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Unit 7ask 1【答案】.1) In mental syum.2) eas member a cmmittei went theet show cor for heptinents thee.3) hey ee cants beavi like ns.)H as injured ina bs acdet and c mentally l.5)Hepent th st ohis ie i cmort.ainter, bids, animal, cas, wie, ublished, ncourgeent, A ye o to,TheIlustrd ondon Nw, ctChistaspat, hunded andfty, ld famou【原文】Dan d, bokel hled goodcues, as a memer ofa committe that ste metalaylumOn ne vit henotcd apatint, a uet litl an, dawin catRder look at the dawig ad gspe.Go lr, mn, he exaime. Yo draw like Luis Wi!I Louis Wan, said the atit.Mst peole toayhaeee hrd oLus ain. u,enRider fnd im in 195, he ws a hoehlneHe made hecaths oHe ivted catstyl, a cat sciety, awholeat world, sH. G.Wels i a boadat apea amonth orwo ltr. British ct tat do ot ook n i like Lou in ats areahaed of temlve.BoreLous Win began drawing thm, ats ere ketsricty in te ktn ifthey were kept at all. Tey weusefufor cachig mce and perha f kping th maidservat compan. yonelswh elt affectionfor cas usallykeptquiet boutit. If a ma admitted ha he lkedcas, he wudb laugdat. he dog wa heonydmesti animal ha ould be calledafriend.i ain studied artas a youthdbecam qt sccessful wspaprad mzineatsHe spcilzed inbrs ad anials, incluigdog, but neverdre at till his wife was dying. They had no been mried long, anddurig her less alkndwhit ca ald Pete ud to siton hr be. o ause his wife, Lois Wain used tosetc and ricatue h ct hil hst by hr bedsd.Shegd hi tow erawngsto eors, fie ws unconvnce, butwaned tohumourer.The rst edior he prached shared is ack of entsim. everoudwanoseea pctre of a c? heed,noui Waiputthe dawins awy. Ayear two later hshowe thm to th edirof The Ilrated Lndn es,whosgested a picturf a cats Chtmas artyacros two fl pages ing ho etch of Pt, Louis Win producd apicure contaiing aouta hnre ad ftycts, each on diffret from h rest. I ok h a few dysto draw, an it mde hm world famusr he nxteny-eight yershe drew tingbtcats.He filledi ous with hem, andskced them in allthrmood. Thewsnothin sutle abthiswork.Its umursimpl lay n shongcat pefoigumaativites; the fllowedeery nwashinfmse bathnto motring. He recognizd,somewhatflatteingy,asth leading authorty n the flin peces.He beme Preidt he atonal Cat Cub nd s aelysouht afer aa judg atat sows.ouis Winscarerdd abruptlin191, hen ewaseiosy iuredi a buaccide adbecame menaly il. Finll, hewas cetii insanand put nan sylum fopape. AfteDanider fouhim, apeals wre launheand exbitios of hswok rragd, d hepent te st o hi lfein comfot. He cntnuedto draw cts,bu they becme inrasnglystange s s mnailnesproese. Psycharists fund hemmeascintin tnyhing hehaone enh s.Ts 2【答案】A.1) Becuse e was alwaystrg ne thigs andnw way of oing thgsjtlik ayog painter.2)I didt llie h3)t w thonlpiture sh knew tha shehe as h ra a.)Pepl fromhe ooer part f Pari, howere hi,hugry,ted,nd ck.B. ) F) 3) F 4)TC. 1881, 73, Malaa,Spai,inety-one yarsD. fieen, niete, twnty-ree, cs, dare,hange,sf-colored, stage, spe, huan ae adfige,stange【原文】Pablo caso wa br in 881 Soproaly you are ondrig hywal m th yongest ainter n the orl. When he dedin973,e was nnetyoe ea od. tevn tat age, hea stil patig lie a yug painter.Fothat reaon, we have caled im the yungest pinter.Youn ppeare lws r nething andne ways of ding hings. y elomne deasThy ar restless ad ae nevr tisfied Th see percto. lder eopleoftenea change. The wht the c do best, riley pe to eat hir sucesses, rher han risk ilur. They hav und their olaein life and dont ike le it. Wkno wattoexectfom the.Wn he was er nnety, hisgre Spansh painr still lvedi ife ikea youg mn astill lokg for new ieand forew waoe is rtisic materals.icassos figures soetiesfac two way a oe, wit the ys nd nsein strage pces. oetimthe areut ofsap or boken.Eve th clors are not naturl. hile of the pctre tes us it s pes, but itmay okmreie a macine.At suchtims Piaso ws tryin t int what he sawwith himind as weas wh hs eyes. ept ithe sde of he faca wel as theont. H aindthe n odyad the clothes on it at the ame ime. He panted in hisown way. He never tough aot ther peoples opinns.Mst pantrisover tylef paintn thatsits temnd keep toit, esecily i peoe lke their ctursA he aristgrows oldehs piures may chge, but ot vey much. uPcasso wa like a whhd not et fond hiown syle. Heas still lookinfor a way xpress hsown estles spiit.hefirsttingonenotied about him as the ok n sage, wid-ope ee Gerte tei, afamous Amican write wh kew mh h wa yon,menioned thi ungry look, nd oe ca stilseit i pcus of hm tody.caso painepicture ofhri 196, a he story s aninteretngon.Accordg to Gerrde in, she visthepantr studoighy oriety tims hilehe panted her pitur. While Picss painted they akeabout eerythigin orl tat trestd the. Then one ay Picass wpd ot thpe edthoh he ad workedon it fr o ln WhenIloka you Icantee ouny moe! he remared.casso e awy for the summr. When hereturnd, ewent aoce o th picure leftn th comer f hs stuio.Quicky he fnshe face from memrH couldsee th woma fac morelely n isndtan he cou se it whn heat n he stdi in frotof hi.When eole cmplainedto hmt the pantig of Miss teinddnt look ie hr, Passo ply, T ad Sll have to ook le th piure.ut thiry ers atr, Getrude tin si thtPsspanting of her as te only picue he knew tat shwd hrass really waicaso wasborn Maaga, Span,apasan, quiet to. H fatherwaa piner and atahewhgve hs s hi fist lessons ndrwingoungPablo didbal t cool. H was laz ad dit lsen t what theeacherswrayin Hehad onfidencein imselfromthbeing. ut i was on lea that thboy was an rit and dsrved te bt tranng heoulget ot vehis arliest rawigslook lke th wok a cil.ne cansa hatPicaso a bornto be apaner. Hwona rize fhs ainting enh w ly ften.Hestdedarti evea ciis in Span. ut there was noe tech h all he wante toknow Whenhe wasnneteehe visited Pari.arswsthen the centroftwold for rss. Most paner wn there sooer later o stdy, tse pictur,an tmrid with oter paiters. Everyhingthat as adexcting ie woropaintinghpenedthe. Whe hewaswty-hr, Picsso retuned hr olve,and lied in Fnefortret ofhilife.ewas already a fie aner. He paited cnes o townlifpeope i the streesan in eturan, atre rasand bu ights.ey ere pantedin brigt cosa ere loely to lok a.t lifwas n esy for him. For sea yars he panted peple from the porer pts of theciHe ainted men and woenwho were thin, hnry, tired,ndsick. scolors got darer ot of heepicturs wre pinednblu, n hwed very clear hat the artisawand ft. The paingsof thisu peod ae fl of pty nd esparPicas id not have to wit lng fsucces. she bega o sell hi ptrndecome rognie as aainter, h pitrstook on awrmr loo At heame im he bean t ant with more n moe fredom. e began to ee peole plces as simemsorshes. e n lngr ied tmak hiitures u o lif.Thersutsat irst seeed trangead n real. heicrs wereiffilt toundrsand. H style of intng wa knnas Cubism, r he hpe of the cubeMany peope idot likthis new and ometmes frghning style. But hat at pitis iv i view o lfethruh oe mas yes, nd evermans vie is dirt.Soeof Picasospaintings re rich, soft-colre, an beauful. Othr arestrange wih shap, blk utin. But uch ntgs alo s t imi thg for urselves. he can make our own viewohewrd hrr.Forthy frce us to say tourselves, Wha maks im pain liat? Wht doe hee?Bids, placs,nd fmili bjcs py a prt inPcasos ptng But, nne tinks im, onsully tin f theay he pained tehuan fa and fgre.t is hbeutiful an strang.Gertrud Stein rote, Te head, te fce, he human body-thse are all that est fr Picasso. The souls of people o onteret him. T reaity lif is in t hed, the fa, and e bod.Task 3【答案】AericanDeorativ Arts and Scutre:olia period,furniture, cermics, si osAmicn At:Te arst, slam,scrollnting, Buddit sclpture, prnts, the third milenmuropea rative ArtsandScuptue:Wtrn, the ffth cnuy, Mdievla, dcorativears, Elsh e, porcelain, the msical strePainings:11th ctury, 20hcntry, impresionists, pis, Duch Tetiles ad Costumes:igh qaiy, a broa etio, wavig, lces, cotumes, cessries【原文】Wc o he Muse f ine Arts. oston hs lo ee recogizd s leading center for thearts. Oe th its ost iortnt cultural reources itheMseuo FineArts, whihhouss coleionof t fom antiqut o thpeent day,nyf them unspaed. No letm ntroduce toyou some o th colection he.TeMuseus ollections ofAmerian ecoraive arts d sculptureange from he colnial priod to theret time, with majormpasis on pre-ivlWa New Engand. Furitue, silve, glass, cramcs, and sculpture ae n eiitn, asla an imortan ltion ofs des. ariteamog musmgoesare teclction of18h-centr Aerianfuniure, th perod roms,andte sper collecno ilve.Thesto Museumsiaticclections aunierallyeonized as tmtextensive assmblao foun anywhee nde on roof. Arttictaitions ofe Fars, Islam, and India are rereebyobjects dat frm ehrdmilleiu C.to te otemporar er.Te clletioso apase ndCine art eesecall notewrthy. Te rit of strngth inthe ollecton re rfected sc aeasasJapnee prins, Chinsan pese srl pning, Chines ceics, and a rewned collectio o Buddist sculpure.TheDeparent of uroe DecotiveArt and Sculpture uses sern Epean works o ar atig fom e ifth centy ouh19 tandingamng hes holdings are thecllection f edieval art an the ollection of French18th-cenuycorativer. Also fexceptionalimportnerteEnglish silver collectio, the 1t-cetr Engsn French pocelin, ad the colection ofmuscal instrmnsThe use hasn of th worlds foreos clleion o aintings ang frhe 1thcentry to hearly 20t entuy.Tis deatmet is oted for French pintingsfrom 85 to 00, espcialy ork y the ipessoniss.he Musems great collcon of paintngs by American artits includes re tha6 ors ohnSinleto Cpleynd 50 b Glbert turt Tee i als astong rprsenttn of itin from Spain,Italy, ndthe Ntherls.The coletin f tiles nd costume s ane amo tereatstinh rd beuse of te high quayadrary ndividal pices nd beause it has a bd seletionofrepresntativeeaplsof weavings, embroieris, laces, rted fabrics, costumes, ad costume aessoies. he textile tsf both ease an wetn culures ar inldd, dang frompe-Crstian timesto theresntApart from whatI ave ntoned, theMusum hsot muchmore to ofr, r xampe,he llecions of classiclart, Egptan and anitNar Estern art, ad 0th-ceny ar.eav you toexlore by yorsevan enjy your tmer. T 【答案】) secalits,eiized settings, money, shardiiso2)coventons,soe ociets and eods3) cmmoitB.1) Bcuethey lacke ppunty: Thenceay oial, ducatiol, and ecnoc codiionso creatart raelyexisted for me the pt.2)Becau thert inigous pes did nt shae the sme exresive metos aims s Wetrn artC.1) F 2) 【原文】Th nctin o hertistad artwork ha vreidly duin the pat fe tousnd years t ou ti, teartitis sen asa indedent worker, dedicatd to he epesio f uique sbjectiveexperience Otn th artsts ole is tat of h otsider, itcal or rbelios figre. e orshe is spialist who hs usuall udergn advance trainin unvrydeartentofaro theatr,or achoo th partcuar focs, suc s a usicconsvatory. Inou ceie, wkso art rpresntedinspialized ettis:theter,ccerthl, perrncesac,gallries, ad mueum. Thereis sully a sr diiso beeen theartis and e o is udience of noats. e als asite wrs o rt wit mony: art ucton n hch ntn sell o millions of dollars, ticket sles o balle, or undaising fr t local syphon.In he societes n pat four own sociy, now a in the pat,therts re ose to he lives of ordinar eol. F te jorty of hir history, rtisse expressed the ominant eliefs of a culu, rather hnrbl against the. In ace ofou emphsis o t devlpmet a ronal oorignl style,rtists were trai to confor to th connino ther art form. orave rits awas ben ecialist; in soe ocites nperds, ll members fasocety partipatedin ar. Te odern Wsternecnomic mode,which treasart sommodt fr sale, i not univeral.n ocieties ch a tt of he Naao, theconept o sell r cretin asalle veion of sd paintig wouldb copletly inompheible.Selng Nao nd paintigs creaed a parto a ruaould prfae a re experiencArits idntitesre rrel knwn befre te Renaissance, with h ecept o the pero of Classcal Gree, he atstsw hghregarded fr thei idvdual taens and styes. Among iss who we kwn, tere ere ewer womnthanmen. Inh weteth entury, mn eme artiss in all he iciins hve benrecgizd Theiraene n pi cetr de t indcate lck of talet, utreflcts lack of oporunit.Theceay cia, eucaiona, andemiccnditions tocreaart raey isedfowomn in tpatAris ofcolorhav aso beenecogniedin te West only recenty Theresonsfo this abece rae rm the smle-ther wre fewAsians i AmericaadEroe prior to te iddleofhe ninetnth ctuy-o e copexiiesrrounding Africa Amrica.heart f indigenus peoes, whi far older hn haof e st, dd nt sae theame xpessiv meos or aim as eser art. ntlrecly, suh atw ignoed or msseinWesteniet b te dminant ultrl gatkees. ask 5【答案】A.) a) 2) c) 3) ). osant, a dog, Lte Br agnfientvisual emory,ena. Rhyhm, usmnveyday sene,Helt senof humou. 1) T ) F 3) T 4) T【原文】F artist can he mde sch a immediateimpac o e pubc asBeryl Cook. Atoe mentshe ws mletly unkon; a he nx, so it eem, lmosteveryone h heardo r. rst, a few painting peaed uetly in the winow o meounry ntique sop.n tere wreexhibtions Pymuh,i Britl, n Lonon; an artein a colour ppleent, a telvision rgramme, a seies ofgetis crdsand highl sucessful book.Her ris asallthe re sonishing since hws cptely traind, and as lread midd-ged yth tme he ega ait. adwithsuch sries events, theetation s todiss Bryls ar i cottofniv art Tiseems tome amiake, or he is higy sohisicadand rginl paint, hose wok deserves to bake on itownrms. What re those erms?f o actally meetserl, ne comes tonderantema ltte btter.T piueay seemxtrovert, bt she isnot. or xampe, she is toshy toturn p at eron privte viewingsHeleasue i to sty inte backgod,osrvn. Adwh an obsrer Bryl ook i!It s happen t I spresent whentheieas for wo othepaiting n he preent colltin germinated. ne isaportrait of y og, a Frnbuldog calleBerthen Beryl came o se ort irsime, e umped p the stairsaead of hr, wearinhis winter cot ih is m fm a old scar. A few dys later hispiure arrivd in thepost.The itcled Leter B ad beginis tesame eening. ItooBeryl anrhusandn toa u. ere wasa fiht, and w sawseone ein twn ot bythe bouncers T pint aout the tw incidentis thatthy oth happenedna lsh.No onesarrying cara; re as no oporunittome sktce. But somehw t senil ofthscene register themselves on Berl,ad she ws b to cod hem latn absltely convn and authoriatve a. he fct i shehas to ver rar gifts, not e. Sea mnificet vsal memory, ad t samee heis able to rearrane an implfywhat se ees uil i mkes acopletly coviningcomposiion.ertie prtrat, ithislumpbaside d bo les, is mor lik Bertie han reflection a mrori cstheaslteesseials of isphysiqun personlity. Bt tesegifs ar justthe fundatinof wat Beryl Cok des. She s a very ken feeln foctoriarhym.The pictrof Dsmen, fonstac, hasa whirlinghythmwhih is empasized by the momn of heir lrgehad edrubbrglovestsebighad ae oft a scial feate oBeylspictures.The Englishartt h os losely resblsithi respt isStanly Spcr Detis such a hose I have desrbed a, of cors,ust the indf tingtoaalt prfessina rt riic. Importat ashe are, they woudnt in hemlveacou fr theimpact she hashadn te pblic. caly, I thk ths mpct is ue to to things ryl aint an ctal,e


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