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住在富人区的她考研考博-英语-厦门华天涉外职业技术学院考研模拟卷【3套】含答案详解(图片大小可任意调节)全文为Word可编辑,若为PDF皆为盗版,请谨慎购买!第一卷一.单项选择题(共100题)1.Students ofmanagement theory have long l what constitutes the worst kind of book-the CEO autobiography or the management tome that promises to 2 the secrets ofbusiness 3 0ne syllable.But inManagement in 10 WordsSir Terry Leahy,a former boss of Tesco,has performed a remarkable act of alchemy:combining two dismal forms to.4 an excellent book-a veritable management page-turner that has interesting things to say about everything from the evolution of British society to the art of 5 huge organisations.Sir Terry is an example of a type of Briton that is becoming increasingly 6:a working-class boy made 7 by dint of quick wits and hard work.A scholarship to a local public school and a taste for the grocery business 8 him with a ladder up:he started his career stacking shelves at Tesco and ended 9 as CEO for 14 years.When Sir Terry was 10 to the top job,Tesco was struggling in third place in Britains supermarket hierarchy behind Sainsburys and Marks&Spencer.Rumour had it that a tobacco company had toyed with buying the supermarket but 11 the idea believing it would be bad for the brand.Today Tesco is Britains largest private employer and the third-largest supermarket in the world,12 in 14 countries and offering banking and insurance 13 fruit and vegetables.Sir Terry argues that the secret has been 14 innovation.Tesco introduced loyalty cards in order to 15 information on its customers and encourage them to keep coming back.And the trove of customer information provided by the loyalty card eased Tescos entry_16 banking and e-commerce.17,Sir Terry readily 18 that there is no science to management:he got the 19 for one of Tescos most successful innovations-small stores in town centres-from visiting a wholesaler and 20 how much business it was doing selling to small shops.18选?A.admitsB.believesC.claimsD.predicates答案:A 本题解析:动词辨析题。本题考查动词,关键点是动词和后面的宾语从句的动宾搭配。文章讲到that there iS no science to management:he got thefor one ofTescos most successful innovations-small stores in town centres,根据该句,该空应该填人已经成为事实的动词,与上下文相符,故A项为正确选项。【干扰排除】B项“相信”通常是主观相信某事是真的,与文意不符,故排除;c项“声称”和D项“预言”都不符合文章的意思,故均排除。2.Text 4 Consuming high-quality plant foods such as whole grains,fruits,vegetables,nuts and legumes may substantially lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes,researchers including one of Indian-origin have claimed.This study highlights that even moderate dietary changes in the direction of a healthful plant-based diet can play a significant role in the prevention of type 2 diabetes,said Ambika Satija from Harvard T.H.Chan School of Public Health in the US.These findings provide further evidence to support current dietary recommendations for chronic disease prevention,she said.While previous studies have found links between vegetarian diets and improved health outcomes,including reduced risk of type 2 diabetes,this new study is the first to make distinctions between healthy plant-based diets and less healthy ones that include things like sweetened foods and beverages,which may be detrimental for health.The study also considered the effect of including some animal foods in the diet.Researchers followed more than 200,000 male and female health professionals in the US for more than 20 years who had regularly filled out questionnaires on their diet,lifestyle,medical history,and ncw disease diagnoses as part of three large long-term studies.They evaluated participantsdiets using a plant-based diet index in which they assigned plant-derived foods higher scores and animal-derived foods lower scores.The study found that high adherence to a plant-based diet that was low in animal foods was associated with a 20 percent reduced risk of type 2 diabetes compared with low adherence to such a diet,researchers said.Eating a healthy version of a plant-based diet was linked with a 34 per cent lower diabetes risk,while a less healthy version-including foods such as refrned grains,potatoes,and sugar-sweetened beverages-was linked with a 16 per cent increased risk,they said.Even modestly lowering animal food consumption-for example,from 5-6 servings per day to about 4 servings per day-was linked with lower diabetes incidence,the study found.A shift to a dietary pattern higher in healthful plant-based foods,such as vegetables,fruits,whole grains,legumes,nuts,and seeds,and lower in animal-based foods,especially red and processed meats,can confer substantial health benefits in reducing risk of type 2 diabetes,said Frank Hu from Harvard Chan School.Researchers suggest that healthful plant-based diets could be lowering type 2 diabetes risk because such diets are high in fiber,antioxidants,unsaturated fatty acids,and micronutrients such as magnesium,and are low in saturated fat.Healthy plant foods may also be contributing to a healthy gut microbiome,they said.From the new study,we can infer that_A.sweet fruit juice and beverages are beneficial to our healthB.animal foods should not be included in our diet for the sake of healthC.fried potatoes are healthy food comparing with animal foodsD.eating less meat is helpful to reduce the diabetes incidence答案:D 本题解析:推理判断题。第五段提到“高植物性、低动物性的饮食结构能把患2型糖尿病的风险降低20%”,故D项为正确选项。【干扰排除】第三段中提到,“像甜味食品和饮料,这些可能是有害健康的”,故A项错误;B项过于绝对,且与文意不相符,应排除;C项中的“炸土豆”也不是健康食品。3.Intelligence makes for better leaders-from undergraduates to executives to presidents-according to multiple studies.It certainly l that handling a market shift or legislative logjam requires high cognitive abilities.But new research on leadership suggests that,at a certain point,having a higher io can be viewed as 2.3 previous research has shown that groups with smarter leaders perform better by 4 measures,some studies have 5 that followers might subjectively view leaders with extremely high intellect as less effective.Decades ago Dean Simonton,a psychologist at the University of California,Davis,proposed that brilliant leaderswords may simply go 6 peoples heads,their solutions could be more complicated t0 7 and followers might find it harder to relate to them.Now Simonton and two colleagues have finally 8 that idea.The researchers 9 379 male and female business leaders in 30 countries,10 fields that included banking,retail and technology.The managers took IQ tests,an imperfect but robust 11 0f performance in many areas,and each was rated on leadership style and effectiveness by an average of eight co-workers.10 12 correlated with ratings of leader effectiveness,strategy formation,vision and several other characteristics-up to a point.The ratings peaked at an io of around 120,which is higher than roughly 80 percent of office workers.Beyond that,the ratings 13.The researchers suggest theidealio could be higher or lower in various fields,depending on 14 technical versus social skills are more valued in a(n)15 work culture.Its an interesting and thoughtful paper,says Paul Sackett,a psychology professor at the University of Minnesota,who was not involved in the research.To me,the right interpretation of the work would be that it 16 a need to understand what high-IQ leaders do that 17 to lower perceptions by followers.The wrong interpretation would be,;Dont 18 high-io leaders.,The studys lead author,John Antonakis,a psychologist at the University of Lausanne in Switzerland,suggests leaders should use their intelligence t0 19 creative metaphors that will persuade and inspire others.I think the only way a smart person can signal their intelligence 20 and still connect with the people,Antonakis says,is to speak in charming ways.9选?A.looked atB.called forC.took inD.brought up答案:A 本题解析:本题考查动词短语辨析。空格句指出,研究人员30个国家的379名男性和女性商业领袖。由下文“这些管理者参加了智商测试”可知,这些商业领领袖是研究的受试者,是研究人员的研究对象.A.looked at符合文意。4.Doctors must stop telling patients to finish an entire course of antibiotics because it is driving antimicrobial resistance,and patients should be encouraged to continue taking medication only until they feel better to avoid the overuse of drugs,experts from bodies including Pubtic Health England and the University of Oxford are now advising.Current guidance from the NHS and the World Health Organisation says it is essential tofinish a courseof antibiotics to avoid triggering more virulent forms of disease.But in a new article in the British Medical Journal(BMJ),10 leading experts said the public health message is not backed by evidence and should be dropped.They claim it actually puts the public at greater risk from antimicrobial resistance.Historically,antibiotic courses were driven by fear of undertreatment,with less concern about overuse,said lead author Martin Llewelyn,professor of infectious diseases at Brighton and Sussex Medical School.The idea that stopping antibiotic treatment early encourages antibiotic resistance is not supported by evidence,while taking antibiotics for longer than necessary increases the risk of resistance.We encourage policy makers,educators,and doctors to stop advocatingcomplete the coursewhen communicating with the public.Fears that stopping antibiotics early could trigger more dangerous forms of disease date back to Alexander Fleming who found that bacteria quickly becomeacclimatised to penicillin and patients who take insufficient doses may transmit a more dangerous strain to family members.In his Nobel Prize acceptance speech in 1945,Fleming warned:If you use penicillin,use enough.But in the BMJ article the experts argue that when a patient takes any antibiotics it allows dangerous strains of bacteria to grow on the skin and gut which could cause problems later.The longer the course,the more the resistance builds.They also warn that current guidance ignores the fact that patients often respond differently to the same antibiotic,with some needing longer courses than others.Commenting on the research Alison Holmes,Professor of Infectious Diseases at Imperial College London said it wasastonishingthat doctors still do not know the optimum duration for taking drugs even though a long course raises the risk of bacterial resistance.Thecomplete the coursemessage directly conflicts with the societal messages regarding the changes needed in behaviour and attitudes to minimise unnecessary exposure to anribiotics,she said.However.Professor Helen Stokes-l.ampard.Chair of the Royal College of GPs,said:Recommended courses of antibiotics are not random-they are tailored to individual conditions,and in many cases courses are quite short,for example for urinary tract infections.three days is ofren enough to cure the infection.We are concerned about the concept of patients stopping taking their medication mid-way through a course once iheyfeel better.because improvement in symptoms does not necessarily mean the infection has been completely eradicated.Its important that patients have clear messages and the message to always take the full course of antibioiics is well known-changing this will simply confuse people.Chief medical officer Dame Sally Davies,also said that the message to the public shoulcl remain unchanged until there was further research.National Institute for Health and Care Excellence is currently developing guidance for managing common infections,which will look at all available evidence on appropriate prescribing of antibiotics,she said.The Departmcnt of Health will continue to review the evidence on prescribing and drug resistant infections.As we aim to continue the great progress we have made at home and abroad on this i-ssue.Alexander Fleming cautioned thatA.more studies were required to decide whether to change guldance for using antibiotics to the publicB.enough antibiotics should be used to prevent the spread of deadlier forms of diseaseC.patients under antibiotic treatment had long been worried about overuseD.patients should stop taking antibiotics as soon as they became unnecessary for themE.many advised courses were too short to treat diseases as minor as urinary tract infectionsF.changing thealways complete the coursemessage might bring about confusion to peopleG.doctors were supposed to have known the ideal length of antibiotic treatments答案:B 本题解析:根据题干Alexander Fleming定位至第四段,首句介绍他的发现:服用青霉素(一种抗生素)不足的患者会传播更致命的疾病;第二句他警告:用青霉索,就要用足量;据此可推断:Fleming警告世人服用足量抗生索是为了预防更致命疾病的传播IB.与以上两句一致。5.Now that members of Generation Z are graduating college this springthe most commonly-accepted definition says this generation was bom after 1995,give or take a year-the attention has been rising steadily in recent weeks.GenZs are about to hit the streets looking for work in a labor market thats tighter than its been in decades.And employers are planning on hiring about 17 percent more new graduates for jobs in the U.S.this year than last,according to a survey conducted by the National Association of Colleges and Employers.Everybody wants to know how the people who will soon inhabit those empty office cubicles will differ from those who came before them.Ifentitledis the most common adjective,fairly or not,applied to millennials(those bom between 1981 and 1995),the catchwords for Generation Z are practical and cautious.According to the career counselors and expert who study them,Generation Zs are clear-eyed,economic pragmatists.Despite graduating into the best economy in the past 50 years,Gen Zs know what an economic train wreck looks like.They were impressionable kids during the crash of 2008,when many of their parents lost their jobs or their life savings or both.They aren,t interested in taking any chances.The booming economy seems to have done little to assuage this underlying generational sense of anxious urgency,especially for those who have college debt.College loan balances in the U.S.now stand at a record$1.5 trillion,according to the Federal Reserve.One survey from Accenture found that 88 percent of graduating seniors this year chose their major with a job in mind.In a 2019 survey of University of Georgia students,meanwhile,the career office found the most desirable trait in a future employer was the ability to offer secure employment(followed by professional development and training,and then inspiring purpose).Job security or stability was the second most important career goal(work-life balance was number one),followed by a sense of being dedicated to a cause or to feel good about serving the great good.It can be learned from Paragraph 3 that Generation Zs_.A.care little about their job performanceB.give top priority to professional trainingC.think it hard to achieve work-Life balanceD.have a clear idea about their future job答案:A 本题解析:题目中明确出题段落(from Paragraph 3)。因此,第三段的第一句chose their major with a job in mind(按照自己的理想工作选择专业)和选项D have a clear idea about their future jobs(对自己的未来工作有明确认识)相符合。根据原文中的第二句话(未来雇主最重要的特性是工作的稳定性,第二位是职业发展与培训,第三位是吸引人的目标)排除答案A和B;选项C并未体现。6.Weighing ourser egulay s aoneru way 1o stay aware or any sginant wegt ncuatoros(1),whendone too often,this habit can sometimes hurt more thatit(2)As for me,weighing myself every day caused ma to shift my focus from being generally healthy and physicaly active to focusing(3)on the scale.That was bad to my overall fitness goals.|had gained weight in the form of muscle mass,but thinking onlyof(4)the number on the scale,|altered my training program.That conflicted with how|needed to trainto(5)my goals.|also found that weighing myself daily did not provide an accurate(6)of the hard work and progress|was making in the gym.It takes about three weeks to a month to notice any significant changes in your weight(7)altering your training program.The most(8)changes will be observed in skill level,strength and inches lost.For these(9)|stopped weighing myself every day and switched to a bimonthly weighing schedule(10).since weight lIoss is not my goal,it is less important for me to(11)my weight each week.Weighing every otherweek allows me to observe and(12)any significant weight changes.That tells me whether Ineed to(13)my training program.|use my bimonthly weight-in(14)to get information about my nutrition as well.If my training intensity remains the same,but Im constantly(15)and dropping weight,thisisa(16)that|need to increase my daily caloric intake.The(17)to stop weighing myself every day has done wonders for my overall health,fitness and well-being.Im experiencing increased zeal for working out since|no longer carry the burdenofa(18)morning weigh-in.Ive also experienced greater success in achieving my specific fitness goals.(19)Im training according to those goals,not the numbers on a scale.Rather than(20)over the scale,turn your focus to how you kook,feel,how you clothes fit and your overall energy level.3选?()A.initiallyB.solelyC.occasionallyD.formally答案:B 本题解析:暂无解析7.Text 1 It is curious that Stephen Koziatek feels almost as though he has to justify his efforts to give his students a better future.Mr.Koziatek is part of something pioneering.He is a teacher at a New Hampshire high school where learning is not something of books and tests and mechanical memorization,but practical.When did it become accepted wisdom that students should be able to name the 13th president of the United States but be utterly overwhelmed by a broken bike chain?As Koziatek know,there is learning in just about everything.Nothing is necessarily gained by forcing students to learn geometry at a graffitied desk stuck with generations of discarded chewing gum.They can also learn geometry by assembling a bicycle.But hes also found a kind of insidious prejudice.Working with your hands is seen as almost a mark of inferiority.School in the family of vocational education“have that stereotype.that its for kids who cant make it academically,”he says.On one hand,that viewpoint is a logical product of Americas evolution.Manufacturing is not the economic engine that it once was.The job security that the US economy once offered to high school graduates has largely evaporated.More education is the new principle.We want more for our kids,and rightfully so.But the headlong push into bachelors degrees for alland the subtle devaluing of anything lessmisses an important point:Thats not the only thing the American economy needs.Yes,a bachelors degree opens more doors.But even now,54 percent of the jobs in the country are middle-skill jobs,such as construction and high-skill manufacturing.But only 44 percent of workers are adequately trained.In other words,at a time when the working class has turned the country on its political head,frustrated that the opportunity that once defined America is vanishing,one obvious solution is staring us in the face.There is a gap in working-class jobs,but the workers who need those jobs most arent equipped to do them.Koziateks Manchester School of Technology High School is trying to fill that gap.Koziateks school is a wake-up call.When education becomes one-size-fits-all,it risks overlooking a nations diversity of gifts.The headlong push into bachelors degrees for all_A.helps create a lot of middle-skill jobsB.may narrow the gap in working-class jobsC.is expected to yield a better-trained workforceD.indicates the overvaluing of higher education答案:D 本题解析:这是一道事实细节题,根据题干内容“the headlong push”找到出处是第六段开头But后,发现后面还有一个and.和其并列,所以主要关注对这两部分的评价,后面有明显的标点:冒号出现,冒号后说that is not the only thing the American economy needs.可以看出这句话对前面的否定,选项中只有D选项动词overvalue是负面词,而且提到主题词education。故选D。这道题最适合用感情色彩来排除与D相反的其他三个选项。8.Text 1 Every Saturday morning,at 9 am,more than 50,000 runners set off to run 5km around their local park.The Parkrun phenomenon began with


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