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Journey to the westDo you have perseverance and strong will?Lets test ourselves!1.I believe in myself and know I can achieve my goals.2.I am more of a leader than a follower.3.I know exactly what I want in my life.4.I stand for what I say,and always act according to my beliefs.5.5.I am honest with myself and know my weaknesses.6.6.I always finish what I have started.7.7.I am never disappointed for very long.8.8.I can quickly adapt myself to new circumstances.9.9.I am strong and ready for any challenge.10.10.I dont lose heart when I fail to do something.Going West Failure happens when we quit.To go on till you succeed is what life is all about.Westward MovementWestward Movement(西进运动)(西进运动)From its independence,some American people expanded(扩张)from the Atlantic Coast to the Pacific Coast.Westward MovementWestward MovementWhen:The independence-the late part of 1800/100 years/two rush periodsWhy:The USA was a young country.Its consisted of the 13 states.The land to the west of the Mississippi river was unexplored.The US wanted to extend its territory over the whole of the continent.Westward MovementWestward MovementFor goodBy expanding,the United States became one of the most powerful nations of the 20th century.This expansion also resulted in great suffering,destruction,and cultural loss for the Native Americans of North America.For ill1.1.相信自己相信自己2.2.说到做到说到做到3.3.适应新环适应新环境境4.4.灰心丧气灰心丧气5.5.自我评价自我评价6.6.干得好干得好7.7.放轻松放轻松8.8.保持,维保持,维持持Warming-Up1.believe in myself2.stand for what sb.say3.adapt oneself to new circumstances4.lose heart5.self-assessment6.do fine7.take it/things easy8.keep upDifficult Expressionslose heart lose ones heart to1.Dont _ when you come across difficulties.2.He _ the famous actress.take it easy take ones time3._,there is nothing serious.4._,there is still 15 minutes to go.lose heartlost his heart toTake it easyTake your time1.Most wagons were drawn by oxen.2.Our first destination was Indian Creek in Kansas,which was then the frontier.3.The patches of grass were never found in the Salt Lake Desert.4.The animals dragged their legs,too weak to pull their burden,and their tongues hung out in desperate need of water.5.For many weeks we had been accustomed to seeing horses and oxen suffering from heat,thirst,and starvation.1.Rocky mountains 2.Salt Lake Valley3.Salt Lake Desert4.destination 5.Indian Creek 6.Kansas 7.landscape 8.starvation9.desperate 1.barren 2.pond 3.patch4.frontier 5.thirst 6.pack 7.wagon 8.oxen 1.abandon2.anxiety 3.grave 4.shallow 5.edge 6.stare 7.skeleton 8.valleyGoing West The outline of the passage:Who:When:How:Why:Where:the writers familyby wagon1845-1846inspired by the account of the wonderful land beyond Rocky mountainsThe Salt The Salt Lake desertLake desertDeath Death Valley Valley It can be learned from the passage that before going west the writer and his family lived _.A.in California B.East of the Rocky Mountains C.West of the Rocky Mountains D.in Indian GreekBPart 1:The cause and the beginning of the journey.(P_)Part 2:The first destination of the journey.(P_)Part 3:The most trying part of the journey.(P_)Part 4:Reaching the promised land.(The end of the journey)(P_)Read the passage and Match1 1 2 2 35356 6T or F1.In the spring of 1845,my father read a book about New York.2.Indian Creek in Kansas was the meeting place for people moving to the west.3.On November 4,1846,we entered the Salt Lake Desert and soon lost our way.FTT5.At three oclock in the morning of New YearDay,we reached the edge of the desert.T or F4.When a young man in their group suggested that the writer stay behind with the children and wait for help,the writer agreed.FI knew what was in his mind.So I got up and said“No,I wont give up.”I knew that giving up meant a shallow grave in the sand.5.At three oclock in the morning of New YearDay,we reached the edge of the desert.T or F4.When a young man in their group suggested that the writer stay behind with the children and wait for help,the writer agreed.FFThe reason why my father wanted to go to The reason why my father wanted to go to California is that_.California is that_.(细节题)(细节题)A.California was in desert A.California was in desert B.California was far away B.California was far away C.California was a wonderful land described C.California was a wonderful land described in a bookin a bookD.California was the largest state in the USA D.California was the largest state in the USA R Reading comprehension(P1)“The account of the wonderful land gave him the idea to move there.”Language study P1 It was not easy to decide what to take and what to leave behind.e.g.e.g.他们管自己走了,把孩子留了下来。他们管自己走了,把孩子留了下来。They went leaving the child behind.They went leaving the child behind.1.1.年的春天年的春天2.2.对对的描述的描述3.3.留下某物留下某物4.4.出发前往出发前往5.5.牛拉车牛拉车in the spring ofthe account ofleave sth.behindset off forbe drawn by oxen Useful Phrases P1 Language study P21.Our first destination was Indian Creek in Kansas,which was then the frontier.2.This was the meeting place for people moving to the west.3.We left traveling with a group of 45 wagons.How many places are mentioned in this paragraph?Describe them.Salt Lake Valley Salt Lake Desert Language study P3beautiful dry/barren salty ponds no patches of grass 1.I find this hot weather very trying.2.This work is trying to our eyes.3.Having to stay such a long time in hospital must be very trying.The journey through the mountains and desert in the central part of the continent was the most trying part.Language study P3tiringannoying difficult to deal with 难受的伤脑筋的 折磨人的Reading comprehension P3Find out facts to show the difficulties they met with in the desert.1.losing their way 2.lacking water;the animals dragged their legs;too weak to pull their burden 3.going on foot Language study P3Their tongues hung out in desperate need of water.desperate adj.感到绝望的;极严重的;极危险的1、be desperate for sth/to do sth They re desperate for money.I m desperate to see her.2、a desperate situation/shortage/illness Reading comprehension P3Why did the travelers call their ninety-mile drive through the Salt Lake Desert the“long drive”?We could not ride the wagons and had to walk beside them.1.白天白天2.迷路迷路3.被证实是被证实是4.拖着步子拖着步子5.挂出挂出6.急需急需7.水储备水储备8.徒步徒步9.还有还有500里路里路要走要走 Useful Phrases P3by daylose ones wayprove to bedrag ones legshang outin desperate need of water supplyon our feetwith another 500 miles to goReading comprehension(P4)Why did they call it Death Valley?1.Both sides of the road were lined with dead animals and abandoned things.2.The situation was so desperate that no one could help another.Each could only try to save himself and his animals.Language study P4custom accustomaccustomed1.It will take me much time to _ myself to the change.2.I _ getting up so early to do morning exercises.accustom m not accustomed to Language study P4_ all over the hill and around the lake _ of different colors.A.Growing are wild flowers B.To grow are wild flowers C.grown is wild flowers D.Having grown wild flower is Lying around them were chains,guns,tools beddings,clothing,and many other articles.AIn anxiety of reaching a place of safety,Because everyone was anxious to reach a place of safety,Useful Phrases P41.1.习惯了习惯了2.2.遭受饥饿遭受饥饿3.3.成排的成排的4.4.被遗弃的车辆被遗弃的车辆5.5.急切地做急切地做6.6.多数情况下多数情况下be accustomed to doing sth.suffer from starvationbe lined withabandoned wagonsin anxiety of doing sthin most cases Useful Phrases P51.1.跪下跪下2.2.爬行爬行3.3.留下来留下来get onto ones kneesmove on all foursstay behindReading comprehension P6Who sensed the sign of survival first?Most animals have a survival instinct(本能).By using the word“stared”,what does the writer want to show us?They were exhausted and looked slim like walking skeletons.“The promised land”in the last paragraph possibly means _.A.a place where a person can make a promise B.a wonderful place where a person can live happily and peacefully C.a place that a person succeeded in reaching B Promised Land上帝允许给亚伯拉罕上帝允许给亚伯拉罕的地方的地方 乐土乐土,福地福地,希望之乡希望之乡(来自来自圣经圣经)a a promisingpromising student student promising adj.promising adj.有希望的;有前途的有希望的;有前途的 Useful Phrases P61.1.的边缘的边缘2.2.没有多久没有多久3.3.流动的小溪流动的小溪4.4.瞪着瞪着5.5.行尸般的人行尸般的人6.6.乐土乐土7.7.苦难的日子苦难的日子8.8.结束了结束了the edge ofno long/soon after.running streamstare atwalking skeletonsthe promised landdays of hardshipcome to an end What can we learn from the ending of the story“Going West”?A.People shouldnt set foot on a wild land because of hardship.B.Travelers should travel light.C.Travelers should arrange for their journey before setting off for their destination.D.Perseverance can go hand in hand with survival or success in time of danger or difficulty.D We can infer from the story that the writer was a person _.A.of great determination and perseverance B.always in high spirits C.strong enough D.easily giving up What kind of a person is the writer?A Write a short passage,using the following.set off forlose ones wayby daylose heartadapt oneself to new circumstancesprove(to be).dare not doin desperate need ofbe/get/become accustomed to sthsuffer fromin anxiety ofstare atcome to an end用一句倒装句用一句倒装句Correct these sentences,please!Correct these sentences,please!1.It was not easy to decide what to take and what to leave it behind.2.Passed through the desert,we came out into the Salt Lake Valley.3.Water that was shown on the map was proved to be salty ponds and not drinkable.4.Our water supply was so low that we dared not to share it with the beasts.PassingCorrect these sentences,please!Correct these sentences,please!5.Now we were on our feet with other 500 miles to go.6.We had been accustomed to see horses and oxen suffering from starvation.7.I knew that was in his mind.8.I knew that give up meant a shallow grave in the sand.seeinggivingwhatanotherHeroes of The NorthtoughwrapquiltpraystakedawngreetbronzesculpturememorialriskWord StudyanniversarysledsoulthroatshallowpoisonvaccinecatastrophereliefdeliverrelayThe reading text is presented in an _ between three people,one of _ is the _of the Dr Curtis Welch in the story.Heroes of The NorthdogsThe ArcticinterviewwhomgranddaughterIntroduce the history/origin of the Anchorage-to-Nome dog sled racethe history/origin of the Anchorage-to-Nome dog sled raceWho:Where:When:Why:How:How long:20 brave people and their dogsFrom Nenana to Nome,in Alaskain the winter of 1925To save the lives of many sick childrenWhat sickness was it?What are its symptoms?diphtheria It gives people high temperature Shallow breathing It spreads fast If untreated,it would produce a powerful poison that would kill the patient.the history/origin of the Anchorage-to-Nome dog sled raceWho:Where:When:Why:How:How long:20 brave people and their dogsFrom Nenana to Nome,in Alaskain the winter of 1925To save the lives of many sick childrenBy sled/a relay race127 hours/5 daysRetell the story in one sentence!20 brave people and their dogs traveled a distance of 700 miles in 127 hours from Nenana to Nome in very cold weather to save the lives of many sick children in Alaska in the winter of 1925.S Sentences 1.Nome was only a small city of about 1,430 souls.2.If untreated,it would produce a powerful poison that would kill the patient.1.people 2.If it was untreated 在主从复合句中在主从复合句中,when,while,if,unless,when,while,if,unless,thoughthough等引导的从句,主语如果和主句的主语一等引导的从句,主语如果和主句的主语一致,且从句中含致,且从句中含bebe动词时,为使句子简洁,可省动词时,为使句子简洁,可省略从句中的主语和略从句中的主语和bebe动词。动词。e.g.When/If(it is)e.g.When/If(it is)heatedheated,water will turn into,water will turn into vapor.vapor.Though(I was)tired Though(I was)tired,I had to work on.,I had to work on.While(she was)listening to the news While(she was)listening to the news,she,she suddenly fainted.suddenly fainted.I wont attend the meeting I wont attend the meeting unless(I am)unless(I am)invitedinvited.高考链接:高考链接:It shames me to say it,but I told a lie It shames me to say it,but I told a lie when_ at the meeting by my boss.when_ at the meeting by my boss.A.questioning B.having questioned A.questioning B.having questioned C.questioned D.to be questioned C.questioned D.to be questionedC S Sentences 3.Every minute counted.4.It was though that the trip could take up to 13 days to complete.5.The driver had covered almost 700 miles in little more than 127 hours.()mattered was important S Sentences 1.There was widespread relief when it was discovered that a hospital in Anchorage has a good supply of 300,000 units.2.But relief soon spread through Nome like the golden rays of the dawn itself.后来,当发现按克雷奇一家医院备有大量的疫苗,后来,当发现按克雷奇一家医院备有大量的疫苗,大约有大约有30万个单位时,大家都松了一口气。万个单位时,大家都松了一口气。但是,但是,诺姆镇的痛苦一下子就减轻了许多,就诺姆镇的痛苦一下子就减轻了许多,就象黎明时的金色阳光普照大地。象黎明时的金色阳光普照大地。(痛苦、困苦、忧(痛苦、困苦、忧虑等)减轻或解除虑等)减轻或解除 S Sentences In December that year a bronze sculpture of a dog was placed in New York Citys Central Park:a memorial to all who risked their lives to save those of the others.1.Mr Zhang gave the textbooks to all the pupils except _ who had already taken them.2.I hope there are enough glasses for each guest to have _.3.The potato crop in 2004 was better than _ of 2003.A.that B.it C.one D.thoseDC AIn December that year a bronze sculpture of a dog was placed in New York Citys Central Park:a memorial to all who risked their lives to save those of the others.S Sentences 1.If you insist on going you will risk getting caught in a storm.2.The whole future of the company is at risk.3.The last driver faced a terrible storm,but he knew that lives were at stake.1.risk ones life to do sth 2.risk doing sth 3.be at risk/at stake/in danger1.的周年纪念日的周年纪念日 2.与时间赛跑与时间赛跑 3.头版头条新闻头版头条新闻 4.把把从死亡从死亡 中拯救出来中拯救出来5.向向求助求助6.微弱的呼吸微弱的呼吸7.翌日翌日8.剧毒剧毒9.阻止一场灾难阻止一场灾难10.一支狗接力队一支狗接力队 11.吃苦耐劳的人吃苦耐劳的人12.用用把把.包起来包起来13.扎紧扎紧14.日夜兼程日夜兼程15.零下零下30度度16.一座狗的青铜雕塑一座狗的青铜雕塑17.冒生命危险去做某事冒生命危险去做某事1.的周年纪念日的周年纪念日 2.与时间赛跑与时间赛跑 3.头版头条新闻头版头条新闻 4.把把从死亡从死亡 中拯救出来中拯救出来5.向向求助求助6.微弱的呼吸微弱的呼吸7.翌日翌日8.剧毒剧毒1.the anniversary of 2.a race against time 3.front-page news 4.save from death 5.ask sb.for help 6.shallow breathing 7.the following day 8.s powerful poison turn to sb for help the next day 9.prevent a catastrophe10.a relay of dog teams 11.a tough man 12.wrap in 13.tie up 14.to ride day and night 15.30 degrees blow zero 16.a bronze sculpture of a dog 17.risk ones life to do sth.9.阻止一场灾难阻止一场灾难10.一支狗接力队一支狗接力队 11.吃苦耐劳的人吃苦耐劳的人12.用用把把.包起来包起来13.扎紧扎紧14.日夜兼程日夜兼程15.零下零下30度度16.一座狗的青铜雕塑一座狗的青铜雕塑17.冒生命危险去做某事冒生命危险去做某事attribute1.wonderful;strange;brave2.my;twenty other3.westward4.to eat;to seek shelter;to be seen5.trying;running6.green;promised7.four-year-old8.who saw us;walking(adj.)(pron.)(adv.)(inf.)(p.p.)(adj.p.p.)(compound adj.)(clause)Escape From Doubting Castle-John BunyanEscape from Doubting CastleAn adapted passage from“the Pilgrims progress”天路历程天路历程A fable;an allegoryIt was written more than 400 years ago.The book has been a best-seller for centuries.Read this allegory carefully,then finish the questions on P190191.HomeCity of HappinessPond of depressionNarrow passageDoubting castle&Giant DespairHelpA shepherdHope1.1.The name Everyman means that The name Everyman means that it could be it could be any personany person on earth.on earth.2.2.The city of Happiness is not a The city of Happiness is not a place,but it is reached the place,but it is reached the moment you reach your goal.moment you reach your goal.Thats why Chris cannot see it.Thats why Chris cannot see it.Ex 2allegoryHelpKing of Doubting CastleHopeHe helps Chris get out of the depression.He helps Chris get out of the depression.Despair is the feeling we can not do Despair is the feeling we can not do anything or reach our goals.anything or reach our goals.It is often caused by Doubt and lack of It is often caused by Doubt and lack of self-confidence.self-confidence.He gives Chris hope and shows him the He gives Chris hope and shows him the way out of doubt and despair.way out of doubt and despair.ShepherdThe guardian of ones soul.The guardian of ones soul.1.1.Giant DespairGiant Despair.He represents the.He represents the feeling that you cannot achieve feeling that you cannot achieve anything.anything.2.2.The key to freedom is called The key to freedom is called PromisePromise.It means that promise.It means that promise can help us to free ourselves from can help us to free ourselves from doubt and despair.doubt and despair.3.3.The key is The key is in his heart.in his heart.Ex 3Ex 41.1.The journey represents a persons The journey represents a persons life,the life,the ups and downsups and downs and difficulties and difficulties that everyone may have to reach that everyone may have to reach happiness in life.happiness in life.2.2.He is depressed and he cannot get He is depressed and he cannot get out of that situation without help from out of that situation without help from others.others.9、静夜四无邻,荒居旧业贫。2023/4/172023/4/17Monday,April 17,202310、雨中黄叶树,灯下白头人。2023/4/172023/4/172023/4/174/17/2023 10:02:20 AM11、以我独沈久,愧君相见频。2023/4/172023/4/172023/4/17Apr-2317-Apr-2312、故人江海别,几度隔山川。2023/4/172023/4/172023/4/17Monday,April 17,202313、乍见翻疑梦,相悲各问年。2023/4/172023/4/172023/4/172023/4/174/17/202314、他乡生白发,旧国见青山。17 四月 20232023/4/172023/4/172023/4/1715、比不了得就不比,得不到的就不要。四月 232023/4/172023/4/172023/4/174/17/202316、行动出成果,工作出财富。2023/4/172023/4/1717 April 202317、做前,能够环视四周;做时,你只能或者最好沿着以脚为起点的射线向前。2023/4/172023/4/172023/4/172023/4/179、没有失败,只有暂时停止成功!。2023/4/172023/4/17Monday,April 17,202310、很多事情努力了未必有结果,但是不努力却什么改变也没有。2023/4/172023/4/172023/4/174/17/2023 10:02:20 AM11、成功就是日复一日那一点点小小努力的积累。2023/4/172023/4/172023/4/17Apr-2317-Apr-2312、世间成事,不求其绝对圆满,留一份不足,可得无限完美。2023/4/172023/4/172023/4/17Monday,April 17,202313、不知香积寺,数里入云峰。2023/4/172023/4/172023/4/172023/4/174/17/202314、意志坚强的人能把世界放在手中像泥块一样任意揉捏。17 四月 20232023/4/172023/4/172023/4/1715、楚塞三湘接,荆门九派通。四月 232023/4/172023/4/172023/4/174/17/202316、少年十五二十时,步行夺得胡马骑。2023/4/172023/4/1717 April 202317、空山新雨后,天气晚来秋。2023/4/172023/4/172023/4/172023/4/179、杨柳散和风,青山澹吾虑。2023/4/172023/4/17Monday,April 17,202310、阅读一切好书如同和过去最杰出的人谈话。2023/4/172023/4/172023/4/174/17/2023 10:02:20 AM11、越是没有本领的就越加自命不凡。2023/4/172023/4/172023/4/17Apr-2317-Apr-2312、越是无能的人,越喜欢挑剔别人的错儿。2023/4/172023/4/172023/4/17Monday,April 17,202313、知人者智,自知者明。胜人者有力,自胜者强。2023/4/172023/4/172023/4/172023/4/174/17/202314、意志坚强的人能把世界放在手中像泥块一样任意揉捏。17 四月 20232023/4/172023/4/172023/4/1715、最具挑战性的挑战莫过于提升自我。四月 232023/4/172023/4/172023/4/174/17/202316、业余生活要有意义,不要越轨。2023/4/172023/4/1717 April 202317、一个人即使已登上顶峰,也仍要自强不息。2023/4/172023/4/172023/4/172023/4/17MOMODA POWERPOINTLorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipiscing elit.Fusce id urna blandit,eleifend nulla ac,fringilla purus.Nulla iaculis tempor felis ut cursus.感感 谢谢 您您 的的 下下 载载 观观 看看专家告诉


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