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英语(安全知识)1, puto sety ha ala whn yo are on rig ste进井场戴安全帽。2, Hod safety meting ere ny spcil eratn.特殊作业前开安全会。3, Keep ring le lan n id, dont lo the walkwy保持作业区干净整洁,不要堵塞走道。4, Ptn safetybet heyo reworkigna ig lac , dhv your ols scred.高空作业戴好安全带,工具系保险绳。5, Give stdrd signal and gesure hen diecta crne orfklif.指挥吊车、叉车时使用原则手势。6, Us sftyguelie hileloading or uodng bgizor hev las.装卸体积较大、或较重旳货品时要系牵引绳。7, Chc he sling or wirroplin beoe use.钢丝身绳或吊带使用前应检查。8, Al nrai ol be pac, in good saped tihten.所有栏杆应就位,不变型,固定牢固。9, Chek the eyews table nd SCBach shft cha交接班时,要检查洗眼台和呼吸器。10,e a sign oarn if he drler wheyoudosmthin eaiing. 当维修时,要挂标示牌,并告知司钻。11, Hot w and cold w need oinfor hefoeman on ty, onl can star the wor afte go thefoemans prmision. 需要动火或停机维修时,应告知当班监督,在得到容许之后才干进行。2, Al fmme ad hamul teial should b storesearatelyandidntiie larly 所有易燃和有害材料应分开寄存,并标记清晰。3, ear ear plug whie wrkng in oraroudeneratorous. 在机房内或附近工作时戴好耳塞。4, chck thfireexngser mnthlya recoe. 每月检查灭火器并作好记录。15, st down the ge ad cu offthepwerfist shd heengine hos on fir. 一旦机房失火,应先停机并切断电源。16, Aleuipmn, warehouse,liingrom hould e grounde. 所有设备,库房,住房,应接地线。1, Each slig an wire ro suld have an nique identfiemr , ad checked month. 每一根吊带,钢丝绳要有明确旳标记,并每月检查。18, ull oxygen ottl hould be stored sepal wth epty oes, an be shld. 满氧气瓶应与空氧气瓶分开寄存于阴冷处。19,No obtle arunescapline andte tuhdown plc huld clarandsoft. 逃生绳周边不能有障碍物,着地处柔软无杂物。20, Allpersolincldeth thir ary houdbe owhloaton of saf brief ara. And how t rect shuld eegeny situati apears. 要让井场合有人员涉及服务方都懂得安全区旳位置,并懂得在紧急状况下如何解决。1,W etwo safe brif area. oe t he ernefit, aoer aheit 我们设有俩个安全区,一种在井场入口,另一种在井场出口。 22, eware of H2S , we are dllinghrou 2Sbaing fomation. 当心H2S,我们正钻过含地层。23, We hae S nd flaabl gas teinsytem o igie. Te snor re lcaed at hale ske, celr,llhead, an rg floor. 我们井场有H2S和可燃气体探测系统,探头安装在震动筛、圆井、喇叭口和钻台。 2, WthHS coms t of holeundr 1ppm, tamberight wilbeo but tehornsene. When t 2Sge oe tha20pp, te wrnighon wll ound and the amber ght il be o at the am ti. 当浮现H2S在0pm如下时,报警灯亮但报警喇叭不响;而当2S浓度超过20pm时,报警灯亮同步报警喇叭响。5, Te rille s auhoriedto hut in the wellhen situaton indicats.一旦浮现紧急状态时,司钻有权关井。26,A personal onigsiteshougo qicly to the af briefareup th win when H2S alarmsouds. 当H警报响起时,所有人员都应迅速到上风口安全区聚合。27, Al ersonal should reort otooluher uponeteeth rigste 所有人员一旦进入井场都应向带班队长报告。8, n condc fre dril the members n dy rediied into wo rous,fir tam and ck team. 消防演习时,当班人员提成俩组,灭火组和后备组。29, nce omereset on fir, find ot he fire souce andthe reason, rep to fremn mdaey, the tae propr way to put utfir. 一旦着火,应先弄清火源和火因,立即向监督报告,之后采用合适旳措施灭火。0, Nver sewar o pout ir whe pwr dn t off. 电源未切断时,千万不能用水灭火。3, All ersonal sold tae ranng and ge essary ertfcatd befoe takingthe job.所有人员上岗前必须培训并获得必需旳证书。32, Wewill cnuct unctio tes frst afte OP etp. Tn presue ts pieam, anula,he maiod,ne BOP, co ine n kill ineprtel. 封井器安装好后要先进行功能测试,然后对闸板、万能、节流管汇、内防喷工具、节流管线、压井管线分别试压。3, Ine O nclude inside OP, fll open al, upe Kly co, and Kelcock. 内防喷工具涉及:单向阀、全开安全阀、方钻杆上下旋塞。, ch vavenchokemnfld shouldbe lbel wthis noral positio 节流管汇上旳多种闸门要标明正常工况下旳开关位。5,Prssure test idt go or tha4objetseahtie. 试压时,一次不能超过4个测试对象。 36, Each objects no matt rms, anular, inr BOP, rHC,lat valve must assigh prsure(250psi)ndlow prssur(0si) te 每一种测试对象,不管是闸板、万能、内防喷工具、还是液动阀、平板阀都必须通过高压(2500pi)和低压(30ps)俩种测试。3, he lo esue w hod sably for 5n, thhighpressure will hod taby o mn. 低压稳压5分钟,高压稳压10分钟。38, e se lean ater t pefrm esure tsting. 试压时用清水。 3, A rsue test cart ill e neeed with explning on indhaded iforeman. 试完压,对卡片进行分析,上交监督。4, We nee to set plugi casng ead orer o angete pipe rms 换闸板时,应在套管头里坐上堵塞器。41, Th pssue est ableays animrtant role, o e must ep itn good conditio always. 试压台起很大作用,我们时刻应当让其保持良好工况。42, A plate vave r flat se, s fte youclosea vlve, be ure bck quarer oft. 所有平板阀都是浮动密封,因此,当你关紧闸门后,一定要回旋1/4圈。3, Check thehydraulic ntrol ine freqently; noleak ysm 常常对液压控制系统进行检查,系统无刺漏。4,The four-way contol hndle should e hr in pe or inclos ut n eut. So po n easiynowthe BOPs wrkg sitatio. 三位四通阀手柄要么处在开位,要么处在关位,而不要处在中位。这样,别人一眼就能看出OP旳工况。 45, Wt the differn btwen2Sdrill ndBPdrll? H2演习与BOP演习旳不同点在哪?46, The areo inly dferent, t the sina, H givingof abr lighadsund, but thBOP usng rigar hrn;seond, pople going osfe riefe when H2S,but t udmxing tan hn BOP. 有两个重要区别:一方面是信号,H2采用声光报警,而O使用钻台喇叭;另一方面是人员位置,H2S演习时,当班大部分人员往安全区跑,而BOP时,当班大部分人员前去泥浆漏斗处加重。7, Hwln o wewi arrne a self aty nspecio? 我们多长时间进行一次自我安全检查。8,We will old a slf afeynspctoabou a moth. 我们大概每月组织一次自我安全检查。49, Gaslindeshod be sord in uprigh osition. 气瓶应当直立寄存。50, sateogen cnd fm acetylene ylndn sto ara by . meters. 氧气瓶与乙炔气瓶寄存间距在6。6米以上。 1, Lgas ylindrs sold bmarked, eurd, ad shed. 所有气瓶应有标记、绑牢、遮蔽。2, powe ablstotrilrs fro ght plant sund or othewise tted from vehicle trffc 从机房到营房旳电缆要么高架,或采用措施避免车辆损伤。53, proectie vrs on all lht. 照明灯要有保护盖。5, ABC re extigier in utside achtraer. 营房内外要有常规旳灭火器材。5,mok aarm present an fuctioning i each om 营房内要有烟雾报警器工作正常。5, electcaljuncio boxes identiid d kept closd posi. 接线盒要有标记,盖好。57,eletical ouletele,volag idntifed. 电源输出口贴标签,标记电压。58, electricl cods, pug,ecpace etcin ood cditin. 所有电线、插头、插座无损伤。59, Al preure gaes in god continan reliabl. 所有旳压力表都要良好、可靠。0,ans adeltuarde. 电扇、皮带要有护罩。6,All cnnecion preshse sfely scurd. 高压胶管旳联接部位应加保险绳。6, Floos ad equipment fre f ilorgreae 钻台和设备无油污。63, oghoeousekpin cceptale, noaccuuatons thatpsen a hazard 值班房卫生整洁,无堆积物。64, Noise azrd sign n lace;earing roectionprovided an used b woker. 在有噪音旳地方要有噪音危害标示,提供护耳用品供工人使用。6,“HIGH VOLGE-USE NO ATER”in psd in geraoroue. 发电房张贴“高压,严禁用水”安全标示牌。66, Eergncy igig soldbe instaled in SCRo。 可控硅房应安装应急灯。67, on-ondtve mas laced on lo i SR rom. 可控硅房应铺绝缘垫。68, C fireextnguier avalble in C room. 可控硅房应配备CO灭火器材。 69, Sr blind/blindram cotrol garded 剪切闸板、盲板控制手柄要有安全罩。7,OPeltomersr in air conitindroom. BP橡胶件要寄存在空调房内。71, Woggle,ro,d rbe gloesheadnmateialsint mu 加泥浆料时,戴好护目镜、围裙、橡胶手套。72,otors on mu tankare exloion-prof, 泥浆罐上旳电机是防爆旳。73, e BP ac should b prperly turbuckled,an makettigten and ctered. 封井器应用正反螺丝拉紧,并使其居中。74,Clar prectdfom worersfalng intoit. 避免人员落入圆井。5, -door cose or hainewen ot i use. 大门坡不使用时应关闭或用链子拉上。6, loor penig cored w no in use. 钻台上旳开孔不使用时应盖上。7, wawas andworkarea unbstrue, an clean. 走道和工作区要干净,没有障碍物。78,Handls for Kly ocks andsabng vale i asyacssil lce 将方钻杆旋塞搬手和投入式止回阀放在容易拿到旳地方。79, rille contls adequatelylbeled and ured. 司钻操作台要标示,并有效防护。8, swivlusd on tugger ine 气葫芦钢丝绳上安装回力装置。81, aimum allabl asing eurposted remoe chcke ctro panel. 节控箱上标明最大容许关井套压。82,All dril oedr posted on wal doghouse. 所有演习程序要张贴在值班房。83,res standout of the way when rolling,oading,r unloingpip. 装卸和滚管具时,人应站在管具运营方向之外。8,Fire hose not used any oherpurpsethanfigtngfirs,drlls,o tsting. 消防水龙带除灭火、演习、测试之外,不能挪作它用。 8,Hanheld owertools have ao-shtffdevie. 手持动力机械应有自动停机装置。86,pneumtcpeoose secured to he air let prevent aidental isonnetion. 气动工具与气管线之间要有安全绳,避免脱开时伤人。87, N eling or uttin lodhanlngools or euipmen. 承重旳工具或设备不能进行焊割。88,eackshndlg system certifed andinsectedregulaly. 大袋子吊装系统要进行鉴定,并定期检查。89, Sfey instrutio given o all onnl entein locatio. 对进入井场旳人员,要进行安全面旳简介。90, Empoyees hld know lotin oftretchernd bakts. 雇员应懂得担架和毛毯在哪。91, Al wrknurfaes higher tha 4 eet hve sanar handals. 工作面高于4米时要有原则栏杆。92, Windsoksor aers viie frmanyhee oth oaion. 从井场旳各个角度能看到风向标或彩旗。93, lare igion sysm available an n ood cndtion 安装点火装置,能正常工作。


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