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初中学生学业考试英语试题(模拟)命题人:天宝一中 刘超本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分。第I卷至9页,第卷l0至12页,共10分。考试时间120分钟。第I卷(选择题共7分)第一部分、听力理解(2小题,每题1分,共20分)(一)听句子,选择合适的应答语。每个句子读两遍。1.She sance glBIm srry to hear tht.Cat a ity!A.hkyu.I dont like tm atllC.Coffee, pease.3AThatsall ihtThas rngC.You are elcome.4.A.e, loe to.B.I ont mdCI eel terrible.5.ARed rosesB.Sounds good.C.I like white(二)听五段对话和五个问题,选择对的答案。每段对话及问题读两遍。你将有20秒钟的时间阅读下面5个小题。6.AFrech frie.BSaladHburgers7.He grndfatherB.H faheCHe motrA.he usc inic.B.ThesyisinterestingC.It isoo log.A.2 dllas.B.4dolarsC.dollars.1.ATake someicineB.Dinkscen oup.Cal the dor a.(三)听两段长对话,选择对的答案。每段对话读两遍。你将有0秒钟的时间阅读下面5个小题。听第一段对话,回答1、1小题。11What des r.Bron do?AA dctor.A tacerCA driver12Wa tme doesMr.Bronget p nth rning?A 00At 7.t80听第二段对话,回答13至1小题。13Wh i os busyith?.Her tripplBHr scol exam.C.Hrsumer p4Who ill gcampn with se?A.illBHe sserC.r casate.5.Hdes ose indills sgetn about caping?A.Woderful.CayCStnge(四)听短文,选择对的答案。短文读两遍。你将有2秒钟的时间阅读下面5个小题。16When d Jeny wte th ltter to Lucy?OnNombe 2thB.On emr t.nDeceber 4.17.When id Jnny lave uc?A.bo furwees ag.Abut tw monthsag.Aboutoneyer ao8Wheeis Jenny woig o?A.In ew York.BI LdonCIn Wsit9.Wadennytin o hernw ob?A.Interesting.B.asyC.ad20.hcan Lucy o to Jenys Citas rty?AS susy with her wor.Sheas vis herrdfahe.CHr grandfather will com to visi herfmily第二部分 语言知识运用(共5小题, 每题分,满分15分)第一节21.( )You loo yunger adore beautiuli this des. .A. No, m ot B. oe sC.Thnk ou Doue wecom22( )Hwmuch d youknowaout Amean culture? _ onlyknowickey ose is ne offams symlsn Amean culture.A few BA loCSmny .Alttle3( )wdo yuusually goto work?On oot. lking s mu tha driing durin thehevyrafic ie.A. fas astr C.me faste D. fasts24.( )-Wyou plase giv t aersTmeo Jane?-re, Ilgve it to er _she cms bck.A. bre B. unil . bcause . son as25.( )Tom ad his sist_to the arbecue ast atuay.They wer veyhapp.A.have invted wre initeC.werenvitng D.nvted26.( ) - How tme flies !- are Three yearshas passesice _th ches club i Nai.A. joined B.hv oned C.joind n D.toarn27( )_ om_ Mrysas good Chese,so theyca cunicate wth te hiee tudents verywll. Nith; nor B. oonl;but asoC. Both; nd D.Eithe; or28.( )Alic, cold ou tellme _?. wheth she had been mrridB wats hapened to y. ow long Liy has cught a coldD.how you cll these animals29.( ) efidgreat _ in radng.A. plesure B. asnt C.plsd D. plese30.( )- Isorry otell othat ou lane wll be tff -Ispposee haveno _ u to wai.A. couage .cisio Cchoce . uggesion3( )hose T-irtisthis? It bJhns. It all for him.A. ant; mc oo B can; toomuchC. mtnt; uch to D. msn; too uc3.( )Itsa cny since heman_ tolethe MaLisa fial cahA.which B. wo . who . wht33( ) thol man livedon,e didnt fee loney.A.Becue hough C. So D Unti3.( )ont beafraid ofw ors. u a in tedctionay.A look t them B look fortmC. lk themup .look themoe5( )Tere are _ books inthe librry,an abt_ of them ar in Enish.Atosad of;twohnrdsB. thouad of; twohndrdC. thousands of;wo hudreD. thouand of; two hudeds第二节完形填空(共10小题, 每题分,满分10分)(本题1分) 完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,选出一种最佳答案。The Read familyome to a nwig c, buMr. Rads o, Bo s ot hppy. Hes ave anyone o pa wit. “Dnt6 _!”says isr,“Youwill son ke friends hre.”ne ong, tereisa 37 _at th door Bobmohe, M. Read, pens it. There,tands a woman thbrwn hair. It isMrs. Mllr Sh comes rrow sm 8_. She nt o 39 _ caes. Mr. Read givs er to In te afternon,ter is note knockat te dor,M. Rad oens itand ses a boy 40_ there. “ My na is ack Mler,” he d, “My oter sendsyou ths aked the two gs” “Well, thankou, Jack.”sasrs. ed, “41_ andeet my son Bob.” Look !Bob nd ack re having cake an mlk. Thare ping fooball.No theyare 2_ ! Jac ay, “Imgla yo lveext oor” Bo sys , “ I mus hank your mother fr coming to 3_ egs. “ ackland elsBob, “My mother dosnt anthe tweggs, bu she want o kred4_ youmoter. “ Bo sa,“Thts a unn a tmfiens. It a(n)45 _ wy,toItcanwork!” Onlyyore wilin to mak fren cn you alwas finsome ways!36( ) wory B araid C. ecie . ntrest.( )A shout B. c C. ko D. k38( )A cae . desks C.lk egs39( )A. coo B.pay C. ask . mae40.( )A. lifting . ittin . tandn D.lyg1.( ).Com B. o way C. Gt out .u arond4( )A. clamates Beneme C frends D bthes43.( )A.lnd B. borro .ge D.take4( )A. into Bt fter D. with5( )A. esy . diicult C. ooli bad第三部分 阅读理解(共2小题,每题.5分,满分30分)AIn theold toay,all f the ole nee rcratio(消遣). We cnnot ral he e if we ae ging o keep heathy andejo lf.Eeryon hs hisownwyof relaxng.Perhs the ot opla rm(形式) is ak pat in spors. Thr reteaprt, such as bkeall and soccr.hee are aso indvida(独立的) ports, suc a swimmin ad rnnig.Satin admontain cibing arethe mostpopl rereaion foreopl like oe outdor(户外)Noteveryone wo enos sprtslikes to take ain th Ma peple k wtchig thmonTVor lseing t them on the adio o mnyple likesoe fm o indor recretion(室内消遣), suh as wtchiTV, sngand acing.It ont mttr wther e like indooecreatin ortake par in outdoorsports. It is importan fo eveyne o x from tim t time, ndejoyomefso raion.46( )Whih the ostpularor of recreti?A ports B. Wathing T.Sleepin. D. Singingd dancng.47.( )People wnt toake at sports i oer _. finda go j. mkefriedsC.kep heah nd enylieD makemoney4.( )Wha he mt pla receationor peo whole tbe otdoo?A Skatngand untin cimbB swimming andrunnn.C.Plinbasketall andoccrD. ngn an acing49( )hy do maypeople lke watching sprts o TV itening t them on e ad? Bcase tey nt eny le. Bcause thy dont njoy srts.C.Bcusethey ont nedreceaton. cuse theke sprs bt ont lik o take part hem.50.( )e assae mai tls us tha_A. bstbl i kin o am potB. dfern popehvedifren wys of rlaigC.veryoneo enjoy sprs sould tke part inthemD ioorcrton s not as imortat s outdor sports.BMrs. Wite was vryfa. Se weighe00 os, so she en o see dctor Th docto sd, “Yound diet (节食), Mr. Whit, an I ve god wa hr.”He gae s. Wte a smal bok and si,“ea ths areullyaeathethngson pa 11 every day.Th come backad see m in w week”Mr. Wht caeagain to eekslate, bu she wasthinn.Se wa fatte than before. The docto was surrisend asd,“Ar yo eaing the tings on pae1 f the mal bok?”“Yes, docor”Sh nwre.Th netday the dctrsite . hite during herdinner. H waery urpdt hate aw “Mrs.White,” heaid, “why re you eatn potoesand ead? The arent in you it.”“Docto,” Whi aswred,“I followmy diet at lunchtime Bt this is my dne.”5.( )Why dd MrWhie o t se a dtor?A. ecause ad a bd cld.Becase el terib. Becase the doctor wah rind. ecausese wantedto tiner52( )he door ased hto_.A.e ore food Beatless oodC. atnothi . ea nhealthy53.( )Aftr two wek,Mr. Whiteeam _A. fat B. tinner Chealter stroner54( )Whas the otor srprised wheh viie Mrs W uring hrdinner? Becasshe eaotng. Beause shewast . Beasshe as eatg otates adbea.D.Beaus s wa atingat.55.()Whats th maninf“I folo my diet at lunhtie. Bt is i y diner.”?. Se lwys fllwd te die.B. Seidt follow hedet.C. Sh dntike te iet.D. She ony fowed the diet alunctime and se ddntfollw th diet at dinne.CAre o sorro nottrag during the aio D? Ifyu sty tome a tat time,Ihi yo ar ve luck. hy?eae thee re to any pe everywere.I manylaces of ntert i ina, i too crdd o antingLook he pctueI was too crowded in the s Lkon Octobe st, . You ve coudntta hoto foryo oryur friens. All ha we uld se herepeope It was reprted ha tre wer aout 13 ople per eby he le.My fried told m thy coldsee othing bt many toursts onth Broken Bride (断桥) “Wecouln wal f thepope n rot of usdint wak,” said. esowe us a poto arth eske. I hephoto, w haly foud m ou,terewre too anyeopleo somepeplegie thedvi twe should t hae te ol eek (黄金周) ny more Buthr ele sy o aoutthi aice. hats r ida o it? Areyosorry no rotravelig uring he gd week? loe stayingat home mor ha ravelg nex Ntoala56.( )Wn iste oldweekin he asag?A.In Jnuay B. I April. I gut. D. In Ober57.( )Why cnt he rtrsriends find selves in teiure?.Bese dnt g thr.ecausethrwere too mn pele.C ecaus h was takinthe ho.D Beaseter eyswer il.58( )Hod hewritr feelabot sayig at homon ial Day?A. e fet lucky to sta atmeon Natinl Dy.B. He flt sry tta at home o National DayC. Heblevdit was on to sa t ome on National DyD. Hebelived itas itrsing tta at me on Natioa Day.59( )hich o the ollowingisTREbout theWe Lk on Natil y?A.hee were bout 3 peope e etr.B. Yu coul wlk you ik ythe est LaeC The er abot peopl pr meterbthe ake.D. Yu coul id orself easilyonthehotoyo took tha ay.6.()hrdo youhink t articl fo?. .co. B 123.co. com. D. .com.DDo youant t wth “Ddd, wherearew gig?”“Ddd, wer are we gong?” populrge show from HnanT, plan to ie thebet TV swn riday nght, ombe 22, .njoy te ame sowwith u n t TV taion hlTike fr fre.anTV Saion ,Changsh, hinRepl, on efrember9!l: 629-896Tache Wated!Chid Centr needweeknd ecer. or studnts wo are about six o wle years d.Youmu:-bgod at musi-e btte at mato wl in sporshavemr tatwo years teachigpeienc (经验).Call Smithat 569-095 for mreinfrmato.1( )Wen is h shw? Mnay ight. B. Friday nght.C. Saturday h D. Snda niht.62( )Wherecan we see te lve(现场的) sow?A.n hildres Cnte.B. In ihs ouse.Cn te TV statio hal. he teaher fice.6( )If Jae wans to teche, she doesn ed to be good t _.A. musc B. ding C.th . spo64.( )How log houlthe teachrn Childrens Ceterhave o tacin?A on yar B. mor hn six yearsC. les than to yars D. more tha tw years65.( )Wa nme can u cl if ywntto ateache? 569-05. B. 629-796.C. ou can all Emma. D. Cal r mith第II卷(非选择题 共45分)第四部分 书面体现(共三节)第一节 词汇运用(共两题,满分分)(一)单词拼写(共5小题;每题1分,满分5分)根据句意和首字母或汉语提示,将单词的对的形式完整地写在答题卡相应的位置上。66Learning f_ lagges s fun .67.Th two s re abt te same _ (体重) andag6Can out e where th oldan ls _(精确地) ?6.Our Cese tache a_n iptnt etig thursda.70Lly often o_ the olopl el wh th re inneed.(二)综合填空(共0小题;每题分,满分10分)根据短文内容,用方框中所给词语的合适形式填空,使文章通顺、完整。(每词限用一次)coe, faily,w,lo,oml, homwok, other, mke, la,wekdHow os Oam keephei ils lif_71._ in e hite oue?.He has_2_daughters, on s seena the _73_ ten.He asksth puth ale wll,ash hes, _74_ up teir pyaaand dsk.He vethm ut a dolar a wee ech fo hir oes(家务).Saa adMala mved into the Whi Hs wit ter paetin January.Bo,the dogbecae paroth _75._ a bi trIntheir free ime,heyofen plywihi and ty 6_ good friends.Sasha and Mlia g u rlyvery dftr that,the have _77_ their bes,andhey ave tofe (饲养) the og.Atershool,he hav to do thir _7._. Theydon wathTV on _7_. ut thy an o_0._ o acitis on wends.Obama ismainga reat effort to be good ather.第二节 阅读体现(共小题;每题2分,满分0分)阅读下面的短文,并根据文章后的规定答题。(请注意问题后的词数规定)ilue is ht ofte haens. s ryhee in orife.Studnt a ai in e,scintitmy fai i theiresearcwork, anaersay ail i ompetition. (1)Although failur hapes to eeryoe, differe peoples atitds td(对于)failure are diffrent.Somepeole dnt think thi failue is a ey impornthng aall. Soteypa attnon t it. s a rslt, tey wl havethe _ lre ltomepeplehink temeve are ool adlose her heartin evrythin after hey geta ue.Then thy the tiend eer n uslss things. A last, they aylly b fol as ey have thouht.Oherpeoleae uite diffrntrom these to ind o peop enionebove Inst fbei opeless an t, thy drawassonom everyfailr a beome moe xrined. After hard work, ty wllbe successuli the ed.So soul drawa lessn fromevery failre a beom moreepiend.81在横线上填入合适的单词_ _(每空一词)82.The are_ttit owads falure ccrigto the pssage?3.将文中() 处译成汉语: 8.从文中找出下列句子的同义句:At s, ty wll havesuccs afte the work har. 8.找出文中的中心句。 第三节写作(共题,满分20分)“平安出行,文明骑车”已成为人们普遍关怀的一种社会热门话题,特别作为一名中学生,骑自行车时如何保持安全是非常重要的。请你根据图表中所提示的内容要点用英语写一篇短文。注意:短文的开头已给出,不记入总词数;2文中不得浮现真实的姓名和校名;3.内容可合适发挥,并体现你个人的见解;4词数90左右。o can we kp saewhen we re?_ _ _参照答案第I卷(5分)第一部分听力(共20分,每题分,满分2分)-5 BCAAB 6-10CA 11-5CBA 16-20BBAC第二部分:语言知识运用(共两节,满分5分)第一节语法和词汇(共5小题,每题1分,满分15分)2125 CDBDB 23 BAC 33 ABC第二节完形填空(共10小题,每题1分,满分1分)3640 ACDDC 145 ABDA第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题,每题1.5分,满分30分)4ACADB 515DBACD 56 DBCC 65 BDA第I卷(45分)第四部分:书面体现(共三节,满分45分)第一节 词汇运用(共两题,满分分)(一) 单词拼写(共5小题,每题1分,满分5分)66.foregn 67. weh 68excty 6. tendd 70 ofes(评分规定:所填单词只要符合题意,语法对的,拼写无误,都可得分,否则不得分)(二)综合填空(共10小题,每题分,满分10分)1.noal 2.two 3ter .clean 75.famy7becoe 77.make 7.hoewr 9.wedays .lots(评分规定:所填词语只要符合题意,语法对的,拼写无误,都可得分,否则不得分)第二节 阅读体现(共5小题,每题2分,满分10分)1sae; sp82hee3虽然失败对于每个人都会发生,但是不同的人对于失败的态度不同。84After hard wrk, te illbe successful ne en.85.Failr is ha often hppens.第三节 写作 (共1题,满分20分) How can w keepsaf when e rde? Firt, we mstobey the taff ruls, epecilly whn e cros te road. Wen therffic light i e, wemust so. Secod, wmstweaelt and hav ligts onhe bicyce when rd a bike Third, wsutridsofast ilrding bik. Thuh icyles are mu sae than other vehicle, someime icycle accis also hape, owe mut e arfu. Remmber “Itsvry porttfor us tokeep sfe when we ride.” I hop oran mor pople can hs togo ut by bcyce.Itotny goodforthe ernent, b ls f u own alth.听力录音材料(一)听句子,选择合适的应答语。每个句子读两遍。 1.Jnnys oter is ill.2.hihwould ou li, juie or ff? 3.orr, I have takeyorenb mistak.ul yuiet comeo y pary hisven? 5.h n bu m flowe foe? (二)听五段对话和五个问题,选择对的答案。每段对话及问题读两遍。你将有15秒钟的时间阅读下面5个小题。 .W:Which o ou likebest, Fec fries, hurge slad? M:Ief saad to Frnch resandhamburger becaueit isood for ealt Q:a oesthemalikebst? 7.M:Areo waiin foyormohr, Jane? :No,Im wiing for myfater.Hes gig t tak e tist my adfather. Q:Woi the irli to see? 8.M:Ho o yui thefilm?:Very mchThe music sondsnice and tstor isinteresing.M:Bt i lasts tool Q:What does the man tink f the ilm? 9:x me, owmch isthchickn aih? W:4 M:OK.Illtake the chikn sandwch nd a ls of il:Sre, thatllbe 6Q:Hw uc ite mil? 0W:ve got terrible cld M:You should gto see th docor. W:I did, butteeicinee gave me didt hp M:Wll, y not ry chicken su? Q:What oe th m suggestthe wman o in tend?(三)听两段长对话,选择对的答案。每段对话读两遍。你将有2秒钟的时间阅读下面5个小题。 听第一段对话,回答、1小题。 W:o drive a school bus,MrBrown? M:h ighI tak the ildren to schol W:Do you getupearly in the mrning? M:Oh, yes.I aveto e upat 6 olock :A when d hool begin? M:It egins at olok.We ala


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