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克拉克的5条班规(典型中英文版)优秀是教出来的的作者克拉克教师年仅二十八岁,是全美最佳教师奖得主,是唯一被美国总统接见过三次的小学教师,已荣获“全美最佳教师奖”。她教过的学校,学生都来自最贫困的家庭,学校的资源也不丰富。但凭着她的热情与本书所简介的“基本五十五条”,只要被她教过的学生,成绩一定会突飞猛进,气质也会变得彬彬有礼。(下面是其中一部分,一部分不符合我们国家的没有选,有爱好的可以到网上查询。)1、与大人应对,要有礼貌,有分寸;Rle 1 hen repndinton, ou m aswer yayng“Ys aam” o“No sr.” Jtnongouhea o syi any oter fmf yes o o n accetabl.、与人互动,眼睛要看着对方的眼睛;ul 2 ake e oct. Whn smene is spein, e you eys nim orera all ies. If omeone kes a cmmen, tu afc tht person.3、别人有好体现,要替她快乐;u3 fsmeonei the cawins gam r oessmethingwel,we will conrtultethat prson. laps houldbe a asttree sos n lenth wit the ful prt bth ands meetig i manner thatilliveappoprat ca vlme.(要对游戏获胜者或把某事做得特别杰出的人表达祝贺。鼓掌至少持续3秒钟,两个手掌充足接触,以便掌声足够响。“一种教师面队全班3名学生,要想关注所有的学生、表扬所有值得鼓励的事,这几乎是不也许的,而让同窗们彼此之间互相鼓励就容易多了。”看人家多会“偷懒”。这个教师在发布学生成绩的时候,搞的也象国外重大比赛发奖同样,大声、高声、长声,特刺激、特煽动。孩子们都能从中获得无穷的快乐和动力。“学生们成天盼望着这样的时刻。”)4、尊重别人的发言与想法;Rle Durin discuons, respect othsudentscomments,oins,ad ds. Whnpose, mae stateentslike, “Igrewth John, and Iso feel tha” “I dgre wi Sarh e d a go pointIf that”or “I think Vcto madean excellent obsrvain, an i mad me reliz”( 诸多时候“我们不批准别人的观点,可又苦于没有一种很轻松的氛围能让我们把满脑子的想法自由地体现出来。” “紧张一旦自己的想法自由地体现出来,别人会怎么看,自己会不会遭到讥笑、贬低和忽视。” 克拉克先生的措施是:“在讨论问题的时候,要对其她同窗的评论、观点和想法表达尊重。要尽量地这样说:“我批准约翰的观点,同步我也感到”“我不批准沙拉的见解,尽管她抓住了问题的核心,但我觉得”或者“我觉得维可多的观测真是太精彩了,它让我意识到 简朴地说,就是:尊重别人,注意发言技巧。核心是要懂得尊重人。而“尊重人”,则是个大原则、大观念了。它可以说含概了前面具体提到的所有教育细节。我觉得,教育孩子时,要注意大原则的把握。大原则把握了,其她细节会很自然地理解、领悟。心里有了强烈的尊重她人的观念,在做事的细节上就会“本该如此”。感悟到“大观念”是重要,可是简朴的、一味的向孩子反复灌输“要尊重人”,孩子能明白吗?也许我们老式的教育太重大道理而忽视了具体细节,而这些细节看起来乱七八糟的小节,也许正是对我们最有协助的。)5、自己有什么好体现,不要炫耀,输给别人也不要气愤;eI yo in or del tsomethg, do nobrgIfyou ls,do ot h ager. nstead, sa smetng like, “ reall enjo t cometiion,a loforwardto plyg yoin,” r“gdgam,” or dotsay anytin al. Thow ager or srcsm, sch a “ was plinghar nyw” “ou rly are that god,” shows eanss.6、如果别人问你问题,你也回问她问题;Rl 6 Iyouare skda qustin i cnesato, yo soldska qtonin rtur.e: “Did o have nice eknd?”You: “e, hada greattime. My fmiyad I wentshopng. What bu ou?Did you avenice weekd?”Is nlyoliteo ho thrstha you are j as neretedinthe ashe rei yu.7、打喷嚏、咳嗽或者打嗝都要说对不起;Rue 7 “Whe yououh sneze rbr,itisproprae toturn o heaw frmotrsnd e youot with e ullr o you han.Uinga fis is o accetabe. Aftrw,yo so sy,“Ecusme”、不可以有不礼貌的小动作;ul 8 “onotsma your lip, ts, rol yur es,r how disrespith gesturs.”、别人送你任何东西,都要说谢谢;Rle 9 “Alas ayta yo wenve yo omething.If yudo nt s i tin 3 conareeiving e tem, I willtakeit back. ee sne ono showngappreciation.”1、接到奖品和礼物,不可以嫌弃;Rule10 “hen youaregvensomthng fromsmeoe, ver inult that prson bymkinegiv cont aoutte giftobinsinuaing that it was arecied”1、用小小的贴心,为别人制造惊喜;Rle11“Surpris hers byrfomin ran tsof kines. Go ouyourwatod omethig urrsnl knd ndeneros foroen t least nce a month.”12、改同窗试卷时要特别谨慎;u 12 “Ocasonay may gdh rs apers as a group Whe grdng otertudents papers,f yo ivsmee a nrect r, hthr it g owehanthy dsev, hemn the gradeders from th atualrad wil be dedutd om yor a. Te lmars oare allowd o ak ohsaper are a“X” ad tenumber teg inorrec.”“给其她同窗的试卷判分时,如果比实际分数高了或低了,高出或低出的分数将在你本人的试卷中扣除。”13、全班一起念课文时,要看着正念的一字一句;Rle 13 “Wenwer tger ilass, you must follow ng.If call oto read, ou musnw eatl her w areand egin torea mmedialy” “每当给孩子们念书的时候,我会感情饱满、精力充沛、体现力丰富地去读,我会全身心地进入角色。”克拉克先生还根据角色不断变换多种嗓音,做多种动作。“这种措施使整个阅读的过程布满了乐趣,同步也告诉孩子们,阅读是件多么令人着迷的事情。”“如果我看到那个学生在我们读书的时候眼睛每盯着那一页,或者我叫一种学生接着读,她却不懂得我们刚刚读到哪里了,那么这个学生的名字就会被记在黑板上。”习惯成自然,后来孩子们集中注意力的能力会很高的吧。14、以完整的句子回答所有的问题;ul 14 “Awerlqeos wthcomplee snteeFr eam, ithesion as, “Wt is th cpital of usi?” you shoud epond bywrtin, “Th cita fRussMow.” Also,in conrsaion wth oter, it s mpat o us comple senteceso f rctfor h prsons uesin oxm,if a prsonass,“Ho e u?”instof jst respd ysayig, “Fie,” shouldsay,“m dong ie,thkou. owaouourf?” 第一复述问题并给出答案,第二给出重要理由,第三展开阐明进理由,最后反复问题并给出答案结束。克拉克先生规定学生用这样的方式回答问题,锻炼学生的语言体现能力合写作能力。5、不要积极讨奖品;u “Ame tugut te a,I willgive rewrds rgodbhaior,adem peformances and ohe acs wrthy f prae. f you ve sk m ora rewad, oweer, itil nt b ive It isrudet s ifu argettin smetifo god ehaior Yu soldbe gdd try y et bcas ue tying tbeteyoursf,nt case y re tcipaingareard. usally give soe ort of rewardteveryohocores 100onuni tssIfou mk 10 n as i youare gttingetng,o one hoa10 wil begven anthng.”克拉克先生常常好学生发些奖品,但成绩好的学生索要奖品时,她会坚决回绝。“我努力让她们懂得,竭力做好每件事不是为了奖品,而是为了她们自己。”“协助孩子们最后学会肯定自我奋斗的价值。”1、每天都要作完作业;Rle 6“Hmewrwil e urnd ineach dy for eacuj eytuentwitn exceptons.”克拉克先生的高招是:“在教室外贴了一条巨大的横幅”,上面写着:“全班所有同窗持续完毕所有家庭作业_天”。当孩子们持续完毕超过0天,克拉克先生就开始给孩子们做好吃的小点心。孩子们最长是持续62天,克拉克先生说她都成了“厨爷”了。真是够疯狂的,那年克拉克先生的学生们成绩跟做了火箭同样狂涨。、做什么事都要有条理;Re “Yo wll mkeveyeffrt t b asrganized s ossile”“Wh we a in tansionfrom oe sbjet to theoter, the chag wil b swif,quiet ndorerl.W sudbe csistenly lt n one boo tonoe, copete wi homewk d nesary mateals, as ukly apsibl The opportne munt of tim sen in tastion hlbe less ta tencods,ande wll ok toward gaof seesecond”为了协助孩子们变得有条理,克拉克教师在假期里去商店买回了一套她但愿孩子们人手一份的用品,能装下笔记本的大架子、活页纸、笔记本、尺等等。克拉克教师把买到的所有物品摆放在地板上拍照,并列好明细清单,在开学前个星期给每个学生发了一份照片和信。开学时,克拉克教师仔细检查每位同窗的用品,告诉她们每件东西什么时候用,在上面贴上标签,还给孩子们做示范等等等等后来孩子们自然变得非常有条理,克拉克教师领悟到,其实孩子很喜欢条理化。此外,值得一提的是,克拉克教师每年都问她此前的学生,她们的新教师对她们在班上的体既有哪些见解。这样克拉克教师就可以从侧面理解自己的教学有哪些局限性,有哪些成功。多么有心的好教师啊!1、教师在指定作业的时候,不要叫苦;Rule18 “When Issig homeo, he ist bo moingor cmplaini. illreult n doubed ainent.”如果谁违背了,她就必须做两倍的作业。克拉克坚持这个严肃的惩罚,就是为了让孩子以积极进取的心态接受必须的完毕的任务。克拉克教师觉得:与其让布置的每一项作业(或必须完毕的任务)都被抱怨、每一件应当完毕的工作都布满了逆反情绪,还不如让她们做几次双倍的作业,从此后来在接受作业(和任务)的时候再也不会抱怨和发牢骚。19.就餐时不准占座位Rue 19“D notsaveasinthe lnhrom. f soe wants o sit down, lhmr r.o no ty t exlde no Weare aamly, we mst re e notr wi rspectandns.”2、别的教师来代课,也要守班规; Rul 2“While uaewit ubit tecr,y wll oe thsae rule tat youolowwhen amwth y.( no this had,but tis imprtt)”这个细节的目的是为了培养孩子“无论有无老板在身边,她们工作都是为了自己”,也就是培养自觉性。克拉克为此做了诸多努力,苦口婆心的教导;杀一儆百;为了保证教学质量,事先做授课录像,并在录像的制作中加诸多技巧。21、课堂上发言,或起身,应当讲规矩;Rule 1“Wewillfllowctainclassrmpotols. We will begned, efficiet,and taIn drt do so, e wil ollw tee rues:. Dnot t out of urset wthout eision. xptio:f yo ae ck, levimmeely.2. Donot peak uess: ou raisyr and, andI alo yuaskyoua uesionndyou areepondn.It isee ofluch.Iinrut oterwie(fo xapl,ng up k).”2上课喝水吃东西不要打扰到教师授课Rul 22“You y rig botteofwa anlea tn your desk.o no s me iyu n g waterwle I amthinga so ocan enhave ood at ur de on as thrdt see i n I donthea y t i”23、见到每个教师,都要说某某教师好;Rle2 Qicky earnte name oher teaces i te shol angree em by syigthings lk, Goo orning r.Grh, r Go aftnoMs ri.That is a very prettyress. (Nt: fyou are in lie itthe esof cass,yu ae no aowd tospakttheteachersat thtimebecase no-talkng e n fet.ushouldseato therteers i you are nterg orleain te scho,onrecess, nan eran, or chaniglass.)克拉克教师规定孩子们“要迅速记住全校教师的名字”,并在遇到的时候打招呼,同步还没忘掉强调排队走路的时候除外,由于那时有“不许发言”的纪律。克拉克教师但愿学生们培养起良好的社交习惯,以便进入社会后“能积极理解周边的同事或邻居”,“并努力做到善意、有礼貌地看待别人。”24、注意洗手间的卫生,把身边的病原减少到至少;Re4 lshte oletandashyourhads fte usinh ret ro. We n a pulic est rom, ge apaper towel bfwahin yr as. fte whigyou hnd, use tepapetwe toturnof t fuctsa t presshe ispense tgetanothr papetowel t dry yu nds (Ousethe we t res thutn tott drr.) The last ting yan t ois toharsihclahas tatothes ha tuced h iyad.25、让客人有宾至如归的感觉;ule5 We willoftn havevisis tor scol f omone i comingto vi ouls, I will endw student to tfront o of te buildin. Yull have sig welc theso.Whnorvistor arriv, yo wll ae ha,tel m or her yu re, andelcome he erson our schol. o wll tn take te iito ona smll to of he uldinbeobringig im her oth clasro.“如果有人要参观我们教室,我会派两名学生在教学楼前等待,并举着一种欢迎牌。当我们的参观者到来时,接待者要和她们握手,向她们作自我简介,并致欢迎辞,然后,在带她们进教室之前,先领她们简朴地参观一下校园。”如果我是来访者,我对如此接待会感到很新颖、很欣赏、很欣慰。对孩子只要规定她们这样做,我觉得孩子绝对可以做的到。孩子会从中学到些什么呢?27、同窗受罚的时候,不要看着她;Rule27 “If o anythrteacher ischools seaking to or isciplining audent,o no o tha stude. ouwoldtwathers lokina y if yowere in oub or bein rpmande,odont look at oter in hat stuatiof yu arthe stut I am tki o, o notge anry or fus at sudent who ae lokgatyoLetm nw and Iwilhanle tation.”主观上,特别喜欢这一条,周边的人诸多做不到这一点,家长一方面做不到,孩子们也难。后来我还会告诉她,不要随便同情谁,不是不善良,而是只要可以自立,不同情就是尊重。“为了避免尴尬和因公开展示而引起的愤怒,我要保证孩子们理解和遵守这个规矩。”不做落井下石、幸灾乐祸的事是对的,我还是那句话“己所不欲,勿施于人。”但是,教师也该注意保护小孩子的自尊心。2、对作业的问题,可以打电话来我家,我没接的话,你可以留言,但只要留一次就够了;ue 28 o av a question abot yohomeork,yoma cale. IfI mothre o aswr tephoe,plee eaveesae in the fon aner: H, M. lak,hs is _ I ned helpwi he_ hmwo. Youcan calle back until _:. Tnk yo hr i nneed oeav this meage urtn ties3、吃完饭,自己的垃圾自己解决;Rue 0 “here aeseveamannrseaiit od a you mtfllo: all these y ACs of tiquet. henyoufirstiown ora mea, mmedial place you napn n oap. If yu silverwaswapd n a napkin,uwr it aon as si don and ple henapkinnyo a. hen you are finihe etn, plce our napin on e table to the eft fyo plae. Plce t looel bsidehe pate Don ru i, aus you donto s utd.Don foldt too eat, becase ydot wanth sauan tinkyuassuehey re gig useiai. Nevr eve ou apkinonyor ai. This mplies tatenapn i t dirtyto fon te.Alo,nomcltre, leithe akin on the aiis n watosyt you ont inten o retrn to herestan ain.C. Never place you lbos nthe al.D. Uene hadtoet,unlssyo ar tti orbutngooNe have you ok in ne ad aglt othr. Do not likyorfigr.Tr is a apkin oidedfr he pose o clean yurfnges Tere i noned tolickyoursefceanF notsayulip or hw niil.G. Don chew wth yomth oen.H Dont tlkwith yor mh ull. Soemepple will pca hn over heitadt nwa. Dotd h.autil you have salleour ood tospeak.Ismehi iagh n yourtet,dt goinafteit; winilyure e st romo remv itJ. ntlur.K.o notpla it yorood. yo rr for,n, o anyhing se the floor, DO NOT pc it up. t isvry ruendunsatary t ace smehing on th ablethahs n ntelorI oupick u somethg tat as doppedan hn t to aater,te yu llned to excus urslf an wah or d bfoe contnui with you mel Tebestway o ada stuion hen omhihasdropped on theloois tka aterfor a repacemen; leavh od oe on te foor. You ro uyor uensisfortin lmosvrythng.Hee rtentps o ood yu mayuseyor hndsteat:. iza2. on Cokes Bread (way tearof abite-ize piece to e. I you regogto ue but, ner buter twhlcef bread;bute he peceyou oro, an eathat bee tearig other pe.)5 Co n he co (It i apopiate o e acssiseof eating around.)6. Htdogs, hmburgers, ad snwiches (ncldin eakfastbiscuis)7. Frch ries nd hips8.Fied hicn9 Asparas (s,aparagus)1. Sl i(le grae o a stem),pples, rangs,carrs, etN. evrrac ov omones ple to get somthig.You old sy, “Wll yu plpass he at?”O. Nver startaing off of yo ay ntl you areatyur seP. Whn e areting at a raurant, are ot gn eati until eeyn a he talehas rceved fod.Q. Y shouldnver colnf he i is too on, the fod intg, if thee is wit nt at to beegatv t hpontwe yupol te enjoyn of the vet f oers. I o areunsurewhchilvrware to s, ipl start withthefok,kneosoon thtis te frths rm yourplate. O eft, ou ill hveyu aladrko the se and yourdnne or onthe insie. One far ight, ouillve our souppoon Bdiyu ll hv h spoonyou illuet stiror ffee o te, hnyu aladki, ad he yor nnrif euteil boe ourplat are t be sedor eert.S. hn yu r finhedeatn,do ot pushyorateawy fro youLav it we t isnte sting Ifou wat h u havinihdang, yo oud l yo fr adknif toether dagonly acste l. Yshld plc e fork wit th tineso,ad yo shol hvete sarpsdofthkif fcng dwnOf the o tesil,theohoudbecest t youT eve le ieceof lvrwaretato have used backnhetableLeaet ona lae o ucer. Iyouidt usea tsil,do pacitona lt or uer wheyou arfihed. usteavi r t is.V. was oa wier itheeye wen ouar odern,kg auestion, or saig thk yu.W. Maeaont remer the waitrsne hen hitrodues isel to yo Us hi ame oft as ossile hrougu te course o theeal If youa to go t he res rom, yo shod n up adsa, “Excue ,” s ou leve te tble.Y. Wen youare oferedessrtsor aseda queto ch “hatsies wldyo lie?” or“atdesi uldoulik o your salad?”it is beto a, “Whtremypios?” Tawy, yaret gong thrugh pres naingtns he strat mht not ae. Neer ak twaies or wairesesas if tyareerants.Tra e wth respecand kindness, nd remmer,hy ethons whoreixig fo rnii you Yu do not wan e ohba sdof a waiter.”克拉克教师规定她的学生们吃晚饭要把桌子擦干净,掉在地上的要拾起来仍到垃圾筒里,还要检查垃圾箱周边有无垃圾并清理干净。克拉克教师还规定孩子看到别人乱丢的垃圾也要拣起来,常常奖励拣垃圾的孩子,也常常发布不拣垃圾的孩子。为此花了一年的时间才基本培养好了一种班的孩子。31. 不要随处乱扔垃圾Rul 3 “After weeat, we will ean u fter ourselves hisnclude clenin ft abesa makingsureweaent eftntashon thelor oran heatngre.Iismportant to e rspoile for our rasno matter hre ouar an to be sue o ltter.”32.住旅馆要对好的服务予以评价和合适的小费Rl 2 n estay n hotelroom, aprriate tleave tipon th ilow fr the ho wrkers wo are responsibfr cleag heooafterou ta. wo to treellar pr ig isan proriate amount, ependn n the costofthe rom坐车要有礼貌,不发言,不胡乱粘东西“Whnwe ie on a bus, wewill ala sitacing rad.Wewil n turn unto tal toothe stdet,stick aything o of heindos,ore ou of our sas Wenw eite bus,ewialway hank heus rver n ell h to havea oay”3、结识新朋友,要记住对方的名字;Rul 33 h w o on i tris,w wll eet differe poe henI introdue yo peope, maksure tatyoureeber hr nm. Thn, when weare levn, mkesure oshak thi hans andthank them, menoig their nas asydo so.克拉克先生故意训练孩子们这项技能,立下了某些有助于记住人家名字的规矩:简介后要起立握手,并称呼人家的名字问好;交谈中尽量多反复人家的名字;分手时要再次反复她们的名字。34.吃东西,只取够自己的份,不能抢占别人的Rue 34 Wenever you aeofferdod, hethe tbe n a buffet treats n cas, er tak ore tn r fair are You n nt tobe reedyadtry to tore than yo houl, notnly ea is wastfl, utso ecs its disrscfu toerswen ou tlae nouhfothe.5、别人掉东西,请弯腰去帮她捡;R 35 Whethr we r col on fild p, i smeon ps something,pcki u ana it bact hem En f tyare cleto t objt, t is onlypolite to mak thgesur of bning wntretrieve th em.6、进门时,如果背面有人,扶住门请别人先走;Ruel3“If o aproach dooadsoeoneis llowng yu,hold th door. th do open by pullng, pull t oe, sta tth ide, andallw te ohr rsot s throug it irst, theyouan walk tuh. If the dor oens bushng,hold tedor open aferyopsh hrgh. 如果开门的时候需要拉的话,你就拉开门,自己站在一边,让别人先过去,然后你再走过去;如果开门的时候需要推门,你就在自己走过去后用手扶住门,别松手。 克拉克教师觉得,教孩子某些小小的善意举止虽然看起来微局限性道,但对孩子们理解如何尊重和注重别人大有裨益。克拉克教师教孩子的时候非常注意细节,如扶门时站的位置、扶多长时间、说点什么等等更加细节的东西。37、别人遇到你,不管有无错,都要说声对不起;Ru37 Whennever sebody els bumps into u,you shoud aysorry hough omimesit seesyou ae no ffndthough In thiswa, ou ca sowyourabolutly oo qlity. 克拉克教师说:在学校里,一次轻微的碰撞,也能导致第三次世界大战的爆发。目前的孩子谁让着谁啊?有些大人都会由于这些而争执。克拉克先生的这条规则,不仅较好地制止了事态向不良方向发展,并且使孩子们显得彬彬有礼。克拉克教师对礼貌是非常注重的,在孩子乘坐飞机之前,她亲自在教室里把椅子摆成飞机过道的样子,训练孩子们。38、进行校外教学时,无论到哪一种公共场合,都要安安静静;Rue8 kepingery quiet e taing a lasotide ofth assoo or in a pulic plae “有时候,人们做了什么好事不一定都能给她人留下印象,特别是她做这件好事的时候其实周边主线没人,她做好事是出自本心,而不是给别人看,这就更值得你敬重了。”对孩子的细节教育,学校的教师做了诸多,但仍有诸多细节是难以顾及的,我们家长应当在生活中言传身教,尽量多地把握教育孩子的机会。3、去参观别人的地方,要不吝于赞美;ule 39weare n field trip, it sa gode complimentsomethigabut th plae whee y arevisitin. exap, fwe isit omoe oe, iwou anice gestueto telltemthaou tin theyh ice crtas. eople are lays sef-cosio when th hve gsts vst their hoe,sou want tomke thmeela ea. Alo,f w are itig e pace,uch useum theter,itwoule nc tocmmenn ow beutiulthe aiect r tote e d ha yu ti h facility s ve ce 这看似是一种对主人的尊重,如果形成习惯,也也许形成一种乐观的生活态度吧?克拉克教师觉得孩子们应当有这样的风度,因此在外出前专门对孩子们进行这方面的训练,这是把握课外机会对孩子的培养。从克拉克教师的年龄和经历来看,如果不教学生,她自己也很难如此“绅士”吧?40、全校师生开会的时候,不要发言;Rue 0 “Ding nassemly, do n seak nd D NOlook undndtrto etthe atntion ofyur endi othecases.e mut phld an ma th shws wehve ot acttohe!”我们的教师们也很注重纪律的,常常强调。有趣的是,为了让学生懂得如何保持纪律,可拉克教师把学生们叫到礼堂里,坐好,手放在大腿上


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