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长岗中学八年级(上)英语讲学稿(Unit1 Grammar) September, 2014 3课题:8A Unit 1 Grammar P7-9 课型: 语法课 主备:初二英语备课组 班级: 姓名: 学号: 一、【learning aims】(学习目标): (1) 学习some and any的使用与区别。 (2) 掌握以下不定代词的用法: somebody, anybody, nobody, everybody etc。 二、【importances and difficulties】(重点和难点): (1)some与 any的归纳及运用。(2)不定代词somebody, anybody, nobody的归纳整理及运用。some的特殊用法。三、 【learning procedures】(学习过程) (一)、【课前准备】(Pre-class preparation): I have some questions about dinosaurs. She does not have any questions about dinosaurs. Do they have any questions about dinosaurs? Yes, they have some questions about dinosaurs. 你能试试归纳出不定代词some and any的用法吗?1) 用some 修饰 ;句中通常用somebody, someone, something 这些限定代词来描述人和事。2) 用any修饰 或者 ;句中通常用anybody, anyone, anything 这些限定代词来描述人和事。(2)试着完成双语报第二期N2版的”实战演练”.(3)自主探究:A. 介绍:May I have some noodles? Would you like some tea? B. 归纳:仔细观察以上例子,完成下列选择:当表示请求、建议,或期望得到对方的 (肯定、否定)回答时,some 也可用于 (肯定句、疑问句)。(二)、【预习自测】( )1. I have _ good news to tell you . A. little B. fewC. some D. any( )2. There isnt orange juice in the bottle. A. little B. fewC. some D. any( )3. I never say _words to him. A. any B. fewC. some D. little ( )4. -Would you like _ more soup? A. some B. any C. a few D few( )5. -Did you find _ from the book just now? - No, I didnt. A. something interesting B. interesting something C. anything interesting D. interesting anything( )6. - Dont take _ magazines out of the reading-room. -OK. I wont. A. some B. any C. a few D few(三)、【问题准备】通过预习,你发现哪些方面还存在疑问?请在书和讲学稿上做出标记。 (四) 、【课堂活动】1、预习检查:小组交流讨论课前准备情况并共同解决预习中存在的问题。 2、能力检测:讨论P7 A1、 A2和 P8 B的相应练习,看做对了多少。3、反馈练习 A)用some 和 any填空: - Are there _ maps on the wall? -Yes, there are. - Have you got _ uncles ? -Yes, and I have got _ uncles too. There is _ meat and fish for lunch. We havent got _ beef. Lets buy _. - Is there _ cheese? -No, There isnt _. May I have _ milk?B)选择题。 ( )-Is _here today?A. Anyone B. Someone C. No one D. everyone ( )This one is quite expensive. Could you give me _? A. anything cheap B. something cheap C. anything cheaper D. something cheaper ( )I am crazy about computers. I love _ better than playing computer games on line all day. A. everything B. anything C. nothing D. something ( )- Do you have _ oranges? -No, I dont. A. some B. little C. a little D. any ( ) I have _ to tell you. When do you have time? A. important nothing B. nothing important C. something important D. important something ( )-Would you like _ coffee? It is very delicious. A. any B. some C. few D. little (五) 、【作业巩固训练】完成第2期双语报N3版Section A(For Grammar) (六) 、【学后反思】 2谚语: A good book is a good friend.好书如挚友。


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