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怀柔区高档中档学校招生考试第一次模拟试题英 语 试 卷学校 姓名 准考证号 知识运用(共14分)一、单项填空(共分,每题05分)从下面各题所给的A、B、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. Mr Bck ery kind tooths. Weall ie _er ch.Aus B hm C. hm D. her. Whe es yor irstlass e? _ 8 loc. In . On C. At D. r3 _d u havan nglsh part? ncaeek.A.o oldB.How fr .ow fen D ow ng4. Mik is .8metrs tal He _ boin his class. . all .lr C. tllest . the taest5. Can you stahere fo the party? Sory, _. Ihaeto ota meetng. A. cat B. mustnt C. eedn D. shouldnt6.P on moreclth, _ you mytch a cold. .or . ut Cand D. so7. hrs you fate, Tom? He_newspaer the suy. reas .read C. is readin D. has read8 Mary sa kind girl.he ofte_her lassmats wit tei oork. . hep B.hes C.is elping D. elped9.My gadma _o the adio when Igot ojust now. A.lises . litened C is listi D.aslistening1. Mypents_ Biji snce 1995. A. lve Bre iving C.lis D. ae livd1 he ihth Beijing nernatioailm estival_n Huairou on ril 15th, . . el B as eld .hldsD. ield 1. Do you know _? Next month. .wen heil come ere B. did he come hereC hen hecamehre D hn il he ome here二、完形填空(共分,每题1分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的、B、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。I wsin he mos eautifl cty in the world, yenly wanted omeIt as mazig we o myusbn andme t trip ofa litim. Monhs ag, when my usbad to m that heuldave ameing in Lndn expressd my 13 o go tourpeogethr withim. Tenw askd hs motheto okafr r to chldredstaed off.Ding e s time, we itd Londo ad ai as much a we cod, Bi en, the Lre ad so n Alltese erebeautiful 14 w execte to seebfo. Werealy enoyed oursev. our ltnight iPai,after we noyed e night ve f he Eife wer,myhusand calld home. His mother 1 he phne. In seond,m huband face fell n e lookedso wrri. coud esomethng apene“Whats wron?”I ask.He idnt anser d ctinu to sten Afw minut laer, he 7 to me ta oy,oursvn-yr-l son, adfalle off hs bieand 18 is leg. He mtb sent to hpia t oce.At that oent, Paris 19 lost its charm(魅力)“I donwan to be hee!I shoudnt be hr! so be omewithmy kds!”W hurried ba tou htel and hen t te p inaly, e go hm. W ed ito our chidrens berm. Seengoutwo idren, I sddenlyreaze h truth: t i no 0 sight nte worldhanyourchirens ae at greetyou at home.13.A.questo B. wis .se D.dea14.A. laces B. picures C. cies D. paks5.md B. fnihd C. cld D. nswre16. importt B. useful C. funy D. bad17.A.happly B claly C sadly D. tuly18A. rete . brken C kicked lited19A.sddel fally Cquickly D.slowl 20A qutr B.ceaner C sweter D.rihe阅读理解(共36分)三、阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。(共26分,每题2分)Aice: .9 Numerof pags: 127Storlne: Bann he best rind, y,decid t creatteirown camp ey thin up al te ctiviis and, f curse,they ake therlesRecoenation: Igve thisoo a1 ecause Iovethe haracrs. hey aefnyand ceatve.rce: $ 15.9 Nubeof ages: 128Stoline: Zoe adAlcs mother mihtjust havehe coolest job evr. She savs gr pnes ogs(大白熊犬)Recommenaion: d gve this bok an eue t is a little sad. I thin kis wo love nials a good story wil raly lie itrce: $ 19 Nuberf pages: 192Strine: Aolvesi n empty pip unde ighwy 1. H has our dog friends. Ody, ey dideto g n a dventure t tl hefood rom ahum fmilReommendtin: d givebok a t s funny. I was uhng ot loudatalteunn scene.Price: $ 15. mer f pages: 16oryi:After theiparents arekilein a car aent. ayna and her edr brothe Rob are ach othr oly aml. Soo, Roboesffto sv in the navyRecommendtio: d ivethi bok . Im ntertdn roanti novls andsince fiio, ut not s uchi istoricalfiin.inernap really hanedmopno21_ hsthemost pags.A. I and Bean Mke the Rus . ite Fr FlyngC. StickDo D. Gigersnap2. Whtur Fling _. . tellss abu th life o or ogs B. i a hisocal fition C. ia booabout ai og D. shows us the caplif2 Tm ants t buya oyof Ivy and eanMkethe ules n a oy f ingersnp.Hsoupa_or the tw books. A. $ 14.9 .$0. C . . $15.9MissBleytaugme Els n Juniorschol.Shcyed to ool, anthen wen enteig the scoolgate, sh would gvehr icycle to nono s to prk ifor her. It was aprvge(特别恩典)whnMss Baleygave ebilto you On y Shk soo atthgate, Shnk wa a huchbck(驼背的人) laughed ad sad, “Move out o h way, Shankr! iss Bailey isgoi to enter!” Ms Biley drve iand we all rushe tooffer ou has t er. But is iley ooked s us all. “ill you arkiforme?”sh askd Weloke back o ee wo it ws nd wer urred to see it awards Shankar.“I dttin so, M Baily!” amme(结结巴巴地说)hankr “Why! Yulazy fello!” said ssBiley fuly. “Yo dnt wt to help youtacher, o ?” “ Of ours I wnt to, is Bailey!” whispedShankar“Bt might droyour ycle!” “ f yo drop it ,ou pic tp!” sd the tche wthsmi. th ha sh gave her cyc toShar an didn ook to se how hed manage. Pretenig she hconfidence inhis bilie,MBy urd ad wlked to class.We acheShnkaas h hed herbi, weeld ourreath a thugt tas going tofallDnesrushe to help. “Leae it!” Shankar sad, nd weall stoped. It seemed tha is hump(驼背)disappeardas he drew himsf up to hs full heigh, tenwih growng onfince, he ushed Miss Balys cycl o eparkng ot.The school bell n,n e rushedo class.Shnkr was tat toenter, t we we srprsed; t was a difentboy h alen. Miss Biey idnt evook a hm ash walkd t he and hadeder te ey From thaday on, Shankar ws redy to answer he questiosinls, is grades wen uan a smi ppare onhisface4 Miss Baiey go to scol_. . yus bybike. C. b tax D. on foot25.When Sanar ntred th lasoom t aring he bke, _ A. is iley rised i B. hs casmas he C. hishum dsapeared D. h ws ullfconfien26.Itan be ifered(推断)from the passge htBaley _. A. leda cmfotabelif B. had nopiyn Shankar . wahrdon er stents . ttd eery stude fairlyClephants losing tkPeol kllinelpnt rheirtusks has lon beena roblem rlide Athoug laws habeen introdued to ba the elingof tusks, hy havenotben eouh to save th elepatsBut the gant analhave now“eelope” hir nolutin o tasae fro hunters-by twing tss at ll.centists foud tht among eml frican eehants, smny a 9 prent f themow aveno tusks,rported Th Inepeet newsprTheumer was 1ercent in 199and only 1 ercn i193,according oth BBC.But h soltion a s een deelopd by ephats thmseles, and more y eoltion.voluon isll abut natural selecion(选择). henan envionment chnges,foexmple, nimsad pans tatca deal ith h chngeill s alv hil ther wot o elphts, the cagecame henterssatedkllithem for hertsks. A arult, elephants with big tuks coud t alivbase hnters wante to shoohem. Tho born withsks manaed o sta lv ive ther “tuskles”gene(基因)o thei abies. A rest, more and oreeeht re now beng born without us.But thssoluion, as effece(有效地)as tight b,is a high price t pay fr lephans usksae iortant ad playa number of ols, espeilly for maleeephat, icluig fihting wit oher ales, ifing nd dgging thig upThis i why ciists hope tere can ote s optect eephants aaint hnters. They believe tht when h are lekly to be lled , elphantswilbe bl tgrow tusks again.T Davd Codrey, hed of Policy and Camigns a theInernatona Foundfr AnmalWelfaeUK, hwer, this s ntvery lky to hppi thenearfure.“Unortunately, it comesown ohe mares,” he old h Guardian. “As lon peope wll py highprices r roducts hat come roendngered amaln pants, thyr gong to hvpriceo them adtatauses the hnting.”2.ichof the folowing isRUE accordig t the sage? Ephas eaned to lift andig thng up ihot tusks.B. Elent chosenot to row uk cuse of teirdneros ironme.CEpantswith notusks had grater chac f passi dowth nes.D. A tukless lphant gives irth t more bby eehn tha n elepat with bg tus.8. Th underlined word “evolutin” n prarap 4 mans “_” ?A.grdal hnge B. sdden elopment cmplete loss D. rapid growh29. Whatn you learnf the ast two pargahs?A esold orkut bettr sltion oproteephant.B Pel hould pa lower pric forrot mdewitheephant ks.Elephasivi nvomnt wllson bimovedD. The ke o elepant proectn soppi thtrde in tsk prouctsDJuslie ice andnoodles aredirent from brad,snacs inhina reaworld pafrom those i theUK andteS. Fonething,I nr magind hat sunlower ees(瓜子) wuld b so oulaere.I pottd people haing thmwhi iti for blesoutside reaurat,bfore inner an, ofcouse,hil wtchigTVIalso sw hat a pate f sunflowerseds is alw on ofrduing the SpigFesivl holday.I ha sdo rid sunflowr seedsenIcme to Cia. In theUK, though, young pople lv theirsncs fct, young pplein Briai ea more snak thn peopl f he ameage in theEuopncoutris A rent uryhs dsovere ha6 percntf uder 20yea-ods snacetwen e, accrdin on rtie on th ritsh Coulwebsi In copariso,58.7 perenf youn peolenak in Gerany, 53percntin Face, and only 4. percnt in pan.Britsh sacs are geneally unhealthyOur avoieapobablpotao chps, which ecall cp, and hoola bars. From a very youngae, we las looed orwd or crispnd choclate bars afer schol, prhas e included it sanwicanuitinor hoollunces that u antsmaeor uSaks e also populr in h US. One ofthe hingst I foud themost extrainay(特别的) wen I first iited the Swas the nuer of sacksin theirspemare; as surpisd to fnd huge aisles(过道) utnack that e bigger thaome toes Id ben to in h UK Sncktasts i the US are uc h as those in theU, excpt there muh re coice ey kid of faty,sugy foodis vailable to eeryon ll the time.i all, its probabl besto or halth ifyou like sunlwer ees rther tha pato hip n cholte. But ating thse deicous treats t e ount posibly e wrong, cdi?3. Acoding to the aticle, snacke the mspoplar among yougpele in _A. Btai . Gerany rane D Spain3. Wat pd the authown went to sermarkets in t U?A. o the ncststedB. Thesizeo hnacs pckaeC. he lck of ccewhen icae to snc.D. helarge numer f sacks.3.ht doe theautothinkfpotto hi andchoate?A.heydnt tste asgod asufoer seeds.B. They are unhealthy, o eople shouldstop ati the.C. Itsbte to et thewih sadihe a rit. Itsfnto njothf timttie athouh hey are unhealhy33. t is thaticl many ot?A. Th motour snack in ChinaB. acks n the K anthe U.C. nacks youngwstenpo like.D. Smips or hsing snacks in the U四、阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。(共10分,每题2分)Whati “alkt chool” ? oww ar wrkng on a prgramf Wak t Scool. W wuldlik asay prent and ildrena ossible o take part, enif ia small way.Childen o wal to and from shol aongwith their rents anlearn ssetal (基本的)road afty andifeskill Ya tae pat bWalkig to and frm scoolith yr chid every a. king o ne or wo das ring tewekEcouagng orstwlk,fou lradydo. Walking s gret!Wlkigisgrat exercis! A wa is o for yorbodyand n keep youfit ou wont hveto wase time lookn or a rking ste Iree. Youllsav money by not unhe car. I polution fee. Its a good chane t talk to your hilren and to eet othepaens,to. Enjoing wlking t cool! ereresm suggestions to he yo an yourcildejoy akinto hoo Pln sfe rute togthr. ech lrn wh a keb(马路牙子) is and what it means Encrageyour hld o hl o hosthe safes laes tocrossthe roa Look atand discus th thing yousee on ourwayespay roadsins and what they en. Walk t schoo!Thousnds ofprents andclre aread take pr, could o? Pleae go to .org.uk for more inforation.34 Whais t name ofthe pogra that we aeworkin o?35.Wat can childr ea byalin toandfro scool?36. o m sugestie mntonedto enjy aki t scool? 3. Were an ou e more inormatio about “alk toScol”?38. Wh do you think fwalking tochol?书面体现(共1分)五、文段体现(1分)39从下面两个题目中任选一题,根据中文和英文提示,完毕一篇不少于50词的文段写作。文中已给出内容不计入总词数。所给提示词语仅供选用。请不要写出你的校名和姓名。题目 我区正在全力创立全国文明城区。如果你是李华,你打算邀请你们班互换生eer参与下周日学校组织的志愿活动。请用英语写一封邀请函,告诉她活动的时间和地点,活动内容以及需要做什么准备。提示词语: Muhu Park, pk up,ter, put up prs,glovs, hoes 提示问题:Wh an where wllyou go? What yu doi hs aciv? Whatdyou disePer topare fortisacivit?ea ter,Ho is i gng? Im tngtoinvie you t takepar nte oluneer activity. Im oking orwdt yo earlrepy. LHu题目 我区正在全力创立全国文明城区。如果你是李华,上周日参与了学校组织的志愿活动。请你用英语写一篇短文给某英文网站投稿,谈谈你们去了哪里,你做了什么,以及你的感受。提示词语:Mhu Park,pi up,ter, ut up strs, ed,prod提示问题: Whereid you go? W id yu do? How didyou fel?Last Suay 怀柔区高档中档学校招生考试第一次模拟试题英语试卷参照答案一、单项填空.B.C3.C4.D5.A.A7.B9.D10D1. B12. A 二、完形填空13.1.A5.16.7.C 119.A20三、阅读短文,选择最佳选项。(A)21.C 2.C2. (B)4.B 5D26.D(C) 27. B. A29.(D)30.31.D2.D3. 四、阅读短文,回答问题。34. Wlk tScool.35. Essentia o safty nd life skills.36.our37. rom org.u/.8. Its fre./ spolutio fre./ It cansae mony and someimes ime./ It a god canc xercis/Is time frpe t cmmuicate./ts goooyboynd an keep m t./ ts time for peole t njoy he uine./ It sometmes takes loof time( n ranble nswerisaetal.)书面体现五、文段体现39. 参照答案 (略)


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