2020版高考英语大一轮复习 第1部分 Unit 1 Art课件 新人教版选修6

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选修六选修六教材复习篇教材复习篇Unit 1Art栏目导航0202基础自主梳理0303核心考点探究0101晨背话题写作0101晨背话题写作话题单词1artist n艺术家2design v设计3paint n染料 v油漆,绘画4drawing n图画5creation n作品6creative adj.有创造力的7masterpiece n杰作8figure n画像;身材;数字9imagination n想象力10appreciation n欣赏11exhibit n展品12exhibition n展览会13sculpture n雕像14realistic adj.现实的15impressive adj.令人印象深刻的话题短语1show ones talent for.展现对的天赋2arouse/excite ones curiosity激发某人的好奇心3play the guitar/piano/violin弹吉他/钢琴/小提琴4play music/classic music/folk music/jazz music演奏音乐/古典音乐/民间音乐/爵士乐5go to/attend a concert听音乐会6take a fancy to喜欢上,爱上7acquire/obtain/gain a good knowledge of精通8get to know.逐渐了解9be distinguished for因著名10be specific to独特的,独有的话题佳句1The painting looks better at a distance.这幅油画从远处看起来好多了。2We are always finding new beauties in Shakespeares poetry.我们不断地在莎士比亚的诗歌中发现美妙之处。3The exhibition gives local artists an opportunity to display their work.这次展览为当地艺术家提供了展示自己作品的机会。4The valuable painting by a famous artist has been stayed up on the wall for many years.一位著名画家的珍贵油画已在墙上挂了许多年了。5Chinese painting,a precious flower of Chinese culture,is distinguished by its own spirit and style.国画,中国文化的一朵奇葩,以其独特的神韵和风格而著称。佳作背诵假如你叫李华,你的加拿大笔友Jean来信,表示想学习中国画,但是对中国画不太了解,请你根据下面内容,给Jean回信,简单介绍中国画的有关知识。1中国传统绘画是我国文化遗产的重要组成部分,历史悠久,深受人们的喜爱。2传统国画的作画工具有:毛笔、墨、宣纸(Xuan paper)、颜料(pigment)。3中国传统绘画的重要特征是诗、书(calligraphy)、画、印(seal)的完美结合。4中国历史上有许多传统的国画家,如齐白石,擅长画虾;徐悲鸿,对画马颇有研究。Dear Jean,I am very glad to learn from your letter that you like Chinese painting.The traditional Chinese painting,an important part of our countrys cultural heritage,has a long history.It is very popular among people at home and abroad.What we need for painting are writing brushes,Chinese ink,Xuan paper and pigments.Besides,an important feature of Chinese painting is that a painter should combine pictures,poems,calligraphy and seals perfectly.In fact,many painters are at the same time a calligrapher and a poet as well.In Chinese history,there are many famous traditional painters,including Qi Baishi and Xu Beihong.Qi Baishi was proficient in painting little shrimps while Xu Beihong was famous for his lively horses.Yours,Li Hua识记思考运用 0202基础自主梳理1核心单词_ adj.确切的;特定的_ adj.典型的;有代表性的 _ n类型;典型_ adj.明显的;明白的_ n证据_ n&vt.努力;尝试;企图 _ adj.未遂的_ n&vt.目标;目的;瞄准_ adj.没有目标的,无目的的 _ adv.漫无目的地specifictypicaltypeevidentevidenceattemptattemptedaimaimlessaimlesslyfaith n_faithful adj._faithfully adv._ vt.预言;预告 _ n预言 _ n预言者_ vi.有感染力;呼吁;求助 vt.将上诉 _ adj.吸引人的_ vt.拥有;具有;支配_ n(尤作复数)所有;财产_ vt.采用;采纳;收养_ adj.收养的;领养的_ n收养信任;信心;信念忠实的,守信的忠实地predictpredictionpredictorappealappealingpossesspossessionadoptadoptedadoption2阅读单词carve vt._avenue n._committee n_figure n_shadow n_district n_reputation n_flesh n_signature n_刻;雕刻大道,林荫路委员会画像;身材;数字影子,阴影区;地区;区域 名声,名誉肉;肉体;果肉签名;署名fragile adj._allergic adj._visual adj._ridiculous adj._controversial adj._delicate adj._permanent adj._superb adj._bunch n_fragrant adj._score n_;v._易碎的,易损的过敏的,厌恶的视觉的,看得见的;光学的荒谬的,愚蠢的引起争论的,有争议的易损的,易碎的;纤弱的;精致的永久的,永恒的卓越的,质量极高的串,束,扎,大量,大批香的,芳香的;愉快的得分,分数,二十评分;得分;记分;获得常规的,传统的,因循守旧的雕塑(术),雕刻(术),雕刻作品,雕像 属同时期的,同一时代的;当代的;现代的abstractconcrete喜爱;偏爱喜爱;偏爱巧合(的事);(口味、故事等)相合同时发生的aggressiveaggressionconvinceconvincingconvincedcivilizationcivilizecivilized技术;技巧,方法技术的,技术性的技术员;技师技术,科技用上面所给单词的适当形式填空1Scientists _(predict)that there would be an earthquake.2I was walking _(aim)on the street when I came across a friend of mine.3As a successful businessman,he was thought _(possess)a lot of money.4The professor gave his students three _(type)examples.5_(evident)shows that recent lifestyle changes may be affecting French eating habits.predictedaimlesslyto possesstypicalEvidence6One reason for her _(prefer)for city life is that she can have easy access to places like shops and restaurants.7We must be honest and _(faith)to the people.8In no way am I going _(adopt)any of his methods.9_(attempt)to change someone elses attitude towards life is a waste of time and energy.10_(appeal)to the consumers,more and more advertisers are using images of pop stars in their ads.preferencefaithfulto adoptAttemptingTo appeal1“目的,目标”家族aim n目标,目的goal n努力的对象,目标purpose n目的,意图object n目标;意向;目的objective n目标;目的target n(欲达到的)目标intention n意图,意向,目的destination n目的地,终点2后缀ful构成的必备形容词集锦merciful 仁慈的fearful 可怕的regretful 悔恨的respectful 恭敬的sorrowful 悲伤的tearful 含泪的frightful 可怕的,讨厌的joyful 高兴的,快乐的3有关绘画的阅读高频词速览abstract n抽象画landscape n风景画portrait n肖像画sculpture n雕塑perspective n透视画法impressionism n印象主义;印象派5“相信”家族faith n信任faithful adj.忠实的faithfully adv.忠实地believe v相信belief n信念believable adj.可信的unbelievable adj.不可思议的convince vt.使相信;使信服convinced adj.相信的;深信的1动词介词aim _ 瞄准appeal _(对某人)有吸引力2介词名词_ coincidence 巧合地_ the other hand(可是)另一方面_ the flesh 活着的;本人_ the same time 同时;在此期间at识记思考运用 tobyoninat3其他形式_ great deal(of)大量be allergic _ 对过敏_ a.way以一种方式be full _充满attempt _ sth.尝试做某事atoinofto do用左栏所给短语的适当形式填空1As long as you are ready,you will _ confidence in the interview.2_,we were travelling on the same train.3I have corresponded with her for some years,but I have never met her _.4I want to go to the party,but _,I ought to stay studying.5I like cats but unfortunately I _ them.6In saying this,Im not _ you.be full ofBy coincidencein the fleshon the other handam allergic toaiming at1“byn.”必备短语荟萃by coincidence 巧合地by chance 偶然by hand 手工by birth 按出身by nature 生来by air/train/ship 乘飞机/火车/轮船by contrast 对比之下by force 用武力by cash 用现金by mistake 错误地,无意中(做错)2“v.down”短语集锦settle down 定居;平静下来;专心于pass down 传下来bring down 使降低break down 分解;累垮cut down 削减;砍倒burn down 烧毁在解读中学懂,在仿写中学通 背原句学句型练仿写1.Among the painters who broke away from the traditional style of painting were the Impressionists,who lived and worked in Paris.在那些突破传统画法的画家中有印象派画家,他们在巴黎生活和工作。表示方位的介词短语位于句首时句子用完全倒装。我注意到,体育馆门前站着很多手拿鲜花的学生,他们在等待贵宾的到来。I noticed that in front of the stadium _ holding flowers waiting for the arrival of the honored guests.stood many students背原句学句型练仿写2.Without the new paints and the new technique,we would not be able to see the many great masterpieces for which this period is famous.没有新的颜料和新的(绘画)手法,我们就不能看到很多使这一时期著名的杰作。without引起的含蓄虚拟条件句。没有太阳,世界将会一片黑暗。_ the sun,the world _ in total darkness.Withoutwould be背原句学句型练仿写3.Henry Clay Frick,a rich New Yorker,died in 1919,leaving his house,furniture and art collection to the American people.亨利克莱弗里克是纽约的一位富豪,于1919年去世,把他的房子、家具和艺术收藏品全部留给了美国人民。现在分词短语作结果状语,常位于句首或句尾。这位可怜的画家在贫病交加中死去,给世人留下了大量珍贵的画作。The poor painter died with poverty and illness,_.leaving the world a lot of valuable paintingsAbstract ArtAbstract art used to be controversial.On one hand,the artists stopped 1._(paint)delicate figures but attempted to adopt special techniques to give people different visual 2._(impact).On the other hand,their works,including sculptures 3._(carve)out of marble or fragile clay,were all with a specific aim of showing feelings.Some conventional scholars 4._ were allergic to abstract art said it was evidently ridiculous and neither art nor geometry.Their Traditional Art Committee predicted its soon 5._(disappear).painting3500词汇语境篇先练后背,事半功倍 impactscarvedwhodisappearingBut nowadays,abstract art has become part of 6._ permanent possessions of contemporary civilization.Galleries along the Madison Avenue give scores of superb exhibitions on typical abstract works,appealing to many who have a 7._(prefer)for abstract art.The Shadow of Egypt,a caf in this district,has become the home to those 8._(aggressively)abstract artists.Consequently,9._ is not a coincidence for you to meet one of these artists of great reputation in the flesh.They are asked for signatures and given bunches of fragrant flowers plus they are given a great deal of praise by their 10._(faith)fans.thepreferenceaggressiveitfaithfulaim n目标;目的;瞄准 vi.&vt.瞄准;对准;旨在;(向某方向)努力(教材原句)During the Middle Ages,the main aim of painters was to represent religious themes.在中世纪,画家的主要目的是表现宗教主题。0303核心考点探究拓展词:aimless adj.无目的的aimlessly adv.无目的地(1)achieve ones aim达到目的;实现目标with the aim of以为目标;意在(2)aim sth.at sb./sth.用某物朝向/瞄准某人或某物aim at doing sth./aim to do sth.意欲、企图、力求做某事be aimed at目的是;旨在aim for瞄准;以为目标(1)A goal is not always meant to be reached;it often serves simply as something to aim _.目标并不一定总是要达到,很多时候它仅仅是为了给你方向感。(2)语境活用At first,he wandered in the street _ aim.Then one day,he realized that he should aim _ helping people to be aware of the importance of environmental protection.After two years efforts,he _(achieve)his aim.起初,他在大街上毫无目的地游逛。一天,他突然认识到他应该帮助人们意识到环境保护的重要性。经过两年的努力,他达到了目的。atwithoutatachievedatattempt n&vt.尝试,努力,试图(教材原句)On the one hand,some modern art is abstract;that is,the painter does not attempt to paint objects as we see them with our eyes.一方面,有些现代艺术是抽象的,也就是说,画家并不打算把我们用眼睛所看到的东西如实地画出来拓展词:attempted adj.未遂的,企图的(1)at ones/the first attempt第一次尝试in an attempt to do sth.试图做某事(2)attemptn./pron.尝试attempt to do/at doingtry to domake an attempt to do/at doing.尝试、试图做(3)an attempted murder谋杀未遂案(1)To achieve the incredible,you have _(attempt)the impossible.要取得令人难以置信的成就,你得尝试不可能的事情。(2)单句语法填空I passed my driving test _ the first attempt.He attempted _(escape)from the prison,but he couldnt find anybody to help him.to attemptatto escape/escapingThey made an attempt to climb/(at)climbing that hillThey attempted to climb/(at)climbing that hillfigure n数字;身材,体形;人物;雕像,塑像;图形v计算;认为(教材原句)The art of making figures,objects,etc out of stone,wood,clay etc.从石头、木材、黏土等中制作模型、物件等的艺术。(1)keep ones figure保持体形/身材a political figure一位政治人物watch ones figure注意保持身材have a good figure身材好(2)figure on打算;预料到计划figure out解决;计算出;弄明白(1)I want you to pursue your dreams and figure _ who you are and who you want to be.我希望你追逐自己的梦想,找到自我并明确你想成为的人。(2)Even to this day,Lincoln is regarded as one of the most inspiring _(figure)in the world.即使在今天,林肯也被认为是世界上最令人鼓舞的人物之一。outfigures(3)写出下列句子中黑体词的含义She has a good figure._By 2014,this figure had risen to 14 million._Chairman Mao is an important political figure._It is a waxwork(蜡)figure._(4)语境活用_(be)a popular social figure,she always has to appear with _ fine figure and _(figure)out ways to attract the attention of the majority.作为一位受欢迎的公众人物,她必须总是以良好的形象出现(在公众面前)并且设法吸引大众的注意力。身材数字人物塑像Beingafiguresappeal vi.有感染力;呼吁;求助vt.将上诉n呼吁;恳求(教材原句)It will appeal to those who love Impressionist and Post-Impressionist paintings.展览将吸引印象派和后印象派作品的爱好者。拓展词:appealing adj.吸引人的;恳求的(1)appeal to sb.吸引某人;(对某人)有吸引力appeal to sb.for sth.为某事向某人呼吁或请求appeal to sb.to do sth.恳求/呼吁某人做某事appeal for恳求,呼吁(2)make an appeal to sb.for sth.为某事向某人呼吁或请求make an appeal to sb.to do sth.呼吁/恳求某人做某事(1)We tend to have a better memory for things that excite our senses or appeal _ our emotions than for straight facts.相对于直白的事实,我们对于激发自己感觉或唤起自己情感的事物,记忆往往更加深刻。(2)单句语法填空To be honest,his singing didnt appeal _ me much.The government appealed to the International Red Cross _(help)the people suffering from the floods.tototo help(3)语境活用Martin Luther King _(appeal)to the blacks _(appeal)to the highest court against racial discrimination,which greatly _(appeal)to the whole world.马丁路德金呼吁黑人向最高法庭上诉反对种族歧视,这引起了全世界极大的关注。appealedto appealappealedappealed tomade an appeal toappealingon the other hand(可是)另一方面(常与on the one hand对应使用)(教材原句)On the other hand,some paintings of modern art are so realistic that they look like photographs.而另一方面,有些现代派的艺术作品却是那么写实,看上去就像一张张照片。(1)on(the)one hand.;on the other hand.一方面;另一方面(却)(引出不同的,尤指对立的观点、思想等)(2)first(ly).;second(ly).第一;第二(3)for one thing.;for another(thing).一则;二则(1)Reading certain books,_ the other hand,is a well-set task over which they have much more control.另一方面,读特定的书是一项既定的任务,对此他们能够更好地控制。(2)完成句子另一方面,网上购物可能造成人们购买那些根本不需要的东西。_,shopping online may cause people to buy goods that are not badly needed.onOn the other hand一则,我可以帮助看孩子;二则,我能提高我的英语、交更多朋友并丰富我在暑假期间的生活。_I can help take care of the children._,I can improve my English,make more friends,and enrich my life during the summer vacation.For one thing,For anotherby coincidence巧合地;碰巧;凑巧(教材原句)By coincidence,oil paints were also developed at this time,which made the colours used in paintings look richer and deeper.巧合的是,这一时期油画颜料也得到了发展,它使得绘画的色彩看上去更丰富、更深沉。(1)It is a coincidence that.是巧合的What a coincidence!真巧!(2)by accident/chance偶然地on purpose/by design故意地WhatItOnBytheawhatAmong the painters who broke away from the traditional style of painting were the Impressionists,who lived and worked in Paris.在那些突破传统画法的画家中有印象派画家,他们生活和工作在巴黎。本句结构为“介词短语系动词主语”,为倒装句式,正常语序为The Impressionists,who lived and worked in Paris,were among the painters who broke away from the traditional style of painting.(1)out,in,into,down,up,away,here,among,now,then,there等表示方位和时间的副词和表示地点的介词短语置于句首,且主语是名词时,句子用完全倒装。(2)作表语的形容词、分词短语提到系动词前面时,句子也构成全部倒装,即“形容词/分词系动词主语”结构。(3)代词such置于句首,且在句中作表语时,句子用完全倒装。(1)On the top of the hill _(stand)an old temple.山顶上有一座古老的庙宇。(2)Such _(be)our lively city,which you are welcome to visit whenever at your convenience.这就是我们这座充满活力的城市,只要您方便,随时欢迎来参观。(3)写作能力提升将下列句子改为倒装句A gentle mother is near the window._Different kinds of flowers are growing around the garden._Some scientists from China were present at the meeting._standsisNear the window is a gentle mother.Growing around the garden are different kinds of flowers.Present at the meeting were some scientists from CesThis is because the Impressionists encouraged artists to look at their environment in new ways.这是因为印象派鼓励画家用崭新的视角看待他们的环境。This is because.这是因为Thats why.那就是为什么/那就是的原因The reason why.is that.的原因是(why引导定语从句;that引导表语从句)(1)单句语法填空He is becoming fatter and fatter.This is _ he eats a lot of sweet food.The reason _ Jim didnt come to school is _ he got ill.John had to look after his sick mother.Thats _ he came late today.(2)单句改错The reason why Tom didnt catch the early bus is because he got up late._The reason is why she must stay at home to look after her sick mother._becausewhythatwhybecausethatwhythat


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