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Module 6The Internet and Telecommunications 1.重点单词:contain;access;design;concentrate;average2.重点短语:consist of;become known of;come up with 1.contain:vt.&vi.装有;含有;包括,包含;容纳;忍住(1)教材P51)A CDROM is a separate disk that contains lots of information.光盘(CDROM 是一个独立的磁盘,里面包含有很多信息。How much water does the bottle contain.(2)这个瓶子能装多少水?(3)(牛津高阶P428)She was unable to contain her excitement.她无法抑制内心的激动。【归纳拓展】contain sth.包括/容纳某物contain oneself 自制container n.容器注意:contain作“包含,含有”解时,不用于进行时态。【辨析】contain,cover,include 以上三个词均表示“含有”的意思。contain 意为“整体或容器中装有、含有”等,表示包含所含之物的的全部 或部分。cover v 包括或涉及到某方面、某领域;覆盖,包括;采访,报导;涉及.n 封面,封皮;盖子;掩蔽物,覆盖;代替。include 整体中包括个别部分、成员或组成成分1.The city covered ten square miles.2.They covered thirtyfive kilometers yesterday.3.The book needs a new cover.4.The parcel included a dictionary.5.The parcel contained a dictionary.6.The health club includes a gym,a swimming pool,and locker room.(更衣室)7.The parcel _ a clean shirt,socks and a handkerchief.A.contains B.includes C.covers D.holds 8.This book _12 units,_ two revision units.A.contains;containing B.includes;containing C.contains;including D.includes;contains A Caccess n.通道;入口;接近;进入;使用权 vt.接近;使用;存取1)(教材P52)The World Wide Web is a computer network that allows computer users to access information from millions of websites via the Internet.万维网是一个电脑网络,它允许电脑使用者通过互联网从数百计的网站上获取信息。Only high officials had access to the president.(2)只有高层官员才有机会接近总统。(3)(牛津高阶P10)The police gained access through a broken window.警察从一扇破窗户里钻了进去【归纳拓展】access sth.使用/接近/存取the access to 进入的方法;拥有/使用的机会have/get/gain/obtain access to 有机会接触;有权利使用;得以接近/进入accessible adj.容易接近/得到的;容易使用的9.Though learning a language may not lead directly to a great career,it will certainly give you _ to a wider range of opportunities.A.chances B.access C.account D.changes10.It is required in this high school that no parents _ to classrooms during class time.A.have access B.have approaches C.has way D.has access B Adesign vt.设计;计划n.图案;设计;意图(1)(教材P52)He designed the first“web browser”.他设计了第一个“网络浏览器”(2)(牛津高阶P540)They asked me to design a poster for the campaign.他们请我为这次运动设计一张海报。(3)The program is specifically designed to help people look for proper jobs.这项工程是专为帮助人们寻找合适的工作而设计的。(4)It happenedwhether by accident or designthat the two of them were left alone after all the others had gone.碰巧不知是偶然还是有意安排其他人走后,只剩下了他们两个人 【归纳拓展】design sth.for sb.为某人设计design to do 计划/设计去做某事be designed for 为.而设计be designed as 设计作为,打算作.使用be designed to do 为了做.而设计have designs on sth.企图/图谋将某物据为己有by design 故意地designer n.设计师11.The weekend party was _ to bring together the designers who took part in _ a bridge.A.design;designing B.to design;design C.designed;designing D.designing;design12.The road was not _ for heavy lorries.A.planned B.supposed C.drawn D.Designed C Dconcentrate vt.&vi.集中(注意力等);全神贯注;聚集;浓缩(1)(教材P54)Concentrate on the good things about the Internet.让我们集中看看互联网的优点。(2)I cant concentrate on what Im doing while the noise is going on.当有吵闹的噪音时,我无法集中精力于我正在做的事情(3)(现代英语用法词典P243)If you concentrate all your energies on the study of English,you will master the language.如果你集中你的所有精力在英语学习上,你就会精通这门语言。【归纳拓展】concentrate attention/effort/energy/mind,etc.on/upon(doing)sth.集中注意力/努力/力量/思想等于(做)某事上sth.is concentrated on.某物集中于concentrated adj.集中的;浓缩的 concentrated fruit juice concentration n.聚精会神;集中(不可数)13.They _ their guns _ the weakened section of the wall.A.put;on B.joined;in C.concentrated;on D.connected;with14.This pupil has made a _ effort to improve his work.A.concluded B.contracted C.contacted D.Concentrated C Daverage adj.平均的;一般(水平)的 n.平均数;平均水平v.平均为(1)(教材P57)The average time the Chinese people spend online is 17 hours per week.中国人平均每周上网时间为17个小时。(2)He smokes twenty cigarettes a day on average.他每天平均抽掉二十支烟。(3)(牛津高阶P118)The cost should average out at about 6 per person.费用应是平均每人约6英磅【归纳拓展】above/below average 平均水平以上/之下on(an/the)average 平均来说up to(the)average达到平均水平the averagen.平均为average out sth.算出平均数;平均为15.(2011天津卷)He was a good student and scored _average in most subjects.A.below B.of C.on D.above16.There was nothing special about it,it was only _.A.general B.regular C.usual D.Average D Dconsist of 由组成(1)It consists of millions of pages of data.它包括数百万计的数据网页。(2)(牛津高阶P422)Their diet consisted largely of vegetables.他们的日常饮食以蔬菜为主。(3)Most of the fieldwork consisted of making tape recordings.现场工作多半为进行磁带录音。【归纳拓展】consist in 在于,存在于consist with 与一致,符合consistent adj.一致的consistence n.一致性【辨析】consist of,be made up of,make up注意:语义及主被动用法。1.consist of be made up of“由组成或构成”,如:The USA consists of/is made up of fifty states.美国由50个州组成。2.make up“组成或构成”,如:Fifty states make up the USA.50个州组成了美国。17.Jack told us that his class _sixtyfour students.A.made upB.made of C.consisted of D.consisted in18.As is known to all,her charm does not consist only _ her beauty.A.of B.in C.with D.To C B选用适当的介词填空:in of with19.Good service consists _ punctuality,reliability and regularity.20.Tolerance consists _ respecting the opinions of others.21.The United Nation consists _ over 160 countries.in in of become known as 作为而出名;被称为;因而著称(1)(教材P52)NSFNET became known as the InterNetwork,or Internet.NSFNET作为“互联网络”或者“因特网”而闻名。(2)(现代英语用法词典P761)She was well known as an excellent dancer.她被公认为一位十分优秀的舞蹈家。(3)Samuel Clemens,known as Mark Twain,became a famous American writer.塞缪尔克里蒙斯,常称作马克吐温,成为了一位著名的美国作家。【归纳拓展】become/be(well)known as become/be famous as作为而出名become/be better/best known as作为更/最出名be known for be famous for因而出名/著称be known to sb.为某人所熟知22.Taylor Swift is well known _ a singer,but she is best known _ her charm and personality.A.with;for B.as;for C.as;to D.with;to Bcome up with 提出(1)(教材P52)He came up with the idea of the World Wide Web in 1989.在1989年他提出了创建万维网的想法。(2)The question of drugtaking is bound to come up at the next conference.吸毒问题势必会在下一次会议上提出来 【归纳拓展】提出come up with;bring about;bring forward;put forwardcome up 被提出;出现,露面come about 发生come across 偶遇come out(花)开放;出现;显露;出版发行23.The truth has _ at last.A.come across B.come up C.come out D.come about 24.(2010浙江卷)Alvin,are you coming with us?Id love to,but something unexpected _.A.has come up B.was coming up C.had come up D.would come up A D


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