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住在富人区的她考研考博-英语-钟山职业技术学院考研模拟卷【3套】含答案详解(图片大小可任意调节)全文为Word可编辑,若为PDF皆为盗版,请谨慎购买!第一卷一.单项选择题(共100题)1.Why do people read negative Internet comments and do other things that will obviously be painful?Because humans have an inherent need to 1 uncertainty,according to a recent study in Psychological Science.The new research reveals that the need to know is so strong that people will 2 to satisfy their curiosity even when it is clear the answer will 3.In a series of four experiments,behavioral scientists at the University of Chicago and the Wisconsin School of Business tested Students willingness to 4 themselves to unpleasant stimuli in an effort to satisfy curiosity.For one 5,each participant was shown a pile of pens that the researcher claimed were from a previous experiment.The twist?Half of the pens would 6 an electric shock when clicked.Twenty-seven students were told with pens were electrified,another twenty-seven were told only that some were electrified.7 left alone in the room.The students who did not know which ones would shock them clicked more pens and incurred more shocks than the students who knew what would 8 subsequent experiments reproduced,this effect with other stimuli 9 the sound of fingernails on a chalkboard and photographs of disgusting insects.The drive to 10 is deeply rooted in humans.Much the same as the basic drives for 11 or shelter,says Christopher Hsee of the University of Chicago Curiosity is often considered a good instinctit can 12 New Scientific advances,for instancebut sometimes such 13 can backfire,the insight that curiosity can drive you to do 14 things is a profound one.Unhealthy curiosity is possible to 15,however.in a final experiment,participants who were encouraged to 16 how they would feel after viewing an unpleasant picture were less likely to 17 to see such an image.These results suggest that imagining the 18 of following through on ones curiosity ahead of time can help determine 19 it is worth the endeavor.Thinking about long-term 20 is key to reducing the possible negative effects of curiosity.Hsee says.“in other words,dont read online comments”11选?A.payB.marriageC.schoolingD.food答案:C 本题解析:本词与后文的Basic drives的详细说明。与shelter一样都属于人类的基本需求。2.Students ofmanagement theory have long l what constitutes the worst kind of book-the CEO autobiography or the management tome that promises to 2 the secrets ofbusiness 3 0ne syllable.But inManagement in 10 WordsSir Terry Leahy,a former boss of Tesco,has performed a remarkable act of alchemy:combining two dismal forms to.4 an excellent book-a veritable management page-turner that has interesting things to say about everything from the evolution of British society to the art of 5 huge organisations.Sir Terry is an example of a type of Briton that is becoming increasingly 6:a working-class boy made 7 by dint of quick wits and hard work.A scholarship to a local public school and a taste for the grocery business 8 him with a ladder up:he started his career stacking shelves at Tesco and ended 9 as CEO for 14 years.When Sir Terry was 10 to the top job,Tesco was struggling in third place in Britains supermarket hierarchy behind Sainsburys and Marks&Spencer.Rumour had it that a tobacco company had toyed with buying the supermarket but 11 the idea believing it would be bad for the brand.Today Tesco is Britains largest private employer and the third-largest supermarket in the world,12 in 14 countries and offering banking and insurance 13 fruit and vegetables.Sir Terry argues that the secret has been 14 innovation.Tesco introduced loyalty cards in order to 15 information on its customers and encourage them to keep coming back.And the trove of customer information provided by the loyalty card eased Tescos entry_16 banking and e-commerce.17,Sir Terry readily 18 that there is no science to management:he got the 19 for one of Tescos most successful innovations-small stores in town centres-from visiting a wholesaler and 20 how much business it was doing selling to small shops.10选?A.appointedB.assignedC.designatedD.constituted答案:A 本题解析:动词辨析题。根据本文When Sir Terry was to the top job,Tesco was struggling in third place in Britains supermarket hierarchy behind Sainsburys and Marks&Spencer.(当Terry爵士这个最高职位时,乐购在英国超市中排名第三,仅次于Sainsburs和玛莎百货。)appoint后面多跟职位一类的名词,故A项为正确选项。【干扰排除】B项assigned后面多跟具体的工作top job不是具体的工作,故排除;c项designated常与as连用表示“指派”,不符合文意,故排除;D项constituted作“任命”讲时,用法与designated基本相同,只是constituted的另一个意思“构成”用得比较多,故排除。3.Text 3 According to the old saw,anyone who wishes to maintain respect for sausages and laws should not see how either are made.Congress has just finished validating that saying by engaging in the sorry every-five-years exercise known as drafting a farm bill.This mess of subsidies and regulations claims to protect U.S.agriculture,not just from the vagaries of pests,crop diseases and weather but also from the ups and downs of the free market itself.Inevitably,the farm bill showers benefits on well-to-do business owners who dont need or deserve taxpayer help under the cover of deliberately obscure terms such asfederal milk marketing orders.Its true that farm income has dropped in each of the past four years because of falling commodity prices,but Congress showered agribusiness with taxpayer largesse when incomes reached all-time highs a half-decade ago,too.Clumsy manipulation by government probably exacerbates market swings.Where is it written that this one sector deserves federally guaranteed profitability?You will hear a Iot about the need for food security,but its mostly nonsense:A mere 6.3 percent of Americansconsumer expenditures were on food consumed at home in 2016,according to the Agriculture Department.This was easily the lowest percentage in the world,as it has been for many years.Even in the wildly unlikely event it doubled,wed still be better off than developed countries such as Sweden and France.If Congress really wanted to help farmers,it would do something to stop President Trumps trade war,which has provoked retaliatory tarifs by many countries against U.S.farm exports.This years process has introduced a new level of ugliness to this inherently unlovely law.The House version of the farm bill,passed with Republican votes only,would add a work requirement to the governments largest food aid program for the poor,the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program,or SNAP.Helping poor people buy groceries is the main way the farm bill actually enhances food security;for decades,linking SNAP to farm subsidies in a single bill has been the price of urban lawmakerssupport for rural corporate welfare.Mr.Trump applauded the measure,which would make most adult SNAP recipients(up to 7 million people)spend 20 hours per week either working or participating in a state-run training program as a condition of receiving benefits,which at present average$125 per month to 42.3 million Americans.Democratic representatives,mostly from urban America,and several Republicans,too,recoiled.Correctly,they cited the bills insufficient funding for training programs,as well as the added paperwork and administrative burden.They might also have noted the bills juxtaposition of tougher eligibility criteria for the poor with continued sugar price supports for agribusinesses in the South and Midwest.A large bipartisan majority of the Senate rejected the work requirement,which may mean that it cant survive the conference committee.The mere fact that it has gotten this far,however,tells you something about farm-bill politics in general and the priorities of the Republican House in particular.The author holds that agricultural industry in the U.S_A.keeps growing over the last five yearsB.puts too much stress on food securityC.receives subsidies more than necessaryD.needs to boost home consumersdemand答案:C 本题解析:信息锁定第二段首句指此次法案极大惠及了那些根本无需纳税人资助(即政府补贴)的富有企业主;随后论述法案的不合理:虽然农业收入近年有所降低,但五年前收入达历史峰值时也同样惠及了这些企业主。第三段以反诘强调看法“没有哪个部门理应被确保盈利”,随后进一步论证“(退一步说)补贴也根本用不到所谓的粮食安全上”综上可知,“农业部门补贴实际超出必要”,C.正确。解题技巧A.利用第二段句信息a half-decade设陷,事实上与“收入四年来每年都在降低”矛盾。B.从第三段句mostly nonsense臆测“粮食安全毫无担心的必要”,而实际上冒号后解释”为何基于改善粮食安全的补贴没意义(可算人们在家中就餐可以保证买到的粮食安全,但在外实际保证不了,而在外比例高达九成多)”依然在论证“农业补贴纯屈浪费”。D.把第三段句food consumed at home曲解为“在国内本土消费的食品”,并添加“刺激需求”这一建议。4.Robots came into the world as a literary device whereby the writers and film-makers of the early 20th centu0could explore their hopes and fears about technology,as the era of the automobile,telephone and aeroplane picked up its reckless jazz-age speed.From Fritz Langs Metropolis and Isaac Asimovs l,Robot to WALL-E and the Terrnirator films,and in countless repetitions in between,they have succeeded admirably in their task.41.Since moving from the page and screen lo real life,robots have been a mild disappointment.They do some things that humans cannot do themselves,like exploring Mars,and a host of things people do not much want to do,like dealing with unexploded bombs or vacuuming floors.And they are very useful in bits of manufacturing.But reliable robots-especially ones required to work beyond the safety cages of a factory flom-have proved hard to make,and robots are still pretty stupid.So although they fascinate people,they have not yet made much of a mark on the world 42.That seems about to change.The exponential growth in the power of silicon chips,digital sensors and high-bandwidth communications improves robots just as it improves all sorts of other products.And,as our special report this week explains,three other factors are at play.43.One is that robotics R&D is getting easier.New shared standards make good ideas easily porta-ble from one robot platform to another.And accumulated know-how means that building such plat-forms is Setting a lot cheaper.A robot like Rethink Roboticss Baxter,with two arms and a remarkably easy,inLuiLive proyammrng interface,would have been barely conceivable ten years ago.Now you can buy one for$25,000.44.A second factor is investment.The biggest robot news of 2013 was that Goog1e bought eight promising robot startups.Rich and well led and with access to world-beating expertise in cloud computing and artificial intelligence,both highly relevant,Googles robot programme promises the possibility of something spectacular-though no one outside the company knows what that might be.Amazon,too,is betting on robots,both to automate its warehouses and,more speculaLively,to make deliveries by drone.In South Korea and elsewhere companies are movinS robot technology to new areas of manufacturing and other services.Venture capitalists see a much better chance of a profitable exit from a robotics srartup than they used to.45.The third factor is imagination.In the past few years,clever companies have seen ways to make robots work.Now more people will grasp how a robotic attribute such as high precision or fast reac-tions or independent locomotion can be integrated into a profitable business;eventually some of them will build mass markets.Aerial robots-drones-may be in the vanguarcl here.They willlet farmers tend their crops in new ways,give citizens,journalists and broadcasters new perspectives on events big and small,monitor traffic and fires,look for infrastniccure in need of repair and much more besides.43选?A.Robots Come from Lhe MoviesB.Development of Robots Is FastC.Google Enters the Robot IndustryD.Robots Today Are Not Impressive EnouS;h答案:B 本题解析:该段首句为中心句One is that robotics RD is getting easier.“第一,机器人研究与开发变得更容易了。”其中,R&D指research and development“研发”,与之接近的是选项BDevelopmeni of Robots Is Fast机器人发展迅速”,其中development of robots=robotic research and development;is fasL=is geUing easier;故本题答案为B。5.Students ofmanagement theory have long l what constitutes the worst kind of book-the CEO autobiography or the management tome that promises to 2 the secrets ofbusiness 3 0ne syllable.But inManagement in 10 WordsSir Terry Leahy,a former boss of Tesco,has performed a remarkable act of alchemy:combining two dismal forms to.4 an excellent book-a veritable management page-turner that has interesting things to say about everything from the evolution of British society to the art of 5 huge organisations.Sir Terry is an example of a type of Briton that is becoming increasingly 6:a working-class boy made 7 by dint of quick wits and hard work.A scholarship to a local public school and a taste for the grocery business 8 him with a ladder up:he started his career stacking shelves at Tesco and ended 9 as CEO for 14 years.When Sir Terry was 10 to the top job,Tesco was struggling in third place in Britains supermarket hierarchy behind Sainsburys and Marks&Spencer.Rumour had it that a tobacco company had toyed with buying the supermarket but 11 the idea believing it would be bad for the brand.Today Tesco is Britains largest private employer and the third-largest supermarket in the world,12 in 14 countries and offering banking and insurance 13 fruit and vegetables.Sir Terry argues that the secret has been 14 innovation.Tesco introduced loyalty cards in order to 15 information on its customers and encourage them to keep coming back.And the trove of customer information provided by the loyalty card eased Tescos entry_16 banking and e-commerce.17,Sir Terry readily 18 that there is no science to management:he got the 19 for one of Tescos most successful innovations-small stores in town centres-from visiting a wholesaler and 20 how much business it was doing selling to small shops.7选?A.wellB.rightC.goodD.bad答案:C 本题解析:形容词辨析题。根据文章的前后关系a working-class boy made by dint of quick wits and hard work(一个工薪阶层出身的孩子通过机智聪明和艰苦的工作),make good在这里表示“取得成功”,故C项为正确选项。【干扰排除】A项(make)well无此表达方式,故排除;B项(make)right无此表达方式,故排除;D项(make)bad无此表达方式,故排除。6.Text l For more than two centuries,many people have tr/ed to shake that peculiar branch of the tree of knowledge called economics.Perhaps no one has done it better than Richard Thaler,a University of Chicago professor who has challenged the traditional idea that free markets reflect the self-interests of rational individuals.On Oct.9 he was awarded the 2017 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for recognizing that human behavior is very complex.Economic models cannot be easily simplified and must bemore humanby admitting that theories based on sel-interest are not always correct.Indeed,the field of economics has long been overdue for a humility check.Mr.Thaler showed his own lack of arrogance in his response to the question of how he would spend the$1.1 million that comes with the Nobel Prize:I will try to spend it as irrationally as possible.In other fields of knowledge,the fact that people do not always act in their own self-interest is pretty obvious.Yet most economists still rely on Adam Smiths 18th-century notion of markets being guided bythe invisible handof forces driven by people seeking their own well-being.What is often overlooked is that Smith himself was more complex.He also took a noble view of human behavior.He wrote:How selfish soever man may be supposed,there are evidently some principles in his nature,which interest him in the fortune of others,and render their happiness necessary to him,though he derives nothing from it except the pleasure of seeing it.Thalers work largely focuses on why humans often do things contrary to their own good,such as not saving money for retirement.His theories have created a whole new field called behavioral economics,which looks for ways that either governments or companies can,by using suggestions and positive reinforcement,nudgepeople to take action in their long-term interests.Even this new field is subject to a similar critique.Can governments and corporate officials operate any more rationally in trying tonudgepeople whom they deem too irrational?Scholars Richard Reeves and Dimitrios Halikias argue that trying to influence peoples actions is the wrong approach.They suggest that society and its economy are best developed through sel-effective attributes of character,not paternalistic nudges to change behavior.A humane society,they write,is one in which men and women possess the discipline,self-command and personal autonomy needed to live with a sense of purpose and direction.Unlike other Nobel Prizes,the one for economics has been given only since 1969.The field remains fluid in its theories.Perhaps a future prize can go to an economist who can take Thalers ideas even further and show how prosperity relies on traits of character in a society.Models of economics are best built on models of thought.Economists have ignored Adam Smiths notion that_.A.markets are driven by people seeking their own well-beingB.people cherish inner happiness more than economic intereslsC.people may act upon sympathy for others instead of their own interestsD.markets should be guided not only by self-interest but also by principles答案:C 本题解析:信息锁定第三段句指出,经济学家坚信亚当斯密理念“引导市场的是那些寻求自身幸福的人们所驱动的看不见的手”。句转而指出,他们却忽略了斯密对人类行为持有的高尚观点:人性中有着某些道德原则使其会埘他人命运感兴趣把他人幸福看做自己的事(尽管他从中无法得到实质利益)。可见,斯密被经济学家们忽略的理念是“人们也可能会出于对他人的同情行事”,C.正确。解题技巧A.为句所述经济学家“信奉的”斯密理念而非胚目所问经济学家“忽视的”斯密理念。13利用第三段词汇ha【)1)iness、interest捏造干扰但从文中内容“斯密认为市场上人们追求的是利益但又承认人性巾存在同情他人的道德情操”无法推出“人们珍视内心幸福胜过经济利益”这一比较结论。D.夸大斯密对“道德原则(principles)作用”的肯定程度:他只是承认其存在并未提出应用其指引市场。7.Text 4 In recent weeks media outlets in the U.S.have been fretting over what would ordinarily be considered good news-the roaring American economy,which has brought low unemployment and,in some places,a labour shortage.Owners and managers have complained about their problems in finding people to fill low-wage positions.Nobody wants to do manual labour any more:as one trade association grandee told The Baltimore Sun,and so the manual labour simply goes undone.Company bosses talk about the things they have done to fix the situation:the ads theyve published;the guest-worker visas for which theyve applied;how they are going into schools to encourage kids to learn construction skills or to drive trucks.But nothing seems to work.Blame for the labour shortage is sprayed all over the US map:opioids are said to be the problem.And welfare,and inadequate parking spaces,and a fallinp:birthrate.and mass incarceration.and-above all-the Trump administrations immigration policies.But no one really knows for sure.The textbook solution to the labour shortage problem-paying workers more-rarely merits more than a line or two,if its mentioned at all.So unwilling are business leaders to talk about or consider this obvious answer that Neel Kashkari,the president of the Minneapolis Federal Reserve Bank,scolded them last year:If youre not raising wages,then it just sounds like whining.If you study the Bureau of Labor Statisticsnumbers on wages for nonsupervisory workers over the past few decades,you will notice that wage growth has been strangely slow to pick up.Hot economies usually drive wages up pretty promptly;this recovery has been running since 2009 and it has barely moved the needle.How could such a thing happen in this modern and enlightened age?Well,for starters,think of all that whining were hearing from the USs management,who will apparently blame anyone and do anything to avoid paying workers more.Every labour-management innovation seems to have been designed with this amazing goal in mind.Every great bipartisan political initiative,from free trade to welfare reform,points the same way.The phenomenon of slow wage growth isA.intricateB.gioomyC.irrationalD.predictable答案:C 本题解析:推理判断题。根据定位词定位到文章第四段。本段说明工资增长的现状增速缓慢(strangely slow),strangely表明这一现象不符合常理;第二句先介绍常规现象,usually与strangely形成对比,随后指出存在异常的现状,故c项为正确选项。【干扰排除】由以上分析可知A


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