2011届高考英语第一轮总复习高考满分练兵场 高一册Unit20

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2011届高考英语第一轮总复习高考满分练兵场 高一册Unit20_第1页
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2011届高考第一轮总复习满分练兵场高一册 Units20.单词拼写1_(幸运的), he found the money that hed lost.2These features are _(典型的) of what we may call educated informal English.3He did not _(实际上) witness the accident but was on the scene a minute after it.4The children were _(逗乐) at the storytellers jokes.5A _(其一) Mr. Wang is waiting for you at the school gate.6They try to allow people of the same _(国籍) to govern themselves.7Frightened by the sound of footsteps, the rabbits ran off in different _(方向)8They asked me so many questions that I got _(困惑的)9Dont worry. Everyone will be shown how to _(操作) the new machines.10Mr. Smith has a sense of _(幽默), so we all like to hear him talk.答案1Fortunately/luckily2.typical3.actually4.amused5certain6.nationality7.directions8.confused9operate10.humo(u)r.完成句子(湖北专用)1He is said to _(已和他的老朋友都断绝了来往)(break)2_(考虑到他缺乏经验), we should help him.(allow)3As a doctor James has to _(了解医学的最新发展动态)(track)4She became _(意识到有东西烧着了)(aware)5We must run, _(要不就太晚了)(otherwise)6He was sad because _(她拒绝了他的建议)(reject)7He is going to _(参加竞赛)(participate)8The news of his resignation(辞职) _(不久就传开了)(get)9The body quickly _(自行调节以适应) changes of temperature.(adjust)10She employed a woman _(帮助做家务)(assist)答案1have broken away from his old friends2Allowing for his lack of experience3keep track of the latest developments in medicine4aware that something was burning5otherwise well be too late6she rejected his suggestion7participate in a competition8soon got around(about)9adjusts itself to10to assist her with the housework(in doing the housework).单项填空1The old lady _ great pain when her only son was killed in a traffic accident.A. took B. sufferedC. suffered from D. stood2Victor doesnt have _ sense of _ humour. If you joke with him, he may get very angry.A. the; the B. a; theC. a; / D. /; /3The boy was _ losing his life, but the doctor helped him _.A. in danger of; out of dangerB. in the danger of; out of dangerC. in danger; out of the dangerD. dangerous; out of the danger4I really appreciate _ to relax with you on this nice island.A. to have had time B. having timeC. to have time D. to having time5All he wants is to spend a(n) _ of nice days with his grandchildren.A. couple B. dealC. amount D. variety6_ makes this shop different is that it offers more personal services.A. What B. WhoC. Whatever D. Whoever7Wait till you are more _. Its better to be sure than sorry.A. inspired B. satisfiedC. calm D. certain8She _ Japanese when she was in Japan. Now she can speak it freely.A. picked out B. made outC. made up D. picked up9When you perform the play, you must read the script and follow the stage _.A. constructions B. introductionsC. directions D. operations10Dont stop looking until youre absolutely _ youve found the place you want.A. calm B. certainC. careful D. tense11The speaker from Scotland had such a heavy _ that I could hardly understand anything.A. voice B. soundC. accent D. dialect12How I wish _ a machine that constantly writes down what Im saying.A. there exists B. there exists to beC. there existed D. there existed to be13The New York Times announced today that all articles _ Sept. 18, 1851, when the paper was first published, are now available online at NYT.A. were dated back toB. dating back toC. that were dated fromD. dated from14When our car broke _ on the way, only one man tried to help us, the rest just looked on _ total silence.A. up; as B. up; inC. down; as D. down; in15(2010安徽师大附中摸底)His test results are not very consistent. He does well _ week and badly the next.A. one B. anotherC. the other D. some答案1B。suffer pain“遭受痛苦”;stand“忍受”,后面不接情感类名词。2C。“有幽默感”要用a sense of humour。3A。in danger of“处于危险之中”;out of danger“脱离危险”。4B。appreciate后面只能接动名词或名词。5A。a couple of days“几天”。6A。what引导主语从句,并作从句的主语。7D。由后句“确定比后悔好”可知:一定是等到更有把握的时候。8D。此题考查动词短语辨析。pick out“挑选出”;make out“应付”;make up“形成,构成”;pick up“偶然学会”。句意:她在日本学会的日语,现在运用自如。根据句意可知D项正确。9C。stage directions“舞台说明”。10B。句意:要注意观察直到你确信找对了地方。11C。a heavy/strong accent“很重的口音”。voice“嗓音”;sound“声音”;dialect“方言”。12C。本题为虚拟语气。there existed a machine.为倒装句。13B。dating back to作定语修饰articles,相当于which date back to。14D。break down“出故障,坏掉”;in total silence“默不作声”;look on“参观”。15A.阅读理解AThe wheelchairbound young man, a patient of mine, was pushed to the lectern(演讲台) at the high school to deliver his commencement address. His face still partially paralyzed(瘫痪), he spoke in a soft voice. But Mark Orsini delivered a powerful speech and received a thunderous applause from his fellow students, who had wondered if hed live to graduate.The 18yearold had developed GuillainBarre syndrome(综合病症), which can cause paralysis. Soon he was almost completely paralyzed.His parents insisted that he was a fighter. Hed get through this and go on to attend Dartmouth. But meanwhile, immobile and on a ventilator(呼吸器), how was he going to ask questions or be involved in his care?The solution was remarkable: The Orsinis would sit at Marks side and recite the alphabet. When they got to a letter Mark needed to spell a word, hed nod “yes.” Theyd write it down, then start over and wait for him to nod again. They never lost patience and Mark was involved with every decision. Standard treatment hadnt helped, so I proposed a risky procedure to filter(过滤) his blood.After treatment he showed improvement and soon he could move his toes, his legs and then his arms.Mark has graduated from Dartmouth. I saw him in my office some time ago, and he was feeling great. But there was a lot left unsaid. I wanted to say I was in awe of him, and that his parents were some of the most amazing people Id ever met, sitting by his bed for hours, patiently listening to their child speak letter by letter. I wanted to tell him of my shame when my children tried to talk to me and I brushed them off because I didnt have time to listen. I wanted to say Id never forget him or his parents. But words failed me.1The underlined word “commencement” in Paragraph 1 means _.A. graduation B. promiseC. birthday D. ceremony2What did Marks parents do for him when he was learning in class?A. They did everything for Mark.B. They assisted Mark in learning.C. They lost patience sometimes.D. They made decisions for him.3We can learn from the passage that _.A. the standard treatment Mark received was a great successB. the doctor was not satisfied with Marks treatment and felt ashamedC. the doctor told Marks parents that they were impressive and unforgettableD. the doctor would like to have shared more of his true feelings with Mark4According to the last paragraph, how did the writer feel about the way he treated his children?A. He felt proud of it.B. He felt confident of it.C. He felt guilty of it.D. He felt doubtful about it.BParents risk discouraging children from reading by dragging them around bookstores and forcefeeding them literary classics, leading childrens writer Anthony Horowitz has suggested.Horowitz, author of the bestselling Alex Rider series of action advent books, said the current public concern about childrens reading had been fuelled(激起) and hijacked “(控制)” by the overanxious middle class.“Readingis_not_an_issue_we_should_keep_banging_children_over_the_head_with,” he told The Times. Horowitzs comments followed publication yesterday of a major review of literacy in primary schools by Cambridge University, which suggested that gains in reading skills at school through the national literacy strategy had been achieved at the expense of pupils enjoyment of reading. He also called on schools to set aside more time for children to read for pleasure and less time for analyzing texts line by line.“At home parents should not force their children to read books they read as a child as children literature is now in a golden period,” he said. “As children, my generation was given the books that our parents read. Now children can discover their own books. Their own books. There have never been so many good living young writers.”Horowitz was speaking at the opening of the annual Starbucks Bookdrive, a Starbucks campaign in partnership with the National Literacy Trust to promote reading by encouraging donations to school libraries.He suggested that the best way that parents could encourage a child to read was to set aside 15 minutes a day to read to them. “As adults we are all so busy that we tend to forget the great value of spending 15 minutes a day reading with our child. There is no better way to get to know your child than to share their books with them. Its not going to be for ever and they may not thank you for it by the time they are teenagers, so that makes it more valuable,” he said.5The underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 means _.A. children should not be forced to readB. parents should not hit the childrens head to force them to readC. children should not be forced to know that reading is a serious issueD. parents should not keep banging their childrens head6We can infer that the national literacy strategy _.A. is welcomed by childrenB. is supported by teachersC. is perhaps not successfulD. is popular in Cambridge University7What kind of books was Horowitz probably given to read when he was a child?A. The kind of books he enjoyed much.B. Books about adventures.C. Books for pleasure.D. Books of literary classics.8The best title for this passage is _.A. How to encourage children to readB. Dont force young children to read classicsC. Childrens writer Anthony HorowitzD. Spend time reading with children答案一个瘫痪病人,一个温馨家庭,讲述着一个感人至深的人间传奇故事。1A。考查猜测词义。句中address表示“演讲”,根据本段最后一句的后半部分可知他的同学担心他活不到毕业时间,由此可知他是在发表“毕业”演说。最后一段的第一句也提供了暗示。2B。考查细节理解。第四段开头部分中的the Orsinis指的是Orsini夫妇二人,再结合本段的后面内容可知他们只是帮助Mark学习。3D。考查推理判断。根据最后一段的中间部分可知作者被他们的行为深深感动,并为自己对待孩子的态度感到愧疚,再结合本段最后两句可确定此项正确。根据第四段最后一句的前半句可排除A项;根据第五段可判断B项错误;根据最后一段前半部分中的“I wanted to say.”可知作者并没有说出口,因此C项不正确。4C。考查推理判断。根据句中shame一词可推断作者为自己对待孩子的态度感到“愧疚”。培养孩子的读书兴趣无可厚非,可是那种强迫孩子阅读名著的方法并不可取,这是以牺牲孩子的读书兴趣为代价的。文章提出了一种新的行之有效的方法:每天陪孩子阅读15分钟。5A。句意推断题。从文章第一段中的dragging和forcereading可知孩子们总被家长强迫着去读一些文学名著,由此可推知作家Horowitz说这句话的意思是:阅读不应该是我们敲着孩子们的脑袋反复强调的事情。6C。推理判断题。从第三段中“gains in reading skills at school through the national literacy strategy had been achieved at the expense of pupils enjoyment of reading”可以推断这一策略并不成功,因为它是以牺牲孩子们的读书乐趣为代价的。C项符合题意。7D。推理判断题。从第四段中的“As children, my generation was given the books that our parents read.”以及文章开头提到的父母强迫孩子读文学名著,可以推断Horowitz小时候有可能读的是文学名著。8B。标题判断题。本文首句就是文章的中心:强迫孩子阅读文学名著只会扼杀他们的阅读兴趣。


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