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松江区-第一学期期末质量监控试卷高三英语(满分150分,完卷时间10分钟) .1第卷 (0分)I. Lstenin Cprehensi Secton (10分)iecto: n section A, yo will har t shot onverstionsetweeo spears. t th ed of eac conesain, quion wil seabutwha wassaid. econvesti and the question ill bepoe only on. Ateryu heracnvrsationand the qustabout it, read he fourossibl anser nurpaper, anddcewhic e ste betatoequsto ou hae head.1. A.At10:3 B. At10:0 C. t 11:0 D. At 11:202A. Husbd and B.Doctr an ptien . anger and clekD. itres andcstmes3.A T IndB. To Jane aty o th muemD T gallery4. A Tengis nths .Shedon hve god ns C.he rfers god tosvers.D. Se lsther silve rig5. A. Theyshoud ieSall someon-hej trainng B. Thyhud buy Salya taincketC. Thsodn akeally int accontD They shouldnt asSalyto get re uifcation6. A Ocupati B Hobb C. Lteatur D.rtte job7.A. Cck t nubr B. ry harer C.it fr a igal D. Ponelter8. A h r is reshB Its hot nside . The indwi on .Its nisyoutide9. A confused. B SyheticC. Embrasse D. Unintereted10. H lo hiswayB. recee a traffic tckC. H wdvery cfully D. edroein heavytraffiection B (12分)Drectons:In sctinB, yu will hearwo hort assaes, nd u will be ased hree qestions on each o heassages. The pasa wil red wic, bt he questins wll be pok ony once. Wheyouhear question,rea th ur ossible aswers on our aper,and deid ichone would be the estanswertohe uetionyu hae herd Qutos 11 hrugh re baed n the follngpassae11. A. o explain the aps checure to visios. Too ne tf oud cmpusC. To mk newstdnailiiththe camusDTo dvise netudnts utwhh cassstotake12. A. egitrationfors. A library cardC.A st of class schedlsD cmpus map13. A. Mve in tedormiori. Fidthei clasrooms C. eozes ampus lanmak D. Sdul heir fist examsuestions 4 throug 16 a bse nthe fowig passage.14. A To nfor parents ndschools B. To c ot oodstudens C.To ompr echr D. To expse porschools15. . he hv n tr in doctors B. eycnnot afford heedcal fee C.Theyfa ng lke inection ey out the medical eatment6. Aeacheriicult life B. mof dvore o faile .Was tobecome lovae kidsDdattentionseeig bhavirSetion C (8分)ietins:n setin, you wll heart longr cnverstins.Theconveaonswil be rad tice. Afte you ear ah overaton, you areqird tofill in he umbere blnks ih heinorato ou av har.te your answer n your swer seetlaks1hrough 20 ebe o the olowin conversat. ha does te mansa aouthis j?H cn _it quite lhich trains the manake to work eeday?e taks ht_trai to ok everydaHo dosthe man feel ao e te o ttran n?He felsthat the tmete triis _Hooth mn spendhs timen the way hom?He _wth oodok o s a game of rdgCompetthform WriONE WORD oreac answerBanks1 hrouh 24 ae based on th ollowionvrstion.What doe the ma mak acall uy omupple?ecause h uythemto _Whtsthfeather fte 045odl?Ithsown_Hlong will he maget what hehas ordered?He ill cerainl get it_Whttanseeeume?I_xeno 51Coplet th frmrite N MORE THTRE WRD foreac nswer.rammand Vocablaryeion A(16分)(A) en w iht,I aw move ou an iland ta ha a eruing olcno and jungles filled thwidials. Theilndwasruled y abeutiful mn aedTodalaya, the i Gdes f the olano t wa alw buget ove, uto me,it peened the perfect life.uthrouh thyears,Tndalay waforgotten Th week I turned 5,my marriag ae toa suden end My houe,funiture andverything I_25_ (own)was sol to py ebts th Int ven koweisd. In wk hadlot m hsad, my hoea areswh hd refusd o ccept a dorce (离婚) inthfmily. Id lst _26_ecet myfor teage chilren. I usedever en had tbuy fv laneticketsro issor to Hwaii. Eerye said I was crazy tothinkIcouldjstrn off t an ian nd survive.I wasfraid ty ere ight. rked18hurs dy and ot3 oundscause I livedon onemea a a. On night _27_ Ialked aone on te ach, Iw thredornge lava (火山岩) _28_(pour)out f Kilauea Volcno nthe itan. Itstme t livemyimaginion! Te next ay, qutmy job, bouht oe artsupes ad began doing_9_Ied.I ant painte apictur in 15 ears. Iwodered i I_0_ tillpaint. My ands temble the first tie Ipicked up a bh.But befranour hadpssed, I wa lot in the oorsreadingcos th anas(画布) n front of me d(31)_ _I started believing in myself, othr peoplestrte blievin i me, oo. frstainting soldfor 1 0. Th pas six ysve be filed wh advnture My hilre a hav gneswimmin wit olhins, tcedwhaesand hie aoun t rte m(火山口边沿) of thocano. We wake up ery mnin _ he ocn ifront f usand the oanobhidus. ()Jan ustena bor hEnglish ontrysdoretha200 year go. She lid_sml life She seldomtrvelled. h neve maiedand she died rom lneswhen she s only4. Howver,people alvr hworl emeberr ? It is becaseJe Asten s th utho of oe f th best-oved nove in the nglih anggeThese ovels inud mma,rde and reudce, ense and Snsbiity adPeruasio.Jn omplte herlatnovel Persuioni 16, but t was_4_ (ntpblih) util after her dth Pesuion i paty bse o Jne naalrthe.Anne, hedaughter of Sir Waltr llio,llsn ove withaptai Wentworth,person o a _3_(ow) soia posin. But she breaks of t egagent we_6_(pesuade) by her iend adRusel t such amath isuworthy. he beauprouces i Ane a ep dlon-latig reet. ih yr latr,Wentorth eturnsfrom se ricandsucesfulatan. Hfin Anns family o te e of fnancial n. Anneathe aptain reisovrthilovand getmre.Je At nc copared e wting to _3_(pain)n a ittl btof ivor(象牙), tonces quae. Rdefrssin lsee h_38_ r sil of deiate, ioic(挖苦旳)bsertio on scia cutom, love, and marige oabit_3_ ( appl) asarpfcus oEglis ns andmoraha abandonedherin herfil inihd wok.Peruasion has produed three flm apaions: 95version strrg AndaRoot and aran Hids, a TVmnieris ih l Hawis nd uertPnry-one, an a 1971 niseries with nnFirank and ByaMrsll.Peol wh e treted Jane Ausca still isi many of th placessheviited nd lved. Thes paceinclde h laeofStevtn, lthou hr family house now on Many f the placeJaneiiedinBth aestill tee.u anvis Jne Austn me in wton, whereshe d er bet writng,nd Winheter, 0_ he de etion B(10分)Drectins: Complete the following asage byuing the wordsin he box.Eachword can only b d once. Notththere i one word mor han you needA. explore B. instructing C. reflect D. encountered E. independent F. motivated G. accustomed H. ordering I. techniques J. processes K. unique owcn Eglshtce accer te ngua leaningofteir studet? ne way s toeac udnthow t learnmor efectivelyndefficienly. Learng trategis r Prceduesor 41 that learnrs canue t facilitte a learningtas. Ad 2 udens of nli inearin strategs ca help them beco btrernrs. In aition,sklinusingleaning srategiassiss stden in coming 4 , odent learner. Fnaly, sudetbcome moe 4 asthey begn toundertade rltionshp betweethir useofstrategis anducsn leaning nglish.tuents ned to devlop an arenes of te larningproces and statges thatle ccess. Sets who 45 on thir wnthiking are orekely to engae in plnnng ow to proed wth alearnin tak, montorin i ow pefomace on onoingbais, fding solutons t proles 6 ,and evluatg themselves upnas copletion Thsaciiies aybe difficultfostdents 4 to avnga teacherwho solv ll teirlerninprblems an is e ju f their progss.eacer n encorage stden to rely reotheselves. c laring strategiesaremnal 49 wih ew observaemanfestations,teachsneedto fd wayto e testratgs asocrte as possible. Whe students re abto ue the tateges tir teches hv taugt them, n to d o wihoutprompting,then hey eed to 50 nw trtegies, ne appctions, a ne oppornieforself-reulated lnn.II. Regopehesnecio Aany peopehik that steingi a passivebune. t i justhe 51 on. iening wells an tve exercise of our attentn a had wo. It is becuse hyo o relie thi,becaus thearo 52 odo th wo, thtmst eple o not listen wel. Listening well lso requres to 5 uon sene ee. ssentia parto listening wel i the ruleknowns braketing. Baketig includ temporary givig or 54 ofyour own prejudics and esies, to experenc sfar a posible someone elses world from thinside, sepigo hs hrhes. 5 , since liteing wel nolves bracketig, italsoinle temorary 56 of te ter pe. Sen ths acceptce, te sea ll seem qut wilingto 57 u t ie ar of his or hr min o the stner. Truommicaon is under wayand the nyrqurd folistnn well iso greattha it can e 58 only y theiltoexteoneself or mtual growh osof etimewe 9 h enegy.Eve oughweein our usiss deali o scal relonis that w rlistening l, whtwe ar uay doig is listing 0 Ofn e hv peared list i mindad wodr, aswe lien, how we an acie ceran1 rsulso get theconversation over a ukly as psibleo edicted in aymore ifactory t s.Ma of s are fr more intereted inalkigthanin lsteing,oe siply62 toistn to wha e do wat to her. It asnt uil toad th end ofm doto carertha hv the knowleetht oni ein truly ltne o i fequent therapeu(有疗效旳) Iabout aqartrof th ientsIa, 63 mprvmnt asshownduring the rt few ont of sychotherapy, befre any fth 64 of rlems haden ncoereor explaind. Thr re evel resons for thiphenomenon, bt chiongthm, I believ,s the atents65 tht he ohewas being truly listendto, ften frfirst ime ears, nd osome, perhps for the firs ie ever.51. A.postiveB. oppositeC. same. wog52. . reluctant. generouC illingD cnsiera53. A.deeneneB. ifeceC decion D. cncntration54. A. sttingasid. gttingov.notn downsckingto55. . Theeore B. MreoverC.HoeveD. For instane56. A. abandonmentBaepancC fgtlnesD. absopon57. A.t.ake C. mak D. open58. A peormdB. complishdC. ccompaniedD. experend59. A. reuireB.prodceC. la . mivat60. A oefullB. seletielyC thorouglyD.acrately61. A.dse B. unexpet .require. Aroe62. A.hesitateB. decideC. reus agree63. A.imposnB surpingC.fouaeD. instnct64. A. roots. reaons. vrieisD feaures6. A. urpoB. ense C. conclusionD.responsbiiySectin BDirecions: ead thfoowng furpassas. Each pasaes fllowd by sevral questions onfinished ttements. Foreach ofhem te are forchocesmaked ,B, and . hose he oethat fits bst acoring tte information give in thaa yu hvejust ead.(A) he year was13 ad the etrotTgrswere playg theNew ok Yankee Whenmy on bgan dopping gene hitthata game oultake le ir Stadium n Moters Dy that ear, I already n who they were ayi wth! e o, uldyu iketo o to ee he Tigers play teYankees?My enior hg son aked ih a pyl lk. Ijs smiled. There haden a ot otakaoa new dim inpac f the ne hat t proudl on the conero Michin ad rumullnDetroit. s sat in heseig scn, ndered how e oldple old ctally eome a thino h pas.It wasso aiv; th sadimwas fllo watchers ndthe ecitmet wih two good all eams, the mlofpoprn Theanoucer recgnized all Mthra eachne received ift ich sil hve oday.Don Mattngly as a faoritbl layr of our sos nd he as on of the many playr tht madu te tea that bea he irs hataya. Wile w drnku favrite softdrink, we wtchd the gy withhe nube 3 shh ahom runuring the game.Tefns ent wil. The Yanewon11 to 2 P exciementcomes foma viit theolbalpark . hile the ganmu playd, ryne stod and ag a Me ut the Ballgae. t a art of tfunabout a tp o the ballpr;and itdid matterho you were cheer for. Tl game layed atTgr Stadiumwas in 199 agithe anss City Roals. W a movedo South Carlina i 97,bu my son waswrkng i eroit. Th ol stdium is stll tanding; Iguss heyjust didnt have thehert to terdowpec ohisoy. What I idnt reliea thetime wst it wou he s game wouldat wih ou now rownontoethr.66. hat caan weinfer from the frst paagraph?A. The writer ws afan of the blgam.B. Thell gme ook pae o h Ma DaC. Hrsnwsone of e ll playrs.D. heDetroit Tgerswould ose tegame.67. Wati th riter mailywnt to ellus inhe second paragrph?A. eple we all exetin a w tdiuB. The stadu srely to cwded.C. Mo pepe intertd thgae.D. The wrie lie thl stadium e uc.8.Accrdig tothe age, Don Matingl_ A.wa the best player in theTger B. beloned to Ynkee was thwritrsfavorit bll plaer D woe h umber 3 shrt in e gam9. Wthapned t th Tgr tadium fterth gme in 1999?AIt was torn dwn. B. It ue o therpupses.CItws tll usedfor the ame. D,Th musc as otn ayedthe.(B) ell, I ll did i. Ifaly ecded t etrthigtal age and t a cel phone My ks havebeeannyin me and the las staw was whemy carbroke do, ad I ws stuckb he iwy fr an hu eforeoone soppd to hel. Bu hen ent toth cl honestore, Iaost chagedmy mid Th hones all have cmras, cutrs n agobal-poitiningsoething orother tats sups o spo mfrom space. ods,al I want t ois o e ale o alk t y grandkid! Th ole at thtoe wtmu hep.y oudtdrsta why smeoe wouldnt wntahone thesize f a postagestam. And therat plas!Tey weecofusin, ndexpenive . an the contac(合同)lased or twoyear!Idalmos iven up unil afiend told me aouthe newJitterug phne. No, have the onvenience nd safy of ein abou o sty in touh - wit a phone I catual use. fordble plntt I canndrstand - ad no cntract tsi (签订)! nlike other ce phes,Jitterug as pl tt mke sese W shod payfor intesIm eroing tou?And if doalk mr han I pan, wont fnmyself with o miteslie frie wo hasa prpaid phone. Best of all, here i no ctct to sgn o Im not oc n for yearsat a te. The Sbasd cstome eric i secondto onn the pon g service nywhee in he untry.Mtly Minutes0 00Mthl Rate$1.199911cceFEEFeLong DistancCalsN addina chrgeNadditilchrgeFriendly Rurn poic30 days days Calnow and rei FEE gif whenyou er. Try iterbg or 30 ays n you dont ove i, just rturit! hy wait, the iterug come read touse ight ut of the box. Iu arent ahapy wih i a I m, you cnreturn tand ge yr oey ack. all nw, he Jterbu prodct epert are ready t aswyour quetion. ll 1-888-809-879or viit wwwitrbugrct. co.70Wha ade iay thnk ogettig a celphoe?A. Bing suckby the hiha.B. Being urged hi granids. ei persudd bll phone alspsons.D. Bg attated y th friey return policy.71. Onthe monhlyasis of 10 mues, theiteug weekly rat s bu _.375 .$4.9 . $14. 9 D $19997. dantage of Jittbumenind nte pssaeis_.A. is discount price wih a fre gf.it reasonalrate plas wtout a corctC its gbal-poiinin yste with 91cs. is godcustomer sevc al ovr the orld73. h man puroseof the assage is o _.Atla tomrs soryof Jittebug. ovide two ways to odr JitteuC.gve bief irouctioof JtterbuD ract poten ustomers o Jitebug() Enegy indepndne. t hasa nce rio it. Doen it? f yu t o, yur not alone,becaueneg indeedencehas been thdream of Amricanrent fr ecaes, an never mre so tan in th pas few yars, en e mos rent oil pre shock as beepartl reponsi orkickng of theeat resin. “Enrgy dpenenc” d its htorica (修辞旳) copanion “enery security” are, wever,slippery one that ar rely ouh throughWhat s we want indeendce om, eatly?Most pople woudpobablsa that they wanto indepndn froimpod oil. Bt there a esons tht w buy all that ol rom elsewhee.e ir reas is tht eed itto eep o conomy running. s, eeisa rikle(涓涓细流)of ofel avlable,an mrayecoe availe, b most bouels cause economic wate a envronental esrutin. Sen, Americns acall dede thattey don rlly wt to prdce


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