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Unit 6 At the snack bar一、教材分析: 本单元的主要教学内容是“征求别人的意见”,围绕着“点餐”展开。重点学习餐饮类单词和句型 “What would you like?”及其回答 “Id like, please” ,在三年级上册第七单元中学生已经接触过这个句型以及些许食物类单词。教师可以以复习旧知的方式呈现新知并创设贴近生活的教学情境,教学中教师要关注到每一个小组的合作情况,让学生在愉快的活动中牢固掌握点餐的一些常用语,并鼓励学生进行拓展操练。 二、教学目标: 1. 能听懂、会说、会读单词snack bar, a cup of coffee, a glass of juice, a glass of milk, a hamburger, noodles, a sandwich.2. 能听、说、读、写单词:at , coffee , tea , juice , rice , fish , big.3. 熟练掌握句型What would you like? Id like,please. What about you? Anything else? 并在生活交流中灵活运用。4. 能诵读歌谣:What would you like?5. 掌握辅音字母x在单词中的读音。 三、教学重点:1. 词汇:at , coffee , tea , juice , thank , rice , fish , big。2. 句型:What would you like?及其回答 Id like,please.3. 语音:字母x在单词中的读音四、教学难点:1. 句型:What would you like?及其回答 Id like,please.2. 词汇:juice ,hamburger ,noodles , sandwich等单词的读音。五、教学安排第一课时:Story time 第二课时:Story time中的词汇及Fun time第三课时:Sound time & Rhyme time第四课时: Cartoon time, Checkout time & Ticking time第五课时:Exercise Unit 6 The first period一、教学内容译林版四上Unit 6 At a snack bar (Story time) 二、教学目标1. 能听懂、会说、会读单词snack bar, a cup of coffee, a glass of juice, a glass of milk, a hamburger, noodles, a sandwich.2. 能听懂、会说、会读,会说日常用语What would you like? Id like What about you? Anything else?3. 能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,并能初步运用本课所学的词汇和日常用语进行点餐。4. 学会合理安排饮食。三、教学重点1. 能听懂、会说、会读单词snack bar, a cup of coffee, a glass of juice, a glass of milk, a hamburger, noodles, a sandwich.2. 能听懂、会说、会读,会说日常用语What would you like? Id like What about you? Anything else?3. 能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,并能初步运用本课所学的词汇和日常用语进行点餐。四、教学难点1.能初步区分a glass of和a cup of 的区别2.能灵活运用本课所学的词汇和日常用语进行点餐。五、教学准备图字卡,实物道具(茶杯和玻璃杯),实物图片,练习纸六、教学过程Step 1 Greeting &Warming up 1. GreetingT: Hello, boys and girls.S: Hello, Miss Gu.T: Nice to see you.S: Nice to see you, too.2. Sing a song : What would you like?T: Well done! You sing beautifully! I have some questions for you. Q1: What food can you hear in the song? 出示单词foodS: Dumplings, noodles, rice, hamburgers, hot dogs, French Fries, bread, pies.T: Good! And where can we buy them?S: At a supermarket/snack barT: Yes, maybe at a snack bar. (出示快餐店, 并通过出示相同发音的单词,教读snack 和bar )Today well learn Unit 6 At a snack bar揭题 Step 2 Presentation1、 Play a game T: We can buy many food and drinks at the snack bar. 出示单词drinks Lets see what they are! T: When you see the pictures or the words, say the words loudly. But if you see the food presents, say “Yummy, Yummy” loudly. T: (出示ppt,展示食物和饮料图片单词)S: a cake/a hot dog/Yummy!/an ice-cream/a pie/Yummy!/noodles/juice/milk/Yummy/a sweet/a hamburger/Yummy/an egg/coffee/Yummy/a sandwich【设计意图】通过游戏让学生熟悉食物和饮料的名称,并渗透新授单词其中,让学生预热生单词。2、Guess and learn the new words (遮图片,剪影,首字母,听声音)T: Good job! Now, weve got some presents. Therere some food and drinks in them. Guess! Look at Picture1.S: Its a cup of coffee. (生选择,师点击礼品盒)T: Great! (板书,贴图,带读 a cup of coffee) 并询问Would you like a cup of coffee?S: Its a glass of milk.(生选择,师点击礼品盒)T: Good! (板书a glass of milk,贴图,带读a glass of milk) 用实物区别a cup of &a glass of T: How to say this? 教授a glass of juiceS: Its a hamburger!T: Bingo! Can you spell it? (板书a hamburger,贴图,带读a hamburger并询问would you like a hamburger? What about you?)S: Its a sandwich. T: Well done! (板书a sandwich,贴图,带读a sandwich)T: How about Picture 3.Listen!(录吃面条声音)S: (引导)Theyre noodles. T: Clever! (板书noodles,贴图,带读noodles, Tips: 注意可数名词和不可数名词。举例:a hamburger, some rice, some noodles 询问新句型 What would you like?)S: Id like (出示Id like)【设计意图】通过猜单词,让学生熟悉单词,并在新旧句型使用中进一步掌握词汇和句型。3. Work in pairs T: What would you like?(看着黑板进行师生对话练习)S: Id like T: What about you ?S: T: Anything else?S: T: Now, we have some food and drinks here, talk about them in pairs.S: (生展示)【设计意图】通过对话练习,巩固词汇和句型。Step 3 Story time1. Watch and answer. T: You did a good job! And our friends are at the snack bar, too. Who are they?Lets watch and answer! S: Helen, Mike and Mr Green. T: Yes! And we can also see a waitress here.2. Listen and tick.T: Look, there are many food and drinks here. They are What would they like? Lets listen and tick. T: What would Mike like? (引导)He would like What would Helen like? She would like(听力验证)What would Dad like? He would like3. Listen and readT: Read the three sentences: Id like a hamburger and a glass of milk.Id like a sandwich and a cup of coffee.A hamburger, noodles and a glass of milk, please.Tips:几个相同种类的词语并列出现时,除最后一项外,其余都读成升调。 4. Read the text跟读(注意模仿语音语调)分角色朗读T: OK. Now we have read the story together. Now open your books, turn to Page 38, and read the story in roles, four students a group.【设计意图】通过不同形式的朗读,让学生熟练掌握课文,为下一步表演奠定基础。5. Try to fill Mike, Helen and their father_ at the snack bar. They would _ some food and drinks. Mike would like a glass of _ and a _. Helen would like some_. Mr Brown would like a _ and a cup of _. 核对答案,齐说Step 4 Show time 1. Go to the snack bar.a. T: You did a good job. Now, lets go to the snack bar, OK? Look! Here is the menu. If you are a waitress or a waiter, how can you say? (带着学生看黑板复习问句) Some of you can answer like this: Id like A/Some, please. b. T: Who wants to work with me? (教师示范)c. Work in 3 d. Show it. 请小组上台表演,带上角色帽子2. AdviceT: Look at these food and drinks. Milk is healthy, but hamburger is a kind of junk food. How about eggs?(将食物分类)Attention here: We should “Eat well, eat healthy.”合理饮食,健康饮食!Step5: Homework 1. Read and imitate the story. 听录音,朗读并模仿对话。2. Invite your friends to enjoy the food at the weekends. Try to use the sentences we learnt today. 周末邀请你的小伙伴一起分享食物,试着用今天所学的句型交流哦。3. Write down the food you can name, try to divide them in different ways.写下你学过的食物类单词,试试用不同的方法来给它们的分类吧。板书设计: Unit 6 At the snack barWhatwould you like?Food: a hamburger a sandwich a hot dog Id like (图片) some noodles a pie an ice creamWhat about you?/ Anything else?Drinks: a cup of coffee A/ Some, please.(图片) a glass of milk a glass of juice Here you are. Thank you.复备栏Unit 6 The second period一、教学内容:Fun time 二、教学目标:1. 复习story time和其中涉及的食物饮料类单词:a cup of coffee, a glass of milk, hamburger, sandwich, noodles.2. 能听懂、会读、会用食品类词汇:a cup of tea, a glass of juice, rice.3. 能灵活运用所学的食品、饮料类单词和句型What would you like? 及其回答Id like, please./, please. 来征求他人的意见,进行点餐。三、教学重点:能灵活运用所学的食品、饮料类单词和句型What would you like? 及其回答Id like, please./, please. 四、教学难点:学生能在不同情境中,灵活运用所学的食物、饮料类词汇和句型征求他人意见,进行点餐。五、课前准备:教学ppt,一个装满图片卡的红盒子,学生课前做好食物和饮料的图片卡六、教学流程:Step1. Greetings and warm upT: Good morning, class. Ss: Good morning, teacher. T: How are you today? Ss: Im fine, thank you. And you? T: Im fine, too.Step2. Revision1. review words and sentencesGame: I love you, Mr fox! Rules: 看到单词、图片、句子,立刻站起来大声读一读。看到狐狸先生的照片,给他一个飞吻并大声喊,“fox, fox, I love you!” T: Boys and girls, today I bring a new friend here. Look! His name is Mr Fox. Do you like him? He is so happy to meet you and wants to play a game with you.Are you ready? Lets start. 2. review story timea. lets read and dub: 跟读动画,小组分角色配音b. lets match and retell: 完成连线题,并尝试复述课文。c.Step3. Presentation and practiceT: You did a good job on revision. Mr Fox is proud of you. Look, he brings three boxes of gift. Do you want to see?Lets say “fox, fox, open the box!” A) Fun time1. 新授生词:a cup of tea, a glass of juice, riceSs: Fox, fox, open the box! (ppt 呈现红色盒子被打开,里面是三种食物和饮料)T: oh,they are something to eat and drink. Oh,whats this? Listen, its a cup of tea. (教读 tea-a cup of-a cup pf tea-Id like a cup of tea,从词到句,配上简单的chant:tea, tea, a cup of tea; Id like, Id like, a cup of tea.同法教授 a glass of juice 、rice) 2. Game: magic eyes 综合复习所学的食物和饮料类单词3. fun time:a. 教师示范:T: look, now I have the magic red box here. Therere many things to eat and drink.(拿出一个装满食物饮料卡片的盒子) T-S1: What would you like? S1: Id like (引导学生说 please)T-S2: What would you like? S2: , please. T: Here you are. S: Thank you.b. 学生四人一小组,用所制作的食物饮料类图片玩“点餐游戏”Step4. Homework1. 听录音,预习Sound time,Rhyme time。2. 和家人一起玩“点餐游戏”。七、板书设计:Unit 6 At the snack bara cup of tea, a glass of juice, rice复备栏Unit 6 The third period一、教学内容: Sound time & Rhyme time 二、教学目标:4. 复习story time和其中涉及的食物饮料类单词:a cup of coffee, a glass of milk, hamburger, sandwich, noodles.5. 能听懂、会读、会用食品类词汇:a cup of tea, a glass of juice, rice.6. 能诵读歌谣“What would you like?”并初步创编。7. 了解字母x在单词中的读音,并能流利朗读儿歌。三、教学重点: Sound time & Rhyme time四、教学难点:1、能诵读歌谣,并能创编。2、了解字母x在单词中的读音,并能流利朗读儿歌。五、课前准备:教学ppt六、教学流程:Step1. Greetings and warm upT: Good morning, class. Ss: Good morning, teacher. T: How are you today? Ss: Im fine, thank you. And you? T: Im fine, too.Step2. Revision1、 出示词卡,读单词。2、 默写单词和词组。3、 小组内检查并改正。Step3. PresentationA) Rhyme timeT: Wonderful. Mr Fox wants to give you the second gift. Lets open the green box, ok? Ss: Fox, fox, open the box. ( 绿盒子里是歌谣“what would you like?”)T: oh, its a nice rhyme. You must be tired. Lets enjoy it.)1. 学生欣赏儿歌,学唱,配上简单的动作。2. Make a new chant with the food and drinks you like.学生创编儿歌,小组里唱一唱。B) Sound timeT: now, we have only one blue box left. But where is the blue box? (出示sound time的图片) look, its behind Mrs fox. (教读Mrs)T: So, I can see the box behind, Mrs box. 1. Can you chant? (教读sound time儿歌,拍手,注意节奏)2. Can you find? (学生找出box、fox含有的相同字母x, 自己朗读,总结出x读音/ks/。)3. Can you read? (出示含有字母x的单词,学生朗读)T: oh, you are excellent. As a prize, lets open the blue box, ok? Ss: fox, fox, open the box. (盒子打开是回家作业)4、听录音跟节奏读儿歌。5、小组内练习,然后小组用自己的形式表演儿歌。T: Its todays homework. Lets see.6、练习:将下列句子排成一段通顺的话。( )What do you like?( ) Helen, do you like grapes?( ) No,I dont.( ) I like pineapples. (B)( ) Can you skate?( ) Its three oclock.( ) Lets skate now.( ) Whats the time?( ) Yes, I can.( ) All right.Step3. Homework3. 听录音,读熟Sound time,并能流利说出Rhyme time。4. 背诵Storytime。 七、板书设计:Unit 6 At the snack bara cup of tea, a glass of juice, rice复备栏Unit 6 The fourth period一、教学内容: Cartoon time, Checkout time & Ticking time 二、教学目标:1、通过Checkout time的训练,进一步巩固句型What would you like? Anything else?及其应答Id like.,please.2、能够听、说、读、写单词 fish。3、运用所学句型及单词,征询意见,学会点餐,表达自己的需要。4、渗透下单元习惯用语:Can I help you?三、教学重、难点:1、进一步掌握句型What would you like? Anything else?及其应答Id like.,please.2、运用所学句型及单词,征询意见,学会点餐,表达自己的需要。四、教学过程:Step 1 .Warm-up1.Rhyme: What would you like?2.Free talk What do you like? What can you do?What do you have?Step 2.Presentation1、Lets guessT: Mike, Helen and their dad had some food and drinks at the snack bar. Today, Sam and Bobby will go to another snack bar.T: Guess! What would Sam and Bobby like?S: Maybe Sam would like _S: Maybe Sam would like _ Bobby would like _2、Watch the cartoon3. Lets checkS: Sam would like _ Bobby would like _Teach: fish1. T: Why are they so scared? Teach: What a big egg!(注意语气) T: What will Sam say? S: 2. Watch again and choose再看卡通,选出它们所说的话,教授:Can I help you?3. Lets read (注意模仿任务的语音、语气、语调)4. Read in roles and give the story an ending5. Lets dub6. An ending: The waiter makes a joke with Sam and Bobby.(服务员和Sam、Bobby开了个玩笑)Step 3 Consolidation1. 四人小组分角色表演,A服务员,BCD为顾客。2. Ticking time: I can order food.3. 翻译下列短语:1.一杯茶 2. How many hamburgers 3. 两杯牛奶 4. What a big sandwich! 4根据汉语意思,完成下列句子。1你想要一杯牛奶吗?不,谢谢。我想要一杯茶。-Would you like a _of _?-No, thanks. Id like a _of _. 2我饿了,妈妈。 那吃块三明治怎么样? 好的。 -Im _,Mum. -_ _ a _? -Ok.Step 4.Homework1.Act the story of Cartoon time in groups.2.Choose one scene to make a dialogue with your friends.(At the toy shop / fruit shop / stationery shop 五、板书设计:Unit 6 At the snack barCan I help you?What would you like?Anything else?复备栏教后反思: 牛津英语四年级上册第六单元综合测试卷听力部分(30分)一、听录音,选出和你听到的内容。(10分) ( )1. A. cup B. clock C. coffee ( )2. A. bathroom B. bedroom C. living room ( )3. A.fly B. fish C. fridge ( )4. A. noodles B. nine C. nice ( )5. A. grape B. great C. glass ( )6. A. would B. where C. what ( )7. A. come B. car C. cup ( )8. A. a glass of B. a cup of C. a snack bar( )9. A. rice B. juice C. sandwich ( )10. A. table B. tea C. ten 二、听录音,选出你所听到问句的答句。(10分)( )1. A. Its in the bathroom. B. Hes in the bathroom. C. Shes in the bathroom. ( )2. A. Yes, please. B. Yes, it is. C. Yes, this is.( )3. A. Thank you. B. Here you are. C. A hamburger, please. ( )4. A. Yes, I do. B. How nice. C. A sandwich .( )5. A. Yes, I am. B. Two. C. Yes ,I do. 三、听录音,判断所听内容与下面句子意思是否相符,相符的写,不相符的写。(10分) ( )1. Id like a hamburger and a glass of coffee. ( )2. What about a glass of tea? ( )3. Helens bedroom is nice and big.( )4. Sam would like a hamburger. ( )5. Id like some doodles and a sandwich. 笔试部分一、翻译下列短语:(20分)1.一杯茶 2. How many hamburgers 3. 两杯牛奶 4. What a big sandwich! 5.许多面条 6. Can I help you? 7.我想要 8.Anything else? 9.一些米饭 10.给 你 二、选择填空:(10分)( )1. Do you have grapes? .A. some B. a C.any ( )2.- This is _ mother ,I think(认为). - No. Shes _aunt Mrs Black . A my; your B your your C. your; my ( )3.-What would you like ? - _ A I like hot dogs. B A cup of coffee, please. C. Yes , please. ( )4.- How many _do you have? -One. A milk B boxes C . apple ( )5.- Look _ my bedroom. - _big! A. at; What B to; Its C .at; How ( )6. -What _you have? - I have twelve_. A do; hamburger B can rice C do; sandwiches ( )7.Im hungry. Id like _. A some tea B. a sandwich C. some coffee ( )8.-Wheres Mum? -_ A Its in the bathroom. B. Hes in the bathroom. C Shes in the bathroom. ( )9.Id like tea A. a B.an C.a cup of ( )10. Here some rice for us. A. is B.are C.am 四、情景匹配。(10分) ( ) 1. What would you like ? A: I have a hamburger. ( )2. Would you like a hamburger? B: I like hot dogs. ( ) 3. Do you like coffee? C. What a big egg! ( ) 4. How many pies do you have? D. Theyre in the kitchen. ( )5. Where are my pies? E. No, I cant ( ) 6. What do you like? F. Me too. ( ) 7. Id like an ice cream. G. Some fish, please. ( )8. Can you swim well? H.Yes, I do. ( ) 9. What do you have? I. Yes, please. ( ) 10. Look at my egg. J. I have thirteen. 五、将下列句子排成一段通顺的话。(10分) (A)( )What do you like?( ) Helen, do you like grapes?( ) No,I dont.( ) I like pineapples. (B)( ) Can you skate?( ) Its three oclock.( ) Lets skate now.( ) Whats the time?( ) Yes, I can.( ) All right.六、根据汉语意思,完成下列句子。(10分)1你想要一杯牛奶吗?不,谢谢。我想要一杯茶。-Would you like a _of _?-No, thanks. Id like a _of _. 2我饿了,妈妈。 那吃块三明治怎么样? 好的。 -Im _,Mum. -_ _ a _? -Ok. 3你想要些什么? 一个鸡蛋。 给你。 谢谢。 -What would you like? -An _. - _ you are. -Thank you.七、阅读理解。(10分)Mike: Heres a snack bar. Lets go in.Dad and Mum: OK.Waiter: What would you like?Dad: Some noodles and two eggs for me. Helen, what would you like? A hamburger?Mum: A hamburger, an egg and a glass of juice, please.Waiter: Ok, I see.Dad: Would you like a hot dog, Mike?Mike: A hot dog for me, please. A pie, a sandwich, a cake and a glass of milk, please.Dad: Can you eat so much?Mike: Sure (当然) . Im very hungry.根据对话内容,判断正误,正确的用(T)表示,错误的用(F)表示。( )1They are at school now.( )2Mike is very hungry.( )3Mikes father would like a hamburger.( )4Mikes mother is Helen.( )5Mike would like some rice.Unit 7 How much一、教材分析:本单元的主要教学内容是“购物”,重点学习使用句型“Can I help you? How much is it?/are they? Its/Theyreyuan. Well done”。本单元课文呈现了以爱心义卖为场景的购物活动,教师也可以在实际教学中设置贴近学生生活的购物情景,让学生在比较真实的情景中使用句型进行交流。 二、教学目标:1. 能听懂、会说、会读单词how much, yuan, umbrella, only, twenty-eight, well, done, fan, forty-five, her, tail, long.2. 能听、说、读、写单词:shoe, sock, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty.3. 掌握句型Can I help you? How much is it?/are they? Its/ Theyreyuan. Well done.并在生活中灵活运用。4. 会唱歌曲:The clothes shop5. 掌握辅音字母v在单词中的读音。 三、教学重点:1. 词汇:shoe, sock, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty.2. 句型:How much is it?/are they?及其回答Its/ Theyreyuan3. 语音:字母v在单词中的读音四、教学难点:1. 句型:How much is it?/are they?及其回答Its/ Theyreyuan.的语调和用法。2. 词汇:umbrella, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty等单词的读音。五、教学安排第一课时:Story time 第二课时:数词1-50及Fun time第三课时:Cartoon time第四课时:Sound time, song time, checkout time & Ticking time第五课时:ExerciseUnit 7 The first period一、 教学内容 4A Unit 7 How much?(Story time)二、 教学目标1、词汇:能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词shoe, sock;能听懂、会说、会读单词how much, yuan, umbrella, only, twenty-eight, well, done, fan;2、句型: 能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型Can I help you? How much is it?/are they? Its/Theyreyuan. Well done.三、情意目标1. 让学生学会买卖东西。2. 学会与他人交流。四、教学重点:句型:How much is it?/ are they?及其回答Its/Theyre five yuan.五、教学难点: umbrella,twenty等单词的读音六、教具准备: 课件,单词句子卡片,头饰,练习纸,自带小物品,打印的钱七、教学过程Step 1 Warm up1. Free talk(呈现图片hamburger, jacket, rice, skirt) T: What would you like? S: Id like T: Here you are. S: Thank you.2. Say a rhyme3. Make new rhymes(给出框架)发挥学生想象力 What would you like?Id like _.Id like _.Theyre all very _.4. Lets recall(回顾Unit 6Cartoon time) T: Our old friends are coming. Now they are hungry. They go to a snack bar. They order some food. Do


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