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英语语法复习 简单句及句子成分 一、简单句:六种常见结构 1、 主语 +系动词 +表语( S+V+C) The flowers smell sweet. Mother isnt in at the moment. The dish looks inviting( 诱人的 ). She seemed well pleased. Thats how I look at it. 常见的系动词有: be, feel, look, sound, taste, smell, seem, appear, remain, become, go, grow, get, turn, fall, come, run, keep, stay, etc.该句型的扩展: The reason why he was late for school was that his alarm clock didnt work. That he didnt go to visit his uncle yesterday is true. 2、 主语 +不及物动词( S+V) The train has arrived. The door bell rang. The plane has just touched down. Prices are going up again. She sat down beside me. 该句型的扩展: The plan they wanted to carry out disappeared. His brother had gone when he got to the Capital Station. 3 、主语 +及物动词 +宾语( S+V+O) She is doing her homework. Where have you put the key? She is listening to her new records. Who put forward the proposal? I hate asking favours. You see what I mean? 该句型的扩展: The boy who stood at the door raised his voice to make himself heard. What the professor said at the meeting surprised all the people present. 4、 主语 +及物动词 +间接宾语 +直接宾语 ( S+V+O+O) I showed them my passport. He left Jane a note. She gave a camera to someone who likes taking photos. I got an ice-cream for each of the children present. 5、 主语 +及物动词 +宾语 +宾语补足语 ( S+V+O+C) They appointed him managing director. She painted the walls light green. He told me to be careful when I crossed the street. I smelt something burning. All the students elected him monitor. We found it important to learn to use a computer skillfully. He always leaves the windows open. 6、 There be 句型, There be+主语 +地点状语 There seemed to be no one who really understood me. There happened to be no one in your office when I telephoned . There is a pen and two pencils on the desk . There have been great changes in the village in the past 20 years. There is going to be a Chinese literature talk on the playground this Sunday afternoon. There used to be a wide river in the middle of the town. 二、英语句子成分: 主语 谓语 宾语 表语 定语 状语 宾语补足语 同位语 1、 主语: 名词 The farmers killed many hawks. 代词 How disappointed she was! One of them is singing ,some are dancing, the others are watching. Mine is the green one. 数词 Three more will join them. 动名词 Swimming is good in summer. 不定式 It is important to keep the balance of nature. 从句 What he said is very important. That we won the match excited our class teacher. It is important that we study hard. The+分词 The unemployed here are on strike. 扩展: It 做主语的句型 It+系动词 +表语 +不定式 /动名词 /从句 It is important for him to receive good education. It is clever of her to think of such a good idea. It is a shame to make a mistake. It is no use telling him more. It is no good wasting your time on it. It was a pity that we didnt come here. It is strange that he should think so . It is unknown whether the headmaster will come or not. 2、 谓语: 不及物动词 The baby smiles. 及物动词 +宾语 She speaks English well. 系动词 +表语 He is afraid of dogs. 3、 宾语: 名词 I like Chinese. 代词 Please give it to me. 数词 We took three and they took five. 动名词 She likes swimming in the sea. 不定式 He began to read the letter from his aunt. We wonder when to start our journey. 从句 He took back what he said just now. 宾语的种类: 直接宾语、间接宾语 Show me your notebook! My mother made me a cup of tea. 能用 to+间接宾语的常用动词有: bring ,give, hand, send, show, tell, pass,teach,etc. 能用 for+间接宾语的常用动词有: buy, choose, cook, make, sing, find, fetch, get, spare, etc. 同源宾语 She laughed a terrible laugh. He lived a poor life. I slept a good sleep last night. 复合宾语 (宾语 +宾补): How could you get the machine running? We should make our country more beautiful. Can you ask him to do it for you? What made you think so? I feel my hand aching. Ill have my hair cut. We never heard the song sung. I consider him a good boy. I think it a truth. I find it important to remember the usage of the new words. 4、 表语 名词 It is Sunday. 代词 Who is knocking at the door? Its me. 形容词 She is young. The news is surprising. We were frightened at the scene. 数词 I am fourteen. 副词 He is in ,but his father is out. 短语 The children are in the kitchen. 5、 定语 形容词 He is a brave boy. 名词 Well have a class meeting tomorrow morning. They visited the Childrens Palace the day before yesterday. 代词 Their teacher is an Englishman. 数词 There are forty students in the class. 副词 I have a day off. The man there comes from Sichuan. 动名词 It is good to ride a sleeping car on the trip. His running shoes are broken. 不定式 I have nothing to do. Well try to find the better room to live in. 分词 China is a developing country. The destroyed houses in the earthquake are being rebuilt. Who is the young girl standing at the counter? 从句 That is the book that I am looking for. The plane is the machine which can fly. 介词短语 : 、 of短语: 所有关系 a book of mine a schoolbag of the student 特征 a man of good temper a girl of sixteen 逻辑上的动宾关系 study of English love of science 逻辑上的主谓关系 the growth of industry the death of the old man 部分与整体的关系 the city of it the most beautiful of the pictures 、其他短语: a walk in the evening my visit during the holidays the table by the window the boy on the playground the girl with a round face the boy in a brown jacket a man from London a film about the life of the students a report on the English study 6、 状语 副词 We often listen to the teacher carefully in class. 介词短语 After class, he always plays football with his classmates on the playground. 不定式 They got up early to catch the first bus. 分词 She went home, singing and dancing. 形容词 We hardly walked on,hungry and tired. 名词 Will you go to town today or tomorrow? 代词 I cant eat that much. 独立主格 He lay on the grass, his right hand on his breast,his eyes open. 从句 If it is fine tomorrow, well go fishing. 不定式短语作状语的种类: 目的 They came to visit my class. 结果 He lived to be eighty. The tea is too hot to drink. 原因 We are very glad to have learned of your success. 程度 She is not old enough to go to school. 修饰形容词说明其意义 We found him easy to deal with. 修饰整个句子 To be frank, you must hand it in before class. 现在分词作状语的种类: 行为方式 He turned round as if searching for someone. 伴随情况 The girl sat at the table, doing nothing. 时间 Hearing the good news, they nearly jumped with joy. 原因 Not having enough money, he cant buy the dictionary. 独立成分 Frankly speaking, I couldnt have fulfilled the task without your help. 过去分词作状语的种类: 时间 Shot by the bullet, the bird fell down and died. 原因 Moved by his words ,they worked harder. Led by the guide, we found the way without any trouble. 伴随 She went home, quite disappointed. 条件 Eaten in time, the apple cant be so rotten. 形容词作状语的种类: 原因 Afraid of difficulties, he gave it up. 伴随 Helpless, we saw the bear running towards us. Crusoe stared at the footprints, full of fear. The naughty boy stood at the teachers desk, silent. 7、 同位语 1).Mr. Green ,our English teacher, came into the room with a thick book under his arm. 2).All of you, teachers and students, must come to have a meeting at eight. 3).Then we three, Tom, Peter and myself, will start the trip together next week. 4).Greenland, the largest island in the world, covers over two million square kilometers. 5).My advice that he should be sent to hospital was adopted finally. 6)The question whether we should take action is still under discussion. Thank you


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