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Unit 6 Lets Learn Chinese水平测试 满分(120分) 姓名 班级 得分听力部分(共24分)(略) 语言知识运用(共27分)IV.单项填空(共15分,每小题1分)( )21. Tom, Mary cant find her textbook. Can you help _?Certainly.A. she B. her C. hers D. herself( )22. The little girl learned many English words _ animals today.A. in B. to C. for D. with( )23. _ she was not well, she attended the meeting as usual.A. If B. So C. Although D. But( )24. Could you tell me _ do you say xiexie in English?Of course. Its thanks.A. when B. which C. how D. why( )25. Jack is stronger than me, he can throw the stone _ than me.A. far B. father C. farthest D. the farthest( )26. You must phone us every week.OK, I _.A. must B. may C. will D. should ( )27. I have made a _ to go to China with my parents.A. vacation B. decision C. celebration D. action( )28. The number of students in our class _ forty now.A. was B. is C. are D. were( )29. The members in this club _ to 100 since last year.A. increased B. increases C. has increased D. increasing( )30. The girl comes from London. So she has difficulty _ Chinese. A. speak B. speaking C. speaks D. to speak( )31. My uncle bought me many story _, and I like the story of three _ best.A. tape; fox B. tapes; fox C. tapes; foxes D. tape; foxes( )32. The boy_ the poem in his bedroom when his father came in.A. recited B. recites C. was reciting D. to recite( )33. The boy is _ young _ dress himself.A. too; to B. so; to C. so; as D. so; that( )34. My hometown _ as the cleanest city in Shan-dong province last year.A. chooses B. was chosen C. chose D. is choose( )35. _ Well, I will say it slowly.A. How do you spell it B. May I leave a message? C. Whats the matter? D. I beg your pardon?V.完形填空(共12分,每小题1分) Anna comes from America. She is an English teacher at a Middle School in a city in China. She has been in China for two years till August, 2011. However, she found it was a(n) 36 job to teach her students English. Some students 37 it was boring to learn the knowledge on the 38 in class. So she had to change her 39 , then she thought up a new way of teaching through painting. She is good at painting and she always 40 all her free time on painting. If I can teach 41 students to paint in class, then they can learn something about art, 42 English, Anna said. The two 43 can be integrated (综合的) very well. In the beginning, she was a little afraid that it was difficult to 44 for students and parents. But to her surprise, many of students made progress by this way, and parents also 45 her. She was very glad and said, This city is just 46 a melting pot (大熔炉), as I can meet many people from all over China, 47 all kinds of dishes, and have a good chance to learn many Chinese dialects (方言) here. I like China very much.( )36. A. possible B. hard C. easy D. certain ( )37. A. heard B. smelt C. thought D. saw ( )38. A. newspaper B. poetry C. textbook D. environment( )39. A. method B. students C. language D. school ( )40. A. uses B. spends C. costs D. takes ( )41. A. their B. her C. my D. his ( )42. A. as well as B. so as to C. so that D. even though( )43. A. inventions B. classes C. subjects D. numbers( )44. A. understand B. accept C. choose D. receive ( )45. A. mentioned B. invited C. supported D. protected ( )46. A. with B. like C. for D. as ( )47. A. produce B. buy C. taste D. have 阅读理解(共44分)VI.阅读短文,选择最佳选项(共26分,每小题2分)A难度: Alyssas mother: My daughter is in Grade 7. I just found out from her school that the students got their report cards last week but she did not give hers to me. She hid it in a drawer in her room because she didnt want to be punished (惩罚) for her low grade of C in science. She was a good student before. I have no idea what I should do about her hiding her report card. We have a rule in the house: her grades need to be B or higher. Should I punish her? Susan: First of all, you need to talk with your daughter. If you find out that she got a C because she skipped class (逃课), then punishment might be helpful. If you find out that she worked hard, punishment might not be helpful. You should try to find out why shes having trouble in science and see what can be done to help her improve her science.( )48. Alyssa got a(n)_ in science.A. D B. C C. B D. A( )49. From the passage, we can learn that _.A. Alyssa couldnt find her report cardB. Alyssa often fails the science examC. Alyssa often skips classD. Alyssa did well at school before( )50. What does Susan think Alyssas mother should do at first?A. Be more strict with Alyssa. B. Punish Alyssa.C. Have a talk with Alyssa. D. Talk with Alyssas teacher.( )51. The two people are mainly talking about _.A. what parents should do about their childrens low gradesB. how parents should communicate with their children C. how parents find their childrens report cardsD. how parents can help children to get good grades B难度: Now more than 40 million foreigners around the world are learning Chinese, according to a report. The relationship between the United States and China is becoming more and more important in the world. This has really influenced the growth of Chinese language learning in U.S. I am Chris from the United States. I am one of many people who are learning Chinese. I am studying at a Confucius Institute in New York. There are 10 students in our class. Some are over thirty years old. Some are middle school students. Our teacher comes from Beijing. He is fun and often tells us interesting things in China. I think Chinese is difficult to learn. The biggest challenge for American learners is the writing. Chinese is completely different from any other language in the world. It will take me a lot of time to learn enough Chinese characters. But I think there are many benefits (益处) of spending time in learning Chinese. One important benefit is that it makes me see things from a different point of view, because Chinese is such a different language from English. I think for American students the most important benefit is that learning a challenging language can open up their eyes.( )52. Chris _. A. is an American B. is thirty years oldC. has been to China D. is in China now( )53. The underlined word challenge means _in Chinese. A. 回报 B. 优势 C. 爱好 D. 挑战( )54. The underlined word this refers to _in this passage.A. the large number of people who are learning Chinese B. the important role of America in the worldC. the more important relationship between America and ChinaD. the development of China( )55. What is the last paragraph mainly about?A. The differences between Chinese and other languages.B. The reasons for learning Chinese.C. Ways of learning Chinese. D. The challenges and benefits of learning Chinese. C难度: Snowboard athlete (滑雪运动员), Kevin Pearce, has come a long way since his accident on December 31, 2009. On that day, Pearce was training for the 2010 Winter Olympics in Park City, Utah. He fell and hit his head. Luckily, he was wearing a helmet (头盔). Doctors said it saved his life. But his brain was badly hurt. He stayed in hospital for four months. He still cant remember several weeks of his life after the accident. What he does remember is watching the Olympics on TV from his hospital bed, and seeing snowboarder, Shaun White, win the gold. Today, Pearce is working hard to get his health back to 100%. So far, he has made a lot of progress. A year ago, he couldnt walk straight. Now, not only can he walk, he can drive again too. Pearce says he must thank his fans, his friends and, mostly, his family. His parents and elder brothers have been by his side since the accident. His brother, Adam, left his job to look after him full time. Pearce said he couldnt have got well so quickly without them. These days, Pearce is back on the snowboarding circuit (巡回比赛). Instead of competing for medals, hes giving other athletes opinions. Although it is impossible for him to take part in competition now, he says that when he can snowboard again, he will just take it easy. He is on the road again and it is a new beginning for him.( )56. Kevin Pearce was _ when the accident happened.A. training for the 2010 Winter OlympicsB. taking part in a snowboarding competitionC. watching the Olympics on TV D. snowboarding too fast( )57. What happened to Pearce after the accident? A. He couldnt remember his parents. B. He hurt his leg so he couldnt walk straight. C. He stayed in hospital for a year. D. His head was hurt badly. ( )58. Which of the following is NOT true? A. Pearce wore a helmet during the training.B. Pearce is thankful to his family and friends. C. Pearce has got his health back to 100%. D. Pearces brother, Adam, left his job in order to look after him. ( )59. We can infer (推断) from the passage that _.A. Pearce will be careful when he can snowboard againB. Pearce will begin to practice snowboarding soon C. Pearce once won a gold medal in snowboarding D. Pearce was very sad after the accident ( )60. The best title for the passage is _.A. A New Beginning B. A Serious Accident C. The Life of Kevin Pearce D. A Snowboarding CompetitionVII.阅读短文还原句子,其中有一个选项是多余的(共8分,每小题2分)Xu Beihong was an outstanding (杰出的) painter and art teacher in modern China. He was born on July 19th, 1895 in Yixing County, Jiangsu Province and died on September 26th, 1953. Xu Beihong made great contributions to Chinese painting in his life. 61. _ His success in the education of art made a big difference to the modern development of Chinese painting. 62. _ For example, from 1919 to 1927, he went to study in Europe. Because China was very poor then, many foreign students looked down on the Chinese. At a party that many Chinese students had, a foreigner said, The Chinese are very stupid. 63. _ Xu Beihong was very angry with him. He stood up at once and said to him, Shall we have a competition? Lets see who is a talent and who is a fool.64. _ In 1924, his oil painting made him famous all over Paris. The foreigner had to accept the fact that he was worse than the Chinese. A. I hope you can be successful one day.B. He was very good at both Chinese and Western art.C. Wherever you study, you wont become famous. D. Xu Beihong was also a man who loved his country.E. From then on Xu Beihong worked even harder. VIII.阅读与表达(共10分,每小题2分)难度: Some students dont seem to concentrate (集中注意力) on their studies very well. They dont know how to concentrate while studying. Here are several things that can help. Exercise: Go for a walk in the morning after breakfast. If you like doing sports, you can do for one or two hours every day. If you have joined a sports club, go in the evening. This can help you have a good nights sleep. Take a rest: Taking a rest is a good way to help you concentrate on your studies. Take a rest when you feel tired. Different people rest in different ways. You can walk around the house, make a cup of tea or look outside from the window. Eat more fruit and drink enough water: Eating fruit and drinking water are usually very good for your health. They can make you feel energetic(充满活力的) again and they will help you concentrate more easily. Be away from distractions(干扰): Make sure that you are away from your mobile phone, computer and TV. It is okay if you need the sound of music. If you are easily distracted by little things, keep your head down so you see only the page in front of you.65. Can exercise help students have a good sleep? _66. What does the writer advise students to do exercise? _67. How do eating fruit and drinking water help students concentrate? _68. What should students be away from when they study according to the passage? _69. In the passage, how many ways to help students concentrate on their studies are mentioned? _书面表达(共25分)IX.根据中文意思完成句子(共10分,每小题2分)70. 虽然他的家离学校很远,但是他从来不迟到。 _, he has never been late for school.71. 一方面我需要做家庭作业,另一方面我想去参加晚会。_, I have to do my homework; _, I want to go to the party.72. 露西和莉莉是双胞胎,因此很难分辨她们。 Lucy and Lily are twins, so its difficult to _.73. 这件裙子太贵了,以至于我没买它。 This dress was _I didnt buy it.74. 我喜欢我的学校,因为我在这儿感觉像在家里一样。 I like my school, because I feel _ here.X.文段表达(共15分)假设你叫汤姆(Tom),是中国中学生李丽的笔友,你收到了她的来信。请根据下面的内容给李丽写一封回信,回答她的问题,提出你的建议。不少于60词。Dear Tom, I am good at English writing, but my spoken English is poor. So most of the time I like to write something in English alone in the classroom. I never take part in the activities in the English class when the teacher asks us to discuss something with each other. I really want to improve my spoken English. What should I do? Can you help me?Yours,Li Li 要求:1. 语句通顺、流畅;2. 信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Li Li, I am sorry to hear that you cant speak English well. _ _ Yours,TomUnit 6LetsLearnChinese水平测试参考答案IV. 21-25 BCCCB 26-30CBBCB 31-35 CCABDV. 36-41 BCCABC 42-47 ACBCBCVI. 48-51BDCA 52-55ADCD 56-60 ADCAAVII. 61-64 BDCEVIII.65. Yes,it can. 66. Go for a walk in the morning after breakfast and go to a sports club in the evening.67. They can make students feel energetic again and then help them concentrate more easily.68. The mobile phone, computer and TV.69. Four.IX. 70. Although his home is far away from school71. On one hand; on the other hand 72. tell them from each other73. so expensive that 74. quite at homeX. One possible version: Dear Li Li, I am sorry to hear that you cant speak English well. I think you should practice your spoken English by listening to tapes and communicating with others in English. You have said that you are good at writing, so I think your vocabulary is large. It is easier for you to understand what they are saying. Once you get the main idea, you can practice speaking like them. Besides, I think learning in groups is a good idea. You can spend time discussing something in English with your classmates. It will help you a lot. In a word, practice makes perfect. Try your best, and I believe you will do better in the future.Yours,Tom


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