnt wo nne./ ou anhae the latestephne whthe l ne doesn wrk(anmore)./Whenthe l telephone desntork(anyoe)72. 在替代仍然能用的东西之前,请三思/请好好考虑一下/请斟酌。73. You cn use omg ee, or xampl heee(istad of btter).4. A C75Bn a frugalconsume/Bin fruglOne wa tobrsponsible fo our environtWha dsbeing a frual cnsumr man?/ Besponsil orourevironmentHow to falconsue(二)评分阐明.本题共0分,每题2分;2 虽与答案体现方式不同,但与所给参照答案意思一致,无语言错误,也可酌情给分。七、书面体现(共1题,计20分)(一)ne posible verion:Wecome tour CubsWelcme to our schol Now l me ntodcesme of ourlubo yu.Cool Players i aood choice for ortsers. Hre you can do sport one hou a day t build ur bdyand watchsports mathes. f youe iteed i nglish Engih Loers is a god chie. n he cl, yocan spea o forgnrs n t bo god as toernEnglis op you ca mkefrin ith t Englh over.oou wanto be a go ook? In Ecellent Ck, ul len hoto dsin halthy menu a o dihe, whchcalea to a althy ie. Ifyo are ntrestd i bok, Smar Readrs i goodchoice Redingoo ooks ad rng radin noes re usefu ompve yor knowde adopen pyr eyesThe ar he motpopula ubs inur cho ad I h yu an jin us.(二)评分阐明规定考生用合适的时态,语态、句式和词语,完整精确地体现所提示的内容,书写工整,分四档评分。.短文要点齐全,通顺完整,体现清晰,语言基本无误,1720分;短文要点基本齐全,较通顺完整,体现基本清晰,语言有少量错误,1216分;3能写明大部分要点,短文不够通顺完整,语言有较多错误,但尚能达意,-11分;4. 仅能写明少数要点,短文不完整,语言错误我,影响意思体现,分。


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