人教版(精通)英语三下《Unit 1 Let’s go to school》ppt课件5.ppt

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人教版(精通)英语三下《Unit 1 Let’s go to school》ppt课件5.ppt_第1页
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Unit 1 Let s go to school! Anna sku:l school 运用: Lets go to school. 学校 让我们一起去 学校 。 Chinese book 运用: Look, a Chinese book . 语文书 看,一本语文书。 English book 运用: Look, an English book . 英语书 看,一本英语书。 classroom kl:srum 教室 运用: This is my classroom. 这是我的 教室。 storybook 故事书 运用: I have a new storybook . 我有一本新故事书。 water bottle 水瓶 运用: I have a new water bottle . 我有一个新水瓶。 marker 水彩笔 运用: He has a new marker . 我有一跟新的水彩笔。 textbook storybook desk Whats on the desk? 桌子上有什么? A Chinese book? No. An English book. chair Whats on the chair? 椅子上有什么? A Chinese book. Hello!My name is Hi!I am Hello!My name is Hi!I am Glad to meet you! Nice to meet you! Glad to meet you! Nice to meet you , too! Hello, Kate! Nice to see you again. Lets go to school. Hi, Gao Wei! Glad to see you again. OK. Lets go! Hi! Glad to see you again. OK! Lets go! Lets draw a panda. OK. Lets go. Hello ,Kate !Nice to see you again. Hi, Gao Wei , Glad to see you again. Lets go to school. OK, Lets go! 2 你想看一看同学的新自行车,你会说: 1 你有一辆新自行车,你会跟朋友这样说: 3 当你递东西给别人时,你应该说: Look! I have a new bike. Can I see it? Here you are. Come on. 来吧,向同学 一下你的新课本或新故事书吧! 炫 Look! I have a new Lets chant. I have a storybook. I have a textbook. I have a ruler. I have a bag. Me too! Me too! Me too! Me too! 3. Lets go to school. 4. Lets go to the classroom. 2. Nice / Glad to see you again. 6. Look! I have a new textbook / storybook. 5. Can I see it? 7. Here you are. 1. 认识你很高兴。 2. 很高兴再次见到你。 3. 让我们一块去上学吧。 4. 让我们一起去教室吧。 5. 我能看一下它吗? 6. 看,我有一本新课本 故事书。 7. 给你。 1. Nice /Glad to meet you. a an bag apple storybook English book Chinese book orange textbook egg pencil eraser Hi, Gaowei. Guess What s in my bag? 我的包里有什么? Rulers and books. A notebook? No, its an exercise book. Hi, Guess,Whats in my desk? Whats on the chair? 你好,猜猜我的书桌里有什么? 一个笔记本?不是,它是一个练习本。 椅子上有什么? Good morning, Robot! A Chinese book. Very good. 一本语文书。非常棒! 机器人,早上好。 3.4日 Homework 1、下次 3月 8日下午 2:00-3:40 2、背会课本一单元课文。 3、一单元单词 3+1背会 4、听 Unit1 录音 30分 5、家长签字。


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