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Unit 2 Loving Our PlanetTopic 3 Pollution causes too many problems.Welcome to my class to learn English.Welcome to my class to learn English.Topic 3 Would you like to be a greener person?Lets learn the new lesson.Section A Section B Section C Section D1111139 9458 826 67 7121210 1017161515141413131819202.How should we do to protect the environment?1.Is cutting down trees harmful to human beings,animals and plants?Everyone should care for wild animals and plant more trees.We should do everything we can to protect the environment.Dont spit anywhere in public.As we know,none of us likes pollution.Humans have come to realize the importance of protecting animals and plants.Yes,it is.Trees can stop the wind from blowing the earth away.And a lot of water can be saved by forests.The trees can prevent the water washing the earth away.So,lets protect the environment together and be a greener person!1a look,listen and say.(Jane is a student of Renai International School.A journalist from Renai English Post is interviewing her about environmental protection.)Journalist:Hi,Jane.Could I ask you a few questions?Jane:Certainly.Journalist:We all know that youre working for an organization that protects the environment.Can you tell us what you do there?Jane:Well,my main job is to help spread the message about protecting the environment.For example,the three Rs reduce,reuse and recycle are important.Journalist:So what kinds of things can we do at home to protect the environment?Jane:We should reduce the waste we produce.For example,we should use both sides of paper and reuse plastic bags.Journalist:What can students do at school?Jane:I think recycling can not only protect the environment but also save money.So we encourage them to collect waste paper and soft drink cans.Then we sort them so that they can be recycled.Journalist:Its kind of you to do that.Thank you!Jane:Its a pleasure.Everyone is supposed to do that.environmental protection环境保护环境保护environment environmental 名词名词 形容词形容词protect protection(动词动词)(名词名词)Work for“为为工作,工作,坚持不懈的努力工作坚持不懈的努力工作。We should work for peace.We should work for our motherland to make her stronger and more beautiful.We all know that youre working for an organization that protects the environment.我们应该为和平而努力。我们应该为和平而努力。我们应该为祖国而努力工作,使她更强大,更加美丽。我们应该为祖国而努力工作,使她更强大,更加美丽。123Reduce v.“减少,降低,使处于减少,降低,使处于状态,状态,结构为结构为 reduce sth to。They are reducing pollution.She reduced the price of the coat to 50 dollars.他们正在减少污染。他们正在减少污染。她把那件大衣的价格降到了她把那件大衣的价格降到了50美元。美元。encourage sb.to do sth.鼓励某人去做某事鼓励某人去做某事 The teachers often encourage the students to work hard at English.She used to encourage me to believe myself.can 做情态动词时是做情态动词时是“能,可以,能,可以,会的意思;会的意思;做名词是做名词是“罐头,罐子的意思罐头,罐子的意思,是可数名词。是可数名词。I can swim now.I bought a can of coke yesterday.sort v.“把把分类,拣选。分类,拣选。n.“种类,类别种类,类别We sort the things to make them recycle.老师经常鼓励学生努力学习英语。老师经常鼓励学生努力学习英语。他过去常常鼓励我相信自己。他过去常常鼓励我相信自己。我会游泳。我会游泳。昨天我买了一罐可乐。昨天我买了一罐可乐。Not only but also“不仅不仅而且而且。是并列连。是并列连词,可以连接并列的各种成分。词,可以连接并列的各种成分。.连接并列主语时,谓语动词需和邻近的主语保持一致,即连接并列主语时,谓语动词需和邻近的主语保持一致,即“就近原那么。就近原那么。1.Not only we but also she has been there before.2.Not only he but also I am good at English.not only A but also B=B as well as A(连接并列主语于前者保持一致连接并列主语于前者保持一致)1 She as well as we has been there before.2I as well as he am good at English.其它形式。其它形式。He not only said it,but also did it.We study not only Chinese but also English.She is not only a student,but also a teacher.I can not only sing but also dance.不仅我们而且她以前也到过那里。不仅我们而且她以前也到过那里。不仅他而且我也擅长英语。不仅他而且我也擅长英语。它不仅说了而且做了。它不仅说了而且做了。我们不仅学汉语而且学英语我们不仅学汉语而且学英语它不仅是一名学生而且是一它不仅是一名学生而且是一名老师名老师我不仅会唱歌而且会跳舞我不仅会唱歌而且会跳舞句型句型Its+形容词形容词+for/of sb.to do sth.中的形容词说明不定式时中的形容词说明不定式时用用“for;说明逻辑主语说明逻辑主语sb的特征时用的特征时用“of.Its very important for us to keep the balance of nature.保持保持生态平衡生态平衡 You are very kind to help me with my English.Its very kind of you to help me with my English.Its necessary for us to learn English well.To learn English well is necessary for us.Its kind of you to help me.=You are kind to help me.综合上面的内容我们可以看出,含综合上面的内容我们可以看出,含of的句型可以转换为的句型可以转换为of后的后的sb.作主语,而不能转换不定式做主语;反之,作主语,而不能转换不定式做主语;反之,含含for的句型可以转换为不定式做主语,而不能转换的句型可以转换为不定式做主语,而不能转换sb作主语。作主语。保持生态平衡对于我们来说是很重要的保持生态平衡对于我们来说是很重要的在英语方面帮助我你实在太好了。在英语方面帮助我你实在太好了。对于我们来说学好英语是有必要的。对于我们来说学好英语是有必要的。帮助我你实在太好了帮助我你实在太好了。be supposed to do sth.“应当做某事,应该做某事,必须做某事。应当做某事,应该做某事,必须做某事。You were supposed to be here an hour ago.你本该在一小时前就到这儿。你本该在一小时前就到这儿。I thought you were supposed to get here a little earlier.我认为你应该早点到这我认为你应该早点到这练习:练习:You are not supposed _loudly in the library.A.Speak B.speaking C.to speak D.spoken联想:联想:suppose v.(根据所知根据所知“认为,推断,料想认为,推断,料想I suppose the price will go up.我料想价格会上涨。我料想价格会上涨。在反意疑问句中,陈述局部是在反意疑问句中,陈述局部是I think/believe/suppose 引导引导的宾语从句,附加疑问句局部的主语应与从句保持一致。而正的宾语从句,附加疑问句局部的主语应与从句保持一致。而正常情况应与主句保持一致。常情况应与主句保持一致。I suppose he comes from the U.S.A.,doesnt he?I dont suppose that hes going to hurt anyone,is he?C1b Work alone.Fill in the blanks according to 1a.1.The journalist is _ Jane about_ .2.Janes main job is _.3.We should use _and reuse _at home.4.At school students can collect waste paper and _.5.Recycling is an excellent way not only to _but also to _.interviewingenvironmental protectionto help spread the message about protecting the environment.both sides of paperplastic bagssoft drink cansprotect the environmentsave money2.Work alone.Four people are talking about recycling items.Listen to the tape carefully and check()them.Type of rubbishRecycleReusedReducedPlastic bagsPaper cupsCansNewspaperGlass bottles3.Work alone.Join these sentences with or,and,but or while,making some necessary changes.Example:About 35%of the rubbish in Hong Kong can be recycled every year.The rest cant.About 35%of the rubbish in Hong Kong can be recycled every year while the rest cant.1.Noise is a kind of pollution.Its harmful to our hearing.2.The earth is beautiful.People hurt the earth now.3.Work hard.You will fail the exam.4.She was busy cooking.They were watching TV.5.Nodding the head means agreement.Shaking the head means disagreement.6.Some things we have done are good for the earth.Some are bad.7.Hurry up.You will miss the bus.8.Air pollution has become a serious problem.The government has done something useful to protect the environment.andbutorwhilebut/whilewhileorbut 1.Most people have realized the _of learning English.A.important B.importantly C.importance 2.“Reduce,reuse and _are called the three Rs.A.protect B.recycles C.recycle 3.We should encourage students _the environment.A.protect B.protecting C.to protect 4.You are not supposed _ too much at table.A.to talk B.talking C.talk 5.Its very kind of you _me.A.help B.to help C.helpingCCCABthe importance of.encourage sb to do sthbe supposed to do sthGood bye!Good bye!So much for this.Its time to say:


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