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住在富人区的她考研考博-英语-黑龙江旅游职业技术学院考研模拟卷【3套】含答案详解(图片大小可任意调节)全文为Word可编辑,若为PDF皆为盗版,请谨慎购买!第一卷一.单项选择题(共100题)1.Wanen Buffett,who will host Berkshire Hathaways annual shareholdersmeeting on May 3rd,is an icon of American capitalism.At 83,he also epitomhes a sLriking demographic 1:for highly skilled people to go on working well int0 2 was once thought to be old age.Across the rich world,well-educated people 3 work longer than the less-skilled.Some 65%of American men aged 62-74 with a professional deUee are in the 4,compared with 3290 0f men with only a high-school certificate.In the European Union Lhe pattern is similar.This 5 is part of a deepening divide between the well-educated 6 and the unskiUed poor that is slicing 7 all age groups.Rapid innovation has raised the incomes of the highly skilled while 8 those of the unskilled.Those 8t the cop are working longer hours each year than those at the bottom.9 the well-qualified are extending their working lives,compared with those ofless-educated people.The 10,for indrviduals and society,are profound.The world is on the 11 rise in the number of old people,and they will live longer than ever before.12 the next 20 years the global population of those aged 65 or more will almost double,from 600m to 1.1 billion.The 13 of the 20th century,when greater longevity translated into more years in retirement 14 more years at work,has persuaded many observers that this shift will 15 slower economic growth andsecular stagnation,while the 16 ranks of pensioners will bust government budgets.But the notion of a sharp division between the working young and the 17 0ld misses a new trend,the 18 gap between the skilled and the unskilled.Employment rates are falling among younger unskiUed people,19 0lder skilled folk are working longer.The divide is most extreme in America,where well-educated baby-boomers are 20 retirement while many less-skilled youn-ger people have dropped out of the workforce.8选?A.decliningB.squeezingC.depressingD.suppressing答案:B 本题解析:动词辨析题。文章不断强调受过高等教育的入和缺乏技能的人之间的差距,该句继续表达这样的观点:Rapid innovation has raised the incomes of the highly skilled while 8 those of the unskilled.其中while-词表示“而”,强调比较、对比,故前后的内容应该对立相反也就是说上下文会出现反义词。上文说“快速的创新提高了高技术群体的收入”,其中raise“提高”为关键词,该空对应填人相反的词,肯定是“降低”之类的词。选项Adeclining“下降”,该项看似正确,但是decline表示“下降”时为不及物动词,故排除该项。Cdepressing强调“压抑,使沮丧”,与收入不搭配;Dsuppressing强调“镇压”,显然也与收入不搭,故排除这两项。Bsqueezing表示“挤压,压榨”,符合语义,故本题答案为B。2.Text 1 It is curious that Stephen Koziatek feels almost as though he has to justify his efforts to give his students a better future.Mr.Koziatek is part of something pioneering.He is a teacher at a New Hampshire high school where learning is not something of books and tests and mechanical memorization,but practical.When did it become accepted wisdom that students should be able to name the 13th president of the United States but be utterly overwhelmed by a broken bike chain?As Koziatek know,there is learning in just about everything.Nothing is necessarily gained by forcing students to learn geometry at a graffitied desk stuck with generations of discarded chewing gum.They can also learn geometry by assembling a bicycle.But hes also found a kind of insidious prejudice.Working with your hands is seen as almost a mark of inferiority.School in the family of vocational education“have that stereotype.that its for kids who cant make it academically,”he says.On one hand,that viewpoint is a logical product of Americas evolution.Manufacturing is not the economic engine that it once was.The job security that the US economy once offered to high school graduates has largely evaporated.More education is the new principle.We want more for our kids,and rightfully so.But the headlong push into bachelors degrees for alland the subtle devaluing of anything lessmisses an important point:Thats not the only thing the American economy needs.Yes,a bachelors degree opens more doors.But even now,54 percent of the jobs in the country are middle-skill jobs,such as construction and high-skill manufacturing.But only 44 percent of workers are adequately trained.In other words,at a time when the working class has turned the country on its political head,frustrated that the opportunity that once defined America is vanishing,one obvious solution is staring us in the face.There is a gap in working-class jobs,but the workers who need those jobs most arent equipped to do them.Koziateks Manchester School of Technology High School is trying to fill that gap.Koziateks school is a wake-up call.When education becomes one-size-fits-all,it risks overlooking a nations diversity of gifts.The authors attitude toward Koziateks school can be described as_A.supportiveB.tolerantC.disappointedD.cautious答案:A 本题解析:这是一道态度题,放在最末的态度题更倾向于到最后一段找答案。通过定位词Koziateks school看到最后一段也确实提到了,说它是一个wake-up call。也就是在唤醒人们教育不应该是统一的形式,这样会overlooking a nations diversity of gifts,也就是忽视人才的差异性。所以可以看出作者是支持的态度。3.Text 2 No wonder they are calledpatients.When people enter the health-care systems of rich countries today,they know what they will get:prodding doctors,endless tests,rising costs and,above all,long waits.Some stoicism will always be needed,because health care is complex and diligence matters.But frustration is boiling over.This week three of the biggest names in American business-Amazon,Berkshire Hathaway and JPMorgan Chase-announced a new venture to provide better,cheaper health care for their employees.A fundamental problem with todays system is that patients lack knowledge and control.Access to data can bestow both.The intemet already enables patients to seek online consultations when and where it suits them.Yet radical change demands a shift in emphasis,from providers to patients and from doctors to data.That shift is happening.Technologies such as the smartphone allow people to monitor their own health.The possibilities multiply when you add the crucial missing ingredients-access to your own medical records and the ability easily to share information with those you trust.That allows you to reduce inefficiencies in your own treatment and also to provide data to help train medical algorithms.As with all new technologies,pitfalls accompany the promise.Hucksters will launch apps that do not work.But with regulators demanding oversight of apps that present risks to patients,users will harm only their wallets.Not everyone will want to take active control of their own health care;plenty will want the professionals to manage everything.The benefits of new technologies often flow disproportionately to the rich.Those fears are mitigated by the incentives that employers,govemments and insurers have to invest in cost-efficient preventive care for all.Other risks are harder to deal with.Greater transparency may encourage the hale and hearty not to take out health insurance.They may even make it harder for the unwell to find cover.Will the benefits ofmaking data more widely available outweigh such risks?The signs are that they will.Plenty of countries are now opening up their medical records,but few have gone as far as Sweden.It aims to give all its citizens electronic access to their medical records by 2020;over a third of Swedes have already set up accounts.Studies show that patients with such access have a better understanding of their illnesses,and that their treatment is more successful.Trials in America and Canada have produced not just happier patients but lower costs,as clinicians fielded fewer inquiries.That should be no surprise.No one has a greater interest in your health than you do.Trust in Doctor You.Who may gain the most profit of new technology?A.The developersB.The wealthyC.The govemmentsD.The regulators答案:B 本题解析:事实细节题。根据定位词定位到文章第四段,profits为benefits的同义替换,原文指出新技术带来的好处常常过多地流向富人,故B项为正确选项。【干扰排除】由以上分析可知,A项“开发者”、C项“政府”和D项“监管者”均与原文不符,故均排除。4.Text 2 The UK governments decision to shutter plans to build the worlds first tidal lagoon off Swansea Bay is a hard blow for Wales.The tidal lagoon project,had it gone ahead,was expected to create 2,200 jobs,plus more in the supply chain.These are the kinds of jobs that Wales,so damaged by steel and coal closures,needs.But the business secretary,Greg Clark,has decided the country cant have them because they would be too expensive.Welsh politicians have reacted with understandable fury to Mr Clarks announcement,which comes almost exactly 12 months after the government abandoned plans to electrify the railway from Cardiff to Swansea,and just a day after Member of Parliament(MPs)voted to press ahead with another expensive infrastructure project:a third runway at Heathrow.There are some rational reasons to approve of this weeks decision,while regretting its consequences.No one,including the Tidal Lagoon Power company,denied that the electricity produced off the Welsh coast would have cost more than the cheapest renewables,The most recent government auctions saw offshore wind schemes win contracts at record lows of57.50 per megawatt hour,meaning they are within a few pounds of being subsidy-free.But cost is not the only consideration.Otherwise,the government would never have gone ahead with the hugely expensive,risky and uncertain Hinkley Point C nuclear power station.Nor would it have cut subsidies for solar power and onshore wind,as it did in 2015.Those decisions-particularly the promise to curb onshore wind,as the Conservatives did in their 2015 manifest0,despite poll after poll showing that a majority of the public prefers wind and solar to nuclear-were ideological.In a City speech this March,Mr Clark praised business for puttingevidence before ideology.It is welcome that the secretary of state says this is his own approach.Too many of his Conservative colleagues remain too strongly attached to fossil fuels,including the prospect of a whole new shale gas industry.As the price of renewables continues to fall,they will surely lose the argument.With Mr Clark in charge,the hope is that onshore wind and solar subsidies may soon return-though too late for UK companies that could have developed and profited from the technology had we not given up on it long before the renewables boom.Yet the government is planning more nuclear power stations,including one in Wales.Different rules seem to apply for different technologies.It looks like a Tory government in Westminster snubbed Welsh Labours pet project.Backers of the tidal project felt shut out by ministers.Wave energy lobbyists perhaps dont have the firepower in Whitehall that others can muster.Mr Clark might have relied on the evidence to make a tough call not to back a new,green technology.But its hard to shake off the impression that the decision was one rooted in the partisan politics of self-interest.Which of the following is true oHinkley Point C,according to Paragraph 4?A.It is a safer choice than solar and wind power plansB.It goes against the interests of Conservative partyC.11 is less welcomed by the public than renewable programsD.It promises to bring huge gains to British people答案:C 本题解析:信息锁定第四段句列出“潮汐项目被拒不只因为成本高”的依据:欣克利角C核电站耗资巨大,但也得以推进;太阳能和向岸风能项目成本低,却遭资金削减。句破折号揭示这些决议内情:保守党抑风能扬核能,无视民众对风能太阳能即可再生能源的支持,综上判断C.正确。解题技巧A.和D.利用“政府最终支持该核电站”干扰,但前者与句risky ancl unccrtain(风险大、没把握)矛盾;后者从hugely一词捕风捉彤编造核电站利润前景好,而文中并未提及。B.将文中“可再生能源遭保守党打压”反向曲解为核电站违背保守党利益。5.Being a good parent is,of course,what every parent would like to be.But defining what it means to be a good parent is undoubtedly very_1_,particularly since children respond differently to the same style of parenting.A calm,rule-following child might respond better to a different sort of parenting than,_2_,a younger sibling._3_,theres another sort of parent thats a bit easier to_4_:a patient parent.Children of every age benefit from patient parenting.Still,_5_every parent would like to be patient,this is no easy_6_.Sometimes parents get exhausted and frustrated and are unable to maintain a_7_and composed style with their kids.I understand this.Youre only human,and sometimes your kids can_8_you just a little too far.And then the_9_happens:You lose your patience and either scream at your kids or say something that was a bit too_10_and does nobody any good.You wish that you could_11_the clock and start over.Weve all been there._12_,even though its common,its important to keep in mind that in a single moment of fatigue,you can say something to your child that you may_13_for a long time.This may not only do damage to your relationship with your child but also_14_your childs self-esteem.If you consistently lose your_15_with your kids,then you are inadvertently modeling a lack of emotional control for your kids.We are all becoming increasingly aware of the_16_of modeling tolerance and patience for the younger generation.This is a skill that will help them all throughout life.In fact,the ability to emotionally regulate or maintain emotional control when_17_by stress is one of the most important of all lifes skills.Certainly,its incredibly_18_to maintain patience at all times with your children.A more practical goal is to try,to the best of your ability,to be as tolerant and composed as you can when faced with_19_situations involving your children.I can promise you this:As a result of working toward this goal,you and your children will benefit and_20_from stressful moments feeling better physically and emotionally.17选?A.cheatedB.defeatedC.confusedD.confronted答案:D 本题解析:本题考查动宾搭配,根据本题语境,“事实上,在.压力时情绪调节或维持情绪控制的能力是所有生活技能中最重要的一项”,压力前面应该搭配“面对”故选择confronted其他的cheated欺骗,defeated打败,confused困惑均不符合。6.Text 3 It is a good time to be a fisherman.The global fish-price index of the UNs Food and Agricultural Organization(FAO)hit a record high in May.Changing consumer diets,particularly in China,explain much of the sustained upward movement.High oil prices,which increase the cost of fishing and transportation,also add to the price of putting fish on Lhe table.Not all fish are creaLed equal,however.There are two types of fish production:capture(or wild)andaquaculture(or farmed).And they seem to be on different tracks.Fish such as tuna,the majority of which is cau;ht wild,saw much bigger price increases than salmon,which is easier to farm.Overall,the FAOs price index for wild fish nearly doubled between 1990 and 2012,whereas the one for farmed fish rose by only a fifth.What explains this big difference?The amount of wild fish captured globally has barely changed in the past two decades.The ceiling,of about 90m tonnes a year,seems to have been reached at the end of the 1980s.Overfishing is one reason,as is the limited room for produclivity growth,particularly if consumers want high quality.Patrice Guillotreau of the University of Nantes tells the story of a fleet in France that decided to trawl,rather than line-catch,its tuna.It braughi more back to shore,but the fish were damaged.It could not be sold as high-value fillets and was only good for canning.The old ways of catching fish are still best if you want the highest profits,says Mr CuiUotreau.In contrast,the farmed-fish industry continues to make productivity improvements.Fish farms have found crafty ways to use lower quantities of fish meal as feed.In the early days of aquaculture,it could take up to ten pounds of wild fish to produce one pound of salmon.Now the number is down to five.That may still be an inefficient use of protein,but the ratio is set to improve further.Fish farms have also become more energy-efficient,meaning that they are less affected by higher energy pnces.And they have learned how to handle diseases beUer,reducing the quanlity of fish that ends up being unsellable.As a resuli of all these improvements,the global production of farmed fish,measured in tonnes,now exceeds the producUon of beef.Output is likely to continue growing:the FAO estimates thal by 2020 it will reach six times its I990 level.The most suitable title for the text is_A.Wild Fish:Demand Decides PriceB.The Rising Price of Rare Wild FishC.Ffumed Fish:Making ImprovementsD.The Prices of Fishes:Rising Differently答案:D 本题解析:主旨题。文章首段引出话题:全球鱼类价格上涨。第二段指出:并非所有鱼类都涨幅相同,并引出野生鱼和养殖鱼这两个种类接下来几段分别讨论野生鱼和养殖鱼上涨幅度不同的原因。选项AWild Fish:Demand Decides Price“野生鱼:需求决定价格”;该项突出讨论野生鱼全文只有第三、四两段突出讨论野生鱼,该项属于片面选项,故排除。BThe Rising Pnce of Rare Wild Fish“稀有野生鱼价格上涨”;该项同样突出野生鱼,与A-样为片面选项。CFarmed Fish:Making Improvements“养殖鱼:不断进步”;该项突出养殖鱼,而文章只有第五、六段重点讨论养殖鱼,该项同属于片面选项,故排除。DThe Price of Fishes:Rising Differently“鱼类价格:上涨幅度不同”;该项符合文章主旨,尤其risinS differently强调了不同鱼类涨幅不同,故该项为答案。7.Weighing ourser egulay s aoneru way 1o stay aware or any sginant wegt ncuatoros(1),whendone too often,this habit can sometimes hurt more thatit(2)As for me,weighing myself every day caused ma to shift my focus from being generally healthy and physicaly active to focusing(3)on the scale.That was bad to my overall fitness goals.|had gained weight in the form of muscle mass,but thinking onlyof(4)the number on the scale,|altered my training program.That conflicted with how|needed to trainto(5)my goals.|also found that weighing myself daily did not provide an accurate(6)of the hard work and progress|was making in the gym.It takes about three weeks to a month to notice any significant changes in your weight(7)altering your training program.The most(8)changes will be observed in skill level,strength and inches lost.For these(9)|stopped weighing myself every day and switched to a bimonthly weighing schedule(10).since weight lIoss is not my goal,it is less important for me to(11)my weight each week.Weighing every otherweek allows me to observe and(12)any significant weight changes.That tells me whether Ineed to(13)my training program.|use my bimonthly weight-in(14)to get information about my nutrition as well.If my training intensity remains the same,but Im constantly(15)and dropping weight,thisisa(16)that|need to increase my daily caloric intake.The(17)to stop weighing myself every day has done wonders for my overall health,fitness and well-being.Im experiencing increased zeal for working out since|no longer carry the burdenofa(18)morning weigh-in.Ive also experienced greater success in achieving my specific fitness goals.(19)Im training according to those goals,not the numbers on a scale.Rather than(20)over the scale,turn your focus to how you kook,feel,how you clothes fit and your overall energy level.5选?A.modifyB.setC.reviewD.reach答案:D 本题解析:暂无解析8.When Andrew Chadwick-Jones,a management consultant with Oliver Wyman in London,went to pitch to a private-equity firm late last year,he l.the usual:about 20 minutes and a brisk attitude.He was surprised to find the private-equity people 2 explaining their strategy,3 introductions to senior staff and being more open and friendly.4 money and deals are scarce,theyve got to be nicer to all the people they 5 with,in case they might help bring business in future,he says.Rudeness is out,and civility is the new 6 in an uncertain world.On Wall Street,says a banker,its now all about charm and openness and taking time with people.Cocky young things StTaight 7 the best business schools have stopped skipping interview appointments,recruiters say,and there is much less 8 peoples shoulders at drinks parties,reporis one veteran.Many people,fearful for theirjobs,are trying to burnish their contacts at other firms.The change in tone also 9 an upheaval in the balance of 10 between companies.11 the crisis,says Michel Pretie,head of investment banking at Societe Generale in Paris,he would go and see a senior chief executive with a mergers-and-acquisitions 12,get in for a short


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