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Unit 8 Grandma to the Rescue水平测试 满分(120分) 姓名 班级 得分听力部分(共24分)(略)语言知识运用(共27分)IV.单项填空(共15分,每小题1分)( )21. Mum, Im hungry. Would you please pass _ a piece of cake?A. her B. us C. me D. him( )22. Where are the flowers?They are on the desk _ the wall.A. against B. in C. at D. for( )23. I was doing my homework _ the telephone rang. A. although B. until C. if D. when( )24. _have you been like this?Since the day before yesterday.A. How soon B. How long C. How often D. How far( )25. Does this new medicine have effect?Im afraid not. Im feeling _ than before.A. terrible B. more terrible C. most terrible D. the most terrible( )26. Lets see another film. I dont like this film, _. A. still B. also C. too D. either( )27. I dont want to see you again. You have made me _ crazy.A. to feel B. felt C. feeling D. feel ( )28. The doctor _ my throat carefully and said, nothing serious.A. is examining B. will examineC. examine D. examined( )29. I can _ catch up with you. Can you walk slowly?A. nearly B. hardly C. cheerfully D. generally( )30. I have got a toothache. The doctor advised me _ the bad tooth.A. pull out B. pulls out C. pulling out D. to pull out( )31. The man was _ doing this job. He wanted to find a new job.A. fond of B. interested in C. tired of D. proud of( )32. The little girl must be sent to the hospital. She _ a high fever now.A. suffered from B. suffers fromC. has suffered from D. is suffering from ( )33. Dont touch this knife, or it _ you.A. will hurt B. has hurt C. is hurting D. hurt( )34. I miss _ bike in the country with my sister.A. to ride B. rides C. rode D. riding( )35. Could you tell me _ now?Much better.A. how was he B. how he is C. how is he D. how he wasV.完形填空(共12分,每小题1分) Anthony H., a second grader in Palmdale, learned about Operation Smile on TV. He decided to help children and wrote a passage about his 36. In his passage, he wrote, I can make a difference by helping kids with a cleft palate (唇腭裂). I can help them in saving money for medical treatment. I will make money 37 doing a yard sale. I will sell 38 toys and clothes that dont fit me. And I will ask everyone to donate (捐赠) things that they dont 39 . Anthonys 40 to raise enough money for one childs smile impressed (打动了) several 41 at the school. It 42 became a much bigger project, with a much bigger goal. They 43 together and hoped to raise $1,000 at a yard sale held at the school. The local paper 44 the yard sale, so many people went to it to buy goods. Anthony even 45 his Little League baseball game because of the yard sale. His coach was impressed by Anthony and took up a collection at the 46 to add (增加) to the money they were donating. In the end, they raised $1,976.50 enough money to give eight children 47 smiles. I like it that everybody can get help said Anthony. It makes me happy.( )36. A. story B. speech C. plans D. illness ( )37. A. by B. in C. on D. to ( )38. A. their B. my C. your D. her ( )39. A. accept B. include C. buy D. need ( )40. A. wish B. problem C. result D. menu ( )41. A. patients B. scientists C. teachers D. doctors ( )42. A. usually B. soon C. always D. never ( )43. A. worked B. pulled C. examined D. lived ( )44. A. carried B. chose C. advised D. reported( )45. A. discussed B. led C. missed D. interested ( )46. A. hospital B. game C. test D. heaven( )47. A. sick B. sore C. terrible D. new阅读理解(共44分)VI.阅读短文,选择最佳选项(共26分,每小题2分) A 难度: Have Your Dinner by the Waterside Have you ever had dinner by the water? The following is a list of restaurants surrounded (环绕) by water. The good atmosphere may make you feel relaxed. Xigucun Japanese Restaurant The whole restaurant looks like a small Japanese village. All of the houses are separated by glass walls. Dining there, youll also hear the sound of water drops. Location: inside Kunlun Hotel, No. 2, Xinyuan Nanlu, Chaoyang District Tel: 010-65903388 k 5695 Tiandi Yijia Restaurant Tiandi Yijia is built on a clean courtyard. Tables there are surrounded by a small pond with small fish inside. Location: No.140, Nanchizi Dajie (by Changan street), Dongcheng District Tel: 010-85115556 k 85115557YugaRestaurant At Yuga, diners have a nice view of the Huangpu River, especially in summer. Tables are put at the restaurants terrace (露天平台), which is almost above the river. This will make you feel closer to the water. Location: 9F Zhengda Plaza, No.168, Lujiazui Xilu, Pudong XingquTel: 021-50478077( )48. Xigucun Japanese Restaurant is a restaurant _.A. in Japan B. in a village C. in Kunlun Hotel D. near Changan Street( )49. You can call _ if you want to have dinner at Tiandi Yijia Restaurant.A. 010-65905695 B. 010-65903388C. 010-85115557 D. 021-50478077( )50. From the ad we know that Yuga Restaurant is _.A. on the tenth floor B. very big C. in Beijing D. by the river ( )51. What can you infer (推断) from the passage?A. All of the restaurants are in Beijing.B. All of the restaurants have a good dining environment. C. None of the restaurants are expensive.D. None of the restaurants sell foreign food. B 难度: These days, health is becoming more and more important to people. Many people are beginning to take exercise to keep healthy. Books about health are selling better and better. Healthy food is becoming more and more popular. And people often go to the doctor for new ideas. But strange diseases still come into being. Many people in the world still have very unhealthy lifestyles. Health experts are always thinking about ways to solve this problem. They have done a lot of research. Now they have some answers. Tom Farley and Deborah Cohen, two American health experts, said that the cause was not our medical care system or our lifestyle choices, but the world around us. As they said, the leading killers of people fall into two groups: injuries (外伤) and chronic (慢性的) diseases like heart disease, lung cancer and so on. For all of their cures, modern medicine is not very effective(有效的) against these health problems. And injuries might either kill you quickly or not matter at all. These major killers are caused by the way we live, and the way we live is influenced very much by the world around us. So we should try to make our world a healthier world to reduce the danger.( )52. What can we know from the first paragraph?A. Healthy food is becoming more popular. B. More and more people are beginning to take exercise.C. Books on health are selling better and better.D. All of the above.( )53. Experts have done a lot of research _.A. on the books on health B. on healthy food C. on strange diseases D. on ways to exercise ( )54. From the passage, we know that heart disease is _.A. an injury B. a chronic disease C. caused by the medical care system D. caused by our lifestyle choices( )55. What should we do to reduce the major killers?A. Read books about health. B. Try to make our world a healthier world. C. Do a lot of research. D. Go to see the doctor every day. C 难度: All the students were playing outside after lunch except Karen, Judy and I. Look, I found some pieces of chalk this morning. Karen held up a box. Wow! It would be fun to write on the blackboard. Judy said. But Mrs Eiffler doesnt want us to do that, I responded. Dont be afraid, Janet. No one will ever know, said Karen. And they were already writing on the blackboard. I reluctantly joined my friends. I knew that we were breaking a class rule. Then Judy had an idea. Lets see who can write their name best using their left hand. Judy and Karen started writing. I picked up a white piece of chalk and wrote my name. Now wed better get this board clean before Mrs Eiffler comes back, said Judy. And she began erasing (擦除) the writing on the board. Everything came off. but my name! Then I found I had used a white wax crayon (蜡笔). Quick, lets get some wet paper towels! said Judy. But my name was still on the blackboard. I think we can use a knife to clean it off. I said. We rubbed the blackboard with the knife and my name came off, but we left some scratches (划痕) on it. Mrs Eiffler never asked about the scratches or maybe she never noticed them. But I did. No one will ever know is never true. Even if no one else found out, I knew about it. Sometimes, our punishment for doing something bad is that we have to live with a guilty conscience (负罪感). ( )56. Who found some pieces of chalk?A. Karen. B. Judy. C. Janet. D. Mrs Eiffler. ( )57. What does the underlined word reluctantly mean in Chinese?A. 不情愿地 B. 故意地 C. 直接地 D. 愉快地( )58. Which of the following is TRUE?A. Janet suggested writing their names on the blackboard with their left hand.B. Judys name was left on the blackboard in the end.C. They tried to use a knife to clean off the name, but they scratched the blackboard.D. Mrs Eiffler asked them about the scratches. ( )59. What can we infer from the last paragraph?A. The writer thought Mrs Eiffler would find out one day.B. The writer is still sorry for what she did.C. The writer was afraid that Mrs Eiffler would punish her.D. The writer didnt believe No one will ever know until now. ( )60. What is the best title for the passage?A. The White Wax Crayon B. Breaking a Class RuleC. No One Will Ever Know D. My Name on the BlackboardVII.阅读短文还原句子,其中有一个选项是多余的(共8分,每小题2分)Almost every day, we discuss the topic of health, especially for kids. But what is health? 61. _Lets read the following rules. They can help you stay healthy. 1.Eat different kinds of foods, especially fruits and vegetables. We all know that eating fruits and vegetables can help us stay healthy, but many of us only eat our favorite foods. 62. _ 2.Drinkwaterandmilkmostoften.63. _Besides that, kids need plenty of calcium (钙) to grow strong bones, and milk has a lot of it. Every day, you should drink at least three cups of milk, when you are 9 years old or older. You should also try to have less sugary drinks, like soda and coca. They include a lot of added sugar. Sugar just adds calories (热量), not important nutrition (营养). 3.Listen to your body. When youre eating, notice how your body feels. When your stomach feels almost full, stop eating. 64. _ If you do it too often, it can make you unhealthy and fat. A. Health means eating well, getting enough exercise, and having a healthy weight.B. If you want to eat more vegetables, you can have any kind you like. C. Everyone knows that water is important.D. Eating too much makes you feel uncomfortable.E. Remember that we can only get the energy we need by eating different kinds of food, especially fruits and vegetables.VIII.阅读与表达(共10分,每小题2分)难度: The way you spend your morning can add a certain feelings to the rest of your day. Here are some healthy lifestyle habits for you. Try one or several, and practice until you find what suits you. Listen to Some Music Listening to music will create active energy and a sense of fun. Music can add a sense of peace. Fast music can put a spring in your step on a morning walk. Classical music can stimulate (使兴奋) your mind as you write your journal(日志). Stretch in the Shower(淋浴) The hot water will relax your muscles, so its easier to get a good stretch. Stretching will help enable you to start the day feeling more relaxed, peaceful, and ready to handle whatever comes on your way. Eat a Balanced Breakfast Breakfast is known as the most important meal of the day. Because a healthy meal in the morning can balance your blood sugar levels. Be sure to have plenty of vegetables and fruits, not just coffee and empty calories! Drink Green Tea Drinking a warm cup of green tea will help you prepare for the day ahead and make you feel more comfortable. Its a healthy lifestyle choice. A Morning Walk A morning walk can get you ready for your day, help you sleep better at night, lower your stress level, and reduce your risk of having lots of health problems. Yoga(瑜伽) Yoga is becoming more and more popular with women. Doing some yoga stretches is a good way to start your morning.65. Is classical music helpful when you write your journal? _66. Which lifestyle habit can relax your muscles? _67. Whats the effect of the breakfast on you? _68. Why green tea is good for your health? _69. What can a morning walk help you achieve? _书面表达(共25分)IX.根据中文意思完成句子(共10分,每小题2分)70. 他感冒了,医生建议他打点滴。 He got a cold , and the doctor _.71. 把药带在身边,并且一天吃两次。 Take this medicine with you and _.72. 我的胃有点问题,所以不能吃太多。 There _ my stomachache, so I cant _.73. 我非常想念住在伦敦的奶奶。 I _ who lives in London.74. 他告诉我他将会参加跳高比赛。 He _ the high jump.X.文段表达(共15分)假如迈克(Mike)是你的美国朋友,他最近参加了一次有关安全与健康生活的讲座并跟你交流了他的感想和打算。请根据提示,在英语课上向同学们描述一下Mike现在的坏习惯和他将来的打算。现在 经常吃快餐;空闲时间喜欢坐在沙发上看电视;吸烟一年了,对自己、朋友和家人危害很大将来 多吃新鲜水果和蔬菜;每天至少锻炼半小时;戒烟, 并劝周围吸烟的人也戒烟要求:1. 意思连贯、语言通顺、避免逐条翻译;2. 词数在60词左右;3. 开头部分已经给出,不计入总词数。参考词汇: 对有害be harmful to Mike listened to a lecture about healthy life. He is going to change some bad habits. _Unit 8 Grandma to the Rescue水平测试参考答案IV.21-25 CADBB 26-30 DDDBD 31-35 CDADBV. 36-41 CABDAC 42-47 BADCBDVI.48-51CCDB 52-55 DCBB 56-60 AACBCVII. 61-64 AECDVIII. 65. Yes,it is. 66. Stretch in the shower.67. It can balance your blood sugar levels.68. Because it will help you prepare for the day ahead and feel more comfortable.69. It can get you ready for your day, help you sleep better at night, lower your stress level, and reduce your risk of having lots of health problems.IX. 70. advised him to have a drip 71. take it twice a day 72. is something wrong with; eat too much73. missed my grandma 74. told me that he would take part in / join in X. One possible version: Mike listened to a lecture about healthy life. He is going to change some bad habits. Mike often eats fast food, but he decides to eat more fresh fruit and vegetables in the future. He likes sitting on the couch and watching TV. Hes going to do some exercise at least half an hour every day. Mike has smoked for one year. Its harmful not only to himself, but also to his family and friends. He decides to give up smoking and tell others to stop smoking, too.


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