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1.分析,研讨;分解vt.analyse 和他们交谈和分析国家之间许多文化差异的一些是非常有趣的。It was very interesting talking to them and analysing some ofThe many cultural differences between countries.analysis n.(pl.analyses)分析,分解;分析结果化学分析Chemical analysis我们对那个问题作出仔细的分析。We made a careful analysis to that question.in the last(final)analysis(副)总之,要之analyst n.分析者;分解者;精神分析医师2.使兴奋vt excite 兴奋n.excitement 令人兴奋的是 to ones excitement 他不知道所有的兴奋是关于那个美国教师。He didnt understand what all the excitement was about for the American teacher.3.误解 v misunderstand n misunderstanding 不要增加我们之间没必要的误解。Dont add to the misunderstanding between us.换句话说,很容易误解事情,所以我们需要知道什么是合适的。In other words,it is easy to misunderstand things,so weneed to know what is appropriate.4.打破vt.break (过去式 broke 过去分词 broken )坏的,破损的adj.broken我的电脑坏了。My computer is broken.5.摘要 n.summary 总结vt.summarize/summarise v.sum 总结sum(sth)up summarize sth.总的说来 in summary总结努力学习的好处summarize the advantages of hard work总结一下,我们取得了巨大的成功。To sum up,we achieved great success.6.习惯 n.habit develop/form/pick up/fall into a of doing sth形成做的习惯你能就在不同的国家关于习惯和风俗所发现的给我一个快的总结吗?Can you give me a quick summary of what you found out about habits and customs in different countries.7期待 n expectation v.expect 超出我们的期望beyond our expectation 在我们的期望中in our expectation期待某人做某事expect sb to do sth我获悉在婚礼上的期待有时是十分不同的。I learned that expectations at weddings can be quite different.火车预计10点到达。The train is expected to arrive at 10:00.8国家n.nation国家的公民adj.national 国籍n.nationality 我是中国籍。He is a native of China.似乎在欧洲国家民族间有不同之处。(It seems that)It seems that there are differences between nationalitiesamong European countries.9不管怎样 adv.anyway 不管怎样,你说的是正确的。Anyway,what you said id right.10.在我青年时期 in my youth.11海外的adj./adv.overseas 得到机会出国 get a chance to go overseas /abroad海外贸易overseas Chinese12.赞成 同意n.approval arrival/survival赞成 批准 v.approve批准这个计划approve the plan赞成你的观点 approve of your opinion 我担心你父母不会赞成你到那儿去。Im afraid your parents wont approve of your going there.13雄心 野心n.ambition 有野心的adj.ambitious 一个有雄心的生意人an ambitious businessman14.经历适当的程序undergo/go through the proper procedure15请求vt/n request 请求某人做某事request sb.to do.sth一再请求帮助 make repeated s for help应某人之请求 at ones/at the of sb.我认为是他的一个请求,但不知道真正他要什么。I thought it was a request,but just did not know what hewanted.14事件n.边境事件border incidents15.take up The work took up all his time.(占用,花去占用,花去)When did he take up football?(开始从事开始从事)16.give out He gave out books.(=hand out分发分发)Our food supply has given out.(=use up用光用光 )The news was given out that the king had died.(公布 )The sun gives out/off light and heat.(释放散发释放散发)17.hold up They were held up by fog.(阻碍阻碍)The criminals held up the train.(拦截拦截)Dont hold me up as a model teacher.(推举推举)18.评论,说v/评论,意见 n remark 评述他的文章 on/upon sth.做出幽默的评论 make humorous remarks当地报纸评论犯罪正在增加。(on the increase)A local newspaper remarked the crime was on the increase.


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