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SectionA七年级人教新目标上册七年级人教新目标上册Unit 1My names Gina.Introduce yourself 自我介绍自我介绍Greet people 问候他人问候他人Ask for telephone number 询问电话号码询问电话号码Give telephone number 给出电话号码给出电话号码Language goals:Whats this in English?clock Whats this in English?backpackWhats this in English?hatWhats this in English?basketball Whats this in English?bookWhats this in English?fishWhats this in English?windowWhats this in English?dustbin How many other words do you know in this picture?Write them down!LOGOballfishbagbookrulerwindow1b.Listen and number the conversations.A:Whats your name?B:Alan.A:Hello!Im Mary.B:Hi,Mary!Im Jim.A:My names jenny.B:Im Gina.Nice to meet you!2131c.Pairwork:Practice the conversations above.Im Gina.Nice to meet you!Conversation 1My name is Jenny.Hello!ImMary.Hi,Mary!Im Jim.Conversation 2Whats your name?Alan.Conversation 32a.Listen to the conversations and number the pictures.3 1 2 4 Conversation 1:Tony:Hello.Whats _ name?Jenny:_ names Jenny.Tony:Im Tony.Jenny:Nice to _ you,Tony.yourMymeetListening textConversation 2:A:Whats _ name?(他的他的)B:_ name _ Tony.A:And whats _ name?(她的她的)B:_ name _ Jenny.hisHisHerisherisConversation 3A:Excuse me,_ you Mark?B:Yes,I _.A:I am Bob._ to meet you.B:Nice to _ you,_.areamNicemeettooConversation 4:Teacher:Good _,boys and girls.My name _ Linda._ your name?Jim:My name _ Jim.Teacher:And _ your name?Mary:My name is Mary.morningisWhatsiswhats2b.Listen again and circle the names you hear.Tony Tom Jenny Bob Mike Jim 2c.Pairwork 结对活动结对活动 A:Hello!Whats your name?B:My names A:ImB:Nice to meet you!Practice the conversations.练习下面的对话练习下面的对话。GinaMaryJimJennyAlanA:Whats her name?B:Her name isA:Whats his name?B:His name is A:Whats his/her name?B:His/Her name is Whats his name?His name is _.Yao MingFirst name:MingLast name:YaoWhats his name?His name is _.Zhou JielunFirst name:JielunLast name:ZhouWhats his name?His names _.Tian LiangFirst name:LiangLast name:TianWhats her name?Her name is _.Zhao WeiFirst name:Last name:WeiZhaoWhats her name?Her name is _.Li WenFirst name:Last name:LiWenZhang Lilast name=family name(姓姓)first name=given name(名名)What is a first name?What is a last name?名字名字:first name=given name姓氏姓氏:last name =family name Liu Xianglast namefirst nameBill Gatesfirst name=given name(名名)last name=family name(姓姓)Michael Jordanfirst namelast nameMr GreenMrs Green Jim GreenThe Green familyThe Zhang FamilyNotes:Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms+last nameFor example:Her name is Cindy White.We call her Miss White.The old man is John Smith.We can call him Mr Smith.3a.Read the list of names.Write F for first name and L for last name.1.Tony F2.Green L3.Miller L4.Mingming F5.Gina F6.Jack F7.Smith L8.Brown L9.Zhang L10.Mary F3b.Fill in the chart.Boys Girls first name last namefirst name last nmeJack Tony Smith Green Mary Gina MingmingMillerBrown Zhang 4.Name game Questions Answers Whats your name?My name is Jenny.Im Jenny.Whats his name?His names Tony.Whats her name?Her names Gina.Grammar FocusWhats what is Im I amnames name is Attention!Explanation pron.我的我的my是是I(我我)的所有格。类似的还有的所有格。类似的还有his(他的他的),her(她的她的),your(你的你的),their(他们的他们的),its(它的它的)。如:。如:My name is Jane.我的名字叫简。我的名字叫简。2.nice adj.开心的开心的,愉快的。如:愉快的。如:Nice to meet you.很高兴见到你。很高兴见到你。3.hello interj.喂喂 hello一般可作为同学、同事、熟人以及朋友一般可作为同学、同事、熟人以及朋友间的打招呼用语,语气较随便间的打招呼用语,语气较随便,意为意为“您您好好”;也可用作唤起注意也可用作唤起注意,如打电话或路上碰如打电话或路上碰见熟人时见熟人时,都可以说都可以说hello。相当于中文里的相当于中文里的“喂喂”,在表示问候和唤起在表示问候和唤起注意时注意时,可用可用hi代替代替hello,前者显得更随便。前者显得更随便。如:如:Hello/Hi,Bruce!你好!你好,布鲁斯!布鲁斯! v.遇见遇见;相逢。如:相逢。如:Lets meet for dinner.让我们相聚吃晚饭吧让我们相聚吃晚饭吧!5.动词动词be的自述的自述 我叫动词我叫动词be,别看个子小别看个子小,本领可不少本领可不少,句中会变形句中会变形,大家要区分大家要区分:I后后am,you 后后are,is跟着他、她、它跟着他、她、它,单数后面用单数后面用is,复数后面一定用复数后面一定用are。6.first name 名字名字 last name 姓氏姓氏 first name与与given name同义同义,last name 与与 family name同义。同义。Her name is Mary Smith;her family name is Smith.她的姓名是玛丽她的姓名是玛丽史密斯史密斯,史密斯是她史密斯是她 的姓。的姓。1.1.人称代词:人称代词:在英语中在英语中,表示人称代词的有表示人称代词的有I(我我),you(你你),he(他他),she(她她),it(它它),we(我们我们),you(你们你们),they(他们他们/她们她们/它们它们)。我们已经学到的人称代词有我们已经学到的人称代词有:I,you,he,She,it;如如:I am Frank.You are Gina.He is Bob.She is Alice.It is a pen.Grammar2.物主代词:物主代词:在英语中在英语中,物主代词分为形容词性物主代词和物主代词分为形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词名词性物主代词,表示形容词性物主代词的有表示形容词性物主代词的有my(我的我的),your(你的你的),his(他的他的),her(她她),its(它它),our(我们的我们的),your(你们的你们的),their(他们他们/她们她们/它们的它们的)。我们已经学到的物主代词有我们已经学到的物主代词有:my,your,his,her;如如:My name is Frank.Your name is Gina.His name is Bob.Her name is Helen.Grammar3.系动词:系动词:英语中英语中,有一表示有一表示“是是”的概念的动词的概念的动词be,它不表示它不表示具体的动作或行为具体的动作或行为,只是在句中起着联系主语和只是在句中起着联系主语和表语的作用表语的作用,所以我们叫它所以我们叫它“联系动词联系动词”,也称也称“系系动词动词”。be在现在时中有三种形式在现在时中有三种形式,分别是分别是am,is,are.be的形式依主语的不同而发生变化的形式依主语的不同而发生变化,如表:如表:Grammar主语主语系动词系动词(be)第一人称单数第一人称单数(I)am第二人称单数第二人称单数(you)are第三人称单数第三人称单数(he,she,it)is 复数人称复数人称(they)are如如:I am a student.我是一个学生。我是一个学生。You are a good boy.你是一个好男孩。你是一个好男孩。She is a good girl.她是一个好女孩。她是一个好女孩。It is a black pen.这是一支黑钢笔这是一支黑钢笔 My name is Jim.我的名字是吉姆。我的名字是吉姆。Where are Eric and Bob?埃里克和鲍勃在哪里埃里克和鲍勃在哪里?They are my friends.他们是我的朋友。他们是我的朋友。1._ name is Harry._ name is Potter.根据提示完成句子。根据提示完成句子。Harry PotterHis first His last 2.-Whats _ name?-Hanks.And his _ name is Tom.first his last Tom Hanks3.-Hi,Alice!_ this _ English?-_a _.4.-_ that in _?-_ a_.Whats inWhats EnglishIts bookIts penHello!/Hi!Good morning.Good afternoon.Good evening.Nice to meet you.How do you do?How are you?Good morning.Hello!/Hi!How do you do?Good afternoon.Fine,thanks.Good evening.Nice to meet you,too.Match the greeting sentences on the left with the correct answers on the right.Tony:Hello.Whats _ name?Jenny:My _ Jenny.Tony:_ Tony.Jenny:Nice to meet you,Tony.Complete the conversations with the words in the box.Im is name names his youryournamesIm Bill:Whats _ name?Maria:His _ is Tony Bill:And whats her _?Maria:Her name _ Jenny.hisnamenameis1.抄写单词三遍抄写单词三遍.2.录音模仿对话录音模仿对话2a.3.收集或画你最喜欢的人的图片,收集或画你最喜欢的人的图片,并在下面写上并在下面写上:Her/His name is Homework


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