(盐城专版)2019中考英语高分复习 第一篇 教材梳理篇 第11课时 Units 5-6(八上)课件

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盐城专版第 11 课时Units 56(八上)PART ONE第一篇 教材梳理篇 sellvt.&vi.卖,出售【点拨】常用搭配:sell out 卖完,卖光;sell well 畅销(无被动语态)。【拓展】sale为名词,意为“销售;销售量”。常见搭配:on sale 出售;上市;for sale 待售。【典例】2018大丰一模 These books in that shop over there.They well.A.are sold;are sold B.sell;are soldC.are sold;sell D.sell;sell核心考点聚焦C providevt.提供【点拨】provide sb with sth=provide sth for sb 为某人提供某物They provide us with food.他们供给我们食物。We provided food for the hungry children.我们为那些饥饿的孩子们提供食物。核心考点聚焦【典例】2018大丰一模 Some people think its the parents job to their children a clean and comfortable environment at home.A.offer;to B.offer;withC.provide;with D.provide;toC in order to以便,为的是【点拨】in order to意为“以便,为的是”,后接动词原形,表示目的。其否定形式为in order not to,意为“以免”。Be quiet in the reading room in order not to disturb others.在阅览室里要安静,以免打扰别人。核心考点聚焦【拓展】“in order to+动词原形”可以转换为“in order that+从句”结构。He got up early in order to catch the first bus.=He got up early in order that he could catch the first bus.他起得很早,以便能赶上第一班车。【典例】2018天水 In order for the competition,my sister forced herself to get up early this morning.A.not to be late B.not being lateC.to be late D.being late核心考点聚焦A preventvt.防止,预防【点拨】prevent常用于固定结构“prevent sb(from)doing sth”中,意为“阻止某人做某事”,from在这个结构中可以省略,与stop sb(from)doing sth和keep sb from doing sth同义。Nobody can prevent us(from)going there.没有人能阻止我们去那里。核心考点聚焦【典例】(1)2018苏州二模 Wetlands are important because they help flood.A.project B.protectC.produce D.prevent(2)2018南通一模 Its our duty to people too many trees.A.stop;cutting down B.prevent;to cut downC.keep;cutting down D.make;cut downDA stayn.&v.停留,逗留【点拨】stay 用作名词时,意为“停留,逗留”;用作不及物动词时,意为“停留,留下”;用作连系动词时,意为“保持”。Millie visited many places of interest during her stay in Beijing.在北京逗留期间,米莉参观了许多名胜古迹。I dont stay out late on weekdays.工作日的时候,我不在外面待到很晚。I do exercise every day to stay healthy.我每天做锻炼来保持健康。核心考点聚焦【拓展】常用搭配:stay out待在外面;stay up熬夜。【典例】2018无锡一模 Jack,havent seen you for a long time!Where have you been?Well,I in Shanghai on business for two months.A.have stayed B.stayedC.had stayed D.was staying核心考点聚焦B none/no one/nobody/nothing核心考点聚焦词 条含 义用 法none没有一个(人或物)常与of连用,作主语时,谓语动词用单复数形式均可,常用来回答how much,how many引导的特殊疑问句no one/nobody无一人一般不与of连用,作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式,常用来回答who引导的特殊疑问句nothing没有任何事或物其后不接of短语,作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式,常用来回答what引导的特殊疑问句【典例】2018临沂 We couldnt buy anything because of the shops were open.A.all B.bothC.nothing D.none核心考点聚焦D maybe/may be Maybe he is in the office.=He may be in the office.他可能在办公室。核心考点聚焦词 条含义及用法maybe意为“或许,可能”,是副词,在句中作状语,表示推测may be意为“可能是,也许是”,是“情态动词+动词原形”构成的谓语形式【典例】Where is Jenny?Im not sure.She in the school library.A.maybe B.must beC.may be D.will be核心考点聚焦C accept/receive核心考点聚焦【助记】I received an invitation to the party yesterday,but I refused to accept it.昨天我收到了聚会的邀请函,但我拒绝接受邀请。词 条含义及用法accept意为“接受”,强调主观上接受receive意为“接收”,强调客观上接到或收到,但主观上不一定接受【典例】2018淮安模拟 We decided to this offer because it was of great help to us.A.accept B.considerC.refuse D.receive核心考点聚焦A However,the bamboo forests are becoming smaller and smaller.As a result,pandas may not have a place to live or food to eat.然而竹林正变得越来越小。因此,熊猫可能无处生存,无以为食。【点拨】(1)become smaller and smaller 意为“变得越来越小”,smaller and smaller为“比较级+and+比较级”结构,该结构常用来表示“越来越”。When spring comes,the weather gets warmer and warmer.当春天来临的时候,天气变得越来越暖和。(2)as a result 意为“结果,因此”。He got up late today.As a result,he missed the first bus.他今天起晚了。结果没赶上首班车。核心考点聚焦【典例】(1)2018铜仁 I talked with my little uncle on the computer last night.The Internet makes the world.A.small and small B.smaller and smallerC.small and smaller D.smaller and small(2)2018东台模拟 He did not make a careful preparation before the interview last week.,he failed to get the job.A.By the way B.As a resultC.To tell the truth D.In fact【拓展】as a result of为介词短语,后接名词、代词等,意为“由于”,相当于because of。The train was delayed as a result of the heavy rain.由于大雨,火车晚点了。核心考点聚焦BB Many birds live in Zhalong all year round,while some go there only for a short stay.许多鸟常年生活在扎龙,而有些鸟仅去那儿作短暂停留。【点拨】(1)all year round意为“一年到头;全年,常年”,相当于the whole year或all the year round。The tree is green all(the)year round.这棵树全年都是绿色的。(2)句中while 意为“却;但是;而”,表示前后两种情况的对比。He likes singing while his sister likes dancing.他喜欢唱歌,而他的妹妹喜欢跳舞。核心考点聚焦【典例】A stupid man tells a woman to shut up,a wise man tells her that her mouth is quite beautiful when it is closed.A.unless B.sinceC.while D.when【拓展】all day long 整天all night long 整夜all winter long 整个冬天核心考点聚焦C核心考点聚焦语法结构1.掌握情态动词may的用法。详见P122,语法专题(九)2.掌握动词不定式作宾语的用法。详见P124,语法专题(十)3.掌握动词不定式作目的状语和宾语补足语的用法。详见P124,语法专题(十).单项选择1.2018盐都一模 Jack recommended some foreign movies to me,but was to my taste.A.nothing B.no one C.anything D.none2.Tom keeps exercising every morning.,hes a bit lighter than before.A.As a resultB.As a result of C.So that D.In order that3.Farmers have become in our hometown in recent years.A.more and more rich B.richer and richerC.more rich and more rich D.more richer and richer4.The law prevents businessmen doing trade between countries freely.A.by B.of C.against D.from当堂效果检测DABD5.This kind of sweaters looks and sells.A.beautifully;well B.beautiful;wellC.beautifully;good D.beautiful;good6.Would you please see the film Aquaman(海王)with me tonight,Kate?Id love to,but Ive Lindas invitation to dinner.A.suffered B.earned C.received D.accepted7.There is no way of knowing why one man makes an important discovery another man,also smart,fails.A.since B.if C.as D.while 8.If we keep taking the land,the farmers will have nowhere.A.living B.to live C.live D.lived 当堂效果检测BDDB.根据句意和汉语提示写出单词,完成句子 1.(令人遗憾地),Tim didnt pass the exam.2.It is raining so hard.We have to stay at home.We have(无处)to go.3.They are building more(保护区)for wild animals.4.You dont know what danger they are(面临).5.“It rains dogs and cats”(意味着)that the rain is very heavy.当堂效果检测Sadlynowherereserves facing means6.2018泰州一模 The story (主要地)tells us that if we try our best,we will succeed.7.If you get(迷路的)in the forest,you can tell the directions with a compass.8.My grandpa doesnt like to sleep with the windows (关闭).9.Many old people,like my grandma,like(节省)money.10.2018大丰一模 Smoking in public is against the (法律)in some countries.当堂效果检测mainlylostclosedsavinglaw .根据句意用所给单词的适当形式填空1.In the(begin),I didnt listen to the teacher in class.2.Dont you know the (important)of saving water?3.Hawking was a great scientist whose(die)is a really big loss to all of us.4.Sometimes,a persons whole life is (easy)changed by something unexpected.5.Id like to buy your house if you are willing to(sale)it.6.The twins decided(not go)to the cinema with the bad guys.7.As time goes by,my grandmother cant see as(clear)as she used to.8.In some ways,(human)are dangerous to animals.当堂效果检测beginningimportanceeasilydeathsellnot to goclearlyhumans


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