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一方面我们来看看最受欢迎的行政管理方向的简历。下面这份行政助理人员的应聘者在简历中描写了自己的实际履行操作能力和解决人际关系的沟通能力,同步列出了自己的工作经验(由于篇幅有限,工作经验部分只是列举几条),同步该应聘者尚有教学和社区服务经验,在简历的最后,还提到了自己的教导背景。 BUSINESSSLL: Wod rocessin: icrosoft od Oe applicatis:PowePoint,Micrsoft Pubiser, QuakEpress, hotohop, Excel,Aces, Fileake Po, Microoft Outlok,Lotus Ntes, Reference Manger Wig ablit(proosal, newsleter, presentatin, resums, cove etr) Iternetkll Evencoodination: tradehows, semina, serconferncsSTRENGHS: Intrpeoal sll- ability t pt people a ese; Deedale, rgized, effien;Tm la; Selfsater USNESSEPREC:TheHalth Istiute, viion of Clincle eearh, NeEnln Mdica Cnter,Boston, MA Novmbr - Present,xeutieAsistntoDirtrand to Resarch cientis Ceated prepess afts ofler,caaogs, orer forms,and price lsts Mangd digialimage lirr omatted digitalages for Wesite Coorinatedco-pprgramand prodc redit memo Wroeemo,esentations,andcrrondnce for Vice Presient Maitaied Ec shets forbudget, ban I progam, aretail ailrpoa Monitoed voies Heath Dilog, Inc, Bston,ASept.198-April 999AdmiitriveAsitatohalthce mnagementfirm Eie and podued cmpay newleter Maitain coman dabase PerormInert esearh on elt osand coetition eviwd and nyzed heath idos Create PoerPoint resntatin Fulfilled orers for videtaesTEACGXPERENCE: augh in nueryschool for five yasn irrten frtw yerCOMMNIT ERC: Presciption rens, Inc. (a aren ut grp fo aretsofchildren wh ft li/palate) ember (1981-present), Presidn (95-pesent,1985-87),Secary (1984-85), ewsetr ditor (1982-84,1987-89),CorresoningSecretary (9-95) fficefrCdren,Sourn DisticCnil, Frer Meber of Bod ofiector EUCATION: 19293 athariebs School, Boston, M. Entree Buiness Program, Dea is 197-75 Boston Sate Colge, Bton, M M.Ed. aly ildhood Ecaion, eansist 971bertuMagnus Cllege, ew Hven, CT. BA., mjored in ngli


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