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六年级毕业考试提高班试卷NAE:_ CLAS:_DAT: _PPE 1PAR 1: FUCTOL WTIGRad thefoown covesatin auly.maineyu r Mr. Dav L moe Write a message fory n.Yur esag ould includethelowing dtails: Wothe aler s Why the aller alld What Daid is supedto doPAT 2: CMPOSITIN WRITINGUsig he pitrsbow, write astory at last 12 words Remmb ouse yurowideas and wods odesi wa haensat the end f the sry.You a ue te lpig wrd a te botto of th pge. boysskateboadicigtrafic lgh stecles old man nareAPER 2SECTN : RMMAR MCQFor eachqustion, hoos hecrec ans ad writ ts umbe in brackesprie.( ) 1. Knny_ lie is te.A. looks B. lokingC. l.were loking( ) 2 Connie was so hunry, e _ the olehienA. t B.eatenC sting D. ate() 3. Skipin breakfst _ not a eahyin t d.A. were B ae C.isD m( )4. ason njoys _ photograp fbirds. A taing B. tak . akesDok( ) 5 Insecs _ six g.A. had hs C. avD ving( ) 6Gere dio e swimminpool_ a hight f5 mtre. A i B. int C fromD.of( ) 7. inourdallhejuice _ aass into B atC. onD. abve( ) . It wasGeald _ fn the lotteasre. A. h B. whom . whchD.what( ) 9. _ di you last seehim?A.Who B What ChenD.Which( ) 0.Te cobra _ a venomu snae. A. amB. C reD. weSTIN B: VCBULAYMCFor each queston,chose the corectaswer and wrts numbe in terackets proided.() 1. The _ is hyougoao. A bull B. cal.lambDcub( )2. Thomas_ i t becom cor. A.ouation B. creao. mbitinD. though( )3. Slly s a/ _ Shedesigns houss. A.achaoloistB. archtcCcntractor D.egineer( ). Thdoctor _ sme medinefoSmilnss A.pescrie BescbeC. scibbledD. crite()5 sarched y bg_ , I stll coulofin my alt. A.quiclyB oelyC. hily D.thorougly SECTION C: CMPREHENSIOAPHC STIMS MCQStud the pos elond anwer th questns at follow For echustion, hoosethe correct aswr an rite is number i thebracket prvied.RAD SAFEYTIS FOR HILENAlwas. Look ft, ightnleft again t makeure tere aenoncoming vehiclebefor crosinyrad. Make sr that boh straps oyou shol bag a placd my o yor sherand ot hngig looseenyouareb the roadside. f you ar wlknyur pet, mae sureyouhold o tiy othe aimals lehwhenyou e near te roa d bfore ou cross troad. Brd h cho bus orbi bsonly h vicl h coeo a cpest. Wear bightly coloured lohes when ou at nght. Nee. Play gameswhich ivrnnig near or otha. Runafter bs i o have jut mised it Be paienad wit fr the net ne o rrive. Make a t ne on he us a this might ditra thebs driver. Wl or dash acr zbra crossin withoutlooking at theocoming traffi. tarocross pedesria rossing befor thenan comes o.hatShould o Dof Yo WitnessA oa Accdent?1. I ter aenodts arond, cal or namulnce mmeditely rom neab uli telephe. Tll thoperator clmlyand claly wrethe accdenttok pac. 2. Do notcrowd aoun orty o o the victim 3. Tryo ake own the licnse plte numr(s) of te vehil(s) inolvd in the ccdn. 4. Stfad to pvde epolie withe ecessary information reging you wiessigo theacint o s to sittem inheir inestgions. B A Resonsile Road User Makethe Ro A Safer Pac ForEveryon( ) 1. The postr is bout _. .o sfey . afety at m C. afety n schol D.helth tips( ) . Cidre shoulner_. A.crss the oad wiot their parent B.wer brigtly cooe cloh t igh . ar abag to sol itout akinsre that its strap aefirmlyplcd o ir soulder D. walk ther pet( ) Chidren mus always remember to _ A wait or thenxt bu i hey hav jt missd therlr ne. B play nar teadside. C. crosthe peesrian crosnhente geean is flashi D. makea o noise nthe bus( ) 4. en th is a acidntonh oad, _ A ql n over ttheici seo he or she isB. soutfor helpon th spo .cal for an ambulanceimmediteyi no aults ae vailbl D d odo anythin( ) 5.By bein a rsponsilerd usr, _ Aeverone wil e will be ae on he road for eeroneC. you canfeel er pro abu it D. no acidents wllrSCTIOND:FO FLLINGtud the informaion iv elo and seito coplettheform.manyouare inson Ta Yo want osin u fo a 12mnthgym mebrip. ouhave to coplt thi frfor mebsp. Yur addess is 5allangDrve, ingore 755. Yur hone numbeis 658777 nd yor NICnubeis S33783ACTIVECIE GM meersip fr1*M/Mr./M: _2. Addes:_3. NC: _4. Tel : _Peridof membershp:5.6 months1 months 1 months month*Dlete whe lcaleSECTON : COZE PASGE (GRMMA)r he listof d iven, chose th cortworto fillneachblan. ou canus ch or nly onc.wa reachecouldill he is rah can would hadJm waed to go for a sim ecause it(1) _suh ot day. wevr, whenhe (2)_ the swimg pool, the ain beant pour.Becae hat, (3) _o wi anmore. H deciddat e (4) _ plai the rn intad WenJim ot home, hll sickeause e (5) _ playe n rior oo lon.SECTIONF: EDIG (GRAMA)ch wrd that is in bod s usdincorrctly.Writ th gamaticallycorrec wor in the lank pride.Lndsay ed (1) _ a aircuto he et o the alon. he t (2) _ hr airdrsser hat she do (3) _ n want her hai to eu too shrt Linday fell lep (4) _ durnher hairt. en she wke up,she discvered tha er hi has() _ beomeersht! However,isylike er newlk, and smild. SCION: EDIING (SLLING AND PUNCTUATN)Eac puntuat martatis inold i sed incretly.Eaco tht s in bold is seled wrogly. Correct themstake and writthe rgh answern t blank pvdd.Thetleponsvery useu ivantin (1) _. Wiout it, w wld notbe ae communiae s eilyas we onow. Tese ay: (2)_everyhousld (3) _ Sigapore has at least on telephone lineCan u imgn (4) _ w orve woul have beenlike whou theteepoe! (5) _SCIONH: COMPREHENION RAPIC SIMULUSSud thrblow a anse te qestios hat lw.* TERNEWORKSHOP *SIN UW!e Internetis n imtt larnig tool for suets in ingapor. Stuents caobain a l oinformaton obrwing or suring heIternet. This is ueul hen student need t lok foratin todlass pjects givn tem bythir teche. Inview of hi ,our chool hasrecntly t p aCopute Cub. All tose wo areinteretdin becmin mmbe f hisClucan se M ng evry Wdnesay, 2 p.m., a te Cmutr Lb.Computer Lab Filiies2ompuers ith exterl eker lse priters1scanner Extenl mdms of peed 50 bpsAlbrar of ducationaD-ROM ocated at th bcof telab Oe-day Intent Workhopa : 23d July(Fri)Tie :1p.m.enue : Comper ab Cme t the wrksho andn how to ccess te ntrnet.(Bing diskett along)I if an easy!Aftera u a sign p to be meme the omputer ember gt to use h prines ndscappr forFRE! 1. Th _ is aniortant learnng tol fr studets.2. dns can get alt o_ fro surfig he Iern.3Temputer Labh_ comutrs with _.4. lbrary o _ c be ocate at th ak of theCmpte Lab.e_ is taking ple on 23r JulySETIN I:CMPEHENSIO Studythe foowin passaesand awertheetios tha follow.achel wanttosurrse r motherfr herbrhday. She wanted o bake hr mthe cke. chl did nkow o to bake a cak,o se asked hrrandmhe hlp.Rachel spnt theentire afternbaking her her the cake fore hermterouldcom ac rom ork. When her mther am me,Rhel reseted er ithherckeand her mother wasoverjyed1 Wt did Rachel wat to oo suprisehe moter? _2. W dd Rchel k er grandothe or help? _Ming andhe parntsnt t aaLi, yanmrfo aoliay. fist hing that tey didwhen he arrived at Nga a Li wao t some f ts deicoussafood. Mng ad her paret had spic squid aad, arced fish and dep-riend crab caws. tr that,he checedinto a loal hotlat tme immignd ilgsndcaste 3. Wre dd Mingan h paents for thi liday?_ _4. What was t fstting Mnand e parentsddwhen ey aried? _ _a d Mng and rpartsdo tha ateoon? _ _ SECTIN : YEI RASFORMTIONoreach of te folowi queion, combine the setenes to maes ntene using he wod or wod gve Ths setce ust conan te sm meaing stheorignalsentencs.1. Bbcanra.He canpainttoo._ as ell as_.2. eran stppd A raw aprdi sky. hn_3. hat gir ws Joa. met hera th afe _4 rad is ardworkin. is both is morehardrking. _ than _5. Jessie sawthockroach.Sh reamd.Wen_SECON : CLOE PASSAE(MODIFIE) Fll n ecblakw sutble word.Bil (1) _ key chains.Eery ieBilnd ay chainh her like, he ys d(2) _ it t s olecin He ha key ins (3)_ mny placesarond theword Bill (4) _ key chai is one that ifrom ustralia. Thi key hn i in e (5) _of kngar.Billbough ti key chai whe hi parets tok him to Melbure fora (6)_ at yar. Thee hain (7) _ f glas andit i very beautifl.Bil () _ hiskey chasn a big o.mtimes, (9) _ hegoesto slee a ig, Bll ikes to keouthikey haisad admir te for awhlebeor (10) _ temback in the box.单纯旳课本内容,并不能满足学生旳需要,通过补充,达到内容旳完善 教育之通病是教用脑旳人不用手,不教用手旳人用脑,因此一无所能。教育革命旳对策是手脑联盟,成果是手与脑旳力量都可以大到不可思议。


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