Narrator: 大家好,Anna 刚到她的办公桌前Paul 朝她走...

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Narrator: 大家好,Anna 刚到她的办公桌前Paul 朝她走..._第1页
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Narrator: 大家好,Anna 刚到她的办公桌前Paul 朝她走..._第2页
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Narrator: 大家好,Anna 刚到她的办公桌前Paul 朝她走..._第3页
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听力课堂,开放式英语学习平台!www.TingCNarrator: 大家好,Anna 刚到她的办公桌前。Paul 朝她走来,还吃着饼干。他的眉头怎么是皱起来的呢?Paul: Anna?Anna: Yes, Paul.Paul: Come and have a biscuit in my office.Now Anna, about Mr Lime.Anna: I didnt say yes!Paul: Pardon? Yes to what?Anna: Oh, nothing.Paul: You sent him an email yesterday and copied me in.Anna: Yes.Paul: Your email reads: boxes ok. pls c-d-u cfirm wnt 300 ta.Anna: Yes: please could you confirm you want 300.Paul: Right. Now thats not really the best way of writing an email to a client , isit?Anna: Oh.Paul: Please could you re-send your message to Mr Lime, using actual words thatmake sense.Anna: Okay.Paul: Thank you. Have a chocolate crunchy!Anna: Thanks.(door opens and closes)Tom: Morning Anna.Anna: Hello.Tom: Let me guess, Paul just spoke to you about your email?Anna: How do you know?Tom: You copied me in remember, I just read it or tried to.Anna: But whats the problem? Other people write like that!Tom: No, maybe some people write text messages like that on their phones, butthats completely the wrong style for an email to a client.Narrator: Anna 别听 Tom 瞎说了,浪费时间。写商务电子邮件的时候你可能会用到以下短语:尊敬的 Lime 先生.Dear Mr Lime.希望您最近还好. I hope you are well.我写信给您是有关 I am writing regarding.请您确认. Please could you confirm.您真诚的. Yours sincerely.OR 或者最美好的祝福. Best wishes.Anna: Thank you! Ill rewrite my message. There! Id better get it checked beforeI send. Denise?Denise: (on the phone) yes. the other problem with Stephanie is that her legs arejust too long.Anna: Oh, shes on the phone.Denise: . yes, like pylons.Anna: Ill have to ask Tom. Tom?Tom: Mm?Anna: Could you read this through before I send it?Tom: Hang on, let me just finish this sentence. Its really important. Okay, Imready, lets have a look. (Reading) Dear Mr Lime, I hope you are well. I amwriting regarding your request for luxury boxes for the Imperial LemonDelivery. We will indeed be able to supply them. Please could you confirmthat you want 300. Best wishes, Anna.Anna: Well?Tom: Good, thats much better. Send it. Hopefully Mr Lime will think your lastmessage was just someone sitting on your keyboard by mistake.Anna: Thanks.Tom: Youre not.Anna: What?Tom: Nothing. Its none of my business.Anna: What?Tom: Youre not ever going to go to lunch with Mr Lime are you? I mean, in anon-business way.Anna: No of course not!Tom: No. I mean I dont carebut its just. important to. stay professional.Anna: Yes.Narrator: Hmmm, 我就知道 Anna 的邮件会出问题。不过至少现在她不会再犯这个错误了。来,让我们再复习一下 Anna 在修改过的邮件中用到的一些短语。Dear Mr Lime.I hope you are well.I am writing regarding.Please could you confirm.Best wishes.我们下次节目再会! 听力挑战问题:Anna 在邮件里想确认些什么?答案:她的公司可以提供300个豪华包装盒。学英语,练听力,上听力课堂。【免费英语听力下载】- 3 -


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